MTL - Righteous Angry Hunting Demon-Chapter 31 The so-called adventurers are. .

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"Well... I think he should have gone elsewhere. I didn't find any evidence of his death, or even his footprints. Unfortunately, the direction he left was buried with the earthquake, but You don’t need to be too pessimistic. On the bright side, he is walking in a direction away from the current chaos and danger, and maybe now he has left Cannabury and this mess behind him, and is at ease in a peaceful distance.” Lin Yun's words, from a certain point of view, were indeed not lying.

Although I don't know the extent of the collapse.

But judging from the previous camp, Chief Sur's son should have been away for several days.

So the part that collapsed should be behind Chief Sur's son.

Even if he had been walking for a few days, if he hadn't been killed by some strange existence, he might have really stepped out of Cannabury's category.

"That's right. That's right. No news is good news." He treasured the brooch on his chest, then picked up a handful that had been leaning against his chair.

Lin Yun always thought it was his cane, but after Su Er picked it up, Lin Yun saw clearly what it was.

A mace stained with blood and emitting a faint blue light.

"This is a weapon I have used before. Since you have brought me this precious treasure, then I will also hand over mine to you." Chief Suer still said in a low voice.

As he spoke, he straightened up, put the mace into Lin Yun's hand, and then covered Lin Yun's palm.

Lin Yun pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"D20+5=17, the spell recognition check is successful."

This is a +1 mace.

Unfortunately. . . . . At this moment, Lin Yun only thought about selling this thing. . . . .

There is no way, this thing is not only cold iron, but also a mace. Lin Yun and the others have never used a mace.

Chief Sur could almost be said to have settled back on his stone chair.

"Go, have a good rest. The road ahead will be very difficult. If necessary, you can also exchange things you don't need with my people. Sometimes we will trade with some creatures in the ground, so gold coins It’s still useful here.” Chief Sur said weakly. "please."

Well, the eviction has begun.

Lin Yun and the others looked at each other for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing else to say, Lin Yun and the others went out.

"Don't worry, even though I can't go to fight with you, I can lead the way a little bit." Lan didn't know if he understood Chief Sur's intention, but he said excitedly.

"Then thank you, so now, can you take us to some places that can accept transactions? By the way, are there any weapons for sale? Is there any armor?" Lin Yun said like a cannonball.

"Well, after all, we don't have too many spellcasters here, so this is the only magic equipment." With an embarrassed smile, Lan pointed to the +1 mace. . . . .

Well, after all, after 70 years or so, generally good equipment has become unusable. Magic equipment may be better, but it is only better, and there is still the possibility of normal wear and tear.

And the resources here are so poor, and if according to what they say, there are no powerful spellcasters here, then there is indeed no way to make any magic equipment at all.

"No matter what, if Lan can, I hope to look for it and see if we can find something that can enhance our combat effectiveness. We are also willing to pay money." Lin Yun said seriously.

"Since you said so, well, maybe..." Lan thought for a moment, then sighed.

Immediately after leading Lin Yun and the others, Lan came to a stone house, and he knocked on the door outside.

They saw a figure familiar to Lin Yun and the others appearing in front of them.

It was actually Della. Seeing Lan En and Lin Yun coming, Della looked a little confused, although her face was full of tumors, which made it difficult for Lin Yun and the others to see her expression clearly.

After saying a lot of things to Della in the underground language, it was obvious that Della seemed to be hesitant, and then she nodded, and then Della walked into the house.

"Can you tell us what you and Della said?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"Della has probably the most valuable thing we have here." Lan said with a helpless expression.

"What's going on here?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"Della's great-grandpa, it is said that he used to be a powerful priest and acted with the first crusaders. Because of the pollution you mentioned before, Della's grandpa has begun to change. As one of the few crusaders at that time I am a priest, so I have some magic items, and I also have a good relationship with Della, so I know this." Lan said with some helplessness.

"This, it's not very good." Hearing this, Nero felt a little embarrassed.

"Of course, this is not given to you for free. You must trade at the normal price. Chief Sur said before that we can use gold coins." Lane said with a smile. "If we really have a chance to go up in the future, the money can also give Della a better identity."

"Okay." Nero nodded.

Presently Della came out, holding a ring, a brown jewel, and a buckler in his hand.

"D20+5=8, Spellcraft check failed.". . . . . never mind.

"A +1 protection ring, an earth element gem and a +1 small buckler, this is already more money than our entire team combined." Nero made a surprised voice.

Indeed, after the earth element gem is broken, it can summon a large earth element equivalent to that summoned by a level 5 spellcaster, and this earth element obeys the order of the person who broke the gem.

As for the ring of protection, it was a deflection bonus of +1 on defense. Except for the small buckler, which was a little weak, it was actually very good equipment.

At least for now, it is.

"Because we don't know the prices above. I just hope that for the sake of my friends, you can give me a reasonable price." Lan said seriously.

"Well, I did some calculations. If the protective ring is +1, the reference price is about 2000 gold coins. For the earth elemental gem, the reference price is about 2250 gold coins. For the last small round shield, the reference price is about 1150 gold coins." Nero Just said these guys.

Lan En stared at Nero carefully, as if after confirming whether Nero had lied, "Although I don't know whether it is right or not, it should be regarded as a fair price, so which one do you want to change?" Lan En Straight up.

"What do you think?" Nero turned his head to look at the others.

"Don't look at me, I'm average about these things." Hun Yuan shook his head slightly.

"As far as we are concerned, the only thing that is more useful is probably the protective ring." Lin Yun said seriously after thinking for a while. "However, most of our things are worth so much now, but in fact there is not enough money, so we can only say sorry, maybe after we clear up those traitors, we will have money."

"May I ask, how much money do you have now?" Lan En was also a little helpless, but still asked.

"Let me do the math, 2 bottles of blazing glue, 3 smoking sticks, 5 bottles of healing potions, 1 bottle of inferior recovery potions, a set of caltrops, three candles, a large backpack, and a snake that is said to be worth 15 gold coins." Leather, a ring worth 125 gold coins, a scroll of Electric Claw, a scroll of energy resistance, a spell book said to be worth 160 gold coins, oh yes, two refined chain armor shirts, two refined machetes, The scroll of frightening technique, and I count about 300 more gold coins." Lin Yun said without blushing without panting.

"You...... Is this when we collect the trash?" Lan En said with a greenish face.

"Ahem, cough, actually, I think that if you are going to go up, maybe it is not a bad idea to make other preparations. Look at my fine-made chain armor, which can be worn by an individual, and this spell book, Maybe one or two underground crusaders can become mages." Lin Yun said solemnly.

At this moment, the people around couldn't help being a little shocked at how thick-skinned Lin Yun was, how thick-skinned he really was.

"Okay, let me see if Della is interested." With a helpless expression, Lan could only repeat what Lin Yun had just said with a painful expression.

"Huh, UU reading Della said that she is more interested in a large backpack, hot glue, smoke sticks, snake skin, spell books, and refined chain mail shirts. Let's see how much it costs. Lane repeated helplessly.

It's a good thing he can remember these things.

"Is it one chain mail shirt or two?" Lin Yun asked subconsciously.

After all, this matter has not been fully explained yet.

"One piece." Lan said with some helplessness.

"Okay, in this case, the value is about 555 gold coins, but things like refined chain mail shirts will depreciate to a certain extent, and the price will probably become about 450 gold coins." Lin Yun said helplessly.

As if seeing Lin Yun's expression, Della said something to Lan En again.

"Forget it, Della can tell at a glance that you poor people can't afford it. She said, these things will be mortgaged to her as 500 gold coins, and this protective ring will be loaned to you by her. If you can get it later If there are some valuable things, then it's not too late to return them." Lan En said with a depressed face.

"Ahem, cough, okay, okay, no problem, no problem." Faced with this situation, Lin Yun was also a little blushing, and he could only say that they were too poor.

Generally speaking, professionals starting at level 2 have an average wealth of 1,000 gold coins, but they don't. . . . . Not to mention that they are about to upgrade to level 3, and the average wealth of level 3 is 3000 gold coins.

It's really embarrassing.

"I feel like I'm probably so embarrassed that I can use my feet to dig out a room and three living rooms." Nero on the side covered his face and said with a look that he couldn't complain.

"I can only say that this is too Dante, that invincible thick-skinned." Hun Yuan said with a look of deep approval.