MTL - Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God-Chapter 1676 Promoting the Dark Saints

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Looking at the mutated dark energy crystal in his hand, Shifeng took out the direct **** summoning scroll from the backpack and sang it.

The mutated dark energy crystal itself is a special kind of dark power. The main function after use is to better control the dark energy. For the players of the dark forces, the absorption of the mutated dark energy crystal can improve the player's physique and At the same time, the level of life, while the power of the darkness of use is increased, some are close to the blood, but the effect is much worse than the blood, but it is also precious.

Jade Peak did not expect to just kill a mutant dark drug lord and drop it.

If you let the players of other dark forces know, I am afraid that they will go crazy.

The last generation did not know how many players of the dark forces came to the dark world, just to get the mutated energy crystal, but there are only a handful of players who can get this thing.

However, Shifeng is not a player of the dark forces, and the value is greatly reduced for Shifeng.

But the mutated dark energy crystal has another use, and it is also one of the most unappealing uses of the gods. That is to let the direct **** absorb the power of the mutated dark energy crystal, which can give the direct **** a certain chance to awaken and gain variation. The crystal power of energy is only a very low probability, even 10%, but if used by players of the dark forces, it can be improved by 100%.

The player who gets the mutated energy crystal will not be wasted to the direct guard.

Of course, there were a few exceptions in the last world. I got the mutated energy crystal and I didn’t use it myself. I didn’t want to trade with the players of the dark forces. I used it for my direct escort. One of them was successful. Let the elite **** of the fine gold level master the power of fire, let the power of this direct **** be arrogant, and then promote to the fifth-order occupation.

Generally, in the realm of the realm, there is a chance to promote the fifth-level occupation of the direct guard, almost all of the dark gold level guards can be done, and a fine gold level can be promoted to a fifth-order occupation, the difficulty can be imagined, and promoted to After the fifth-order career, the strength of the battle is no less than that of the dark gold guards.

At that time, the gods were sensational. I felt that using a mutant energy crystal for a fifth-order direct guard was too profitable. Many players who absorbed the mutated energy crystal could not be promoted to a fifth-order occupation, and a fifth-order. The direct escorts are much better than the fifth-order players, but they are not as resurrected as the players after being killed, but with such combat power, even the super-powers must look at each other and get great attention.

Currently, the dark energy crystal is useless for Shifeng. It is better to try it for the direct guard.

I saw the stone peak with the mantra, and there was a summoning magic array in front of him. The fascinating figure appeared in front of Shifeng, it was Anna who had not seen for a while.

At this time, Anna’s level has reached 80, and the speed of the upgrade is really staggering. It must be said that the epic-level direct guards are quick and easy, and the upgrade is also much simpler. The strength has been improved a lot, I am afraid that the third-order blood blade demon of level 80 is not an opponent.

But in the dark world, with the advent of Anna, the power of a powerful world has also been oppressed, so that Anna’s basic attributes have begun to decrease, and the strength is far less than the third-order blood-blade demon. .

After Shifeng was also wasting time, directly handing over the mutated dark energy crystal to Anna, which made Anna's beauty unstoppable, with a hint of excitement in her expression, obviously interested in the mutant dark energy crystal. .

Don't do anything with Shifeng, Anna began to write the gods and sing the spells.

For the use of mutated energy crystal, npc is much stronger than the player. It can be said that any kind of mutated energy crystal can be used by npc. Unlike the player, not all variable energy crystals can be absorbed, but also The power and inheritance of the affiliation.

A moment at Anna’s feet, a golden magical array of gold was formed.

One heavy...two heavy...three heavy...

Because of the emergence of the magic array, it is almost time to turn the dark surroundings into white.

After the formation of the Triple Magical Array, Anna placed the mutated dark energy crystal at the heart of the magical array. Suddenly the intense darkness of the force seemed to be a tidal wave gathering toward the magical array. Even Shifeng, who is on the sidelines, could not retreat.

The pressure from the magical array is getting stronger and stronger, and even Shifeng feels suffocated. Even the monsters that are four or five hundred yards away, each one begins to tremble and unconsciously stay away.

After lasting five seconds, this horrible pressure gradually dissipated, and the torrent of darkness was poured into Anna's body because of the magical array.

Only seeing Anna’s body gradually began to form a black-black magic pattern. As the magic lines continued to improve, Anna’s own feelings also began to change dramatically.

If you said that it was an angel that represents the light, then now is the angel of the darkness.

With the complete completion of the magic pattern, Anna has also erupted an unprecedented power, as if this moment is like encountering the world's peak angel Selena, what is the third-order occupation, or the fourth-order occupation, there is no meaning, waving That is to kill.

This horrible power disappeared for a second, and disappeared with the Triple Magic, and Anna regained the past, just the only difference from the past, that is, the center of the forehead The deep purple mark gives a feeling of a little cold and glamorous feeling.

"Is this successful?" Shi Feng looked at Anna who was back to normal, and couldn't help but wonder.

Before he heard that the direct escorts using the mutated energy crystal would provoke a lot of movement, but there would never be such a big movement, even urging the fifth-order magic array, but he was I have never heard of it.

"The Earl of the Earl, it should be considered a success." Anna also looked at herself, not sure.

"..." Shifeng couldn't help but talk, then click on Anna's property bar to see it.

Anna, the night front is directly guarded, loyalty 97, level 80, professional second-order top professional light dark saint, growth potential value of 113 points.

Shifeng saw Anna’s new attributes and couldn’t help it for a while.

I did not expect that Anna not only mastered the power of darkness, but also further promoted to the top professional light dark saint, and the growth potential value increased from 105 points to 113 points.

Stone does not know what to say.

It’s just a mutated dark energy crystal that can do so and make a big profit.

Be aware of the growth potential value is not much more, each level can be more attributed, and now there are more than eight potential value, which can grow more horrible than before.

Not to mention the promotion to the top professional dark dark saints.

In the domain of the gods, compared to the professional inheritance of the players, the career inheritance of npc is much more important. It can be said that the same level and the same level, the ordinary professional npc wants to beat the high-level professional npc, it is almost impossible. The same is true for senior careers who want to beat top professions.

After reading this, Shifeng couldn't help but click on Anna's specific attributes.

"Monster?" Shifeng looked at the displayed attributes and his mouth almost disappeared.

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