MTL - Return of the War God-Chapter 6975 : The black silk turns into ashes, and the beauty is never seen again

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"Until Ye Wuque appeared, and his arrival brought another half of the authority to open the Yongyetian Tomb, I knew that even if I was afraid, I had to do it."

"Because the appearance of Ye Wuque will become the key to completely confusing and diverting your attention!"

"The karma wrapped around him is earth-shattering! It's unimaginable! You won't fail to notice it!"

"What's more, he also has... the Great Dragon Halberd!"

"He has entered the Yongyetian Tomb, he will definitely distract your attention!"

"You guys will definitely try your best to arrange for him and take him down!"

"Sure enough, everything is as expected."

"You have paid a huge price and released an 'unlucky', even if it is just a little guy, it also proves that you take it seriously."

"Eternal Night's Will is your backup."

"You are also considered cunning and vicious. Let Yong Ye's will occupy the body of Yu Chong, and want to kill two birds with one stone. At the same time, you can get rid of Ye Wuque and force me out."

"Of course I will do what you wish."

"It's a pity that no matter how much you overestimate Ye Wuque, he still exceeds your imagination! He defeated all your arrangements and made you feel fear!"

"However, this also makes my layout more calm."

"Because I know that in your eyes, the biggest goal is to completely occupy the entire Eternal Night Heavenly Tomb and obtain its original power!"

"So, the following things are naturally logical..."

"The second emperor is the introduction I deliberately left on Shen Nanzhi for you to integrate easily, because its origin comes from the darkness and madness you hope for."

The old nerve spoke very slowly, but it became more and more cruel!

The second emperor was also his intentional arrangement!

At this time, the radiance of the years erupting from Shen Nanzhi's body became more and more intense, as if forming an indescribable... prison cage!

"Old stuff!"

"You are more ruthless than us!"

"Hahahaha! You even deliberately found out Xi Chong, who you regard as your own grandson?"

"Just for the so-called layout? Let us occupy his body, because it will make you feel bad?"

"You can even give up his life. The relationship between you and him is false from beginning to end! Hahahaha!"

雅鄍 laughed angrily!

Old nerves, expressionless, still indifferent.

He did not refute.

And at the side, Ying Chong was trembling slightly at this moment, his face was pale, and he was already bursting into tears!

"Old man! With your strength, you can't kill me at all!"

"You know!"

"Even if you set up an eternal killing scheme, what can you do?"

"Even with this physical body, what can it do?" Xiao Mo was still struggling.

"From the moment you fuse the original power of the Yongyetian Tomb, you will no longer be unkillable." The old nerve responded indifferently.

The distorted face of the scorpion suddenly froze!

Buzz buzz!

At this moment, half of the authority of Yongye in Shen Nanzhi's body boiled again, and the endless source power enveloped him, pouring into Shen Nanzhi's body frantically!

The power of the "Years of Disintegration" began to grow infinitely!


"Old man! You actually bet the fate of the entire Yongyetian Tomb?"

"You gave all your strength to this Shen Nanzhi, just for the lore at this moment?"

"You madman! Madman!"

It seems that he has finally gone crazy!

"But I won the bet."

Thousands of terrifying visions seem to be shining in the old nervous and indifferent eyes!


"I'm not reconciled! Get out! Get out of this body!"

雅鄍 roared.

Its face even wanted to squeeze out from Shen Nanzhi's chest!

But... boom!

Shen Nanzhi's right hand, however, firmly grasped the face of Xiao Mo, and pressed it back again.

"It's useless. From the moment you took the initiative to show up and attach to Shen Nanzhi's body, you are doomed."

"Because her physical body is your last...prison!"

"The years of chaos, the strange power that can only be accumulated through time and space! It can destroy you even more!"

During the words, the old nerve suddenly pointed out!

The "Years of Collapse" in Shen Nanzhi's body was extremely boiling!


"I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled!"

雅鄍 let out a frenzied roar, but still did not give up.

Shen Nanzhi's physical body suddenly moved!

He rushed towards Ye Wuque desperately!

The void dragged endless blood mist!

The flesh began to crack inch by inch!

"Master Ye! Be careful!"

Below, Lu Chong issued a loud reminder.

But Ye Wuque is here...

didn't move.

He still stood where he was.

Looking at Shen Nanzhi rushing over, his eyes were hard to be calm.


The **** storm that struck at extreme speed blew Ye Wuque's hair!

One foot away from Ye Wuque, Shen Nanzhi's physical body stopped!

In the years of chaos, this old nerve specially prepared the killing move for Ji Xiang. At this time, the crazy tremors are washed away. The strength of the original power in the Yongyetian Tomb has reached an unimaginable level, but it is inward!

Exclusively for cockroaches!

It has no effect on Ye Wuque.

蛅鄍, struggling crazily, howling crazily.

Ye Wuque's eyes didn't look at Xiao Mo, but fell on the devil face on Shen Nanzhi's face.

The next moment.

That right hand tremblingly stretched out again, and lightly pressed it on the mask again!


The mask is lifted.

That beautiful face reappeared.

It was pale.

Already... tears streaming down my face!

"Brother Ye, I'm sorry."

Shen Nanzhi's voice sounded hoarse, but full of apology.

Why did Shen Nanzhi wear a mask?


Only in this way can we not show our flaws when fighting Ye Wuque!

Why is it always the second emperor who speaks crazily?

Only in this way can we express the attitude of letting ominous to watch, and likewise, prevent Ye Wuque from discovering his flaws!

Only then can the layout of the old nerves proceed smoothly.

Nobody knows!

How uncomfortable Shen Nanzhi was when he shot at Ye Wuque!

But, there is no way!

At this moment, Ye Wuque knew why she apologized, shook his head slowly, and just spit out four words: "I will save you."

Shen Nanzhi, at this moment, showed a soft and firm smile on his pale face, and also shook his head slowly.

"No, Brother Ye."

"This is my fate."

"Destined destiny."

"From the time I woke up from that altar, my life has entered the countdown."

"I don't blame anyone."

"Also please don't blame the old nervous senior."

"Ominous, must be killed!"

"We must not let them mess up the world!"

"I can do my best, I am worthy of the power of my blood, and I am also worthy of... all living beings!"

"Brother Ye, don't stop me."

"The Eternal Night Tomb cannot be destroyed yet."

Shen Nanzhi looked at Ye Wuque, with a trace of gratitude and blessing in her eyes, her blue hair fluttered, and there was an indescribable softness.

"Thank you, Brother Ye."

"it is a pleasure to meet you."

"May you spread your wings and fly high in the future, shining past and present!"


One last word.

Accompanied by a beautiful smile like a hundred flowers blooming, Shen Nanzhi closed his eyes.

Ye Wuque clenched his hands tightly!

"Ye Wuque, if you want to kill Jixiang, you have to sacrifice her."

"Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"


The indifferent voice of the old nerve came!

Ye Wuque looked at the old nerve, his eyes also became cold!

The old nerve looked at Ye Wuque without dodging, his eyes were still indifferent.


Shen Nanzhi turned into ashes inch by inch!

The last trace of a smile, blown by a gust of wind, was completely reduced to ashes.

The black hair turns to ashes, and the beauty is never seen again.