MTL - Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady-Chapter 877 庵堂, the villain broke into

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After seeing the queen mother throwing the topic over, the prince of Meihua sighed unhurriedly: "Huayang Hou must go to see his wife again. Whenever Huahuahou comes, Huayang Hou will visit his wife. So many years have passed. ... It's really not easy! "

"It's a pity that woman ..." The queen mother nodded, and the former Mrs. Huayang Hou was so handsome, and ended up in such a fate, which is truly amazing.

This will make Wei Luowen's hasty appearance in the plum blossoms at this time, which can be considered as a complete dispel. People in Beijing know that Huayang Hou is affectionate, and his wife is even more affectionate.

"Daughter of Tu ... but the power is all right!" The queen mother said with a smile. The tea cup in her hand was slowly put down, and she took a side of the mat and rubbed her hands carefully, with a relaxed attitude.

"Master Tai has kindness to the emperor." This was very difficult to answer, but the master of plum blossoms naturally answered it.

"It does have grace. If it is not grace, how can it make the daughter of Tu enjoy such a great reputation, but unfortunately, the current queen of Tu and Zhao Zhaoyi are not growing. It ’s just a matter of laughter to say that the daughter of Tu is extremely dignified. Myself! "Said the queen mother-in-law very disdainfully.

Some words are hard to say in front of others, but in the presence of this plum blossom lord, the queen mother-in-law did not find it difficult to say anything.

It must be that year, as the master of the plum blossoms next to the emperor, the master of plum blossoms knew many secrets.

Plum Blossom Master didn't answer this time, just smiled and folded his hands.

"Are you really not returning to the vulgar?" Seeing the pious look of the master of plum blossoms, the queen mother-in-law asked in amazement, "The family of Ai didn't find that you believe in Buddhism before, and the Buddhist temple in the palace hasn't seen you in the past. Secondly, why did you suddenly want to become a monk? "

"An overnight epiphany, poor Nepali didn't know why! I just felt that my life was empty, and all the riches and glory were glorious clouds. A person so powerful as the emperor in the end was nothing but ..." I can't say anything here, I sighed deeply and covered the sadness in my eyes.

In times of life, you are talking about yourself!

Even if he was working hard to follow the emperor, he would never see himself in the eyes of the emperor, and he already lived in someone's heart.

I'm not born, I'm born, I'm old!

In fact, it is not the helplessness of the years, but more of the unspeakable sadness in my heart.

The words of the master of plum blossoms sounded like dodge words, but the queen mother believed, and her eyes softened more and more: "Did you not let go of all these years?"

"The poor Nepali did not let it go down, they have already let it go, the red dust and common things have nothing to do with the poor Nepali, the poor Nepali only keeps this side of the land, praying for the queen mother-in-law!" A slight hint of plum blossoms on the master's face Smile, but this smile seems helpless and sad.

"This matter ... is also the first emperor did not do well. In fact, the Ai family wanted to make you a concubine at the time, but the first emperor meant ..." The queen mother sighed again, and the master of plum blossoms meant to the first emperor. She Of course, this queen is also known. Seeing that the master of the plum blossoms has an affection for the first emperor, he also told the first emperor, but was rejected by the first emperor.

Until now, the queen mother did not understand the meaning of the emperor. Obviously the emperor was also very good to the master of the plum blossoms. Of course, it is impossible to know the meaning of the plum blossoms, but they did not accept it.

There are many women in this palace, one more and one less. The queen mother doesn't really care. She even hopes that the more the better, so that she can compete with the concubine. The woman has occupied the emperor for so many years. She never missed that, even if he was going to die, he called his son to the bed, and repeatedly told him that he must be good to the concubine.

Even if Yin Fei is imprisoned, she must be given enough honor and freedom.

Where is this imprisonment? It is obviously to support her, even if her son Bei'an rebelled at the time, making the matter so big.

Whenever thinking of this, the queen mother gritted her teeth. She originally thought that the emperor was dead, and her son became emperor. After that, she can do whatever she wants to torture the concubine. No matter how much she thinks, the son is also a dead mind. She is well protected.

He tried to kill the woman, but he tried to protect the woman.

In the end, in order to let this woman enter the game, she also made special use of Huayang Hou ’s younger daughter and tricked Qingyang into the abandoned palace together. I did n’t think that even if this was the case, the woman had not entered the game, not only did she not enter the game, While taking advantage of Qingyang's death, I was afraid that the emperor would find out and fled ...

I fled, and actually escaped. After knowing this news, the queen mother smashed many precious porcelains in her palace.

The woman actually fled, and hasn't been seen since.

This made the queen mother reconciled. When the emperor was there, she did not fight the woman herself. After the emperor died, she still did not fight the woman.

"The queen mother-in-law doesn't need to say such things anymore, it's all gone, you don't need to mention the past! The poor man is now a monk, no longer has this kind of affection and love, six roots, no desire, no Okay. "The Plum Blossom Master replied with a smile, his expression looked peaceful and seemed to really want to open.

"Well, since you are so willing, the grief family can only allow you to do so. The love between us is always unusual. If it wasn't for you ..." The queen mother sighed helplessly, saying He paused here, and then said vaguely, "Always you are kind to our mother and son. If there is any need, just send someone into the palace to find the mourning family. The mourning family can help you!"

"Thank your queen mother-in-law, the poor Ninety do n’t need anything now. All the things that the emperor paid for in the first place are all incorporated into the hall. Usually there is no incense, and it is also easy to eat and wear." Mei Huazhu nodded.

"That's because plum blossom incense is in full bloom. The whole city knows it, but what they don't know is that you don't have these incenses, and you don't have to worry about clothing and food. You will first appreciate your real estate, and it seems to be near here, so It has become the real estate of the plum blossoms. It is estimated that this is the richest temple in the capital, this is your place! "

The queen mother-in-law joked.

"The queen mother-in-law joked. Now these are not poor. They are the property of plum blossoms. It's not too early. The queen mother-in-law should rest early. This time it is difficult to get to the palace and live a few more days. Poor Nepali remembers that the queen mother-in-law was the one who loved to go out of the palace the most, but the emperor always refused! "

Plum Blossom Master laughed.

These words caused the queen mother to laugh for a while, and the tears of laughter came out for a while, while taking the wipes to wipe the tears, she nodded with a smile: "It was indeed inconvenient to think of coming out of the palace. This harem thing, There seems to be something in pieces, and the Ai family is powerless even if they want to leave the palace, not to mention that the emperor has never allowed it! "

"That's right, the queen mother-in-law has a good rest!" Plum Blossom Master Zhu stood up with a smile.

"Okay, this is really going to stay a few more days. I heard that Feng and the master are still with you. You have to see the master when you are free!" The queen mother nodded with a smile.

"It really is still there. The master is also a free and easy person. He said that he would spend time with the poor Nepalese, but this monk monk is always good to talk about!" Said the master of plum blossoms helplessly, "I also asked the queen mother to see When I was a master, I ’d like to persuade you, even if you are familiar again, everyone will be outsiders! ”

"Okay ... OK ... OK!" I heard that Feng He master actually stayed here, and the queen mother laughed and nodded.

The owner of Plum Blossom retired.

Coming out of the Queen Mother's yard, she went back to the yard she was going to, and was able to sit in her room and sit down. Then the smile on her face slowly receded.

Brows frowned tightly, but said nothing.

There was no one else in the room, but with a dim candlelight, a female **** hurriedly came over: "Host, there is a villain from the wind and master."

"Miss Jing?" Master Mei Hua raised her eyes coldly.

"It's Miss Jing, this will forcibly break into the courtyard of the wind and the master, and you can't stop it!" Nu Niu reported

"Then let her go! It ’s really impossible to die until the Yellow River, a daughter of a little prince, would you really want to go to power, the daughter of Fengming, how is this so-called daughter of Fengming good? If it was really good, no one would have thought of it at the beginning! "Mei Huazhu the master hummed.

"What now?" Asked Niuniu.

"Follow the wind and the master's intentions, the master naturally knows how to do it!" The master of plum blossoms snorted and closed his eyes slowly.

This night is destined for many people to be able to sleep very late, just like the wind and the master at this time, and the Han County King Hanming who is following the wind and the master. At this time he looked at the intruder and must see the master Jing Wenyan.

The first beauty always gave a gentle look, but this look was rather gloomy and cold, but since he didn't come to him, he only looked at the tea in his teapot, tea Light, the tea ceremony is long, but the attention is still involuntarily attracted by the conversation there.

"Master, don't you really help Wen Yan?" Jing Wenyan's voice was sharp.

"There is nothing I can do to help. The prince knows this. At first, I just wanted to find a natural daughter of Phoenix. Miss Jing was actually not, but because she couldn't find it, and Miss Jing was the most suitable. She said that you were a destiny Phoenix Girl, His Royal Highness also fulfilled the agreement, and made you a Crown Prince, and you will soon be married, will Miss Jing be confined to this former Destiny Phoenix Girl! "

The wind and the master, a faint look.

"Since the master said it once, why not say it again!" Jing Wenyan did not intend to retreat, staring at the wind and sneer tightly, "The prince is about to marry me, but now many people think that the prince is not like With the intention of marrying me, I just want to make this big wedding a thing of course. "