MTL - Release that Witch-Chapter 1472 Celebration and change

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Ai Gesha raised her glass.

"Cheers ---!" The witches slammed accordingly. Dozens of cups are lifted into the air together, and they are crisp together. Among them are the Takilla people who have lost their taste, and the high-level associations that have turned into carriers. Especially the latter two - for those who have experienced the last war of gods, suffering great despair and helplessness, this moment they finally unloaded the heaviest stone in their heart, can laugh with everyone, even laugh It is more brilliant than others.

Not all sacrifices will pay off in return, and not all insistence will wait until dawn. Because of this, when hundreds of years of sacrifice and persistence have not failed, it is even more moving.

"That..." Nanawa curiously looked at Pasha and others. "Can you really taste the taste like this?"

The sorcerer's witch just lost the taste, but Pasha, Elsie, and Celine's drinking rules are completely beyond everyone's imagination - they roll up the tentacles and pour the wine on their heads, just like a bath.

"Of course, although we don't have a mouth, we can use the surface shorts to distinguish the taste and absorb the water, and the perception is far stronger than the average person." Pasha said with a smile. "In addition, the carrier's taste range is different from that of humans, so we You can also taste the taste you have never experienced before."

"Wow... what is that smell? I want to know!" Lightning eyes glow.

"According to the research of the Quest, people can't understand things they have never touched, so even if she says it, you can hardly imagine it." The ice witch refilled himself with wine. "If you want to go beyond this limit, the only way is to Converted to a carrier."

"Ai Gesha, don't you think..." Celine was a little surprised.

"Well, when this is over, I want to transfer the soul and then rebuild the Quest." Ai Gesha nodded calmly. "The witch's life span is only a hundred years. If it can become a carrier, I can continue my research. "When she finished, she smiled at the lightning. "A person like you who is curious about the unknown is the best thing to explore. How, are you interested in joining us?"

"But if you become a carrier, you can't fly?" Lightning thought, "I haven't even explored the world. I will consider it on the day when I can't fly."

"Call...whatever you want, it’s like the battle of divineness is over." Luo Jia took a sigh of relief after drinking a large glass of wine. "Now it’s just that the devil has just been defeated. There is still another side of the mainland. More powerful enemies! No one can guarantee that the end of the war will end the war, so today only celebrate with a drink!" She said as she touched the barrel next to her, "Hey? It seems empty. ...What about the new wine?"

"Everyone is still slow to drink. Today, Evelyn has too much wine to do," Morrier commanded the magic servant to remove the empty wine barrel. "After all, the people on the floating island are celebrating tonight, she Even the full transformation can't keep up."

Whether it's a chaotic drink or a good wine, as a pleasure material, it is naturally impossible to spend precious manpower to carry it before departure. So the easiest way is to bring Evelyn – as long as there is water, the energy source will change. Drinking wine. But when everyone celebrates for victory, these reserves are not enough to watch.

"Oh." Anna, who sat in the first place, suddenly burst into laughter.

"What's wrong?" Everyone turned their attention to her.

"No...nothing, I just thought of something interesting." Anna shook her head. "Roland used to say that he doesn't understand why the simulation of the evolution of civilization has made wine so important, even if it is not enough. As long as you order some wine, happiness and satisfaction will rise. But if you just eat and wear enough, you will have to make troubles. It is simply unreasonable. Now, it is not entirely unreasonable."

"Ah... it’s coming again, my brother’s strange words.” Tilly rolled her eyes.

The crowd gave a sneer.

"Right, isn't he still busy with his work? Is it not a problem to temporarily leave work for a while?" Wendy said.

In the evening celebration, Roland only attended the first time. After publishing a brief opening speech to the whole island, he returned to his office. According to him, the devil should soon find the door. He must Before you can handle the things at hand, you can have a rough grasp of the next plan. When he is busy with this, he will come up to celebrate with everyone.

"I am going to push him down." Anna stood up.

"That's it for you." Wendy laughed.

The cave that the witch celebrated was not far from the location of Roland. After passing through a narrow passage, she came to the office area under the command post - in fact, not only Roland was busy, but between the command post and the staff of the staff. There are footsteps coming and going, obviously they are also clear, and then the journey to the bottomless is the most crucial part of the whole plan.

Of course, she did not come to find Roland in order to let the other party relax for a while, the nightingale is now at his side, and he has promised that after the war is the time of agreement.

Thinking of this, Anna knocked on the door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." It was the nightingale that answered her.

When I saw Anna, she looked a little surprised. Even her look was not natural. "Hey, how come you..."

"Of course it is for agreement."

"Just, right now? Wait... I am not ready yet..."

Anna rarely showed a sly smile, "Cheat you. I just asked everyone to let him drink."

"It turned out to be like this..." The nightingale was relieved, but there was a feeling of loss.

"But the agreement is also part of it. It doesn't matter if you say it together." Anna looked at Roland, who was sleeping on the table. "Is he still in the dream world?"

It took a while for the nightingale to realize that Anna was deliberate, so she had no choice but to say, "Well, he said that he needs to check the progress of the new project of the Grey House Design Bureau. He has to discuss the follow-up with the devil, and use It won't take long to come back. If you want to wake him up, just push him. According to him, these things can be interrupted at any time, and the time will not change anyway."

Anna nodded and reached out and pushed Roland.

The latter did not react.

"Strange, it should have been able to wake him up in the past. Is it that these days the preparations are too tired?" The nightingale swayed back and forth on Roland's shoulders, but still couldn't wake each other.

She tried to increase the strength and push his body up, but the latter fell backwards without reaction until it leaned back on the back of the chair. Both hands slipped weakly and fell to the waist as if they had completely lost consciousness.

The two suddenly changed their looks!