MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 214

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Ye Hao is the boss. Now that Ye Hao is determined to be tough with the Demon King of Montenegro, he must do things according to Ye Hao's wishes.

After returning to the residence in a hurry, Ye Hao continued to study the Spirit Gathering Pill as if he had nothing to do! .

Chapter 295: More monks, less porridge

Zhao Yan, on the other hand, truthfully reported what she had seen during her trip to Ma Yuzhen and others.

Ye Hao has no foundation in refining medicine pills, but Ye Hao has a certain cultivation base, and the progress of medicine medicine is still very rapid.

After staying in the room alone, after tossing for a few days and nights, I finally got the harvest and refined it into a Spirit Gathering Pill!

But when the medicinal pill was taken out of the pill furnace, a strange fragrance filled the room.

This aroma contains majestic energy. Ordinary people only need to take a light sip to feel refreshed, and their whole body is full of endless power.

Ye Hao succeeded in refining the elixir, but he couldn't hide it from the corpse demon's monitoring!

The elixir just fell into Ye Hao's hands. Before Ye Hao could appreciate his masterpiece, the voice of a corpse demon came from outside!

"Brother Ye Hao, haven't you already refined my corpse pill?"

The corpse demon came very quickly. When Ye Hao heard his voice, the guy was already outside the door.

And the corpse demon was very rude this time. After he got outside the door, he didn't even have to knock on the door, so he just pushed the door open!

After the door was opened, Ye Hao directly threw the Spirit Gathering Pill into his mouth in front of the corpse demon!

"Ye Hao, you..." The corpse demon's complexion suddenly changed, and when he was about to **** it, he suddenly realized a more serious problem: "No, this is not a corpse pill at all, What the **** is this!" Ye Hao said with a faint smile: "Of course this is not a corpse pill, this is a spirit gathering pill!"

"Spirit Gathering Pill? What I asked you to refine is the Spirit Corpse Pill, what the **** are you doing!"

"Humph!" Ye Hao snorted and refuted, "Shi Chong, you crazy scum, do you think I will help you poison humans?"

"I'm still a human myself, and you should completely disappear from this world as a vicious zombie!"

"Today, I'm going to kill you, the evil corpse demon, with my own hands, go to hell!"

"Bang!" "Ye Hao made a powerful shot and slammed the corpse demon's eyebrows with a ruthless punch. The corpse demon also attacked decisively, blocking Ye Hao's full-strength blow with a powerful fist.

After the two hit a solid punch, the corpse demon's body was shaken back more than two feet away, and he almost fell to the ground on the spot.

After experiencing this wave of fierce collisions (acbc), the corpse demon completely saw the power of Ye Hao.

No wonder the Demon King of Montenegro respects Ye Hao so much. Sadly, he still thinks he can crush Ye Hao.

Now that the two sides really started to move, the corpse demon realized sadly that he was just a jumping clown from beginning to end.

The purpose of his friendship with Ye Hao was to use Ye Hao to help him refine medicine pills. In turn, the purpose of Ye Hao's friendship with him was to obtain his elixir secret book. Now Ye Hao has learned to make medicine pills!

After taking the Spirit Gathering Pill, Ye Hao's strength has soared, and now is the most ferocious moment of the medicine, and defeating him is simply as easy as the palm of your hand.

The corpse demon realized that the gap between himself and Ye Hao was very large, and turned around and wanted to escape!

"Bang!" At the critical moment, Ye Hao grabbed the corpse demon's neck with one hand.

Then, Ye Hao dragged the corpse demon out of thin air like he was carrying a chicken.

The corpse demon envoy tried to break free from Ye Hao's shackles with all his strength, but was unable to do so.

Ye Hao's big hands were like pliers forged from steel, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of Ye Hao's control.

"Let me go!" The corpse demon roared loudly, "Ye Hao, you heartless villain!"

"I've always regarded you as a friend, but I didn't expect you to do something that is inferior to a pig and a dog!"

"Although I am a zombie, I also pay attention to the minimum morality. You are a perfidious thing that deserves death!"

"Oh!" Ye Hao replied with a sneer, "Can you stop sticking gold on your face, don't you feel disgusted?"

"In the past few days, you have been secretly monitoring my every move, do you think I don't know what's going on?"

"You??... You are talking nonsense. You said that I will monitor you in the middle. What evidence do you have?"

"Enough!" Ye Hao raised his voice again and reprimanded the corpse demon, "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child or what? I've already thought about arguing with you right now. I'm going to kill you, do you understand?"

"This world is always a place where strength is respected, and even the rules are maintained by fists!"

"You are a **** in my seriousness. Your secret spying on me has been revealed. Now you will die!"

"You?...Ah!" The corpse demon wanted to say something else, but Ye Hao slapped it with a slap in the face.

With this slap, the corpse demon's body was directly beaten into a mass of black miasma.

Immediately, Ye Hao grabbed a goose-egg-sized corpse from the black air.

"That's right, this thing is a good thing!" Ye Hao glanced at the huge corpse pill in his hand, feeling quite good.

The corpse pill belongs to the essence of the high-level zombie's body!

This thing can improve the strength of zombies. For Ye Hao, it is useless. For Zhao Yan and Ma Yuzhen, it is a rare treasure that cannot be copied.

"Husband, please give me this corpse pill, I like it very much!"

Zhao Yan, this woman was not polite at all, she directly reached out to ask for this corpse pill.

Although Ma Yuzhen and Chen Meimei did not ask for it, seeing their expectant eyes, Ye Hao knew very well that they were also thirsty for this corpse pill. But the current situation is that there are too many monks and few porridge, and a large group of people guarding a corpse pill at the gate!

It's not fair to give the corpse pill to anyone now.

After looking around the crowd, Ye Hao continued: "I'll keep this corpse pill by myself!"

"Looking back, I will refine the corpse pill into a medicinal pill to improve your cultivation, and the efficiency will be higher!"

Zhao Yan hugged Ye Hao's arm and started to act like a spoiled child: "Husband, what kind of medicine are you planning to make, please tell me about it, it will open my eyes!"

"The elixir I'm going to refine for you is the corpse elixir that the corpse demons have longed for!"

"Spirit corpse pill?" Ma Yuzhen asked curiously, "Isn't the spirit corpse pill made by using a living person as a medicine, the method is really too cruel, if you want me to say, forget it, husband!"

Zhao Yan also echoed: "Yeah, it's too cruel to use a living person to make alchemy directly!"

"Of course I won't do that kind of hurtful things, you can rest assured!

Chapter 296: Retreat and Dive

Now Zhao Yan's attitude still makes Ye Hao very gratified!

Although she has become an Infernal Corpse now, her mind has not been polluted, and she still maintains the mentality of a normal human being. She is very disgusted by the behavior of poisoning humans.

"Isn't the spirit corpse pill a pill that can only be used when breaking through the corpse fairy realm? We can't use it with our current cultivation base, right?"

"It's useful!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: "The situation of the few of you is different from the situation of the corpse demon!"

"The corpse demon evolved from the lowest level of ordinary zombies, but you have become high-level zombies directly!"

"In terms of comprehension, you are better than corpse demons!"

"And the most important thing is: when you were in the abyss of ghosts, you guys swallowed a lot of red-clothed ghosts, and even a lot of ghost kings. Your cultivation base is very strong!"

"With the help of Spirit Corpse Pill, it's not impossible that you can even directly break through to the level of Corpse Immortal!"

"No matter how bad luck is, you can still reach the level of Shi Chong!"

Zhao Yan pouted and muttered, "If you only reach the level of Shi Chong, it's not worth it! /

"I think this Shi Chong's fighting ability is scum, he can't even hold on to three moves under his husband's hands!"

"Okay!" Ye Hao waved his hand and smiled, "Don't rush to put gold on my face. I need to retreat and practice for a while now. During this period of time, you can help me guard the secret room, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to break in without permission. Enter!" "Yes, husband!"

Ye Hao entered the secret room to retreat to stabilize the manic aura in his body.

At this time, the Demon King of Montenegro was dispatching troops to hunt down Ye Hao.

The Demon King of Montenegro has made a detailed plan. He broke into the hotel room at midnight tonight and killed Ye Hao!

Although the Black Mountain Demon King looks very arrogant on the surface, in fact, the Montenegrin Demon King's style of doing things is very cautious.

When we first met, the Demon King of Montenegro already knew that Ye Hao was an extremely difficult existence, and his respect for Ye Hao far exceeded that of the corpse demon. He also mentioned ten things about his actions at night. Two points of energy!

One of the top-ranked powerhouses under the Black Mountain Demon King's team was called up by the Black Mountain Demon King.

A large number of powerhouses gathered together, yet the Demon King of Montenegro still dared not be completely relieved!

The Demon King of Montenegro also personally went to the corpse demon's lair to invite the corpse demon to participate in his actions!

The relationship between the corpse demon and Ye Hao is very unusual. The Black Mountain Demon King also knows this. If the corpse demon helps Ye Hao in the process of rounding up Ye Hao, there will be huge changes.

Therefore, the Demon King of Montenegro must find out the meaning of the corpse demon in advance!

Even if the corpse demon is unwilling to help him deal with Ye Hao, he absolutely cannot let the corpse demon stand on Ye Hao's side.

The corpse is not at home!

This makes the Demon King of Montenegro feel very anxious. If the Corpse Demon and Ye Hao join forces, it will be very bad! ?In order to be cautious, the Black Mountain Demon King began to send his minions to search for the whereabouts of the corpse demon throughout the city.

The corpse demon has been killed by Ye Hao, and even the corpse pill has been taken away. How could the Black Mountain Demon King find the whereabouts of the corpse demon?

After tossing for most of the day, the Demon King of Montenegro was not able to find the corpse demon.

It was not until midnight that a hanged ghost came to report the situation to the Demon King of Montenegro, saying that he had seen the corpse demon moving around the hotel where Ye Hao was staying, and it was possible that he was secretly monitoring Ye Hao.

〃 Sure enough, the thing I was most worried about happened! "

The Demon King of Montenegro stomped his feet in a hurry: "Ye Hao and the Demon King of Montenegro must be in a mess!"

"No, I have to investigate clearly. If Ye Hao is really with the Demon King of Montenegro, he must find a way to divide them and break them both!" The Demon King of Montenegro judged subjectively that Ye Hao must be with the corpse demon now. Together, the slaughter plan originally scheduled for this evening was terminated.

Early the next morning, the Demon King of Montenegro sent two female ghosts under his command to come to the hotel to spy on the information.

The two female ghosts sent by the Demon King of Montenegro were all female Internet celebrities when they were alive, and their appearance was very high. Even if they became female ghosts after death, they were still beautiful and unparalleled beauty.

The two female ghosts came to the Qingyang Hotel by car, but they were stopped by Zhao Yan who was guarding the door of the hotel!

The female ghost Mo Feifei said with a smile: 〃 Sister Lili and I came to serve Mr. Ye Hao in accordance with the order of the Lord of Montenegro! "

0??For flowers...

"Some time ago, there was a little conflict between the Demon King and Mr. Ye Hao!"

"At that time, Lord Demon King drank some, and his mood was a little unstable!"

〃Now, Lord Demon King regrets his reckless behavior that day, so he sent our sisters to apologize to Mr. Ye! "

"Humph!" Zhao Yan replied coldly, "You two fox spirits, go back to where you came from!"

"My husband is now in retreat, and he has no time to deal with you vulgar fans!"

Not to be outdone, Han Lili replied, "Whether Mr. Ye Hao can take a fancy to us depends on what he says, not what you say!"


"Unless Lord Ye Hao personally drives me away, I will definitely not leave here!"

"You bastard, it's really hopeless!"

Zhao Yan was almost not mad at Han Lili!

In the past, Zhao Yan had been angry with Han Lili for a long time, but this time Zhao Yan chose to calm down unexpectedly!

The reason is very simple. Zhao Yan also has a more important task, which is to ensure the safety of Ye Hao during the retreat. Han Lili and the others can make trouble outside, as long as they don't break into the secret room of Ye Hao's retreat. In the secret room where Ye Hao is now, the sound insulation effect is perfect.

But as long as the door of the secret room is opened, Ye Hao's cultivation will inevitably be seriously affected.

"You can either leave now, or wait obediently, and see how my husband arranges it after he leaves the customs!"

Han Lili said in a deep voice, "We are going to see Lord Ye Hao now, you can't stop us!"

"Hey, I think you're not comfortable with yourself!" Han Lili wanted to force her way into the room, but Zhao Yan took a strong shot and threw him to the ground. After Han Lili was overthrown by Zhao Yan, she was also furious and immediately rolled up her sleeves to fight Zhao Yan to the death!

At this time, Mo Feifei stopped her in time.

It's not that Mo Feifei is kind and wants to help Zhao Yan, but Mo Feifei knows that Zhao Yan is not easy to mess with. Ding.

Chapter 297: Catch all at once

Both she and Han Lili are just little devils under the hands of the Black Mountain Demon King, while Zhao Yan is Ye Hao's confidant general. The strength gap between the two sides is very obvious.