MTL - Right on Target-Chapter 103 Innocent

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Cyclops hung up the intercom.

Su Heting didn't care, he stepped over one corpse after another, picked up some things he could use, and became more and more alone in the dense gunpowder smoke. There is an iron gate at the entrance, Su Heting fastened it with a lock, then took the sign next to it, and hung "Do Not Disturb" on it.

Go upstairs quickly, there is only one room, Su Heting has been here several times. While loading the gun, he kicked out debris to explore the way. Debris rolled in the corridor, but there was no movement in the room.

This little trick is hard to fool a one-eyed bodyguard.

Su Heting leaned against the wall and said, "One-eyed."

One-eyed screamed in the room: "What are you doing? I have a artillery regiment waiting for you here. Do you want to rush in and be beaten into a sieve, or do you want to surrender?"

Su Heting said: "Neither, I just want to tell you that the thing sitting under your buttocks is also a container. As for me, I'm bored, I installed all the containers—"

One-eyed suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles, and said, "Fuck!"

The three of them rushed out immediately, and as soon as the door opened, bullets hit their faces. Su Heting shot two shots and exploded the goggles of the lead bodyguard, who fell down and landed on Cyclops. The other reacted and wanted to close the door, but Su Heting had already kicked the trash can at the door, causing the trash can to block the door.

The bodyguard couldn't pull the door tight and wanted to shoot. Su Heting followed up with a shot, but unfortunately the bodyguard was prepared and blocked it with a door panel.

The two met at the door, and the bodyguard kicked out with military boots, hitting Su Heting in the abdomen. Su Heting grabbed the bodyguard's calf, trying to overturn him. However, the bodyguard has a strong body and is not so easy to fall over. He bent his knees and bumped against Su Heting's chest.


The boy's chest sank and he felt severe pain. But this time he was smart enough to wrap his arms around the bodyguard's legs and pull the bodyguard towards the door frame.

The bodyguard couldn't stand on one leg, his body was tilted, and his forehead hit the door frame. He frantically pressed the trigger with the hand holding the gun, but Su Heting clamped the gun tightly under his armpit with his big arm. A bullet jumped out like a bean and shot at Su Heting's back, piercing through the wall and the hanging paintings.

The bodyguard emptied the bullet and cursed: "Goofy—"

At this moment, the two knocked against the door, Su Heting let go of his arms, and punched the bodyguard in the face. The bodyguard bent over screaming in pain, Su Heting grabbed him by the back of the collar, dragged him over, and slammed him hard against the door frame.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The scalp-numbing sound lasted for a few seconds, causing the bodyguard's mouth and nose to bleed. The one-eyed person inside picked up the vase and smashed it hard at Su Heting's head.

The vase shattered with a crash, Su Heting dodged in time, avoided the vital part of the head, and was hit on the shoulder and arm. The flying debris scraped his side of the face, and his shoulders and arms were tingling, and he let go of the bodyguard.

The bodyguard slipped and fell to the ground, still alive. He wiped his bleeding nose, hugged Su Heting's legs, and shouted to Cyclops: "Take the gun!"

Su Heting couldn't move, and was thrown to the ground by the bodyguard. He rolled around in the broken pieces of the vase, supported his body, and a few fragments pierced his palm, leaving bloodstains all over his palm.

One-eyed rummaged through a pile of waste papers for a pistol, but failed, and opened the drawer again.

The bodyguard swung his elbow and hit Su Heting on the back of the head, causing Su Heting to hit his head forward. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to cover his forehead with the back of his hand.

The bodyguard said: "Endless!"

Su Heting's throat was dry, and beads of blood rolled down from the scraped blood on the side of his cheek, all the way to his neck. He felt wet all over his body, and couldn't tell whether it was sweat or blood.

The bodyguard wanted to throw another elbow, but Su Heting had already turned over, and the bodyguard smashed his head away. He picked up the fragment of the vase and glanced at the bodyguard's eyes at a tricky angle.

Blood splashed out with howls, and the bodyguard covered his eyes. Su Heting kicked him over and cut his throat with a vase fragment.

The young man was unskilled and even cut his own finger. He tossed the fragments aside and stood up. Then, he touched the wound on his cheek with his hand and made a slight "hiss".

Su Heting said, "It hurts to death."

One-eyed put his hand in the drawer, as if he was holding a gun, he said to Su Heting: "Stand back, kneel down and kowtow to me, we can talk later."

Su Heting looked terrible, raised his hand to his eyes, and saw the bright red blood flowing continuously. He answered irrelevantly: "Is it so painful to cut your fingers?"

"I said back, back! Su Heting, did you **** hear that?!" One-eyed was furious, kicked the desk, and warned, "Don't play me crazy, I have a gun. Did you hear the footsteps? That's all It's my people, you're surrounded."

He was irritable, but not afraid, as if he had a chance of winning.

Su Heting said, "No way."

He grows up and always speaks with an "oh". Sometimes, he himself finds it funny, he keeps saying "Don't be like Dad" in his head, but he will inadvertently find that he has the shadow of Old Su.

"I can't back down, One Eye, I can't back down," he said.

One-eyed said: "You are quite clear, but I said, if you kneel and kowtow twice, I will give you a way out."

Su Heting looked at One Eye and smiled inexplicably. His smile is like a flower blooming on a precipitous and dangerous valley, so young, but he has no fear of danger.

He said: "The first year I came here, I often had a dream. In the dream, my father cut off all his fingers. You are very happy, and I am also very happy."

The room was dark and one eye felt cold. The eyeballs under his blindfold rolled, and he felt that Su Heting was becoming more and more evil. But this evil nature is different from his own, it is not obtained by killing people, but a little melancholy, mixed with the cruelty of young people.

Su Heting lowered his fingers, and the blood dripped to his feet. He continued: "It's unbelievable, right? Dad had his fingers cut off in the dream, but I feel happy."

He shouldn't be happy, he should be ashamed.

It's not ethical.


Su Heting frowned slightly, showing some troubled expression. He thought: But I can't be that noble.

He had no way to forgive Old Su, perhaps at the beginning, he was still expecting a miracle to happen. He can lie to himself in the dog cage that Old Su is looking for him. He lived to make Lao Su not feel so sad and feel guilty, but Lao Su didn't come.

It was like saying goodbye to a severed finger. Old Su disappeared. He was not bothered by debts, and he may have lived a new life. Finding Su Heting was too tiring and too dangerous, his love for Su Heting could not last until dawn.

People always talk about the love of parents, but maybe, maybe there is also the love of children? The kind of pure child's love that does not seek any fame and fortune.

Su Heting didn't know because he didn't have one.

Is he a seed that fell on a rainy day, or the past that went away with the wind.

Su Heting said: "This dream has disturbed me for a long time, and then I figured it out."

His eyes were calm, not like he was sixteen years old. But he didn't say what he figured out, he just curled up his fingers to make the blood flow more happily.

He said, "One-eyed, my debt has been paid, and it's your debt."

The one-eyed face was ferocious, with vicious eyes, and said: "I don't owe debts, idiot, I never owe debts. Don't you understand? People like me can only collect debts. Whether you are a good person or a bad person, when you are caught by me If you're on it, there's only one way left for you to go. You talk so much, who cares about you? Black Panther? You're laughing so hard, brat, Black Panther is no cleaner than me."

He raised his face slightly, showing the usual pity, as if he was the savior who came to save all sentient beings.

One-eyed said: "This world is like this, everyone sucks. You are new to the world, and you are self-righteous."

The sky outside the window is gloomy, there is no moon, only thick clouds, and the wind that can't roll the leaves. One eye is turned away from the window, like a priest pronouncing judgment.

He said: "You think you are a punk, but soon, you will find that in this world, all resistance is a joke. Stop rebelling, my people have arrived. I repeat, you can kneel , just like Old Su. Since you are so brave, why don't you cut off your fingers and show me?"

Su Heting said, "No way."

There were heavy footsteps on the stairs.

Su Heting raised his hand, the muzzle of the gun was facing Cyclops. He said, "There's no gun in the drawer, is there? You can't frighten me with all your airs. One-eyed, I told you, it's time for you to pay your debts. Do you know what you're supposed to do?"

One-eyed only has a communicator in his hand, and his gun was given to Su Heting as early as eight o'clock. He said so much just now, he just wanted to delay time, and being irritable was his cover-up. All this was due to the fact that Su Heting came too fast and didn't give him any hints. He was headstrong and conceited, saying no, but in fact he had been underestimating Su Heting.

One-eyed pretended to be calm, and said: "There are probes here. If you kill me, the organization will remember you. You don't want to live the life of being hunted down."

Su Heting didn't listen to what he was talking about at all, and said, "Can you kneel down? I want to feel what it's like to be 'one-eyed'."

One-eyed said: "Su He—"

Su Heting shot and hit Cyclops in the abdomen.

One-eyed didn't expect that he would really dare to shoot, and immediately bent down in pain, cursing, "I'm so fucking—"


Su Heting hit Cyclops' thigh again. One-eyed wailed, knocked away the chair, leaned on the edge of the table, and looked down at the **** hole oozing blood. He still has a few doubles in the warehouse, but unfortunately they are useless now.


One-eyed slipped to his knees on the ground, he was panting violently because of the pain, and his temples were covered with sweat. He covered the wound, gave up his dignity, quickly recognized the reality, and shouted before Su Heting pulled the trigger again: "Don't shoot!"

He stared at the only remaining eye, managed to stabilize his trembling voice, and said, "I'm kneeling, Su Heting, look, I'm kneeling! I can still kowtow to you."

One-eyed put one hand on the ground, bang bang twice, and actually kowtowed twice. He raised his face, squeezed out a smile, and was able to negotiate conditions with Su Heting clearly and clearly.

He said: "Sound? Do you want more? I can knock until you are satisfied! You have shot and revenged, we are even! Su Heting, how about doing business together? Unlock it later, we four or six points, I will let you."

Su Heting wiped off the blood on his chin and said, "I don't think it's good to be 'one-eyed'."

He stood watching the one-eyed kowtow, but he was not happy in his heart. No, it's better to say that he doesn't have much trouble in his heart. Because for One Eye, kowtow is just a means of survival, and he doesn't feel ashamed or painful about it.

Cut fingers too.

In the final analysis, Cyclops and Su Heting are not the same kind of people, the dreams he can dream, Cyclops will never dream in his life. And being "one-eyed" is not good for Su Heting. He couldn't get any pleasure from coercing others to kneel down. Although he was cruel, he was still naive.

Therefore, Su Heting said: "Forget it, goodbye."

One-eyed is not afraid of anything else, he is only afraid of death. This "goodbye" hit his vital point and made him tremble all over. He has always stood so tall, taking pleasure in deciding the life and death of others. Now, it was his turn.

"No, don't shoot," One-eyed suddenly lost control, his eyes caught in power and desire were full of fear, and shouted, "Don't shoot!"

—What Su Heting wants is this moment, the fear of this moment.

Satisfied, he pulled the trigger.