MTL - Right on Target-Chapter 109 Tarrou

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Two idiots who can't kiss at all snorted, especially Su Heting, who hasn't learned how to breathe in a kiss. When he squinted his eyes, it looked like he was struggling, but in fact, he was feeling dizzy from lack of oxygen.


The back of Su Heting's head was pressed against the wall. He seemed to be begging for help but also provocative. He pulled Xie Zhenshu's neckline, and the handcuffs made a slight sound.

Xie Zhenshu gripped Su Heting's scurrying wrist, allowing the handcuffs to slide down the wrist bone. The vague contrast between the cold silver of the handcuffs and the warm white of the wrists made Xie Zhenshu realize the fact that this guy can't kiss at all.

For a few seconds, they seemed to be young lovers hiding in the library after class, scribbling self-introductions with kisses in the corner under the cover of wind, snow and light.

Hello, I'm an idiot.

Coincidentally, me too.

Su Heting couldn't do it anymore, the impact of suffocation forced him to open his mouth, wanting to catch a breath. The light panting was especially clear in the kiss, layer by layer, slowly covering Xie Pillow's chest like fine sand, piled up a sand painting of sluggish emotions.

The cup fell suddenly, and there was a crisp sound on the ground. This was like an alarm bell for order, knocking back Xie Zhenshu's sanity. He stopped abruptly and died down.

Su Heting's neck, which was hanging outside, was flushed, and even his wrists were flushed, but the red on his wrists was brought out by Xie Zhenshu.

There is ambiguity in the air.

Xie Zhenshu noticed that Su Heting's other hand had to hang because he grabbed one of Su Heting's hands, which looked like a prayer interrupted by him.

This is a crime.

He almost knocked 7-006 unconscious.

Su Heting couldn't stand his panting, so he covered it up with a cough. He couldn't help blushing, so he said in a nasty voice, "We're even."

He's too fair to exchange a kiss for a kiss.

Xie Zhenshu backed away, the neckline was ripped into a mess, and he didn't say anything. After a while, he bent down to pick up the fragments of the cup on the ground, threw them into the trash can, and said, "Sleep."

There are two bedrooms on this floor, and they sleep through the wall, as if retreating to their respective safe areas. The snow outside the window became smaller, Su Heting turned over several times, and did not fall asleep. After counting the sheep, he thought about the kiss just now.

Everything was silent, Su Heting suddenly pulled up his collar to cover his nose. He was flushed, but not hot.

They are obviously novices.

Su Heting thought to himself: He is too good at kissing.

Su Heting didn't sleep well that night, and was in a daze until dawn, when he heard the door knock. A few minutes later, the bedroom door also rang. Su Heting turned over and covered his face, trying to continue pretending to be asleep. It's a pity that the door opened, and there was the smell of steamed buns.

Su Heting sat up in the blink of an eye, and greeted comfortably: "Good morning."

Xie Zhenshu had just returned from the preparation team, and he was still cold. He didn't look at Su Heting, but turned sideways and said, "Eat."

Su Heting said: "Then I have to borrow your bathroom."

Xie Zhenshu said: "The door is open."

Su Heting raised his hand, shook the handcuffs, and said, "What should I do?"

Xie Zhenshu said: "I will help you if there is any inconvenience."

Su Heting thought of the embarrassing scene last night, tightened his pants, quickly passed the Xie Pillow Book, and went into the bathroom with the chicken coop on his head. After he finished washing, the breakfast on the dining table was still steaming.

Xie Zhenshu pushed the eggs and buns over.

Su Heting broke open the steamed stuffed bun, it was stuffed with tofu vermicelli. He finished half of his two mouthfuls, and his eyes kept following Xie Zhenshu, like a kitten squatting on something strange. After a while, he asked, "I have a question for you. Is your name Xie Zhenshu?"

Xie Zhenshu said: "Yes."

Su Heting finished eating the other half, and said: "We are all roommates, so don't call me 7-006 anymore, how about calling me Su Heting?"

Xie Zhenshu raised his eyelids when he heard the words, looked at him, and said, "Don't you call me hello?"

Su Heting was knocking on the eggshells with a spoon, thinking: It's been two days and two nights since I asked him to call me "Hello" last time, how could he still remember!

He said: "Hey, how unfamiliar, we...cough, we have gotten to know each other, we can start calling each other's names."

Xie Zhenshu's dark eyes were quiet, and after a while, he said, "Su Heting."

Su Heting said: "That's it, it's very standard."

Perhaps "Su Heting" and "7-006" are just code names used in operations, but Xie Zhenshu did not ask whether this is a real name or a pseudonym.

They have already crossed the line, and if they get closer, something will happen.

After the meal, Xie Zhenshu went out again, he seemed to have a lot of things to do, and he took time to eat when he came back. Su Heting was bored, dragged the sofa to the window, and sat here counting snowflakes.

The winter in the Southern Alliance will be boring if you stay for a long time, and there will be a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. It was fine at night, but during the day, when I looked out, the residential area was shrouded in snow and fog, and there were still people living nearby, and traces of life could be seen. The revolving lighthouse is resting, but there must be patrols below, and it should be able to see more clearly when the weather is good.

Su Heting reckoned that this section of the road would be difficult to travel, otherwise Xie Zhenshu would not have left him at home like this. He wandered around the house, the study room was locked, but Xie Zhenshu's bedroom door was open.

excuse me.

Su Heting crossed his arms, leaned against the door, and looked at Xie Zhenshu's bedroom. This bedroom was no different from the one he lived in, except that there was an extra Rubik's cube on the table. The Rubik's Cube looks very old, and the color blocks on it are messy, because they were broken up by Xie Zhenshu.


According to Su Heting's understanding of Xie Zhenshu, the chief should be someone who likes to put the Rubik's Cube in order, because he cares about the order, just like he will put everything he used back in place, which is his habit.

Su Heting looked past this Rubik's Cube full of disobedience, and wandered in other places.

The walls were blank, with no photographs or paintings. The color of the bed sheet and duvet cover is gray, as are the curtains. This place is the same as the study room he saw last night, there is neither the mark left by the old owner nor the trace of the life of the new owner.

Is it because Xie Zhenshu seldom comes back, or is it because he cleaned up everything in this house? Otherwise, there would be no photos at all.

Su Heting returned to the living room. There was really no entertainment in this house. He was so bored that he was talking to himself. He could only lie on the sofa and think about life.

In the evening, Xie Zhenshu came back with something.

Su Heting approached, his eyes lit up, and said, " you like fairy tale picture books?"

Xie Zhenshu took off his coat, and handed the picture book stuffed all the way to Su Heting. Su Heting touched the cover. The picture book was very thin. He flipped through it a little, and found that it told a story about a grizzly bear. It should be a popular children's book in the Southern Alliance.

Su Heting followed behind Xie Zhenshu, held up the picture book to read, and read: "Grizzly Tarrou is a little bear. It likes to hibernate. Whenever winter comes, it will..."

Xie Zhenshu stopped, and Su Heting bumped into his back. He said, "Don't read it."

Su Heting held the picture book, tilted his body, and looked at the book from a different angle. He refused to change after repeated admonitions, and only said: "Why? You can't even read stories? I'm almost suffocating at home alone."

Xie Zhenshu opened the refrigerator, this thing was specially provided by the preparation team.

Su Heting said: "Don't ignore me, Xie Zhenshu... Isn't this my door-to-door gift? Why did you hide it here? Do you like it?"

What he was talking about was the little snowball he brought last night, which was put into the refrigerator by Xie Zhenshu, and the "w" on it became blurred.

Su Heting put the picture book aside and said, "Why don't you take me downstairs, and I'll pinch you a few more? Have you ever built a snowman? I haven't, I really want to—"

Xie Zhenshu took out the quick-frozen dumplings and quickly closed the refrigerator. No matter what he did, Su Heting followed him, and he cooked dumplings while Su Heting was reading stories, and Su Heting didn't make a sound until eating.

Su Heting finished eating the dumplings, rested his chin on the pillow for a while, and then said suddenly, "This is the first time I've eaten dumplings with someone."

Like it's something funny.

Xie Zhenshu was silent for a moment, then said, "Me too."

Su Heting said: "What a surprise, I thought you had eaten a lot of dumplings. Do you always stay alone?"

Xie Zhenshu didn't answer.

Su Heting said: "I am, and I guess you are too. How do you say that? There is a wonderful connection between people."

He didn't smile when he said this, but the emotion in his eyes wasn't aggressive either. Many times, he relied on this to defuse other people's defenses. However, even knowing that this might be a disguise, Xie Zhenshu still couldn't look away.

Su Heting stirred the soup with chopsticks, and continued: "Thank you for the picture book, and thank you for the dumplings. It would be great if you could grant me one more little wish."

Xie Zhenshu put away the bowl and said, "Good night."

Su Heting said: "You are so indifferent!"

They got along like this for seven or eight days, and they lived in peace. That kiss was like a small episode, tacitly avoided by the two of them.

The fairy tale picture book has changed from the grizzly bear Tarlu to the fast food raven Boo Boo. Occasionally, Su Heting will sleep on the sofa with the picture book in his arms. His sleeping face is innocent, he always wears Xie Zhenshu's sweater, and is woken up by Xie Zhenshu again.

"Go home early" has gradually become Su Heting's catchphrase. He seems to have forgotten what he is doing.

Two weeks later, there was a little change in life, that is, Xie Zhenshu's time to go out was fixed. He goes out at 8 o'clock every day, comes back for lunch at 12 o'clock, goes out again at 14 o'clock, and returns home at 20 o'clock.

At 8:00 this morning, as soon as the door was closed, Su Heting stretched himself. He is used to knocking glass with his forehead, counting Xie Zhenshu's footsteps silently in his heart.


He imitated the bell and smiled.

"time to work."

The clock in the bedroom was removed, and Su Heting used the silver minute hand to pry open the handcuffs. He washed and hummed in the bathroom, and changed into his sweater and coat.

The door was locked, but Su Heting had studied it thoroughly, and he unlocked it with his keen hearing. This trick was learned when I was with Cyclops, it was a must-have trick for those of them, and it was much simpler than the real "unlocking".

Downstairs, the temperature plummeted.

Su Heting exhaled white air, pretending to run in the morning. He passed the revolving lighthouse, which, as he had observed upstairs, would go out at 9 o'clock, the time of the patrol change.

The night watchman at the first checkpoint is sleepy, and there are very few people at the moment, thirty-nine checkpoints are waiting for shift workers to come, and he is the only one here. He saw a person running over from afar, yawned and said, "Please show me your ID."

Su Heting took out his pocket, passed the things over, and said, "Here."

The night watchman approached, suspicious that he was dazzled, and said, "You—"

Su Heting said, "It's Tarrou the Grizzly Bear."

After the sound fell, he punched the night watchman in the face. The night watchman had a sore nose and raised his head to scream, but was knocked out again.

Su Heting pushed the night watchman back to the seat in the door post, and took the key from the night watchman's pocket. He used the key to open the safe underneath, which contained a phone card.

There is a phone in the level, but the phone can only be dialed by sliding the phone card, which is an open secret in the city.

As the dial turned, Su Heting called out, and a slow "beep" sounded.

hurry up.

In Su Heting's mind, the timing is very accurate, the shift changer is on his way and will arrive soon.

Two seconds later, the call was connected, and there was a sweet female voice on the opposite side: "Hello, this is—"

There was a sudden knock on the glass of the gate.

Su Heting turned his head and saw Xie Zhenshu. However, instead of panicking, he said to the phone: "I know, you are Raven Boo Boo Fast Food, I want to make an order."

Xie Zhenshu opened the gate door, Su Heting pressed the speakerphone, and the female voice on the other end of the phone said enthusiastically: "What do you want to order? We have various packages..."

The name of the meal filled this small space, not the expected undercover code.

7-006 covered the receiver and said to Xie Zhenshu, "I'm so bored, I'm going downstairs to order a meal. What about you, are you too bored at work?"

He spoke so naturally, as if it wasn't him who picked the door lock just now.