MTL - Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School-Chapter 3379 meet the god

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   Chapter 3379 Meet the male god

   Leng Xiaoyao complained as he walked: "This woman is so sick!"

   "I'm really sick." Li Mochen agreed.

   On Tao Yixiao's side, as soon as Leng Xiaoyao and Li Mochen left, the man questioned Tao Yixiao directly: "Tao Yixiao, tell me clearly, what the **** is going on?"

   "I, I, I..." Tao Yixiao, I, I, I, and I don't give an explanation.

   Actually, there is something unclear about the man. Tao Yixiao likes that man, but that man doesn't like her. He even has a boyfriend, and he is just a spare tire.

   He was tricked by Tao Yixiao, how could he not be angry!

"Tao Yixiao, since you like this other person in your heart, why do you agree to me? Do you want to try to be with me and then forget about him? I like you, and I am more willing to hold you in my hand, but I Not cheap. Today you not only lost your own face, but also stomped mine on the ground, well, you are fine, let's part ways!"

   After the man finished speaking, he left happily.

   Isn't he sad?

   Of course he is sad, after all, he really likes Tao Yixiao, but the more he likes it, the more sad and angry he will be when faced with this kind of thing.

   Everyone has their own bottom line, Tao Yixiao violated his bottom line today.

   "Yu Yao..." Tao Yixiao was startled and immediately chased after him.

  It's not that she doesn't like Lin Yuyao, she likes Lin Yuyao very much, because Lin Yuyao not only has a good family background and looks, but also likes himself and has a good personality.

   It was only because Li Mochen was too good that she couldn't let go, so she kept hanging on Lin Yuyao and didn't promise him.

  Because she thought that if she couldn't make it with Li Mochen, she would promise Lin Yuyao, so she was not with Lin Yuyao impulsive.

   Now that Lin Yuyao is angry with her and wants to part ways with her, Tao Yixiao suddenly felt scared.

It seemed that she really had no chance with Li Mochen, she didn't want to lose Lin Yuyao again, so she wanted to come here with arrogance and put down her posture to apologize to him: "Yuyao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I know it's my fault, I promise not to be in the future, will you give me another chance?"

"Tao Yixiao, don't suggest things to me that I can't accept just because I like it. If we try to be together, it won't be easy. I'm not a pedantic person. I can accept that you have talked about two or three boyfriends. But I can't accept the feeling of betrayal, I'm too reluctant to respond." Lin Yuyao said coldly, and walked away quickly.

  Tao Yixiao wanted to catch up, but she was wearing high heels and couldn't catch up at all.

   At this moment, she suddenly woke up and felt that she had gone too far.

   She knew what kind of person Lin Yuyao was, and once he made a decision, he basically couldn't change it.

   Just as he chased her, he persisted for two years.

   So he said he couldn't accept it, but he really couldn't accept it.

   Tao Yixiao left in despair.

Leng Xiaoyao and Li Mochen went home after watching the movie. Li Mochen stayed in Leng Xiaoyao's villa until 12 o'clock before leaving. He respected Leng Xiaoyao, so he would not easily leave without Leng Xiaoyao's permission. Overnight at her house.

   On Sunday, Leng Xiaoyao went to school to pick up Xiong Manxin, An Chenmeng and Song Xinyue at 11 am.

   Mubehan, then come directly to the place to eat and meet them.

   Xiong Manxin and Song Xinyue met for the first time, and they didn't talk much at first, but slowly, they caught up.

  Xiong Manxin didn't reject Leng Xiaoyao's new friend, since he was Leng Xiaoyao's friend, he was also her Xiong Manxin's friend, and treated him as friendly.

   The meal was a treat for Leng Xiaoyao, but An Chenmeng and the others had nothing to do, but Song Xinyue felt very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

   But she couldn't afford it.

   can only ponder secretly, and then go back and invite them to eat other things.

  Leng Xiaoyao and others arrived 20 minutes before Mu Beihan arrived late. Except for Song Xinyue, the others were not polite to Leng Xiaoyao, and they ordered whatever they wanted.

   After having a good meal, it was already 12:30, and the group went directly to [Xiaoyao Technology Company].

   Originally, they thought that Leng Xiaoyao's company was just a studio of one or two hundred square meters, but when they entered the company, they were dumbfounded.

  This, this is too big, too proud!

   "Old, boss, we didn't go to the wrong place!" Xiong Manxin asked incredulously.

   Leng Xiaoyao slapped her on the head angrily: "What? Do you look down on your boss so much?"

   "It's just too unexpected." Xiong Manxin said embarrassedly, not looking down, but unexpected!

   "Everyone in the school suspects that you just opened a studio that can't be on the table! I can't believe that you are running such a big company." An Chenmeng said.

  Mu Beihan knew that Leng Xiaoyao had bought such a large office building for a long time, so he was not surprised.

"The company has only opened for a few days, so there is no recruitment yet. We will recruit after the game is launched, so as to attract more capable people. Now the company's people are all from Changshi. By the way, let's take a look at Xixi. Sister Yin's office." Leng Xiao Yao said.

   "Ah! Sister Xiyin also works here with you?" Hearing this, An Chenmeng was very surprised.

  Leng Xiaoyao: "I am also planning to open a jewelry studio. Sister Xiyin is the shareholder and the chief designer. The jewelry studio does not plan to expand for the time being, so it will be merged into the office of a technology company first."

   After seeing Shen Xiyin's office, continue to see the office of the technology company, and then her office.

  Because today is Sunday and I don't go to work, there are only Mu Yufan and Zhou Yunkai in the company, and they came because Leng Xiaoyao and Xiao Yuming were coming over today.

   Even though the two of them were managers, they were the only two of them at the moment, so they took the initiative to pour water for Leng Xiaoyao and the others.

  There are a lot of pictures of the game hanging on the wall of the company. There are some places that have not been hung up yet. They are used to hang Xiao Yuming's endorsement posters, but the posters have not yet been made.

   At half past one, Xiao Yuming came, and Mu Yufan took him directly to Leng Xiaoyao's office.

   Several girls were chatting, but when they suddenly saw Xiao Yuming come in, they were dumbfounded, even more dumbfounded than when they saw the situation of Leng Xiaoyao's company.

   Xiao Yuming didn't think that there were still a group of little girls in the office, so he was stunned for a while, but he knew that they were Leng Xiaoyao's classmates.

   Seeing their dumbfounded appearance, Xiao Yuming thought it was a little funny, so he couldn't help laughing.

   "I, I, am I dazzled, how do I feel that I have seen my male god?" Mubeihan said madly.

   "Me too, me too..." An Chenmeng agreed.

   "All, fool?" Xiao Yuming said.

   "Ah!" Xiong Manxin couldn't help crying out, not only shocked Mu Beihan and others, but also Xiao Yuming.

   (end of this chapter)