MTL - Right on Target-Chapter 121 sound of rain

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Su Heting's memory is broken, he only remembers that he is 7-006, and he was ordered by Fu Chenghui to go undercover in the Southern Front Alliance, but he doesn't remember exactly what he did. In short, he is now back on the northern line, and his new task is to remotely monitor a person named Yan Junxun through the computer.

Fu Chenghui didn't say who this Yan Jun was looking for. According to the information obtained by Su Heting, Yan Junxun is a profiler who is helping the Supervision Bureau in the parking area to deal with some serial murder cases.

— Why am I spying on a profiler? Does he have another identity?

Su Heting was full of doubts about this task, but unfortunately Fu Chenghui would not answer him, so he had no choice but to start the task with doubts.

Every day, Su Heting wears headphones to monitor Yan Junxun's conversations with others. At the beginning, he was quite interested in Yan Junxun, but soon, he found that Yan Junxun was very strange, this guy would talk to himself every now and then, and he seemed supernatural.

Su Heting wrote in the mission report: [Mission target – Yan Junxun, 25 years old, 170cm tall. He eats two bowls of rice every morning and basically has no social activities except for work. It is reasonable to suspect that the target suffers from anachronism, and his speech is always upside down. 】

He also drew a question mark at the end.

Surveillance is actually very boring. Su Heting often fishes, and he plays games while wearing earphones. As long as he can submit the records about Yan Junxun to Fu Chenghui on time.

One day, Su Heting turned off Lianliankan, let the monitoring device automatically record, got up and left the computer to cook a bowl of instant noodles for himself. While eating instant noodles, he turned on the news to eat.

"We pay attention to the crime rate in various areas, and here we have to mention the parking area..."

The host looked sadly at the camera.

"I heard that there is a mysterious profiler in the parking area. He can solve many difficult cases. I really want to invite him to the scene."

Su Heting thought to himself: Isn't this talking about Yan Junxun?

He watched it for a while, the news program was interrupted, and an advertisement about light transmission vehicles began to be inserted.

"A new light transmission car! This will be your best car, let it help you..."

The rain outside suddenly fell heavily, and Su Heting didn't hear the slogan clearly, so he turned up the volume and prepared to slide over.

"...helps you run...out the glass," the ad said.

Su Heting was amused by this thoughtless slogan, his lips curled up slightly, and he slid to the back of the video. A few seconds later, out of an inexplicable emotion, he slid the video back and put the advertisement again again.

The tagline is clear this time: "The best car...lets you run out the glass!"

Su Heting unconsciously repeated: "Run out of the glass..."

The sound of the rain gradually moved away, and he frowned, suddenly feeling a sense of disobedience. The furnishings in the room became very strange in an instant, he looked at the instant noodles in his hand, and had a huge suspicion——

where am i

I don't have a home in the light track area.

Su Heting stood up abruptly, feeling extremely absurd. He started to walk around irritably, feeling that this room was very strange, this was not the place where he lived at all, why did he take this place as his home for granted these days?

too weird.

Thinking of this, Su Heting couldn't stay any longer. He suspected that his memory had been tampered with, and he was in a dangerous situation, so he put on his coat, opened the door, and went downstairs quickly.

The rain was getting worse and worse, and it had turned into a torrential downpour. Su Heting walked in the rain and always felt that someone was watching him from behind. He zipped up, ran to a public phone booth, and called Fu Chenghui.

When the phone was connected, Su Heting said: "I need support, Fu Chenghui, I am current situation is very strange."

His hood was soaked, water was all over his forehead, and his black hair fell in front of his eyes, making him look like a drowning cat. But he couldn't explain the feeling, like the whole world was wrong. As 7-006, his first reaction was that he had injured his head in the war, or had been injected with something, so he wanted to contact Fu Chenghui, because the Black Panther had the best doctor.

There was the sound of electric current on the other end of the phone, and Fu Chenghui kept silent.

Su Heting said: "Hello? Can you hear me? I doubt—"

The phone hangs up.

Depend on!

Su Heting immediately left the phone booth and continued walking in the rain. But he had nowhere to go, there was no one on the street, and his intuition told him not to look back.

It was dark ahead, and he walked into the darkness, with the rain still falling behind him.

[At three o'clock in the morning, 7-006 woke up at home. He just experienced a war...]

Su Heting opened his eyes and heard the sound of rain outside the window. He stayed there for a while, turned over, and slid off the sofa to the floor, dragging the blanket.

There were bags of potato chips falling around, and he picked them up without remembering to eat them. In fact, he doesn't remember anything... everything is blurred, he just knows who he is.

Then the phone rang.

Su Heting connected, his throat was uncomfortable, and he said in a sleepy tone: "Huh?"

Fu Chenghui said: "You have a new mission."

Su Heting remembered, he is 7-006. He got up, went to the bar to pour water for himself, and after moistening his throat, he said casually: "What task? Didn't I just retire from the battlefield? You must give me a vacation, boss."

His voice is very nasal and slightly sarcastic.

Fu Chenghui said: "There is someone who needs your monitoring."

Su Heting asked: "Who?"

Fu Chenghui replied: "Yan Junxun."

Su Heting put the cup back, opened the drawer to look for cold medicine. He said: "This name sounds familiar, do I know him?"

Fu Chenghui said: "You don't know."

The phone hangs up.

Su Heting drank the cold medicine, returned to the computer, and opened the mission information he had just obtained.

According to the information: [Mission target-Yan Junxun, 23 years old, 180cm, a—]

Su Heting said, "He's a profiler."

When he finished speaking, he was also stunned, but the strange thing was that the profiler was really written on the information.


Su Heting wrapped up the blanket and thought to himself: I guessed well, but is he so tall? I always feel that this name is only 170cm.

He put on his headphones and started his monitoring task.

This Yan Junxun is very strange, he doesn't like to talk. As a profiler, he never went out to socialize either. Su Heting quickly lost interest in him and put part of his attention on playing games.

There is a very popular game called Xiaodouren War. Su Heting often plays this game all night. It is said that at the end of the game, there is a question that no one can answer. Out of curiosity, Su Heting spent half a month clearing the customs.

That night, he hung up the monitoring device, and at the end of the game, he saw a mysterious "X". He lights up this "X", and the game screen immediately turns black.

Just when Su Heting thought he was being tricked, a pink ghost cat popped up on the screen.

[Ask a question. 】

The pink ghost cat is holding a question fiercely.

【How many years did the Second Civil War take place? 】


you still need to ask? of course-

Su Heting's thoughts suddenly froze, he pushed his chin with his knuckles, leaned on the chair and fell into confusion. many years has it happened? How can I not remember.

He casually replied: 2160?

The pink ghost cat picked up the question card, made a gesture of knocking his head across the screen, and shouted: "Idiot! Idiot!"

Su Heting said: "What!"

He crossed his arms and began to meditate, agonizing over the question, but he really couldn't remember.

It shouldn't be.

Su Heting thought to himself: Didn't I just get off the battlefield? How can I not remember... How many years is it now? 2160? Or 2161?

He slid his seat and turned to look at the display on the wall. But he was disappointed, there was nothing on the wall.

Su Heting thought again: How could I think there should be a display screen on the wall?

He stared at the wall, and gradually, he felt more strange, as if everything in this house was wrong, and he was wrong.

Su Heting's heartbeat gradually accelerated, he got up, and went to the window to take a look at the night scene. The scenery is very ordinary, so ordinary that it seems that it has never changed. He felt a shudder and stepped back.

What could be more terrifying than having something you're used to become foreign?

Su Heting opened the drawer, but did not find a gun that could defend himself. He touched his forearm again, but there was no combat dagger either. At this moment, he really felt something was wrong.

—He should have a weapon with him at all times.

Su Heting grabbed his coat, turned and went downstairs. He went out into the street, being with people made him feel better, but as he walked, it started to rain.

The rain curtain covered him and the world.

Su Heting turned his head, but there was no one behind him. He continued walking, passing a public phone booth. Logically, he should call Fu Chenghui for support at this moment, but he has a strong intuition: it's better not to make this call.

It was very late at night, and Su Heting walked aimlessly. The rain seemed to drown the whole city, and he couldn't hear other sounds, only the sound of rain, endless rain.


Su Heting wanted to break the nightmarish sound of rain, he read his materials.

"I'm Su Heting, 7-006, I—"

He ran again, and for a moment, he thought of the south. So he turned around and headed south in the rain, but the city caught him, he couldn't see the road, and he hit the glass of the building.

His blurred face was on the glass wall, and he frantically wiped the water marks on it, trying to see himself clearly. Some forgotten, extremely important emotion is urging him, he thinks he should remember...

Remember X.

At this moment, the rain buried him.

【Three o'clock in the morning...】

Su Heting opened his eyes, he felt that he was tired, but he didn't know why he was tired. He sat up, stepped on the bag of potato chips all over the floor, and heard the phone ring.

Su Heting didn't want to answer, but the call got connected automatically.

Fu Chenghui said, "You have a new mission."