MTL - Red Moscow-Chapter 45 Picking up the ocean (Part 1)

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  Chapter 45 Picking up the ocean (Part 1)

   After counting the results of the battle, Yakup couldn't help being stunned. According to his thinking, the German army's marching ranks are too long, a full kilometer in length. Even with the high mobility of the automatic sled and the assistance of the Istrian company, there will still be a lot of Germans in the end. Successfully escaped into the forest to escape.

  Yakupu got in touch with the rear headquarters through the radio that he carried, and reported the results of the battle to the superior leader. His superior was Colonel Orel of the Army Group Command. When Orel heard that the automatic sled company had wiped out the German army, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Are your casualties heavy?" According to his thinking, Although the automatic sled company is equipped with 15 machine guns, it is bound to pay a high price if it wants to wipe out the enemy.

  But Yakup's next reply surprised him again: "Report to Comrade Colonel, we have no casualties."

"How is this possible?" Hearing that the automatic sled company had no casualties, Orel said in great surprise: "After all, the enemy has more than two hundred people, and you only have 15 automatic sleds. If you want to wipe them out, you will definitely have to pay a huge price." The price, how could there be no casualties?" He was worried that Yakup lied about the results of the battle because of the heavy casualties of the troops and was worried about being blamed by his superiors, so he comforted the other party, "Comrade Captain, no matter how many casualties you have suffered, you will be truthful." Tell me honestly, I will not blame you, after all, the enemy you are facing is very powerful. At the same time, I will supplement you as soon as possible."

Hearing what Orel said, Yakup immediately understood that the other party had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Comrade Colonel, what I said is the truth, we did not have a single casualty. By the way, I forgot to tell you that we didn't even Fighting alone, but with the support of friendly forces."

"Friendly army, what friendly army?" Orel asked in surprise: "Comrade Captain, which army is it, assisting you in destroying the enemy?" When he asked this question, he stared at the map spread out in front of him. Thinking quickly, which troops will appear in the area.

   Yakup was commanding the soldiers to collect the prisoners in the distance. Lin Hua, who was collecting weapons, glanced at it, and then said: "Their designation is Istra Company, which may be the honorary title they just received, company commander..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Orel had already interjected and asked, "The company commander is Lieutenant Sokov, right?"

   "That's right, that's right," Yakup couldn't help asking curiously when Orel said Lin Hua's surname and military rank, "Comrade Colonel, how did you know that?"

   "I'm looking for him everywhere." After receiving Yakup's confirmation, Orel immediately ordered: "Call him over quickly, I have a new combat mission for him."

Yakup hurriedly shouted to the outside: "Lieutenant Sokov, Lieutenant Sokov!" Seeing Lin Hua turned his head to look at him, he added, "Please come here, there is a commander who wants to talk to you." You call!"

   "Is there a commander who wants to talk to me?" When Lin Hua heard Yakup say this, he thought he heard it wrong. He walked to the automatic sled and asked tentatively, "Comrade Captain, do you really want to talk to me?"

"Of course it's true, why am I still joking with you like this?" Yakup put the earphone and microphone in Lin Hua's hand, and urged him to say: " Hurry up, the commander is still waiting on the line."

As soon as Lin Hua put on the earphones, before he could speak, he heard a strange voice from the earphones: "Is this Lieutenant Sokov? I am Colonel Orel, the director of the Armored Forces of the Army Group. Now, on behalf of the Army Group Command, here you Issue a new order."

  Listening to what Orel said, Lin Hua couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, secretly saying that it seems that his superiors have assigned him a difficult task. Although he was muttering in his heart, he still tried his best to say in a calm tone: "Comrade Colonel, please give the order. I want you to assure me that Istralian will successfully complete every task assigned by the superior."

"Don't worry, Comrade Lieutenant, the task this time is very simple." Orel said into the microphone: "In order to escape our army's pursuit and double attack, the enemy preserves their vitality, so they retreat while throwing away obstacles. Things that escaped. During our pursuit, we often encountered technical equipment and various military supplies abandoned by the enemy. The mission of your company is to go south immediately to collect the weapons and equipment and various supplies abandoned by the enemy. Understand? "

   "Understood, Comrade Colonel." Hearing that Orel had given him the task of picking up the lost ocean, Lin Hua hurriedly replied to such a good thing: "I will lead the troops to carry out your order."

"Lieutenant Sokov, I want to remind you." Orel was afraid that Lin Hua would interrupt the communication, and quickly said: "The enemy has planted landmines around these equipment and supplies. When collecting them, you must pay attention to safety. .”

"Yes, we will definitely pay attention to our own safety." Lin Hua thought that if he really went to pick up the ocean, it might not be enough with his own manpower, so he took the initiative to propose to Orel: "Colonel Comrade, we are short of manpower, do you think we can send some people to help?"

Regarding Lin Hua's request, Orel said, "Wait a minute." Then he took off his earphones, walked up to Rokossovsky who was reading the battle report, and said to him, "Comrade commander, I have given Istria even issued an order to collect supplies, but they have limited manpower, and it is very difficult to complete this task. Do you think they can get some people from somewhere?"

Rokossovsky waited for Orel to finish speaking, frowned and thought for a moment, and then said: "Comrade Colonel, contact the skiing team and the guerrillas who are active nearby, let them quickly gather in the above-mentioned area, and Lieutenant Sokov is under the unified command. By the way, the automatic sled company seems to be with them, and it is also under his command."

"Comrade Commander," Orel waited for Rokossovsky to finish, and carefully reminded him: "Comrade Sokov is only a lieutenant, and Yakup, the commander of the automatic sled company, has the rank of captain. Let lieutenant It's not appropriate to execute the captain, is it?"

Rokossovsky glanced up at Orel, and did not give him any explanation, but directly ordered: "Comrade Colonel, since the task has been clarified, then you should hurry up and deliver my order! "

Orel returned to the radio, put on the headset again, and said into the microphone: "Lieutenant Sokov, listen, according to the commander's order, we will order the ski team and guerrilla active in this area as soon as possible." The troops are approaching you. These troops, including Captain Yakup's autosled company, are under your command, understand?"

   "Understood, Comrade Colonel." Lin Hua heard that his superiors planned to hand over more troops to his command. He couldn't help thinking to himself, and quickly replied, "I assure you that the task will be successfully completed."

"Now that you understand, then give the earphone and microphone to Captain Yakup," Orel said helplessly, "I'm going to repeat this order to him so that he can better cooperate with you." commence to work."

  (end of this chapter)