MTL - Right on Target-Chapter 113 destiny

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They seem to be kissing again, but the continuous vibration of the walkie-talkie, and the loud "beep" sound suggest that they are still unable to get rid of their respective tasks at this moment.

Xie Zhenshu turned his head away from the ambiguity, and raised his hand to get the walkie-talkie on the table. He calmed down for a few seconds and said, "It's me."

The intercom said: "Sir, the preparation team requires you to go to the conference hall immediately and wait for dispatch."

Xie Zhenshu glanced at the curtains, the gap there revealed the dark sky outside, it was already very late. He finished thinking in an instant, and replied in a normal tone: "Go right away."

The call stops there.

Su Heting turned his body and took the opportunity to run away from the officer's lap. He gently opened the curtain with his hand and looked down.

The snow and fog are hazy, and in addition to the light of the revolving lighthouse, a few car lights are lit in the distance, and a car is driving here.

Su Heting said: "The preparation team is here to pick you up."

Xie Zhenshu said: "I'm here to pick you up."

Su Heting watched the headlights getting closer and closer, and suddenly had a bad feeling. He speeded up his speech: "It's not right. My call was hinting at the listener. My mission has not failed. We are still dealing with it. The commander should not move after hearing the call."

The commander's purpose is very simple, that is to use intelligence to eliminate three key enemies, a fox eye who sneaked into the military to try to expand its influence, a letter of thanks from God, and the notorious 7-006. Now he only needs to wait for 7-006 to succeed, and he can kill 7-006 logically and complete the whole plan.

So he shouldn't send people here at this time, unless he changed his plan midway and no longer believed that 7-006 could kill Xie Zhenshu.

Xie Zhenshu said: "He knew he was exposed."

The commander was able to complete such a plan to kill people with a knife, all thanks to one key, that is, he let the listener disguise as a northern intelligence officer, so as to deceive Su Heting's trust. However, once Su Heting found out who he was, the situation changed. This plan became his weakness that would ruin his reputation at any time. If 7-006 holds the evidence and releases the news, saying that the details of Fox Eye's schedule were revealed by the commander of the Southern Front, then The commander-in-chief will fall into the abyss of eternal doom, and the people of the Southern Alliance will not forgive him.

Su Heting's thoughts changed sharply, and he said: "I have very little contact with the monitor, everyone is acting every time we talk, I don't remember that I have shown doubts about him..."

The two people's eyes met, and in an instant, they were in the same mind, almost looking at the walkie-talkie together.

— There are listeners here.

Xie Zhenshu turned over the walkie-talkie and removed the battery of the walkie-talkie. He pressed his index finger on the cover where the battery was placed, but found nothing. But he didn't give up, and with a little effort, he broke it directly, and found a bug that was as thin as tape and had its own viscosity in the torn apart part.

At the same time, a D300 parked downstairs with its headlights off, and two people wearing the uniforms of the Southern Alliance's preparation team came down. The two looked up and looked upstairs, and then the preparation vehicle behind also stopped, and this time seven or eight armed men came down.

Su Heting, who has excellent eyesight, said: "The ones with guns are the special forces from the urban area, and they are coming up."

Xie Zhenshu destroyed the bug and threw all these waste products into the trash can. He stood up, opened the door, and said, "Let's go."

Su Heting said: "They are all equipped with I6 submachine guns. It seems that the commander wants us to die together."

Xie Zhenshu took off his jacket, quickly uncuffed Su Heting, and said, "It's cold outside."

Su Heting put on his coat and said in surprise: "We are going to die."

Xie Zhenshu said: "Yes."

Su Heting took two steps back and said, "My balloon!"

He went back to the room and tied the rope of the pink ghost cat to his wrist.

Xie Zhenshu opened the drawer, and there was a pistol inside. He threw the pistol to Su Heting. At the same time, the stairs were quiet, but the air-conditioning suddenly rose, which meant that the armed men had opened the door and entered the house.

Xie Zhenshu leaned against the wall by the door, tilted his head slightly, and held his breath. After a while, he gestured "three" to Su Heting.

The two didn't discuss the plan. Now, breaking through the first layer of containment is victory. Maybe it's because the amount of training between the two is evenly matched, they have an unusual tacit understanding, and they can understand each other's meaning just by looking at each other.

The two silently counted down in their hearts: three, two...

When "one" came, the door panel flew open with a "bang", and the leading armed men immediately opened fire. I6's gunshots rang through the living room, and the vase on the coffee table exploded.

When the fragments of the vase splattered, Xie Zhenshu was the first to attack. He raised his arm around the armed man's neck, and punched the armed man's face twice.

The armed man's goggles were broken, and he didn't shout indiscriminately, but the severe pain in his eyes made him subconsciously let go of the gun in his hand and covered his eyes.

The armed men standing behind raised their guns, ready to pull the trigger. Unexpectedly, the gunshot in the room rang out first, and Su Heting shot the opponent between the eyebrows.


The armed men fell to the ground in unison.

Xie Zhenshu kicked up I6, raised his arms and fired. Bullets bounced in the stairwell, killing those who remained behind. For a while, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and blood splashed all over the carpet and walls. He changed the gun and said concisely: "Go downstairs."

The two walked down the stairs quickly, and the members of the preparation team at the door had heard the gunshots and were talking to the walkie-talkie.

"Boom, boom!"

Bullets cleanly finish them off.

Xie Zhenshu didn't look at the D300, he went straight to the preparation vehicle and opened the door. The snow at night was blown into the car by the wind, and there was still warmth from the armed men inside.

Su Heting lowered the balloon and asked, "Where are we going?"

The urban area is a closed "mouth" design, and this residential area is "back", with checkpoints and patrols inside and out. Now that they have been exposed, within an hour, the armed forces of the entire city will come to surround and kill them.

Xie Zhen wrote: "The train station."

As long as you get on the train, you can leave the city. No matter where the train is going, it is safer than staying here. Especially for Su Heting, his intelligence agents are all over the Southern Alliance, and no one can catch him when he goes out.

The preparation vehicle started and drove on the road. The snow in the middle of the night had not been cleared, and there were still tire marks on the road when the armed men came. The revolving lighthouse has stopped spinning, cast its light on this area, and turned on the red light.

The first checkpoint was right in front of him, Xie Zhenshu's car speed increased instead of dropping, he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and the preparation vehicle was like an angry rhinoceros, directly breaking the cross rail of the checkpoint.

Su Heting's body shook violently, he grabbed his seat belt tightly, and stared at Xie Zhenshu with wide eyes.

There were snowflakes floating in the range of the headlights, and the railing was rolled to the bottom of the car, causing the car body to bump a bit. Xie Zhenshu's expression remained unchanged, he moved the steering wheel, and suddenly asked: "Is your name really Su Heting?"

Su Heting said flickeringly: "Fake, my name is 7-006."

Xie Zhenshu said: "Okay."

Su Heting felt guilty again, and said again: "Really."

Xie Zhenshu said: "Su Heting."

Su Heting said: "What?"

Xie Zhenshu didn't speak any more, he stared ahead and broke through the remaining checkpoints.

The urban troops received the news faster than they thought. By the time the car passed the last checkpoint, the sirens were already roaring from behind. In an instant, lights and loud warnings were everywhere.

"Stop! Stop now!"

The former colleague of the preparation team said sadly on the radio: "Mr. Xie was bewitched by the enemy and worked hand in hand with 7-006..."

"He should be the one in the alliance! He also betrayed Fox Eye!"

"Thank you for the pillow book..."

"Thank you for the pillow book!"

At that moment, the siren on the revolving lighthouse sounded loudly, as if the whole world was shouting Xie Zhenshu's name. Yet this morning when he woke up, everyone was still thanking him for his service to the league.

Su Heting felt a kind of absurdity, it was like a dream, but he was not the one being pointed at by thousands of people. He heard his own heartbeat followed by every cry, and for a moment, he admired Xie Zhenshu's calmness.

7-006 didn't care about the commander's thoughts at all. At the beginning, after he realized that the monitor was an undercover agent disguised as an enemy personnel, he only wanted to use the commander's plan to complete his mission. After Fox Eye died, he should retreat, but for the sake of the intelligence network inside the Southern Alliance, he pretended to believe the monitor's intelligence, and boarded that train to meet Xie Zhenshu. The purpose is to catch this military academy elite, so that other undercover agents can have a chance to hide.

Su Heting should have dealt with Xie Zhenshu in the snow, or just got rid of Xie Zhenshu and flew away alone. But Xie Zhenshu is different, he is beyond Su Heting's imagination, and is the only special in 7-006's career.

Just like kissing, Su Heting doesn't understand, but he swears that he only wants to kiss this person when he grows up.

Su Heting said: "Say goodbye to this **** commander, I will take you to the northern line, I..."

He's suddenly stuck because he has nothing but a pink ghost cat balloon. The balloon floated among them, like a witness at the oath, swaying from side to side.

Xie Zhenshu had a few strands of hair hanging down his forehead, he looked at Su Heting and said, "You?"

Su Heting said: "...I'll introduce you to a job. We have such a tacit understanding, it's not bad to be a partner."

Xie Zhenshu said: "Are you in Black Panther?"

Su Heting said: "Not only, but anywhere."

Xie Zhenshu's lips moved slightly, and he smiled with downcast eyes. This smile is very light, like the wind blowing on the ice, causing the cold fog to dissipate a little. He's too good-looking, even now with his tie loose and his hair a little messy.

He said, "Thank you."

Su Heting felt relieved and found that the car had already reached the main road of the train station. Those electric lamps were dimly lit, like faint stars shining in the snow. The sound of radio and police sirens constituted a noisy background sound, only the train station remained as usual, only the anti-scorching belt was erected at the end of the lane.

The preparation vehicles behind kept on chasing, and the sound of gunfire from both sides was endless. One side of the car window blew "bang", and the cold wind poured in immediately, hitting the balloon on the other side.

Xie Zhenshu didn't turn around, he glanced at the car mirror, slammed the steering wheel in the snow, and then slammed on the brakes. The wheels made an unbearable "stab-" sound, Su Heting was forced, his back left the backrest, and then hit back hard, almost staring at him.

The rear preparation vehicle had no time to turn, and the tires slipped under the sudden brake, grazing straight past their body, slamming into the anti-shock belt, and overturned in the bumps.

Xie Zhenshu put on the seat belt and said, "Get out of the car."

Bullets flew into the car body, Su Heting grabbed the balloon and stuffed it into his arms. He leaned against the car door and squeezed behind Xie Zhenshu behind the impact belt in the strong wind.

"Train," the wind stuffed the snow into Su Heting's mouth, he coughed twice, and continued in the noisy background, "Does the train stop?"

Xie Zhenshu said: "There are supplies to be sent to the border troops tonight, even if the sky falls, we must pass through."

The snow splashed on the open space on both sides were all shot by guns. Su Heting wanted to go for a balloon ride, but he didn't pull up his coat, causing the coat to "hula la" behind him. He took out the gun, leaned over to Xie Zhenshu's ear and said loudly, "Go over there, there are only two teams. I'll aim and shoot the one in the front row, and we'll go straight to the waiting point."

Xie Zhenshu nodded.

Su Heting weighed the pistol and said, "If I didn't aim—"

He jumped up and fired. The bullet "bang—" hit the ambusher in the front row. The ambusher fell to the ground, but instead of crouching, he fired again, hitting the sign hanging above the ranks.


The heavy signboard was smashed down, Su Heting grabbed Xie Zhenshu and said, "Run!"

Xie Zhenshu said: "Very accurate!"

Su Heting didn't have time to be proud, the gunshots behind him chased after him like firecrackers. They ran wildly, turned over the ticket checkpoint where the siren was blowing, and rushed into the waiting station amidst the panic of the flight attendants.

The crowds here are crowded, and many people waiting for the bus all night are carrying big bags and squatting on both sides of the aisle to rest. Thanks to the league for being stingy, they didn't install radios here, the arrest warrants are still stuck in the road, and only a few phones keep ringing.

The flight attendant inside was selling snacks, and shouted by the way: "Please take your luggage and check your personal documents..."

Su Heting passed by, leaned back, and took a tea egg from the flight attendant's trolley. He threw out the steel coin and said, "Thanks."

Xie Zhenshu dragged him away, the distant siren of the train covered the siren outside, and after the steward rang the incoming bell, they finally arrived at the waiting point.

Snow leaked from above, Su Heting broke open the tea eggs and gave half to Xie Zhenshu.

The eggs were still warm.

Xie Zhenshu held the tea eggs and watched the flight attendant climb up the railing, holding a sign to maintain order. He suddenly felt that it was very easy to come in, and felt that this moment seemed familiar.

He asked, "When you get to the border, do you know how to get there?"

What a strange question, how could 7-006 not know where to go.

Su Heting ate the tea eggs slowly, and said, "I know, you can walk with your eyes closed. It's very easy to leave the southern line."

As the train entered the station, there was a "chi-" sound all the way.

The flight attendant began to shout: "Get on the bus one by one, don't squeeze..."

Xie Zhenshu said: "Su Heting."

Su Heting said: "Huh?"

Xie Zhenshu said: "Su Heting."

The doors opened on time, and the passengers walked forward, lapping at them like floating waves.

Xie Zhenshu raised his hand, crossed the invisible boundary, and hugged Su Heting very lightly. They crossed their necks, like a rock in the crowd in this cold night.

He turned his head and said in Su Heting's ear, "Take your balloon and go back to your northern home, as if you've never seen me, and never kissed me."

The snow fell on their necks and cheeks, causing countless ripples in their hearts. Xie Zhenshu used all his strength to push Su Heting into the door.


The starting bell of the train rang, the doors closed, and it drove forward, with the sound of Su Heting smashing the glass in frustration. The howling cold wind blew away Xie Zhenshu's coat, and a similar parting happened again, only this time, the little liar left him with red eye sockets.

Xie Zhenshu will not leave the Southern Alliance, nor can he leave the Southern Alliance. The commander wanted to kill him not just because of his refusal. If he gets on this train, then no one can go.

He knows his destiny.