MTL - Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!-Chapter 1288 sheep small intestine

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"Ai Lulu, why are you here?"

Xia Ya asked in surprise.

"This is my home, why can't I be here?"

The person on the bed said angrily.

Sting, a candle is lit.

Zhang Tuohai saw the situation in the room clearly.

This is a very dilapidated house with mottled walls, a dampness in the air, and all kinds of rags on the floor and shelves.

The bed was made of wooden boards and boxes, a worn quilt, and a ragged woman curled up in the quilt.

Seeing the furnishings in the room clearly, Shaar was a little embarrassed, his boots stepped on two pits on the iron floor: "I said why the key is not working anymore, it turned out to be the wrong door, if you continue to sleep, just be We haven't been here."

Xiaya said and retreated outside.

"Wait, Shaar, you've become enlightened and learned how to bring men home?"

Ai Lulu looked at Xia in surprise.

"No, don't think about it, good night."

Shaar slammed the door shut.


The iron door closed again.

The only fly in the ointment is that the door handle fell off the iron door.

"Is this really okay?"

Zhang Tuohai looked at the handle in Xia Ya's hand and asked.

"Don't worry, Ai Lulu won't care, I will help her install it tomorrow."

Shaar casually put the doorknob on the broken box near the door.

The two came to the door of the next room. This time, Shaar tried several times before getting the key in.

I twisted it a few times, but the lock didn't budge.

"I knew I had to do it the old way."

Xia Ya took half a step back and kicked the door straight.

In an instant, there was a footprint on the iron door.

The lock fell off and the door opened.

Zhang Tuohai took a closer look, and found that there was not only one footprint on the iron door, but many footprints superimposed together.

Only then did he understand why Xiaya kicked so naturally, it turned out he was used to it.

"come in."

Char walked into the room and lit the kerosene lamp on the table.

Zhang Tuohai followed and walked in.

The room is similar to the previous room, both are very dilapidated, but there are few things in this room, which makes the room look bigger.

There was a broken iron bed by the corner, covered with a quilt, which looked clean.

In the center of the room is a table with a kerosene lamp on it.

There was nothing else in the room besides a broken chair.

Xia looked around and handed the chair to Zhang Tuohai: "Sit down."

After speaking, Xia sat on the bed by himself.

Zhang Tuohai looked around and sat down on the only chair.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to say something to break the embarrassment, he suddenly saw a shadow poking his head at the door.


Xia Yameng stood up, holding the long knife at his waist with his right hand.

"it's me."

Zhang Tuohai saw that it was Ai Lulu who came in.

"What's the matter? I'll fix the door for you tomorrow."

Xia Ya said.

"Sister Xia, do you need lamb intestines? Don't worry, it's brand new, no one has used it before."

Elle said cautiously.

"I don't eat sheep intestines." Xia Ya said.

"It's not for food, it's for use." Elulu leaned into Shaar's ear and said softly.

Shaar's face turned crimson.

"You don't have any nostalgia for the world, do you?"

Xia grabbed Ai Lulu's back collar and lifted Ai Lulu up.

"Sister Xia, I'm doing this for your own good. We're about to welcome the invasion. You don't want to run around with the ball, do you?"

"Although many bards' poems are written in this way, it is really inconvenient if you are pregnant. For safety reasons, I think it is appropriate to sacrifice a little comfort."

Elle explained.

"Get out!"

Xiaya carried Ai Lulu to the door and kicked her out.

"Sister Xia, don't do anything, I'm doing this for your own good!" Ai Lulu still shouted outside.


Char closed the door.

A piece of the iron door was recessed visible to the naked eye.

Xiaya took two deep breaths before turning around.

He showed a kind face: "You didn't hear anything just now, did you?"

"Just now, weren't we discussing the current situation just now?"

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

With his hearing ability, let alone the whispers of Ai Lulu in Xiaya's ear, even the rats under the bed of the next door neighbor's house can clearly hear them talking about which is the poorest house.

However, his EQ is not low enough to pierce Shaar's pain points.

After hearing Zhang Tuohai's answer, Xia was very satisfied.

"Yes, the current situation, the current situation is too chaotic. Everyone knows that the three-eyed man is coming soon. Many people think that they will not survive anyway, and they are thinking about how to enjoy themselves in time. Some people are actually conspiring to study how to cooperate Three-eyed people attack, this group of rebellious boys!"

Shaar knocked on the table bitterly, and a dent appeared on the table.

"It's normal. Not everyone has a firm will to resist, and even some who have had a bad life think this is an opportunity to change their fate."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Why do they think so? Don't they have any loyalty to the kingdom at all?"

Shaar didn't understand.

"It's normal. For the lower class, the kingdom and the royal family are too far away for them. The righteousness and the overall situation are also invisible to them. All they care about are their own three meals a day, rice, oil and salt. "

"While the fleet of the British Empire sails across the seven seas, the beggars in the streets of London will not be proud. They would rather be the chief of a small tribe. It doesn't matter to him whether he will be enslaved by Britain as a colony. Anyway, his own Live a little more comfortably."

Zhang Tuohai said.

He has seen this kind of thing a lot, and he can see too many similar stories by reading a few more history books.

"But, but, they are three-eyed people after all."

Xia Ya was still a little puzzled.

"So what, if you can turn from a small sheriff to become a king, but the price is that there will be another king on your head, you will become an existence under one person and above ten thousand people, you will do you accept?"

"Maybe you won't accept it, UU Reading, but can you guarantee that others can also endure such a big temptation?"

"The beggars on the street, the cows and horses in the factory, the hostesses in the strip clubs, the low-level employees, and the small workshop owners who are on the verge of bankruptcy, do you think they can bear this temptation?"

Zhang Tuohai said.

"But, haven't they considered the risks? If they fail, they will die."

"Which do you think their current life is more enjoyable than death?"

Zhang Tuohai asked back.

Shaar was silent.

She was thinking about what Zhang Tuohai said, although she didn't understand some things very well, but her perception told her that what Zhang Tuohai said was right.

"You can say this, you must have a way, right!"

Xia Ya grabbed Zhang Tuohai's hand and asked.