MTL - Richest Man: Divine-Grade Reconstruct System-Chapter 1192 Kuo Cuo

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【The richest man in the world: god-level regeneration system】【】

But Lin Yi was not killed with a single stick, and he was also thinking about how to deal with this matter.

There is only one way to deal with this matter, and that is to change these slaves, that is to say, to turn them directly into long-term labor of the landlord's house. It's just that there is no slavery.

At that time, they can work for the landlord every day in exchange for some wages, and the wages are not paid by the landlord as much as he wants, but according to Lin Yi's uniform standard.

Moreover, in order to stabilize the mood of those landlords, Lin Yi also thought of a policy, that is, the quasi-long-term worker will only own his body after he earns enough money to pay the landlord.

It is the kind of redemption of one's own body as the saying goes.

Of course, it's impossible for this body to be the kind that can't be familiarized after working for ten or twenty years.

Lin Yi's requirement is to work part-time between one year and three o'clock.

The fastest one can be redeemed in one year, which means that he can be free after giving the landlord a year for nothing.

The second type is that no more than three years is allowed, and he must be given back his freedom.

After all, if the time is too long, it will be of no value to these slaves. If they still work for the landlord for ten or twenty years, it will not be of any benefit to them themselves.

After all, by that time, their bodies are already exhausted, and it is basically unrealistic to live a normal life after they come out.

In addition, people in this era generally have a short life expectancy, and because of this, it is still unknown whether they can live to 50 years old.

Therefore, after the age of 40, people nowadays will basically not be in particularly good health.

Due to year-round farm work, there is almost no difference between the age of 40 and 50 and that of later generations in their 60s and 70s.

Having said so much, it is just to reflect the key point that Lin Yi wants to replace the slaves now.

Besides, at this moment, after the young boy came to the dental shop, he expressed that he wanted to buy two servants to take care of the house.

After all, this tooth dealer has received a notice from the government, so naturally he dare not sell it on the surface.

It's just that looking at the other party's tattered clothes, he also became a little puzzled. He also said in his heart that this guy seems to be unable to afford slaves, and he might sell himself if he came here.

After all, the clothes on this guy are really hard to describe in words. Call him gorgeous, which has nothing to do with gorgeousness. These are the clothes of the most common people. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are big patches and small puddings.

Therefore, after seeing this guy, the people in this dental shop didn't think that this guy came in to buy people.

More opinions are that this guy should be desperate and came here to sell himself.

Such things are not uncommon, and most of the time.

There are many refugees nowadays, so those who can't survive naturally think that it is better to sell themselves directly to a certain Buddhist land as a temptation, not to mention whether they can live a good life, and finally At the very least, you can have a bite of food, as long as you don't starve to death.

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【The richest man in the world: god-level regeneration system】【】

It is precisely because of this reason that many people want to be transformed into slaves.

And for such people, Lin Yi is quite a headache, such people are helpless, homeless, and the family is too desolate, so they will make such a bad plan.

It is not difficult for Lin Yi to make the entire Great You Country rich, but it cannot be accomplished overnight, at least it will take a period of time, several years.

"May I ask what you were talking about just now? Are you here to buy someone, or are you here to sell yourself?"

After hearing the words, the clerk of the tooth shop was also stunned for a moment.

Then he thought he had heard wrong, so he continued to ask.

And the young boy repeated his words again, expressing that he was here to buy slaves, not to sell himself, which made the other party a little confused.

At the same time the guy's gaze. It was also full of scrutiny, and it was a moment of helplessness to look at the young man, and then he directly took out the money bag from his arms, and fumbled for a relatively small silver tael in it.

He threw it on the counter with a click, and then said to the big guy:

"Take me to have a look and see how many you can buy with so much money."

All of a sudden, the guy inside was not calm anymore. Looking at the money bag in this guy's hand, it was bulging, and what the other guy found inside was not a copper plate, but a small ingot of broken silver!

This is silver. Anyone who can carry silver on his body at this time is definitely either rich or expensive. How could it be made by this shabby kid in front of him?

Could it be that this guy stole someone else's wallet?

But after thinking about it, this is a bit unrealistic. Let's not talk about people who can have so much money, which one goes out without five or six guards?

Secondly, if this guy really stole the money, how could he come here to buy slaves?

No matter what the reason is, no matter how you think about it, this is a bit unrealistic, which makes this job stop thinking about it, but immediately put on a flattering smile, and bowed to the young man He saluted, and at the same time said with a smile on his mouth:

"Hey, take a look, I don't know Mount Tai with my dog's eyes, sir, please don't be angry. Little one, I will take you to the backyard to pick someone."

When he said this, this guy seemed to have taken the lead and walked towards the backyard, and the place this guy took was the back wing.

After all, the trading of population is not allowed on the surface, which is also Lin Yi's express regulations.

So they still secretly took people to the back.

Even everyone at this time is aware of this, even Lin Yi knows that these guys are still copying this kind of business.

But there is no way to take it.

After following the guy and walking towards the back, he suddenly saw a large room with more than a dozen people sitting in it.

There is no doubt that these people are full of rags and rags, so everyone is unkempt, and one can tell that these people are poor people.

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【The richest man in the world: god-level regeneration system】【】

But these are not important, the most important thing is that at this time the young man is looking at the group of people, looking up and down, he wants to choose two strong and strong people.

After all, I bought these two people to take care of the home, so the physique must be good.

It's just that these people haven't been able to eat anything nutritious here all year round, which makes everyone feel a little skinny. This also made him a little bit troubled. He looked up and down, and finally turned his eyes It fell on two very tall men.

Although they don't have much meat at this time, as long as they are fed enough, the meat will grow up sooner or later, and the height of these two people is also very high. With these two people together, it must be a simple housekeeper Still no problem.

After buying these two people, he turned his eyes to another room. This room was different from the one next to it. There were only five or six people in it, but these five or six people were all women without exception.

And looking at it, these people are not very old, the oldest is no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, and the youngest is probably only twelve or thirteen years old. Of course, without exception, they are also covered in tattered clothes.

"Hey, my lord, have you taken a fancy to the girl here? If there is any one you like, you can just point it out and I will give you a cheaper price today."

At this time, after seeing the young man's eyes, the guy immediately introduced him flatteringly. Just now, this guy has spent money to buy two servants, which makes him see that the person in front of him is not ordinary. poor, and certainly a modest landowner.

Such a person has a strong purchasing power, so he has to start selling these goods.

That's right, in their eyes, whether the people here are male or female, they are all his goods, and they are all used to sell money.

And the young man didn't look outside, and walked directly towards the women, and after raising their faces one by one to look at them, he finally chose a person who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old:

"Just her, how much silver is the total?"

When I heard this, the guy immediately called out, and immediately led these people towards the main hall.

After arriving here, he immediately began to calculate with gestures:

"Guest officer, you have good eyesight. These two guards seem to be the kind of very strong and strong people, so the price of these two people is naturally not a small sum, and each of them needs two taels of silver.

The two add up to four taels of silver.

In addition, you really have vision, this one is also the most beautiful girl here, her price is naturally higher, and it costs five taels of silver per person.

Together, it will cost nine taels of silver, and you have five taels of silver, and you need to pay us four taels of silver. "

After saying this, he immediately looked at the boy eagerly, pretending to take the boy to pay the rest of the money.

As far as this young man is concerned, although these people add up to a high price, he can still afford it. After all, compared with his own life, so much money is really nothing. ωωw.qqχsΠéω

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【The richest man in the world: god-level regeneration system】【】

What's more, it also includes a little beauty.

This little beauty is really handsome, at least he didn't dare to think about it before.

After going back, with the addition of this little beauty, my life will become more colorful, at least the person who serves me tea and water, rubs my back and shoulders on weekdays, this is completely complete. .

Thinking of this, he even began to look forward to his future life.

This also made him not hesitate at all when he paid the silver, and directly took out another four taels of silver and threw it over.

And the three people who were bought by him were also very self-conscious, and even they had long thought that there would be a day like this.

In other words, they have long been prepared to be bought, and for them, maybe they will have a better life after being bought?

After all, in foreign firms nowadays, although they can survive starvation, they don't have a comfortable life, just like these women are better off now, only five or six of them live together.

But those men were indeed different. Dozens of them were crowded into a small room, so it could be said that they were no different from livestock.

Of course, this is not to say that the life of those women is much better. You must know that although there are only five or six of them living there, the treatment is the same every day, and the meals are the same every day. And every one of them can't have enough food every day.

In other words, as long as they can hang them alive.

After all, the bank's food is bought with money, how could it be wasted on them for no reason?

This also made the three of them obediently follow behind him after the young man bought them, heading towards the new mansion all the way.

As for whether these three people will escape on this road?

Obviously, there is no need to worry about this. After all, their identities are slaves. At this time, they are slaves one by one, and special marks have been left on them.

Wherever they go, their marks will tell the world that he is a lowly slave.

More importantly, they have no land and no family. Therefore, if they really leave here, whether they can survive after escaping is another matter, not to mention what will happen if they are caught. It speaks for itself.

Of course, the three of them felt more apprehensive at this time, and they all secretly prayed in their hearts that their new master would treat them better.

I don't want to be able to eat every meal, and I don't want to be able to wear decent clothes, as long as I don't starve to death, as long as I can have a place to live.

And more importantly, the three of them didn't think that the young man in front of them was their future master. In his heart, he should be a housekeeper or a servant of a certain house.

After all, among those who come out to buy slaves these days, very few masters come in person.

And along the way, the three of them lowered their heads very low, without the slightest intention of raising their heads, but the young man really didn't care about it. On the way back home, the three of them passed by a tailor. shop, and walked in directly.

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【The richest man in the world: god-level regeneration system】【】

In this regard, the three people behind did not look at the road, but just followed the young man all the way forward.

When the young man walked to the tailor's shop, the three of them followed suit.

"Boss, give each of the three of them a set of clothes.

These two are servants, and they can be paired with two sets of good servant clothes.

As for this little lady, she should go with a better set of clothes. "

While saying this, he also stretched out his hand, took out a piece of broken silver in his arms, and threw it directly towards the shopkeeper.

[To be continued. . . . ] After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website has not updated the latest chapter content, and the Star Reading Novel APP has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously observed his surroundings, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dormitory?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And his own body... How could there be no injuries at With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes stayed on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror reflected his current appearance, he was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he was very handsome.

But the problem is, it's not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapter content without ads for free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

But now, no matter how you look at it, this appearance is only the age of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was a success...

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to operate or not, but a fairy technique.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be... that he crossed over by himself?

In addition to the mirror on the bedside which was obviously placed in a bad feng shui position, Shi Yu also found three books beside it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title instantly silenced him.

"Necessary Beast Breeding Handbook for Novice Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Animals"

"Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls"

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The titles of the first two books are quite normal, what's the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu's gaze was serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large amount of memories flooded in like a flood.

Icefield City.

Pet breeding base.

Trainee pet keeper. The website is about to be closed, download the Star Reading app to provide you with the world's richest man from the family of the Great Shen Muzi and Xiaoyouzi: God-level Reengineering System

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