MTL - Righteous Angry Hunting Demon-Chapter 23 Lin Yunpujie

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"We are not hostile." Lin Yun still said tentatively.

"You. You. You are the expeditionary army. I am only doing magic research, why are you persecuting me. The expeditionary army is too hateful. Hu Erlun is too hateful. You, you are all sent by him to catch me." There was a rattling sound.

"Calm down, dwarf, we have no intention of fighting you." Lin Yun still tried to calm down this guy.

Although, he had roughly guessed that this dwarf had probably gone crazy after being alone for a long time, in fear, and in the darkness.

The kind that can't be saved.

Unless Lin Yun and the others can use some spells to force calmness.

However, it's a bit troublesome, the other party seems to be a mage.

"I'm not here to catch you. We just want to pass through here and get to the ground." As he spoke, Lin Yun slowly approached again.

At this time, Nero, Bao'er and Lin Yun had approached the dwarf in a fan shape, and were already within a range of more than 4 meters. As long as they got closer to about 1.5 meters, they would be within the attack range of Lin Yun and Nero. up.

"Go to the ground? What are you going to do on the ground? Isn't it great here? You guys, you want to bring my news to the ground and let Hu Erlun send someone to arrest me, right?" His spirit seemed very disturbed. Stablize. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

As he spoke, he raised his hand, facing Lin Yun and the others were about to cast spells.

Almost subconsciously, Bao'er directly threw her invincible crowbar again.

What made everyone's faces change slightly was that in front of the dwarf, a phantom like a blue shield appeared in front of him, blocking the crowbar at once.

Shield technique, able to +4 shield bonus.

As a mage, the mage armor with 8 hours of battery life per day should not fall.

In other words, even if this dwarf had no agility bonus, he still had a turtle shell defense of at least 18, which was about equal to that of Nero.

At this time, the spell in his hand was also released, and the dazzling colorful light sprayed out towards Lin Yun and the others in a fan shape.

The speed was so fast that it enveloped Lin Yun and the others almost instantly.

Although this guy said he was crazy, he was a mage after all.

Lin Yun and the others were stalling for time and closing the distance. In fact, this guy had been calculating the distance between Lin Yun and the others, and then wiped out Lin Yun and the others.

Colorful jet, although it is not as good as the rainbow light series of spells above level 7, it can be regarded as a first-class good spell in low-level spells, especially in low-level battles.

Hit Class 2 or lower: The creature is stunned, blinded and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and finally stunned for 1 round.

Hit Level 3 or 4: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.

Hit Level 5+: The creature is stunned for 1 round.

These effects are based on their respective levels and then stack.

That is to say, if you are unlucky enough, you need to be stunned, blinded, and stunned for 48 seconds first, then blinded and stunned for 24 seconds, and then stunned for 6 seconds.

The literal translation of the state of shock and awe is a state of complete obsession, without knowing anything, unable to do anything, and a blank mind, which is almost equivalent to a state of coma.

So in one minute, even a pig can be killed.

Of course, spells are exempt.

"D20=6, Will save failed."

Because later, there is an ability that can use charm to improve will saves, so Lin Yun set the perception to be very low, which is accompanied by low will saves, and the weapon master itself does not have additional base bonuses for will saves.

so. . . . . Lin Yun's will save is 0.

Lin Yun fell into darkness.

Just when Lin Yun became the ignorant of the ignorant, Nero and Bao'er were also irradiated by the colorful spray.

But they basically shook their heads a little bit, and then continued to rush up.

Nero directly stretched out his claws, and grabbed the dwarf mage.

To everyone's surprise, the body of the dwarf mage suddenly became a little hazy, but Nero's claws directly passed through.

"It's obscurity." Nero shouted.

So, mages are the most annoying.

Level 2 spell obscurity, you think it's there, but it's not necessarily there, it's a little bit short of the position, and there is a 20% chance of emptying the space.

At this time, the bard behind also started, "Beep beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, no beep."

Are you happy this time?

But at this time, Lin Yun, who was originally stunned and his mind was fuzzy, seemed to have a feeling of waking up.

"D20+10=17, the save is successful."

A gust of fresh air rushed over Lin Yun's brain, shaking Lin Yun's mind, and then he who had just fallen to the ground due to a coma, quickly stood up.

Bard's bardic performance, does it have the effect of pure heart?

Sure enough, it's great to have veterans around.

The effect of pure heart is that when the bard is playing, allies within 30 feet can use the bard's performance skill instead of their own saving throws against the spell when fighting against the psionic hallucinations.

Even spells that could only be exempted once, will be forcibly exempted again.

And the colorful spray is a spell that belongs to the illusion of the mind. Although it sounds a bit ghostly, it is indeed classified in this way.

Just as Lin Yun got up, Bao'er had already rushed in front of the dwarf, and thrust a shovel into the dwarf.

As expected of a person with the heart of a child, even the obscurity technique couldn't stop Bao'er's attack.

With a shovel, it shoveled into the dwarf mage's stomach, causing the dwarf to cry out in pain.

But immediately after, the dwarf mage endured the pain, quickly retreated a few steps, and then began to cast spells.

But it happened to be out of the attack range of Nero and Bao'er.

"Levitation." With a low shout from the dwarf mage, he rose directly, "No, I can't stay here, I want to run away, I want to run away."

This guy is not completely crazy, but he is still running away.

But yes, Bao'er's shovel is not something ordinary mages can bear.

Judging from the fact that this guy didn't cast a third-level spell, he could be a level 4 mage at most.

A mage's Hit Dice is D6. Even if they are fully charged, they only have 24 health points. Although dwarves are generally strong in physique, they do not exceed 16 life points.

Soon, this guy was about to rise to a height of about 3 meters.

Lin Yun, who had just got up, rushed over.

The height of this cave is about 9 meters, and at this time everyone discovered that there seems to be an upward path in that direction.

After seeing this, Nero's eyes lit up, and then he ran for a while, and ran directly to the edge of the upward passage.

As long as the dwarf mage dares to get close to here, he will definitely be caught by his claws.

Seeing that Nero ran on his own escape route, the dwarf was also furious, "Damn it, damned crusader, damned Huerlen."

And while he was saying these words, another crowbar flew down.

Fortunately, his shield technique is enough for you, all-round defense, and immediately blocked the second crowbar thrown by Bao'er.

Lin Yun looked at the previous crowbar and this new crowbar.

Two crowbars? ? ?

"Damn, hate." The furious dwarf mage's eyes were red, and he took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and drank it directly.

Immediately afterwards, something surprising happened, the guy's body actually disappeared.

Or should I say, he was invisible.

"Invisibility potion." Lin Yun's brows twitched, he didn't expect this dwarf mage to be so well prepared.

but. . . . . At this time, something even more ghostly appeared.

Hun Yuan took out a bag of things from his pocket, then threw it upwards towards the place where the dwarf mage just disappeared.

The bundle exploded on the surrounding rocks, spreading what looked like flour.

"Ha, ha, ha, embarrassment." A sneezing sound appeared from mid-air.

"Sneeze powder?" Lin Yun subconsciously let out a scream. UU reading

Who is a decent person with this stuff?

Sneeze powder belongs to alchemy props, it is something made by refining things like pepper that make people sneeze.

This thing only needs a fortitude save of more than 12 to be exempt, and if it is only around, then it only needs a fortitude save of 8 to be exempt. Although it is a mage, it is a dwarf after all, and even a mage, level 4 If that is the case, then the toughness save has at least +1, that is to say, theoretically, as long as it rolls 4 or more, it can be saved.

Who would carry such a serious person?

All I can say is, it's strong.

As for finding the approximate location of this dwarf, it is not a strange thing.

Levitation itself only has the force to make the body go upwards, and cannot move in parallel, unless it moves by touching the ceiling.

So if the dwarf mage wants to leave, he can only fly towards the ceiling.

That's the same sentence, who is a decent person with this thing?

Lin Yun wondered if this guy brought this thing to trick people.

Lin Yun estimated the position a little bit, and in the direction he might be heading towards the opening of the hole, Lin Yun simply climbed the wall directly.

Because Lin Yun could see that there were many raised stones on the walls. In fact, they were walls rather than ladders.

"D20+5=13, the climbing check was successful."

While Lin Yun was climbing **** one side, Nero on the other side also slightly estimated his distance.

Bao'er picked up the first crowbar and threw it in the direction of the dwarf mage who was in mid-air and had just sneezed.

It's a pity that the direction didn't look right, so it was thrown empty.