MTL - Righteous Angry Hunting Demon-Chapter 41 Is it so silky?

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In any case, what should be done now is still to be done.

This so-called traitor tribe was much more troublesome than Lin Yun and the others expected.

From the words of Chief Suer before, we can know that the combatants here are similar to those in Nisholm.

The total number of Nisholm is 38, but only one-third of the fighters, so Lin Yun feels okay.

But now with cultists and a bunch of other guys, it feels more complicated.

However, what needs to be done is still to be done.

So with the others, Lin Yun and the others headed back to where they were before.

It's just that Comelia wants to go back a little bit to convey the situation a little bit.

After all, this side was also cleared by Lin Yun and the others.

Revisiting the room they came to at the beginning with a lot of sleeping bags and 4 mixed-race people, you can see the only door to the north that Lin Yun and the others did not open before, but now it is in the open state.

They were killed by Lin Yun and the others before, and the two stupid cultists who were going to sneak around and attack Lin Yun and the others just gave it away for nothing.

There are many shelves beside the rested stone wall, and various processed corpses are placed in categories: dire rats, bats, stone vipers, cave lizards, and various other terrifying creatures.

There are two sleeping bags under the southeast corner.

It looks like the sleeping bag of those two guys just now.

After looking at it for a while, there is a rope ladder in the north, leading to the cave above, and there is another cave in the east, without a door, which seems to be very deep.

"Which way?" Nero asked directly.

"Old rules, first let the magic pet stare here, and let's go over there to have a look." Lin Yun said directly.

"Then let's go." Nero said directly, starting to lead the battle again.

Accompanied by Lin Yun and the others, they walked in slowly

A soft din came from down the passage wall.

"There is the sound of water, water element, be careful." Lin Yun shouted in a low voice.

Above the cave was a handle, from which hung down a knotty rope—at the other end was tied an iron spike in the ground.

It appears to be a stake used to pump buckets up.

When I walked in and pulled up the rope, I could see that the bucket had been destroyed and only one end of the rope was left.

"It's time to let your magic pet go down to have a look again." Lin Yun patted Hun Yuan on the shoulder and said.

"I knew it." Hun Yuan puffed up, and then the raven who was waiting on the other side flew over, "Did you make a mistake, let me fly around, really think I don't need to rest."

Obviously, Raven protested Lin Yun's abuse.

"Yes, yes, I'll give you an extra meal tonight." Lin Yun said directly.

"Crow, crow, I want the best offal." The raven stopped beside Hun Yuan, flapping its wings.

"Okay." Lin Yun said casually.

Just like that, the raven flew down.

"I see, I see, there's a guy below that looks like water, and there's a secret door." Flying up from below, the raven kept yelling.

"Secret door? Could it be that this is the reason why Hoxila wants to solve this water element?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Then how are you going to fight?" Nero looked at Lin Yun, as if he believed that Lin Yun would have other strange operations.

"First determine the general direction of the secret door, and then do you know where the water flows from?" Lin Yun looked at Raven.

"Well. Here, here, there are two entrances and exits for water, which flow out. The secret door is on this side. It's underwater. My eyesight is good, so it's okay." Although the raven is a raven.

But after all, it is a magic pet.

Converted to a magic pet of a level 3 mage, the intelligence must be at least 7, while the intelligence of ordinary animals is 2, so there is no problem at all.

"Since this is the case, then I will leave it to you. Water elementals will become weak in places without water, so... Dig a hole under the water and divert the water outlets on both sides. If the water elemental follows the water If we run together, then we don't even have to fight, if we stay where we are, then we can fight casually." Lin Yun said with a sunny smile.

"Ruthless, too cruel." Nero grinned all of a sudden.

"This ability of digging the ground has been exploited by you." Hun Yuan also said with a strange expression.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Yun smiled, then looked at Saya, "Is it okay?"

Saya naturally nodded, and then I saw Saya moved around a little bit, as if looking for a place to dig, and then started digging directly.

Through vibration perception, Saya listened to the sound of water and kept digging down.

Sure enough, the Raven guy was a little unreliable.

The depth is not clear.

After digging to a depth of about 12 meters, Saya began to feel water.

Saya, who felt a little unreliable after listening to the raven, was estimating the approximate location, and then dug a hole at a height of about 3 meters above the water, where the water element should not come into contact with it, so that She can observe the situation.

Because he had a slight impression of the raven's position, Saya quickly locked the entrance of the secret door, and then looked at the water outlets on both sides.

The water flow is not fast, but it can be dug.

Thinking of this, Saya continued to excavate directly. First of all, at the No. 1 water outlet, Saya did not directly dig the water channel above.

Instead, we continued to dig down first, and after digging to a depth of about 2 meters, we dug in the direction of No. 2 nozzle.

Through tremor perception, Saya can constantly compare and locate the position on the water.

Then, when the channel is almost dug, the water channels on both sides will be dug through.

Because the water flows downhill, the water from these nozzles immediately rushed into the tunnel dug by Saya.

Almost instantly, Saya under the tunnel was submerged in water.

But Saya was prepared after all, and dug back along the hole dug out before.

Tunnel warfare is really interesting.

"Gulu, Gulu." Because the water outlets on both sides were disconnected, and there was no low-lying place in the middle, the water also drained away together, and then a being that was almost as tall as two people and covered in water appeared here. In this puddle.

It seems that this guy is a little confused about the situation at this time.

At this time, Saya had already climbed up the passage continuously, and soon came to Lin Yun's side again.

"The situation is not very good. It has been eroded by water for a long time. There are some puddles on the ground, and the water element is on the puddles." Saya wrote a bunch of words with his claws.

"Okay, it's still a little whimsical. If that's the case, then plan B, dig a hole under that water elemental, let him fall directly, and we won't hit this guy anymore." Lin Yun said seriously.

"Yes." Saya nodded, and then wrote.

That's it, Saya. . . . . went down again.

What needs to be explained is that at this time, more than 10 minutes have passed, so the transformation effect on Lin Yun and the others has been eliminated.

This time, she locked on to the puddle where the water element was located, as before, without digging under the earth element first.

Instead, dig a pit at least 6 meters deep below, and then dig a horizontal line at a place about 1 meter or so, enough for Saya to run out of the pit without being entangled by water elements potholes.

After completing these, Saya dug through the last part, and quickly got into the shelter that was dug out before feeling that the water of the water element was too heavy and caused it to collapse.

I saw that the water turned into water element fell directly.

Then. . . . . It turned into a strange shape. It said it fell, but it didn't fall completely, and it didn't fall, but it seemed to fall.

Because the hole dug by Saya is a larger hole for a medium-sized creature, but this water elemental is a large water elemental, so his volume is larger than this cave, but he is also a liquid creature.

So, it's stuck there, but some of the fluid is falling out. . . . .

"Meh." After digging out from the shelter, Saya hissed straight up to the sky.

"Here we come." Grabbing the rope, Nero was the first to jump down with a quick slide.

Because of the height of 12 meters, the falling speed was a bit fast, and the long soaking made the ground a bit muddy, and Nero stepped into it with one foot.

"What kind of posture is this?" Looking at the large water element that kept supporting his body but kept sliding down, Nero also laughed a little.

However, he stretched out his ghostly hand without hesitation.

Strictly speaking, the water element is a bit like a non-Newtonian It looks like water, which can flow downhill, but it can actually be caught or even hurt.

It's amazing.

So Nero's ghost hand can naturally hurt the water element.

Although it is said that because of the special nature of the elements, hitting the weapon on it is like hitting water, and part of the damage is buffered.

The translation is that the damage reduction is 5, and any weapon will reduce the damage by 5 points.

This is also the reason why Lin Yun was not very willing to fight before.

Nero's ghostly hand grabbed the water element at once, and it really felt like a non-Newtonian liquid.

I saw the water element slipping away from Nero's hand with a "suo", and following Nero's hand, it got out of the pothole where it fell, and crawled to the ground beside it.

Although there is still some water, it is not counted as surface combat.

You can see the large water element that seemed to be boiling just now, and its size has become slightly smaller, although it is still very large.

And the second one who descended was naturally Lin Yun, who was a little taken aback when he saw this posture, and then said directly, "Weapon detection, Bai Tiebo." Considering how difficult this guy is, Lin Yun's eyes flickered, Jian Guang pulled.

A silver-white sword light flew out.

The water element that was going to turn its body into a crescent shape to avoid Lin Yun's attack suddenly turned into a puddle

"D20+5+3+1-1=17, Miss."

"D20+5+3+1-1=16, Miss."

Facts have proved that the hit or miss.

Is this water element so slippery?