MTL - Restart the Protagonist’s Way of Survival-Chapter 17 Attend class

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"However, since General Chen Feng and Brother Ling have left, won't there be troubles in Yizhou?" Li Zichou took out an arrow from the quiver to practice aiming, and said to Chen Feng who was maintaining his bow and arrow.

Although the names of the twin generals are spelled differently, they are pronounced the same, so in order to distinguish them, Li Zichou added the word "small" when calling his younger sister Chen Feng's name, while her elder brother called "Da Chen Feng".

Both Chen Feng and her elder brother were born and bred in Yizhou in the southwest, with a bold and forthright personality, not as taciturn as Lu Xiaoying, nor as polite as Li Xunxuan.

For this tyrant who was said to kill people without batting an eyelid, Chen Feng didn't feel the slightest bit of timidity. Instead, he looked at the emperor calmly and spoke.

However, after getting along with each other for the past two days, Chen Feng found that the rumors were too outrageous. Isn't this empress very talkative?

Not so vicious, not as fierce as their Meiling monkeys in Yizhou!

"Your majesty, don't worry, our Yizhou is difficult to defend and difficult to attack. It is difficult for ordinary troops to attack. As for the interior, the emperor does not need to worry too much. With the troops trained by me and Chen Feng watching, no one dares to rebel." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he touched the dagger from his side to cut off the sawdust barb on the arrow.

Li Zichou felt relaxed when she heard her talking to him in such an easy-going manner. Although she was not worried about whether Yizhou would rebel, since she had said so, it seemed that she didn't need to worry about it.

"Then little general Chen Feng, you see, I have practiced aiming for three days, when can I nock my arrow?" Li Zichou asked while maintaining the posture of drawing the bow.

There are still a few days before the imperial examination, and there is no need to worry about the exam. Before the palace exam starts, Li Zichou is going to use this gap to study hard with the teachers Zhou Huaijin has found, and also to save some capital for his life in the future. .

Therefore, Li Zishou asked Beiya to designate a shooting range and a racetrack for her.

Chen Feng put down the dagger, stood up and looked at Li Zifu's posture, and suddenly said with a smile: "Your Majesty, do you know how long I have been practicing archery and aiming?"

"How long?" Li Zichou asked tentatively.

It can't be ten days and half a month, can it? When will it be possible to shoot the arrow on the red heart?

"A month or two."

Li Zishou: "..."

Suddenly, there is no motivation to work hard.

Seeing her powerless look, Chen Feng added, "But every day I practice aiming differently."

Li Zichou: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Is it possible that archery can also be divided into eight times mirror and ten times mirror?

Chen Feng explained unhurriedly: "When I was training, the weight of the bows I got every day, the toughness of the bowstrings, the distance of the bull's-eye and even the size of the bull's-eye were different.

"Every time I aim, I have to identify the degree of these differences. And the further the later, the differences in these changes become smaller and smaller, and it becomes more and more difficult to make accurate judgments.

"It wasn't until I was able to accurately judge these changes every time that I had completed the cultivation of targeting this link."

Li Zichou was taken aback when he heard this, and thought that he was indeed Chen Feng who had the title of "Yizhou Chuanyangshou".

"So remember, my majesty, no one is born able to wield swords and guns. Maybe some people are extremely talented, but they also need to practice. Ordinary people have to work harder if they want to catch up with them."

Li Zichou was deeply moved, he raised the bow again to the shoulder-width position, and stretched the bowstring as far as he could with his right hand.

Chen Feng saw that she had listened to what he said, and there was some appreciation and satisfaction in his eyes.

She felt that this empress was really not as rumored, she was very savvy and listened to advice, with such a person as emperor, Dasheng would not be bad at all.

Maybe, she guessed.

Li Zishou has been practicing aiming at the palace shooting range.

Chen Feng was not idle either. The arrow in her hand seemed to be free of money, and she kept aiming at the bull's-eye fifty steps away.

The red bull's-eye was tied into a sieve, and Chen Feng muttered to himself: "Is fifty steps too close?"

Li Zishou: "..."

The more you cook, the more you cook.

Li Zishou kept comforting and encouraging himself like this in his heart.

When Shen Shi was about to pass, Li Zichou took a step first. She rushed to the class with the teacher Huaijin had found for her last week, and now she had to go back to have dinner quickly.

Chen Feng seemed not in such a hurry, she shot two more arrows before saying to the air, "She's gone, come out to say hello?"

Only then did Bai Qingyang step in from the grass outside the shooting range.

"Piercing Yang Shou from Yizhou, you actually appear here?" Bai Qingyang said in surprise.

Chen Feng was noncommittal, but just looked at the woman in brocade clothes in front of him and said: "My servant, Chen Feng, you should be her queen, right?"

Bai Qingyang: "That's right. Since when did you find out I'm here?"

Chen Feng: "From when you first came here."

"...As expected of a famous female general."

"Where, no one knows about your family."

There was a tacit tugging between the two of them.

In the end, it was Bai Qingyang who took the lead in the showdown: "The fact that Li Chou came to you, does it mean that she has obtained the military power in Yizhou?"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows. It seems that this empress is not satisfied with just controlling the harem...

Chen Feng didn't fool her, she replied honestly: "No, Chen Feng and I resigned from the post of Yizhou city guard general long ago, and now as the emperor's subordinates, we perform the duties of teaching and assisting."

"Really..." Unexpectedly, Chen Feng's official accent was so proficient, Bai Qingyang said in a low voice, "Li Fu...what does she want to do?"

Chen Feng blinked, as if he didn't understand: "If you want to know, why don't you ask her yourself?"

Chen Feng is straightforward and can't understand the intrigues in the deep palace.

In her opinion, although these two people are both women, they are married anyway, and it's just a question, so they shouldn't be so cautious.

Bai Qingyang was stunned for a moment, she never expected to know something from Li Zichou's mouth, in order to find out Li Zichou's current situation, she relied on Tianshu Palace's eyeliner.

Even when I talked about Prime Minister Bai's case with Li Zichou that time, I just wanted to test how much she has changed...

Bai Qingyang looked up at Chen Feng again, turned his head to look at the bull's-eye fifty steps away, praised "General Chen Feng is really good at archery", then turned and left.

Chen Feng didn't know, so: ...Thank you?


After Li Zichou had dinner in the main hall, he went to the Ganlu Hall to prepare for class. Others didn't see it, but they saw Zhou Huaijin reading a book in the room.

Li Zichou was puzzled: "Where is the teacher?"

Zhou Huaijin: "I am your teacher?"


"..." Zhou Huaijin seemed to know that he was underestimated, he patted his chest and said, "At any rate, I have also been a Jinshi of Emperor Jing for 20 years, so I can be a grand tutor anyway."

Li Zichou thought about it and thought it was right.

This person's knowledge and vision are different from those ordinary intellectuals, and I may also be able to see what other real abilities he has.

So Li Zichou said okay, went around and sat down behind the desk, raised his head and asked, "Huaijin, what shall we learn today?"

Zhou Huaijin shook his finger and said, "I won't study today."

Li Zichou: "Then what are you doing?"

Zhou Huaijin: "Talk about your ambitions. For example, my ideal is to assist His Majesty to become a real wise king, and Zhou Huaijin wants to become a prime minister who can stand up to the prince!"

Li Zichou suddenly realized, like the hundred-day oath before the college entrance examination.

She thought for a while and said, "Then my goal is to create a new Dasheng, and I want to become the most powerful female emperor in Dasheng."

Zhou Huaijin:? Did she say a strange word just now?

Zhou Huaijin asked: "May I ask what kind of grand prosperity Your Majesty wants to create?"

Li Zichou frowned and thought for a while. It might be that modern society impressed her too deeply. She knew that with her own ability, it would be nothing but a dream to transform Dasheng into a modern society in a short period of time.

What's more, she will not sit on the throne forever, this position requires Bai Qingyang, and what Li Zifu can do is to create a good start for Bai Qingyang.

Ok? Then wouldn't she be the most powerful female emperor?

Li Zichou's thoughts went astray for a moment, and finally he said conservatively: "At least let the common people have enough to eat."

If you can't even meet the needs of support, let alone other fake things.

Zhou Huaijin nodded in satisfaction. It seemed that the young empress also knew that important national affairs cannot be accomplished overnight. He suddenly had an idea: "Hey, Your Majesty. Since you want Dasheng to have a new start, do you want to find a time?" Change the year name?"


Li Zishou knew that the ancient emperors would change their year names when they came to the throne or when some important events happened, as a commemoration and a new beginning.

But Li Zichou really didn't know what to pay attention to in changing the year name, so she asked Zhou Huaijin: "Then what do I need to prepare for changing the year name?"

Zhou Huaijin pondered and said, "Well... we need to choose an auspicious day for sacrifice, and then announce it to the world."

Li Zichou nodded thoughtfully.

Zhou Huaijin added: "Sacrifice is something that Qin Tianjian and the Ministry of Rites are concerned about. Your Majesty can also choose to change the yuan together when offering sacrifices to the gods this year. If your majesty is not in a hurry, how about changing the yuan during the winter solstice?"

Li Zichou thought for a while: "Let's talk about it, it's not urgent."

The throne is only temporarily owned by her. Since the heroine is destined to change the dynasty, let's wait until Bai Qingyang ascends the throne.

The author has something to say:

Bai Qingyang: Thank you for the invitation, whoever wants to be the emperor should be the one.

Li Zishou: Then I don’t like to be that either!

Yang Dejin: Dangdang for me.

Xie Zhi: Not right.

Read The Duke's Passion