MTL - Royal Beast: I Can Evolve Infinitely-Chapter 602 Pie from the sky, should we eat it?

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   Seeing the dracolich getting closer and closer to him, Bai Qi's heart was pounding, but Nicholas reacted quickly, and took Bai Qi and the five pets into the Emerald Dreamland.

   Regardless of why the dracolich is still alive, judging from the breath alone, the dracolich is definitely stronger than him.

   However, at the moment when the entrance of the Emerald Dream was about to close, a black aura suddenly spread in, and quickly formed a talisman array under Nicholas' feet, sending Bai Qi and his party out.

   "This...can't even stop the Emerald Dream?"

Bai Qi was a little surprised when he saw this. The Emerald Dreamland is exclusive to green dragons. Unless there is an emerald imprint, even a powerful enemy like the black dragon Akua can only use the connection between the emerald vision and the main world to capture the location of Bai Qi and the others. .

   Now, the dracolich not only invaded the Emerald Dream, but also sent them out directly, and they didn't even have a chance to resist.

  Why are these secret realms so dangerous, why can’t we come to a relatively peaceful one?

  Bai Qi complained for a while, but Nicholas quickly reacted and said.

   "We were all deceived, Ben Long was not connected to the Emerald Dream, and everything he saw just now was just an illusion."

  Nicholas looked at the astonishing dracolich in front of him, a flash of emerald brilliance flashed in his eyes, and the body of the dracolich disintegrated instantly, turning into a black smoke.

  After the smoke dissipated, the true face of the eighth floor appeared in front of Bai Qi and the others.

  Black shadow power continued to escape from the shattered sky, and the collapsed palace was even more desolate than what they had seen before. Only the hole that seemed to connect several secret realms remained the same.

   "So, we have been affected by hallucinations since we entered the eighth floor?"

  Bai Qi raised his eyebrows, it doesn't matter if it affects them, even Nicholas can affect it, what exactly is guarding the eighth floor.

   "It should be, and the guy who affects us is there."

   Nicholas pointed to the cave, his eyes full of vigilance, and Bai Qi noticed that at the place where the dracolich appeared, there was a figure wearing a dragon head mask at some point.


   (Human, this guy is very dangerous!)

  Beta didn't play around for the first time, bent down to stare at the figure, and let out low growls from time to time.

  Although he couldn't detect the slightest bit of breath, the powerful perception brought by his insight into everything kept sending death reminders to Beta.

  This sense of crisis is the same as meeting the black dragon Akua.

   Maybe even stronger!

   "Nicholas, is there a way to escape?"

  Looking at the five pets who were facing a formidable enemy, Bai Qi quietly leaned into Nicholas' ear and asked.

   "It's too late. Ben Long was affected by this guy's aura when he first came in, and he couldn't contact the Emerald Dream at all."

  Nicholas shook his head, and said: "The only option now is to hold this guy back, Bai Qi, let Epsilon take the opportunity to open the Emerald Dream and escape."

   "Okay, be careful yourself!"

  Bai Qi is not hypocritical, instead of staying behind and dragging his feet, it is better to run away.

   It is never only the villains who die from talking too much, and the decent ones too.

At this moment, the dragon-headed masked man seemed to have sensed the thoughts of Bai Qi and Nicholas, and slowly turned his head to look at Bai Qi. Bai Qi suddenly felt as if there was some kind of terrifying existence looking down on him from another dimension, and his soul also Trembling unconsciously.

   buzz buzz...

  At this moment, the evolutionary egg suddenly shook, and red, blue, and yellow brilliance appeared on the originally transparent eggshell. Bai Qi suddenly felt relieved, and the feeling of being watched suddenly dissipated.


  A suspicious voice came from under the mask of the dragon head, and the cold air suddenly dissipated.

   "Strange intruders, tell us your purpose."

  As soon as the dragon-headed masked man said this, Bai Qi and Nicholas froze in place at the same time, looking at each other, they both saw each other's embarrassment.

   "Well, do you believe me when I say we're going the wrong way?"

  Bai Qi smiled awkwardly and said.

   Judging from this person's appearance, there is a high probability that he is the owner of the Twilight Tomb, the dracolich.

  Although it is normal to explore secret lands in the Federation, it is a bit embarrassing to meet the owner suddenly.

  The most important thing is that they still can't beat this master.

"I believe."

  The dracolich nodded slightly, looked at Bai Qi and Nicholas who were full of astonishment, and said: "The last human who came here told me so, and he helped me restore the first eight floors of the tomb."

   "So, I believe."

  Hearing what the dracolich said, one person, one dragon and five pets looked at each other in blank dismay.


   (Human, why does Ben Wang think this guy looks like a fool?)

   Kappo Kappo.

   (Gamma thinks so too, seems very innocent.)

   "I think so too, why don't you lead us to fool him?"

   Gala Gala.

   (No, this guy is too dangerous to take risks.)

  Porp porp.

   (The surrounding space is blocked by him, and Delta also thinks it’s better not to take risks.)

   "Don't worry, since the other party didn't do anything, let's talk."

  Listening to Wu Chong's communication with the help of the contract, Bai Qi nodded slightly, quickly sorted out his thoughts, and said, "Then can I leave now if I want to?"


   Contrary to Bai Qi's expectations, the dracolich readily agreed to Bai Qi, but before Bai Qi could breathe a sigh of relief, the dracolich continued.

   "But you need to do me a favor before I can let you go."

"no problem!"

  Before the dracolich finished speaking, Bai Qi agreed directly, seeing Nicholas bewildered.

   "Bai Qi, why did you promise so readily, what if we can't do it?"

  Nicholas quietly asked, said.

   "Don't care about him, first agree and then talk, and don't care about it after you leave here."

  Bai Qi shrugged and said, "And do you think I can refuse now?"

   "It seems...can't..."

  Nicolas shook his head. Although the aura of the dracolich was a bit strange and felt like a castle in the air, out of caution, Nicholas did not act recklessly.

   In case the opponent is really strong and they arouse the opponent's hostility again, Nicholas cannot guarantee Bai Qi's safety.

  Well, it seems that the retreat time is not long enough, and I will prepare more when I go back.

  The dracolich didn't seem to have heard the conversation between one person and one dragon. After hearing Bai Qi's promise, he started talking on his own.

   "As you can see, the Great Tomb of Dusk was hit by some alien objects, which directly affected my sleep. For some reason, I couldn't fix it, so I need your help to fix it."

   "Repairing the secret realm is too difficult, I can't do it..."

   "If the repair is completed, I will give you a generous reward."

   "Then it's settled."

  Bai Qi's attitude changed suddenly, and he directly agreed to the dracolich's deal, then pointed to the huge hole behind the dracolich, and said: "However, it is too difficult to restore the secret realm, I need some time."

   "It's understandable, that human being said the same thing before."

  The dracolich did not suspect him, and said: "Before restoring the secret realm, you must first remove those things attached to the wound in the secret realm."

   "Those things?"

  Bai Qi was a little puzzled when he heard the words, and after seeing the dracolich retreating to the other end of the cave, he asked Nicholas to lead him to the front of the cave.

  As Bai Qi guessed before, this hole should be pierced by something similar to a meteorite. Now, after watching it closely, this guess is even more confirmed.

   Even, Bai Qi saw some green flames that never went out on the edge of the hole.

  According to what the dracolich meant, humans once helped him restore the first few levels of secret realms. Judging from the information he knows, there is a high probability that it is the Emperor of Heaven.

  That is a character of more than a thousand years ago, which means that the time when the Great Tomb of Dusk was smashed would only be earlier.

  The flame that has been burning for thousands of years is still green, and Bai Qi basically knows what it is that smashed through the Great Tomb of Dusk.

   "Gamma, can you determine the origin of those flames? Is it evil energy?"

   Kappo Kappo.

   (Although it is very faint, it is indeed fel energy.)

   Gamma nodded, opened his mouth, and wanted to step forward to absorb some.

   Seeing this, Bai Qi immediately pulled Gamma back, and then continued to ask: "Apart from this, do I need to prepare anything else?"

   "In addition to the creatures or props that can purify this thing, you also need a creature that is proficient in space, a creature that can carry the shadow burst, and it is best to have enough rune knowledge."

  The conditions are so stuck, you can just say that I got it.

  Bai Qi looked at the dracolich suspiciously, seriously suspecting that the dracolich just made it up.

   "Actually, before you came, many creatures came in, especially the human being and a few strange things that came in recently. They are all stronger than you, but I didn't choose them."

   "The human being who came recently... Could it be the teacher?"

  Bai Qi rubbed his chin and guessed.

   "I saw something different in you, maybe you can help me fix this place completely, so I am willing to continue to wait."

   As he said that, the dracolich waved his hand, and a jet-black ball of light flew up from the hole, landed in the dracolich's hands, and turned into a pitch-black dragon horn.

   "This is the deposit I paid, and it should be of great help to the growth of your pet beast. When you have enough strength, come and help me restore the secret realm."

  The dracolich paused, and said: "I don't force you to repair it all at once, so every time you repair a layer, I will give you a layer of reward."

   This will directly give a deposit. Could it be that he thinks too much, and the creatures before are so sincere? It made him a little embarrassed to continue fooling around.

  Bai Qi looked at the black dragon horn slowly floating in front of him, feeling a little tangled.

   This pie that fell from the sky, and it’s still a big pie, should I eat it?