MTL - Right on Target-Chapter 106 dark whistle

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In August 2160, 7-001 successfully shot and killed the target Foxeye in the deep forest on the north-south border, which caused an uproar.

In order to investigate the assassination of the Black Panther, the Southern Alliance quickly set up an intelligence preparation team, and focused on 7-006, which had been active in the alliance for a long time, and sent a military team to track and capture.

Because 7-006 is good at camouflage, the military team failed many times, and the intelligence preparation team had to draw elites from the special forces of the Southern Alliance. After many considerations, they selected a member named Xie Zhenshu.

In December of the same year, Xie Zhenshu arrived at Mackerel Port and boarded a train bound for the city from here, but was ambushed by 7-006 while the train was running, and his personal documents were stolen by 7-006.

So the first day of 2161—

The train from Ou Niao Station to the city has just left the tunnel, and the ice flowers on the windows are like religious inscriptions, shining under the warm winter sun. Su Heting covered his face with a thin blanket and fell asleep.

The flight attendant came to the seat and called softly: "Mr. Xie, the city is coming soon. Do you need me to contact the vehicle of the combat troops in the port area?"

Su Heting was awakened, pulled down the thin blanket, and was sleepy. Feeling dizzy, he rested his fingertips on his browbones, calmed down for a moment, pulled himself together, smiled at the flight attendant, and said, "No, thank you."

The flight attendant nodded and left to help the passengers who were about to arrive in the aisle with their luggage.


The train's arrival bell rang. Su Heting sat up straight and saw the bustling scene of the train station in the city through the window.

This is the core of the Southern Alliance and the most developed area of ​​the Southern Alliance. Horse-drawn carriages and cars appeared on the road at the same time, churches and military quarters were lined up, and those forged steel roofs stood like needlepoints. In the distance, several grizzly bear flags fluttered in the sky.


The train stopped and the doorbell rang. The flight attendant stood at the exit and reminded the passengers again: "Please keep in line, don't be crowded."

Su Heting got up and got off the train. He walked through the crowd, walked straight to the exit, and took out his ID from his pocket. When the exit inspector opened his ID, he saw the words "Thank You Pillow Letter" written on the name column, and there was a glorious seal on the side.

The inspector looked at Su Heting. He looked too young, like a student who had just graduated from a military academy, but he had a calm demeanor, a calm demeanor, and a calm expression when facing the inspector's scrutiny.

After a while, the inspector took off his hat and saluted, and said, "Sir, thank you for your dedication to the alliance."

Su Heting withdrew his documents, squinted his eyes under the sun, turned his head and smiled: "Thank you."

He got out of the station, entered a nearby newsstand with the sound of the carriage running, and pretended to make a phone call.

The identity of Xie Zhenshu is very useful on the road, but it is very troublesome when entering the city. Because he, as an elite dispatched by the intelligence preparation team, has a special secret post here, but Su Heting doesn't know what the other party looks like.

The old-fashioned telephone in the newsstand needs to be held up to the ear, and Su Heting uses it to cover his face while dialing the number carelessly. He won't call his subordinates at this moment, it's too dangerous, he just wants to fish out Xie Zhenshu's hidden whistle.

Generally speaking, Anshao would have seen Xie Zhenshu's photos in advance, but now that the war is going on, Su Heting's supernatural powers have given the intelligence team a headache. Because of the leak of Fox Eye's trajectory, they began to doubt their own people, so they would not easily hand over Xie Zhenshu's photo to Anshao. After all, Anshao belongs to the street intelligence network and is likely to be targeted by undercover agents.

Therefore, Su Heting guessed that they would tell Xie Zhenshu Anshao's appearance in advance, and work **** Xie Zhenshu's personal certificate.

Thinking of this, Su Heting touched the certificate again. The certificate is wrapped in black leather, which is of high quality and feels very comfortable to the touch. It should match the coat of Xie Zhenshu.

At this moment, Su Heting's eyes fell on the glass of the newsstand. With his back to the exit, he watched the people wandering around the exit through the glass. He found that there was a man at the door of the teahouse not far away, drinking tea and reading a newspaper.

Su Heting thought to himself: It's him.

Excellent secret whistles are all acting. Like undercover agents, they are always cautious and perfect in details so that they will not reveal their secrets.

The man sat at the entrance of the teahouse for a long time, but the entertainment newspaper in his hand showed no signs of being flipped. Although he didn't look directly at the location of the exit, every few minutes, he would bring the exit into his field of vision by looking at the church.

His movements were small and did not attract the attention of others, but they could not escape Su Heting's eyes.

Su Heting put down the phone, turned around and left the newsstand. He crossed the road, pulled out the chair consciously, and said to the man when he sat down, "Good afternoon."

The man closed the newspaper and said, "X's journey is not going well."

Su Heting thought to himself: Yes, X met me.

He skillfully opened the certificate, this action is learned from Xie Pillow. In order to fit the role, he just turned Xie Zhenshu over and over in his head several times.

Su Heting said: "Fortunately, I solved 7-006."

Anshao was checking his documents, he was surprised when he heard this, he almost knocked down the teacup on the table, and said, "Really?! Sir... that's great!"

He pursed his lips excitedly and laughed, seeing a qualitative change in Su Heting's eyes.

The secret whistle said: "You didn't arrive as scheduled, so we sent people to look for you, and found the undercover body on the train. The team suspected that 7-006 was playing tricks, and was very worried about your safety. I didn't expect... Hey, too much Well, he's finally dead!"

Su Heting's eyelids twitched when he heard it, and pulled a clean teacup, ready to pour tea for himself. Unexpectedly, Anshao immediately stood up and poured tea for him.

Anshao said: "I'll come, I'll come sir! Take a sip of hot tea first."

He is only responsible for responding, and cannot ask too many tasks in detail. The news of "7-006 is dead" had knocked him out, and when he sat down again, he felt that the air around him had been purified and he was no longer tense.

It is no wonder that the secret whistle is excited, 7-006 is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is free to come and go in the Southern Alliance. It not only treats the defense of the troops as nothing, but also puts eyeliners everywhere, making the intelligence team panic.

After Anshao confirmed that the certificate was genuine, he returned it to Su Heting and said, "I'll go to contact Che right now, let's go back right away."

Su Heting put the documents back into his pocket, and said, "Don't be restless, there are still things to do."

Dark sentry asked: "What's the matter?"

Su Heting said: "Eat."

When he left Ou Niao Station, he only drank a can of soy milk, and was chased by Xie Zhenshu so fast that he didn't even have time to eat the tea eggs. After sitting on the train all night, my stomach was growling with hunger.

The secret whistle immediately turned serious and said: "I'm really sorry, sir, I was negligent. If you don't mind, go, let's go to the meat-boiler shop on the street, I invite you."

Su Heting said: "If you accompany me to eat, naturally I invite you."

Anshao quickly waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome."

He is over forty years old, I don't know how long he has been in this industry, and he is a little embarrassed facing Su Heting. When the two got up, Su Heting noticed that the woolen vest under Anshao's leather jacket was very worn out and had been worn for many years. The edge of his trouser legs was a bit torn, barely folded, and a little bit dragged on the ground, which could not be seen carefully.

Su Heting guessed that the intelligence team sent all the elite to the Ou Niao station, and this man should be temporarily transferred to fill the number. He's not that professional, and he's even downcast.

The two entered the shabu-shabu restaurant, and there was a hot, spicy green pepper smell inside. Anshao rubbed his hands together, signaling Su Heting to sit down. He smiled happily and said, "It snowed for a while last night, and it stopped in the middle of the night. Today is a fine weather, the most suitable for eating pots. Waiter, put on a copper pot, and two freshly cut mutton. Sir, sit down!"

Su Heting took off his coat, revealing his white sweater. His clean face is really dignified, quite similar to the legendary "Military Academy Elite".

Dark Whistle has never met Xie Zhenshu. He was a propagandist in the intelligence team last week. Because he was suddenly laid off, he secretly bribed the relationship and put himself on the dark whistle list. In fact, according to the rules, it was not his turn to pick up Xie Zhenshu. Just as Su Heting guessed, all the professional secret whistles arranged by the intelligence team were dispatched to Ou Niao Station. The round trip took three or four days, and there was no portable phone, so they couldn't communicate with each other in time, so it was easy to leave gaps for Su Heting.

For example, now, Anshao should not have dinner with him, but should immediately take people back to the intelligence team, conduct identity verification, and then send the news to Ou Niao Station. But he heard that Chief Xie had a good family background and was related to the intelligence team and the war preparation department, so he wanted to take the opportunity to make friends.

Su Heting was well aware that he happened to have something to ask, so he took the opportunity of shabu-shabu to lure Anshao to drink a few glasses of wine. After a meal, An Shao drank red in the face.

The secret whistle said: "Sir, I envy young talents like you. You have a good background and are also powerful. I have heard that you have top grades in the military academy, and you are a talent that various troops are vying for. Now it's all right, you put 7-006 is killed, and the commander-in-chief will meet you!"

Su Heting had a full stomach, and estimated the time in the steaming heat. He said: "It's a fluke. According to you, you've heard of me a long time ago?"

"Of course, you, thank you for your pillow book!" An Shao gave a thumbs up, "The number one in the Alliance Military Academy is amazing, really amazing!"

Su Heting said, "That's all?"

Secret whistle said: "Others are confidential information, you can't spread it around. But everyone in the group knows that your parents are members of the alliance, it's a pity... oh."

Xie Zhenshu's parents left early. They heard that it was an accident. In short, there was no one in his family. He went to the Alliance Yucai Base when he was twelve years old, stayed there for a few years, and was admitted to the Alliance Military Academy. Because of his excellent grades, the commander-in-chief once met him during drills at the military academy and intended to keep him in the city, but unfortunately he didn't want to.

Perhaps that refusal made him lose his chance. After being transferred to the combat force in the port area, he did not get the treatment he deserved. An elite military academy who graduated first, was transferred to the training ground soon after.

He is the best member of the southern army, but has not been used wisely.

Su Heting didn't know what twists and turns there were in the story, he was just thinking: Mr. Your Majesty is a poor little man, no wonder he doesn't smile all the time, it turns out that there is nothing happy all the time.

Anshao was drunk, and said some gossip. He was divorced and lived alone, and he had a lot of worries, and Su Heting listened to it all while talking about it. Seeing that it was getting dark, he called out the dark whistle and left the meat-boil shop together.

Anshao's footsteps were flimsy, leaning against the wall, and said: "Wait a minute, I'll call a car, I'll vomit—"

He bent over and vomited.

Su Heting pulled up his coat in the cold wind and said, "What car?"

Anshao said: "Carriage! The cars are all driven to pick you up."

The tip of Su Heting's nose turned red quickly. He has been here for almost a year, but he still hasn't been able to adapt to the temperature here.

This place is close to the train exit, the sound of horseshoes running "clack" mixed with the sound of car horns, and there are people lighting lamps to attract passengers, the surroundings are in chaos.

Su Heting stepped back, a few snowflakes fell in front of his eyes, and it was snowing again. Against the wind, he waved to Anshao and said, "Don't bother me, brother, let's go back to our homes. If you have anything to do, find Xie Zhenshu, goodbye!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around, and before he could take a step, he was illuminated by the lights of the car that braked suddenly. The biting wind gusts, so Su Heting had to raise his hand to cover it.

The door opens and closes again.

Xie Zhenshu ignored the wind and snow, with one hand in his pocket and the other holding the car keys. His figure was as straight as a pine and cypress in the night, and because of the light behind him, people couldn't see his expression clearly.

After a while, he said, "Goodbye?"