MTL - Reign of the Hunters-v5 Chapter 74 Air war

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Chapter 74—Air Battle

This is the first time that Lotus has been so close to see a dragon. Its body is so large, its face is so embarrassing, and even its level makes them daunting. When the six-and-fifth-level gryphon is on the top of the seventy-five-level holy dragon, the outcome is very subtle. However, even so, when a few people saw a huge dragon whistling towards them, the subconscious still had some dodge.

This is a holographic game. It is different from the original keyboard game. The keyboard game is a third-person perspective. It can always look at the whole situation. When you do something, you are emboldened. It is not like a holographic game. All of them are first-person perspectives. It is more subjective to see things. This subjective perspective will naturally give players a lot of feelings of empathy.

It’s like now, when the old six flew to a group of people in Lotus, even if they knew it was fake, even if they knew that even if they were hit, it wouldn’t hurt too much, even if they knew that the worst situation was nothing more than It was hanging, but... When faced with the huge, like the old six of the high-rise collapsed, several people still dodged.

The leaf words looked at their slight dodge, and the heart was overjoyed, this time.

The other team is a well-trained and well-cooperating team. Even if the subconscious dodge is just a matter of moments, if you don’t catch this moment, Ye’s words think that her chances of trying to beat a few of them at once should be small. After all, the skill of "majestic" is very disgusting.

Sometimes, the outcome of a battle is in the blink of an eye, as if it were now. When Lotus first saw the old six pounce on himself, he subconsciously hid, and this time, he immediately realized that this would bring an instant delay to the start of "majestic", and this delay, for the general For the opponent, it is not enough to fear, but if the opponent is a son, it is hard to say, will she seize this opportunity to fight back?

"Starting majestic!" Yichu Lotus shouted in the moment of dodging, but his voice did not fall, only a huge flame burned his body, his blood, and his gryphon The blood is constantly going down!

The leaf word manipulated the old six-six-bit dragon spurt to the lotus flower of Yichu. I thought that the other party would be killed by myself. However, after the end of the dragon's breath, it was unexpectedly discovered that the lotus flower was still sitting on the back of the griffon, although the bloodline was It will be one-fifth, but there is still a distance from the hang. She can't help but glimpse, what is going on?

The dragon's breath should be able to spray him, even if he is the same level as himself, but why? Suddenly, Ye Ci realized a problem - this person wore a Mithril shirt. She looked around at a few people, and her heart sank, I was afraid that all of them would wear Mithril shirts.

She didn't have time to think about where their Mithril shirts came from, and only once again launched a poisonous dragon. The poison dragon is not a deadly attack. It is mainly a cumulative damage. If someone has been adding blood, it can still resist, and the poison dragon and fire dragon have a CD of 30 seconds. If the other party can pass the 30 seconds. CD, I am afraid that I will never have such an opportunity.

Sure enough, Yichu Lotus began to give himself a blood bottle, and the two players near him also began to add treatment to the lion's lion's lotus, and wanted to pull him from the death line. Ye Ye blinked his eyes, and if he lost the opportunity of the present, he was afraid that it would be impossible to have this opportunity again. But the two main flight attacks of the sixth are now on the CD, then...

The leaf word narrowed his eyes and slammed the old sixth to the head of a few lotus people.

"She is above, attack her, don't give her another chance to attack!" There are four people who have poisoned the dragon, all of them are drinking blood bottles, but it does not affect their tracking of leaf words. They started to be majestic, while the remote players locked the leaf words and kept putting skills on her.

On the side of the leaf, she sneaked around and gave the old sixth the route she was going to take. Then, with the skill offensive, she jumped from the back of the sixth. This action came too fast, so that a few players who were aiming at the leaf words did not respond at all, so they missed the opportunity to shoot her.

The angle of the leaf word jumped is also ingenious. I saw her figure flipping two heads in the air, and then the cool one fell behind the Lotus.

Lotus has not expected that the leaf will come to such a trick, he is a melee player, so the task of attacking the leaf words is all handed over to the remote player, he is mainly responsible for manipulating the majestic direction and commanding the battle. He just saw the leaf word jumping from the dragon's back, and still speculating on her purpose, when her gryphon suddenly shocked, he felt a cold blade that had crossed his neck.

"The game is over." Ye Zi just faintly told this fact, and then, the knife flashed, and the lotus flower that had not recovered from the bloodline only saw his bloodline suddenly see the bottom, his character was soft. Fall down. The gryphon that he left behind disappeared at the moment of his death. The body of Lotus in the beginning of the fall was directly dropped on the earth according to Newton's law.

In a piece of black and white, Yichu Lotus saw that he was falling with him. Their distance is very close, but he is head-down, but the son is just the opposite of him. Her face is almost shaking in front of his eyes. On the black and white screen, he seems to see the face of the son. A faint ridiculous smile, he did not even see clearly, only felt that his body was suddenly hit by a huge impulse, and then look, it turned out to be the dragon. Gongzi You has fallen on the dragon's body unbiased. She didn't even look at herself with a superfluous look, and she immediately rushed to her other partners.

Killing a player does not interrupt the continuation of the majesty, but it will greatly reduce its effectiveness. After the Lotus was hanged, the leaf words clearly found that the role of the majestic in the sixth is weakened, at least every time the body is thrown up, basically MISS.

In this case, it is basically too difficult to defeat the other person. There are still five people left in the other side, four of which are long-range attacks. They are lower in level than their own. The speed of the gryphon is not as fast as that of the holy dragon. The leaf words only stand on the back of the sixth and keep chasing a target. , they can easily solve each of them.

The long-attack career basically has a commonality, DPS is strong, but the skin is not thick, so it is easy to solve, except for a priest flying while adding blood to his own fortunate escape, the other three remote are leaf The word is dead.

The leaf word stood on the back of the sixth, and looked at a melee priest who escaped and did not chase it. What is important now is not to kill these players. The important thing is to deal with the two planes that are constantly transporting the airborne troops in the fortress. Otherwise, the people in the fortress will have to cope. Not everyone can withstand such a high-intensity war.

The flight speed of the mechanical aircraft was slightly slower than that of the Shenglong. When the Griffin team failed to intercept the Gongzi secluded, the command of the sneak attack immediately issued instructions to return the two planes. The Griffin squad had a battle with the son, because the other side had no intention of fighting, so they did not detract from the empty ride. This is the biggest victory. If the son is caught up and destroyed a plane, then today's battle is worth the loss. The driver of the aircraft did not have any hesitation and love after receiving the instructions for returning. A full-fledged aircraft player immediately turned around and flew toward his position.

When the leaf rushed, only the latter plane was seen, and the previous plane had already flown far away. She narrowed her eyes and wanted to run when she saw something unpleasant. This is too cheap. The leaf words simply did not want to think more, and manipulated the sixth to accelerate a plane flying backwards.

"Hurry up, the dragon flew over to us!" The words outside the plane were chasing, and the players inside the plane were nervous. The plane is just a means of transport. It is different from riding a pet and can be used while flying. It is forbidden to use any skill in the plane. That is to say, if the plane is bombarded now, the only way to kill the plane is to wait for death, there is no possibility of Therefore, when they found out that the son was riding the holy dragon to catch up with them, the tension immediately filled a cabin.

"I want to be fast, this is the fastest speed!" The player who drove the plane pulled the accelerator rod to the bottom, but the plane was still flying slowly, and it seemed that the player's anxiety was not felt at all.

The more you fly, the closer you are.

The leaf slammed the old six, and the old six made a huge dragon scorpion. When it was rotated, it flew to the side of the plane. It lifted its body and jumped onto the plane.

"That dragon!" The vision of the people inside the plane was very limited. When they found that the old sixth on the side of the plane suddenly disappeared, they suddenly blasted the pot.

No one answered this question, but everyone immediately knew the answer, because the top of the plane suddenly sunken a few sharp dents, and then it violently shakes. If these people don't know what the holy dragon is doing now, it is too slow to respond.

The old six caught the aircraft's hard shaking a few times, still felt too laborious, just let them go, flew to the side of the plane, facing the already swaying plane, slamming the tail, the thick and huge The tail was shot on the side of the aircraft's cabin. A gravity was unstable. I saw that the plane rolled a few heads in the air and stumbled and ran straight into a rocky mountain and crashed!


A new month has arrived, with a two-month Tang Baozi calling for a little pink~~捂脸~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support Is my biggest motivation.)