MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 24 About the money...

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  Chapter 24 about the money...

  Zuo Xiaoduo finally vented the excitement in his heart, but found that his parents were not as happy as he imagined for the shocking news.

  That attitude should be said to be... thoughtful, preoccupied, even a little... panicked.

  Zuo Xiaoduo thought it was wrong, so he couldn't help but put away his smile, and said cautiously: "Dad, Mom, are you... unhappy?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Zuo Changlu let out a series of long laughs, with a smile all over his face: "Happy, so happy! Dad was directly suppressed by you just now! Hahaha, my son can finally practice! From today on, who would dare to say that my son is Trash? Hahaha..."

   Papa Zuo, who was full of shame, gave Wu Yuting a secret wink.

Wu Yuting also turned into a smiling face, wiped her eyes quickly, and said: "Yeah, I'm really happy, it's a great joy for our family that the dog has successfully cultivated, the dog's father, oh, we Xiao Duo will be a cultivator from now on...His dad, go buy some good wine and food, come to our house to celebrate tonight."

  Zuo Changlu laughed loudly and said, "That's right, that's a must to celebrate!"

   Standing up, you are about to open the door and leave.

  Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly felt a bit sour in his heart, and couldn't help but think of Zuo Xiaonian, although he was very dissatisfied with the name Nian Nian Mao, the loss after he suddenly changed his name...

  It turned out to be like this...I feel like my parents are being polite to me all of a sudden...

   couldn't help but muttered: "Let's call it a dog...Suddenly changed the name, I'm not used to it..."


  The three laughed together.

  Zuo Xiaoduo then added with a playful smile: "It would be the best if I could... slowly correct it; give me a period of mental adaptation."

   "That's what you think is too beautiful!"

  Wu Yuting and Zuo Xiaonian spoke in unison.

  Zuo Xiaonian barked her teeth and danced her claws: "You are a dog, you will always be a dog, and you will always be a dog."

  Zuo Xiaoduo put on a vicious dog face and let out a growl.

  Zuo Changlu laughed and opened the door and went to buy food and drinks.

Wu Yuting pushed Zuo Xiaoduo out of her arms, and said softly: "Go, go play with your sister, I'll see what else is in the refrigerator, and choose a few dishes to stir-fry. It's always boring to just eat outside. How about frying some salted fish for you later?"


   Zuo Xiaoduo was excited for a while.

   Immediately, Zuo Xiaonian pulled her over: "Come here, dog, let me ask you, how did you break through, it really made my sister break her glasses..."

   After being pulled away by Zuo Xiaonian, her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally with the sound of closing the door, she couldn't hear her voice at all.

  Zuo Xiaonian's voice was completely excited, even a little uncontrollable. Just listening to her talk, you can feel that this girl is completely overjoyed.

  Wu Yuting stopped the kitchen knife in her hand, and turned into a daze.

   After a while, his nostrils were sore and his eye circles were red.

  How can I cultivate...

  The road ahead... how difficult it is...

  The sky is slowly getting dark.

   I don’t know when Zuo Changlu came back, carrying some hard dishes, entered the kitchen, and stood quietly behind his wife.

  Holding his wife's weak shoulders with his hands, he slowly hugged her in his arms, and said softly: "Don't worry, don't forget, there is still Xiao Nian watching, so don't worry too much."

  He whispered: "Actually... Xiao Nian is more concerned than us."

  Wu Yuting nodded silently, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't.

  Yes, it’s good to have my sister watching. But... After all, it's more reassuring not to see Ping An An with your own eyes!

   "I regret it." Wu Yuting said in a low voice.

   "...It's okay." Zuo Changlu said in silence.

   Immediately, the tone became relaxed: "Come on, cook, they will be clamoring for dinner in a while."


  The sound of Duoduo, a kitchen knife, sounded.

  Zuo Changlu walked out calmly and set up the dining table, which seemed to be the same as usual, but also seemed very different.


  A table full of food and wine, a family of four, sat down together, full of joy and joy.

   "Today is a day of great joy."

  Zuo Changlu was full of smiles: "Let's have a drink for both of you."

  Zuo Xiaonian's beautiful eyes were shining, her face was radiant, and she nodded repeatedly.

  Zuo Xiaoduo rubbed his hands together, giggling: "Dad, I've already become a strong man, so these two jars of wine might not be enough."

  Wu Yuting sneered: "Not enough? During the Chinese New Year last year, who drank a total of two cups, but occupied the toilet for half the night? Who did it? My memory is really bad."

  Zuo Xiaoduo blushed: "Mom! I'm a samurai now! A samurai!"

   "Samurai? It's amazing, so tall!"

  Wu Yuting curled her lips: "How do I remember that the Niannian cat sitting next to you is already a master? I don't know what level a warrior is, a peerless powerhouse?"

  Zuo Xiaoduo pouted, pretending to be angry.


   Zuo Changlu gave an order as if trying to smooth things over.

  Zuo Xiaoduo, who was still pretending just now, stretched out his hand and grabbed a phoenix chicken thigh, and stuffed it into his mouth at a high speed, his cheeks puffed up immediately, and he chewed with great mouthfuls: "Delicious, delicious!"

  The family couldn't help but make a joke about it.

   "By the way, dog," Wu Yuting remembered something, and said, "Didn't you just say that there is another bad news? What is it?"

  Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly remembered the sad things, and said: "Hey, don't mention it, it's just that the school I went to was too dark... The warrior class needs to pay, a lot of money, tuition..."

   with a melancholy look: "It's so dark..."

  Zuo Changlu Wu Yuting Zuo Xiaonian The three of them were speechless.

  Shouldn’t it be right to go to school and pay tuition? Where is it black? Is it really dark? !

   "How much can you just say?"

  Zuo Changlu took a sip of his wine: "Our family has money. But any matter that can be solved with money is not a problem in our family. Just say it."

   "One hundred thousand! One hundred thousand! And an additional fifty low-grade star soul jade! Tell me, do you think it's black or not?"

   Zuo Xiaoduo said bitterly: "So much money, it's only one semester!"

   "You say, is it black or not?!"

   Zuo Xiaoduo heaved a long sigh.

   "Is it dark? It's quite normal." Zuo Changlu said indifferently, the understatement made Zuo Xiaoduo surprised, and even felt unreal.

  At first, I thought that my father would be shocked for a while, hurt for a while, and embarrassed for a while, but in the end...

   "The tuition fee of 100,000 yuan is not outrageous. It should be about this amount for a samurai to practice for several months."

  Zuo Changlu took out a card with a relaxed face, and said lightly, "There are eighty thousand in it."

   Then he went to take out his pocket again: "I'll give you another 20,000 in cash."


  Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian spoke at the same time.

  Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting turned their heads to look.

"You speak first."

"You speak first."

  The two siblings spoke at the same time.

  Finally, Zuo Xiaonian bit her lip and said bravely, "I have some money here... I'll pay the dog's tuition."

  Zuo Changlu narrowed his eyes: "Are you rich? How much money do you have?"

   It was obvious that Zuo Xiaonian regretted it after finishing speaking. At this moment, when he was questioned, he immediately looked timid, and shrank, "There are... twenty... more than two hundred thousand... right?"

   "Huh?" Wu Yuting immediately put down her chopsticks and turned her head: "Where did you come from?"

  Zuo Xiaonian hesitated: "This... this, this... my master gave it... ahem, yes, my master gave it."

  Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting stared at Zuo Xiaonian with four eyes, and remained silent for a while.

   "My master really gave it to me." Zuo Xiaonian summoned up his courage.

  The two still stared at her so quietly.

  After a long time, Zuo Xiaonian was defeated, and said dejectedly: "I... I have performed a few... missions..."

   Still no one spoke.

  The atmosphere presents an unprecedentedly calm atmosphere.

Zuo Xiaonian spoke faster and faster: "I didn't mean to hide it from my family on purpose...but I have grown up too, right? I should do something for this family, Mom, you just said that I I'm a master now, so I can't do anything but set things up... The tasks I took are all very simple...very simple, easy!"

  She emphasized the ease of the task.

  Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting still did not speak.

  Zuo Xiaonian's eyes were red: "It's... really simple."

  Zuo Changlu turned his head expressionlessly and looked at Zuo Xiaoduo: "What did you want to say just now?"

   Zuo Xiaoduo stuttered suddenly: "I... eh? I... I, oh, I mean... I, I, I... I have saved a few private money over the years... I can help make up..."

   "Private money?" Wu Yuting narrowed her eyes and sighed, "What can you do with that little money, my silly dog."

  Zuo Xiaoduo was immediately unconvinced: "I have more than ten thousand..."

   "Huh? What?!"

  Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting hummed at the same time, even Zuo Xiaonian turned his head and looked over in surprise.

  Wu Yuting frowned, and said: "You dug out the money hidden in the book Chronicle of Events in Mainland China, and there was only five thousand in total. Where did you get more than ten thousand?"

Zuo Xiaonian nodded desperately, trying to lead the topic to Zuo Xiaoduo: "Yes, Mom, I ordered it secretly the day before yesterday, and it was only 5,000 yuan, no more, no less. If you say more than 10,000 now, there must be something wrong , Mom, you have to have a good trial."


  Zuo Xiaoduo looked confused.

  In an instant, his eyes widened. If there were no eye sockets to block them, the eyes might burst out of the sockets.

The boss opened his mouth wide, causing the chicken leg in his mouth to fall down with a slap. Finally, his cultivation base was very improved. He reacted quickly enough, lowered his head and sucked all the chicken leg meat into his mouth, swallowed it, and fell to the ground. What was on the ground was just a dry, bare bone.

   After chewing again subconsciously, he asked in shock: "My little do you know so clearly?"

  Zuo Xiaonian burst out laughing out loud, the flowers trembled from the laughter.

  Wu Yuting smiled faintly, and said: "Your mother and I dare not say anything else, but I am quite confident in finding money from private houses." After saying that, she glanced at Zuo Changlu, as if she meant something, knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger.

  Zuo Changlu immediately sat upright, the muscles in the corners of his eyes trembled slightly, and he sternly shouted: "Zuo Xiaoduo, tell me the truth, where did you get more than 10,000 yuan?"

   This shout and question greatly hurt his gentle and refined temperament, and the meaning of diverting his attention is obvious.

   " that..." Zuo Xiaoduo rolled his eyes and stammered, "I...earned...ahem...earned..."

   "It's earned...not bad." Zuo Changlu asked, "How did you make it? What did you do for it?"

  Zuo Xiaoduo looked around to find a way out, and said in a stammering way: "This... I tell people's fortunes... I earned it..."

  Zuo Changlu: "Hehehehe, fortune-telling makes money..."

   Then he reached for his waist to untie the belt.


  (end of this chapter)