MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 39 Feng Jing's Counterattack (1)

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"Do you really want to leave ESE?" Amanda broke into Chu Feng's apartment with a sharp voice.

Compared to Amanda's anger, Chu Feng seems to have anticipated this situation long ago, without panic, just nodded.

"Why! Where is ESE not good for you! You are the captain of Legacy! The company will take you to the show and give you an album! Where did you treat you badly?"

"No, of course not to be treated ..." Chu Feng stood up from the sofa. He was two heads taller than Amanda, so when he stood up, his momentum was completely different.

"But the closure of the scene has made us ESE artists very cold. Everyone understands who is right and who is wrong. It is just because of the coercion of ESE that everyone is afraid to say it."

"Close the scene ?!" Amanda laughed like a funny word, and said, "Don't use his excuses! Why did you show news at this time, and why did you pay liquidated damages and compensation? Talking about the price with Pinyou Entertainment in the dark, long ago, don't say it on the table! "

"Speaking of justice, why not be the same as Yun Xiu! Do you have that sense of justice, do you have the courage? The matter of closing the scene is just an excuse for you to change jobs!"

Until now, I am still using Feng Jing as a shield!

Compared to Chu Feng speaking in the public in order to seal the scene, Amanda is even more resentful that the other side has already had an agreement with Pinyou Entertainment! If she became director of ESE, who would benefit in the end! Not yet Chu Feng! But the other party, at this time ...

Chu Feng was silent.

Amanda looked at Chu Feng. Suddenly for a moment, she felt that Chu Feng was no longer Chu Feng she knew.

It turned out that she wanted to cultivate Chu Feng into a person like Xie Yi and replicate Xie Yi's path.

In front of the stage, she has her own idol charm. She stands tall, but after the stage, she trusts her agent ... In her original thoughts, Chu Feng is younger than Xie Yi and has less social experience. She should be more in control. In particular, he is his agent and is in the middle position in ESE. In order to successfully receive business events, performances and publicity, the other party must always rely on her.

But it seemed when she didn't know.

The young and energetic Chu Feng had such a silent and thoughtful side ...

"Indeed, I don't have the courage like Yun Xiu."

"So I only dared to say those words in front of reporters after the artistes issued a joint statement and after determining that Pinyou Entertainment would pay me liquidated damages and compensation."

"But those words are my true opinion."

"This thing, ESE really did not do it well enough. The ambiguity between Li Rui and Feng Jing is clear to everyone. Li Rui is about to get married, so he has taken away Feng Jing and has dealt a heavy blow to him. Now he uses it again The entire ESE forces wanted to destroy the reputation of Feng Jing's business ... "

"What did Feng Jing do wrong? It was him who was dumped, and it was him who was stigmatized! Career, love, fame, all lost, it was him!"

"And how hard is it for a person to treat someone who loves himself in this way ?!"

Amanda's lips moved, but she couldn't refute the situation.

"I want to jump to Pinyou Entertainment."

"Not because ESE is not good for me, but because it is too good for me. It has calculated all my future paths! Acting skills imitate Xie Yi, costume tastes imitating Xie Yi, and the role of the acting, Xie Yi has acted similarly. "

"He's my idol. But I can't imitate him forever!"

"Even if I liked him and imitated him, maybe there are still traces of being affected by him unintentionally, but I am Chu Feng-Chu, Feng! I am Chu Feng, not Xie Yi."

"Still staying at ESE like this, I can only follow the path given by ESE forever. No matter how high the popularity is, there will be no autonomy. Because even after another ten years, I cannot exceed Xie Yi."

"How can a person who started by imitation surpass the true deity ?! He has never been able to exceed the deity, and can only continue to copy him, imitate him, copy him, and imitate him under the arrangement of ESE. Just think about it, it feels terrible. Can you understand this mood? "

Chu Feng looked at Amanda and said.

Obsidian-like eyes, no longer as bright as when they debuted, a little more tiredness and precipitation.

This is what the show business is all about.

Much more complicated and darker than ordinary life. Maybe what an artist has seen or experienced in two or three years is worth five to six years of ordinary people.

It's a place where people mature quickly, and, more quickly ... vicissitudes.

"I didn't tell you. Because you must not agree."

"You have your career, you have your goal ... I may be your lover, but I am also an artist on your hand."

"What do you mean by that!" Amanda took a step forward, but almost fell. Chu Feng held her up. She grabbed Chu Feng's clothes and grasped tightly. "What do you mean by that ..."

Amanda's expression was still proud and her makeup was still delicate, but her eyes were already full of fragility.

How could she not know!

How could she not know what Chu Feng's career change means? She is the agent of ESE, Chu Feng went to Pinyou Entertainment, how could they still be together ... how could the relationship continue ...

Haven't talked through.

She always wanted to use the compensation matter to hold Chu Feng, because she deeply understood that once Chu Feng went to Pinyou Entertainment-which represented not only the ESE artist supporting Feng Jing and actively leaving ESE; It is not only that Legacy will be dissolved from now on, the highest popularity combination no longer exists; it is not only that she is not doing well, but also allows the artist on hand to move to a competing company, and Li Neng will score negatively with Li Rui ...

The most important thing is that her relationship with Chu Feng will be completely played out!

In her half is driven by the pursuit of the director position, and half for the better development of her lover.

As a result, while he was a rookie's self-promoted boss and someone he had been secretly crushing, he sent reporter gunmen to slander, but he did not expect that his lover had already thought of breaking up with her ...

For a moment, Amanda realized the situation and mood of Fengjing.

It is pointed out by the public that the Fengjing, which was abandoned and isolated, is actually much worse than her ...


Feng Jing also had a Yun Xiu dare to speak up for him.

And she ... nothing.

"Are you trying to break up with me?" Amanda asked with a hoarse voice, clutching the fingers of Chu Feng's clothes, so strong that the fabric was deformed.

Her voice was no longer sharp.

But the low-dumb, sobbing sound, was like a burial buried in the ground, oppressive and full of resentment.

"Amanda," Chu Feng's eyes also passed a sorrow. "Don't believe Li Rui too much. He can do this to Feng Jing, to others ... in the future, take care of yourself ..."

In response to Chu Feng, a loud and powerful slap.


After a long time.

Amanda had already left, but the slap in the red mark was still on Chu Feng's face, tingling. Chu Feng wiped his right face firmly before picking up the phone and dialing a number.

"Amanda has come ... has already shown her a showdown."

"There must be no good things happening."

"You said before, is there a way to minimize liquidated damages?"

"Do n’t you just say this in public to support me and leave ESE?" The other side sipped on the phone, smiling.

"What way." Chu Feng didn't want to go round the corner anymore, his mood was still heavy.

The other smiled.

"I have seen the contract of Pingyou Entertainment. I can sign it. However, the other party may want to modify the treaty because of compensation, such as increasing commissions or adding other terms-never agree.

"And it is better not to pay the penalty, you have to do it yourself."

"But the penalty is ten million!"

"It's only about 10 million in nominal terms. Any lawyer who comes to this lawsuit can be reduced to 7 or 8 million ... but even if you breach the contract, ESE also breached the contract."

"ESE is also in breach of contract?" Chu Feng was slightly surprised.

"I remember to arrange your third album in September. Now it's November, but there is only one EP?"

"... does this reason work?" Chu Feng hesitated.

"The treaty of the original album was a sub-contract in the framework contract. It also has legal benefits. Especially your Legacy is a combination, it is not only you that delay, but the four of you! If you sue together, ESE will have to pay in total There are almost four to five million in compensation. "

"What's more, after Yun Xiu said that ..." Feng Jing seemed to be in the memory for a second or two, and paused slightly. "Now the situation is different."

"If you make up your mind, I'll call and help you ... talk to Li Rui. In the end, about three or four million can get a penalty."

"Three or four million, it's a big number. It's almost half of my savings in the past two years." Chu Feng weighed it. "But, for a new start, this price-value!"

"You think it's worth it." The other side smiled lightly.

"Actually, you took the initiative to find me and helped me like this ..." It was almost the same when it came to this, Chu Feng thought for a moment, but couldn't help but say, "Because I don't want Yun Xiu to fall into this situation alone. Hit it. "

"Don't you also have your own ambitions? That's why you have the opportunity to change jobs."

Chu Feng understood that the other party was unwilling to answer positively.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart. On the one hand, he felt that it was a pity that Yun Xiu destroyed his future like that. However, there was a faint admiration in this pity. On the other hand, he felt that he had once been so proud of the scenery It ’s pitiful to be so miserable now ...

But after Feng Jing found him.

He realized that Feng Jing's ability was actually much stronger than he knew.

It's like this kind of contract breach.

In the hands of Feng Jing, is it not a weapon to fight against ESE, and Feng Jing has spent more than ten years at ESE, among which the shady, illegal, handles, and even more unknown ... but Feng Jing has not been before Counterattack.

Perhaps there is one last hope for Li Rui.

Or maybe I want to see how far the former lover will put herself ...


Feng Jing saw it. He was badly hurt.

While being harmed, we are more guarded against other people, and even start to have total distrust. Maybe secretly, he was ready to burn with Li Ruiyushi, both wounded.

But Yun Xiu unexpectedly stood up.

He publicly supported Feng Jing's remarks, which not only gave ESE a hard blow, but also changed Feng Jing's approach-probably at this time, compared with revenge Li Rui, Feng Jing felt that it was more important to protect Yun Xiu!

Because Yun Xiu was able to support Feng Jing, Feng Jing said that he must protect Yun Xiu.

And herself, just in order to prevent Yun Xiu from being alone and become the focus of attack, Feng Jing made a move of interest exchange.

No trust, no friends.

If you later fall into the situation of landscaping, you do n’t know if anyone will support you like Yun Xiu ...

"These words I speak are not just for the benefit of interaction."

Even though Feng Jing didn't trust himself like Yun Xiu, Chu Feng couldn't help but speak.

"In this ESE, I am most grateful to two people. One is Yun Xiu, he made me understand what acting is. The other one is you. After the Kimberly Prize, you let me see myself and Yun Repair the gap! "

"It's a pity," Chu Feng smiled bitterly, "I can't do Yun Xiu, and be the first one to openly support you ..."

Until a long time later.

Yun Xiu became the film emperor with that person, and Chu Feng knew why he insisted on leaving ESE.

Not only has been under the halo of Xie Yi.

It's because of Yun Xiu. What he couldn't surpass, what he wanted to do but couldn't do it frankly, Yun Xiu did it.


Feng Jing closed the phone.

Yun Xiu.

After returning that day, Yun Xiu was still like nothing, and advised him to drink less alcohol and make him delicious meals. He still refused, sneer, and sneered.

The next day Yun Xiu didn't go to the company, he wasn't surprised.

But on the third day and the fourth day, I didn't go. I asked only to say "rest." Feng Jing finally felt that something was wrong. At this time, he learned from the Internet that Yun Xiu even said those words publicly!

He is already the target of criticism!

But Yun Xiu didn't care that such a statement would make him a target!

Feng Jing suddenly understood.

Why can't Yun Xiu go to the company-because he doesn't have to go again.

He thought of many vicious ways to avenge Li Rui.

But the mood at that moment seemed like a warm spring flowing from the ice of hatred in his heart ... Compared to the hatred that seemed to be betrayed by the whole world, he had a feeling of tears.

He called his former friends one by one and asked them to help.

It did n’t go well at first, but in the end, a very important person among those friends called and said, “If we make a separate statement to support you, we will surely be drowned in other entertainment gossips of all sizes, saying, Maybe they will bite back. "

"But even that artist has come forward to support you! How can our long-time friends not match him ?! So-we decided to make a joint statement."

"Of course, don't thank me. I will sell this statement to a certain media exclusively. They have an exclusive, and the joint statement has some place to play its role-a win-win!" The other side is an old fox who has been in the entertainment industry for many years.

"But I really want to thank, thank the one who dares to stand up first and openly support you! He is the bravest."

The old fox sighed.

"There are still young people like him in the showbiz ... it's really rare."