MTL - Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!-Chapter 1303 clean up mole

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"Plague cloud?"

Looking at the black cloud, Zhang Tuohai frowned.

The Scarlet Queen once covered it up with him, this is the sixth-level skill of the Warlock.

Although it looks like a dark cloud, it is not water vapor that makes up the dark cloud, but various plague viruses.

If covered, a person will be infected with dozens of hundreds of different viruses in an instant.

Being attacked by so many viruses at the same time, almost no one can resist, and they will die almost instantly.

A single plague cloud can destroy a city if it is powerful enough.

"Is this kind of skill?" Zhang Tuohai's heart moved, and two condemnation chains rose into the air and inserted into the plague cloud.

The red runes on the chains flickered, and the black plague cloud disappeared.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct. The body that builds the plague is still energy, and it can also be absorbed."

Zhang Tuohai smiled.

But the Shoggoths were stunned.

Plague cloud is his special skill, and he has defeated countless enemies with this skill.

Let countless people die without a whole body.

However, in front of this person, he couldn't even get close.

how can that be?

Shoggoth's face was full of astonishment.

The unbelievers cast another plague cloud.

This time, just as the plague cloud formed, it was entangled by two chains of condemnation, and then turned into energy and disappeared without a trace.

Shoggoth still wanted to make a move, but it was too late, and the remaining chains of condemnation had already wrapped him up.

Shoggoth felt that the energy and vitality in his body were dissipating rapidly.

"how come?"

The shoggoth tried to break free from the chains.

But the energy in the body is getting less and less, and the strength is getting weaker and weaker.


Shoggoth's body turned into dust all over the ground amidst the unwilling roar.

"Who else?"

Zhang Tuohai jumped onto the roof, and the chain of conviction in his hand continued to spread around.

Because the strongest existence, Shoggoth, had already fallen, the other people in the mansion cut off the idea of ​​resistance and turned into birds and beasts, ready to run away.

However, Zhang Tuohai had expected this a long time ago, and the chains of conviction had already been arranged around him.

The entire Prime Minister's Mansion has been besieged tightly, and it has become a cage, locking everyone inside.

Those people are like fish in a fishing net. They can't break free from the cage even if they fight left and right. In the end, they all become the nourishment of the chain of condemnation.

"My lord, all the searches have been completed, and no one was left alive. All the flowers in the flower pots were pulled out and burned."

Copper Hammer walked over and said.

Zhang Tuohai is very satisfied with Tonghammer's debut.

"Go, go to the next one."

Zhang Tuohai turned around and walked towards the next house.

The Imperial Guard left two people to guard the door, and the rest followed Zhang Tuohai to the next place.

That night, blood flowed like rivers in the imperial capital.

Countless lives were reduced to dust.

However, after this cleansing, the entire imperial capital has regained control, completely obeying the Scarlet Queen.

"Honey, thank you for helping me fix the mess in the imperial capital. I thought that the imperial capital was under control. I didn't expect to be made into this state by these black-hearted maggots in the dark. Fortunately, you saved this place. Otherwise, this place will definitely become The first city to fall."

The Scarlet Queen said with some fear.

If Zhang Tuohai hadn't helped clean up those rebels with two hearts in the imperial capital, these people would definitely rebel when the three-eyed people attacked, and the imperial capital would be the first to fall.

The Empire will end at her hands too.

She doesn't want to be a king of subjugation.

Fortunately, Zhang Tuohai came and helped her escape this fate.

"It's too early to be happy. The capitals of the empire are all like this. You can imagine how other cities are. Therefore, other cities have to be cleaned up."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"But it's only been less than a month, and the time may not be enough."

The Scarlet Queen said worriedly.

"Then at least clean up the surrounding important cities. Those must also be the focus of infiltration. We must grasp these strategic nodes in our own hands, and then there is hope for a comeback."

"Then it will be hard for you."

The Scarlet Queen took Zhang Tuohai's hand.

"It doesn't matter, they just need them to nourish the chain of conviction."

Zhang Tuohai boarded the steam airship.

At the same time, he brought Qingcheng as a guide to guide him.

"This is one of the important towns in the defense circle of the imperial capital, Giant Rock City. There is a legion of warlocks stationed here, and it is the core fortress that defends the imperial capital."

Qingcheng pointed to a fortress below and said.

"Then let's start here."

Zhang Tuohai fell to the ground along the rope ladder.

"who are you?"

Several defenders rushed over, aiming various weapons at Zhang Tuohai.

"I am the inspector sent by the queen. I want to see your supreme commander. Where is he now?"

Zhang Tuohai took out the handwritten letter given by Scarlet.

The defenders did not dare to neglect Zhang Tuohai's handwriting, and quickly brought Zhang Tuohai to the office of the army commander.

"I don't know, what is the purpose of Her Majesty sending you here, to check the defense, or to check the supplies?"

asked the Legion Commander.

"I'm offended, although it's very rude, but the matter is urgent, please bear with me."

Zhang Tuohai bowed slightly, and then dozens of chains came out, tying up the stunned legion leader.

Then, an old punch hit the face of the legion commander.

After the game prompt popped up, Zhang Tuohai untied the chains that bound the army commander.

"Excuse me, excuse me."

Zhang Tuohai thoughtfully helped close the door, leaving behind the army commander who was puzzled.

"It's just that the leader has no problem. Don't the people below sort it out? I'm worried that there may be traitors in the middle and lower classes."

Qingcheng said.

"This is all the matter of the legion commander. I can't cover everything."

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the fortress below and said: "If he can't do it, it means that he is not worthy to be the commander of this army, and he might as well die. Let's go to the next fortress."

Zhang Tuohai said.


Qing Cheng turned the steam airship and headed for the next fortress.

It took three days for Zhang Tuohai to clean up the eighteen towns and fortresses around the imperial capital, including the city lord, governor, and legion commander, to ensure that the defensive circle around the imperial capital was in complete condition. reliable state.

Zhang Tuohai had a hunch that this would be the core battlefield, and only by ensuring the safety of this place could the empire stop the first wave of the Three-Eyed Clan's offensive.

As long as you survive the first wave, the follow-up will be easy.

Whether it is a frontal battle, or harassment behind the enemy, UU Reading or even entering the opponent's world to attack the enemy's base camp, Zhang Tuohai has a lot of ways.

"The imperial capital circle alone is not enough. There is still time. Take advantage of this time to visit all the important cities in each region. When arranging the route, try to follow the connected cities. We must control these strategic fulcrums in our hands. .”

Zhang Tuohai said.

"I'll arrange it now."

Qingcheng went down to arrange the route.

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