MTL - Release that Witch-Chapter 1466 Chaotic

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On the square boat, the eagle that has gripped the gate lever and is about to pull up is taken back.


"Nine degrees to the east, they are heading toward the smoke column!"

"Instructor, what should I do next?" the main driver asked back.

With the volume of the god-made god, even if it moves, it can't avoid the bombing from the air. Moreover, the magic barrier has failed. The second sun's glory falls to the vicinity of the Blackrock Pyramid, and there is no small chance to destroy the obelisk. And for the crew, this is also the safest way.

But he did not board the plane for safety.

The drivers of the two bombers were all selected from the outstanding students, but the captain was served by the instructor. The purpose was obvious. The former is the key to getting a good plane, and they are the guarantee of completing the battle.

A small success rate means that there is also a probability of failure.

What he wants is to let go of the part that is resigned and to do what he can control.

Regarding the possibility that the **** of God-making between the two rounds of attack may be displaced, even from the beginning, the staff has also discussed it many times. There is only one solution, that is, use the height to change the hit rate until the enemy is avoided.

"The height dropped by two thousand, and the bombing route was recalculated," the eagle did not hesitate to order. "Where did they go, we will follow where!"


At this point, the beast has "collided" with the swooping fleet.

Goode felt that the sky was a lot darker, as if he had just exposed his head and was swallowed up by the night, and there were enemies in both up and down.

The murderous mouth of the Sky Rage spurted a dazzling stream of light, the only thing that would make him feel at ease. Aiming - or slightly aligning, then firing, any fearful beasts that are on the path will be torn into pieces. Personal skills have little meaning in the face of such a big battle. Even if you look at the eight sides, you can't find every enemy that comes to him.

If it wasn't for the teammates around him to cover all the way, he estimated that he had already been hit by a bone spear that flew around.

After three rounds of long-range strikes, Goode felt a bright flash of his eyes, only to find that he had run through the group of fearful bees - looking back, there was no enemy behind the tail.

"What are the devils doing? Their attention does not seem to be on us." Finkin, who has been on his side, has also noticed this.

Goode drove the plane to open the distance, and suddenly his heart was not good. On the whole, only a small part of the dense beasts in the sky were entangled with the empty knights, and others were trying to climb to higher places.

It is reasonable to say that the devil should not find the bomber that is walking above the clouds.

The facts also prove that they did not find the target.

Although the other side is climbing, the route is varied, and there is a feeling of ramming.

"Damn, the devil is looking for the Ark!" Goode yelled at the radio.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Fingin whistled. "By their flight speed, it takes a lot of effort to catch the bomber. We can also take a few more flights to help lower the pressure."

Having said that, Gud’s heart is always uneasy.

"A group of enemies rushed over again!" teammates reminded, "We go to the cloud first, where it is more suitable for warfare. The height is more than four kilometers. The beasts are struggling to flap their wings. We can be like a shaved head. Layer the sharp points they fly at the front."

"This approach sounds good!"

"I climbed up first!"

More than ten biplanes were pulled up and flew high.

Goode did not keep up.

He transferred the radio to the squad band and said to Finkin alone, "We will stay in this airspace."

"Hey, stay here? In case the enemy suddenly gave up the search, the first one is us!" There was a question from the old partner immediately. "Moreover, don't take advantage of this opportunity to expand the battle, 岂Isn’t credit for others?”

"These are not the key points. What matters is the devil's move!" Goode explained as he stared at the battlefield. "You think about it, since they can guess the existence of the bomber, will they find out that the blow just happened?" Is it from an inconspicuous bomb?"

"No... The devil doesn't know the existence of the Sun's Glory plan, nor does it find our offense in advance. From the bombing to the detonation, it's only a matter of minutes. How can they understand this clearly?"

"I'm not sure, but I just think it's no coincidence that the floating city moves to the plume." Good said muttered. According to the general idea, it is a cloud of dust formed by the explosion. It is too late to avoid it, and how can it take the initiative to approach it. Once the devil is deliberate, the time when the bomb falls is the chance of counterattack that they can finally catch.

"Well," after a long silence, Finkin reluctantly said, "Since you have said this, I will believe you once. But if you lose the battle, you have to compensate me."

“How about a month of chaotic drinks?”

"No, just show me your sister."

"Hey." There was a communication interruption in the headphones.

Finkin smiled and turned to go to Goode.


Damn, these guys - it’s really hard!

The innocent drive of the flying magic stone, hurriedly avoiding a cluster of bullets that fired at it. According to the mask, the words hit by this gadget are no different from the hammering of the front, and the magic barrier cannot resist for too long. Since the silence has eaten the suffering of human firearms, it naturally does not intend to experience it in person.

Originally, in terms of its ability, it is easy to interfere with the perception of ordinary human beings. Even if the other person wears the stone of the gods, it can affect the other party more or less, but it is a witch.

What makes it even more uncomfortable is that the witch seems to have no intention of using magic to decide the outcome. She drove a blood-red iron bird that barely reached the 900-foot range around it. Although it was a shot and ran, but the other party is not only extremely flexible, but also the head is not bad, suddenly let it fall into a passive situation that can not catch up, can not open.

The demons do not rely on their own magic, but instead rely on foreign objects to fight, which is a shameful shame in its eyes!

And such a guy seems to have more than one.

For example, the Shenshi bombs that are shot from time to time in the clouds are obviously from the hands of the witches. If it is not particularly sensitive to hostility after its promotion, it has long been an enemy attack.

Saying that it is good to chase humans, the result is that the prey is dead and biting, making it a dilemma. Innocent has never been so fierce. In the end, it can be as flexible as the ground in the air, and only Hecksod, known as the "Lord of the Scorpio". It has an empty ability, but now it can only rely on the flying magic stone to hide from the right, all Nasopelle's fault. If the winged beast army directly confronts the enemy, how could it be pursued unscrupulously by this red iron bird?

What is hidden in the air, the main force of attack, as if you have seen it.

Innocent to avoid the witch's another round of shooting, looking to the top of the head, and then could not help but see.

I saw a dark giant iron bird slipping out of the column of smoke. Its body is thicker than the biggest Bogle winged beast. There are four driving devices hanging under a pair of wings. The other two-winged iron birds are in contact with it. It’s not worth mentioning!

There is no doubt that this is the "vision" that the mask refers to -

Actually it was said to be.

Other Winged Forces also noticed this and followed the previous instructions to the new target. Although humans are trying to stop it, in the face of the absolute gap in quantity, blocking is only delaying the time. It is sooner or later to shoot down this giant iron bird.

"Well, you are right." Innocently, he said, "My troops have found what you call the main force of attack, and I believe that it will be resolved soon."

However, the voice of the mask does not seem to relax at all. "What does it look like? Tell me soon!"

No wrinkles frowned, but still bluntly said, "Looks like a bigger artificial iron bird."

"It's under the abdomen? Is there anything hanging?"

Then the witch attacked again.

It’s endless! Wait until the big one is eliminated, and it will be your turn soon! After the innocence is over, you have to work hard to look at your eyes.

"There is nothing under it, what do you want to say?"

"Nothing?" The mask is rare and repeats.

"Yes," I was impatient and impatient. "I didn't see anything except a big pit."

.com. Wonder