MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v3 Chapter 121 malicious

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Because of the release of the 'fairy sparkle', the magic power in Kewen's body was rapidly decreasing.

Whether it is President Makarov or Hades, they all perceive this situation clearly.

However, when Kewen spoke out in an unfamiliar language, everything changed.

In the perception of President Makarov and Hades, the magic power deficit in Kewen's body was filled up in an instant.

Subsequently, the nature of the magic in Kewen's body changed again. After a short while, they could no longer perceive the degree of magic in Kewen's body, as if it became empty and infinite, completely beyond their perception.

The two were stunned at the same time, and then their expressions became stunned again.

Because of the breath on Kewen's body, the presidents of the two generations are very familiar, so they almost simultaneously exclaimed in a low voice: "The first generation!?"


Kewen didn't have the energy to respond, he was immersed in a sudden sense of power, and his body was so full that he couldn't help but gasp.

The arm, which was trembling from maintaining the magic, became very firm and strong at this moment.

The magic that originally lost its magic power rapidly and became more and more difficult to control, also instantly became extremely easy at this time.

Because of the increase in magic power, the strength and toughness of the body are also gradually increasing.

At this moment, Kewen felt as if he could master everything in the whole world.

However, Kewen was still sensible. After enjoying this false illusion for a while, he immediately adjusted his mentality and refocused his mind.

Spitting out a long mouthful of turbid air full of magic power, Ke Wen slowly opened his eyes, and then chuckled to Hades opposite: "Okay, don't you have the confidence to continue consuming it with me? Then let's just do it. continue."


Hades glared angrily, his tone shocked: "You can actually extract magic from the first generation!!!"

"Ah." Kewen responded indifferently: "After all, it took me nearly two years to finally research the results."

"Kewen! You..."

President Makarov's expression was very hesitant, and he didn't know whether to say something.

Kewen could guess the other party's thoughts, so he couldn't help but smiled at President Makarov: "Don't worry, old man, this is just a hole card I left to the guild, I understand better than anyone else that it's not mine, and it's not mine after all. "

"That's good!" President Makarov smiled with relief and pride, and made a point on the spot: "The path of magic, there is absolutely no shortcut!"

"All difficulties, we have to practice step by step to overcome!"

"As long as it can be crossed by people in a short-cut way, the road behind will definitely be a crooked road that is far from the truth!"

"Come on, old man." Ke Wen replied amusingly: "Instead of teaching me, you might as well work hard and make progress. Think about what you have been taught before."

"Uh haha..." President Makarov scratched his head with a guilty conscience, and said with a smirk: "Sure, after this time it will be haha..."

At this time, Hades finally recovered from the major blow.

He shook his head in disbelief, escaping and shouting: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! It took me decades to the **** did you do it!!!"

"Because times have changed, it's always improving."

Kewen will press down the right fist aimed at Hades slightly, and the huge magic power makes Hades' confinement aura even stronger.

The halo shrank slightly, making Hades' bones 'crunch'.

Hades hurriedly roared, bursting out all the magic with all his might, to compete with the halo on his body.

Kewen shook his head slightly, now the ending has been decided.

Hades' biggest mistake was arrogance. He didn't forget to babble endlessly during the battle, which allowed Kewen to seize many opportunities to shoot, and finally successfully imprisoned him there with the 'brilliance of the fairy'.

Otherwise, with Hades' strength, it would really take a lot of hard work for Kewen to take down the opponent.

Now Kewen just needs to wait, waiting for the message he just sent to take effect.

The next time belongs to the time between President Makarov and Hades.

The two presidents debated the question of faith.

But the result was very disappointing to President Makarov. Hades has completely changed, and there is no trace of the shadow that once made him respected.

After a while, the application for the newsletter link appeared.

Kewen summoned the 'magic screen' to connect, and Ulutia's figure appeared on the screen.

Hades was stunned because of this, and he quickly figured out everything. He couldn't help but his entire face quickly flushed red, and his blue veins bulged to the limit.

And Ulutia also found out about Hades' situation at this time. After a moment of confusion, she sighed to Kewen and said, "I've already reached my position, should I do it now?"

"Ulutia!!!" Hades roared.

Kewen ignored the other party, but nodded to Ulutia on the screen and said, "Go ahead, trouble you."

"Nothing, but..."

Ulutia looked a little embarrassed, and hesitantly said: "Kewen, can you spare President Hades' life?"

Kewen was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Is it the grace of parenting and teaching?"

"Yeah." Ulutia nodded lowly.

Kewen glanced at Hades, who had no expression of appreciation, and then agreed: "Okay."

"Thanks then." Ulutia's expression turned relaxed, and then smiled: "Then I'll do it right away."

As Ulutia hung up the communication, President Makarov asked blankly, "What are you talking about?"

"It's talking about why Hades is so powerful."

Kewen looked at Hades, who seemed to be insane, who was breaking out of his shackles with magic power.

Later, he explained to President Makarov: "Hades borrowed the factors of the first generation, got a devil's heart from somewhere, and made it into a core similar to the first generation."

"He got a long life and that abyss-like magic because of this."

President Makarov looked shocked, looked at Hades, and couldn't help sighing: "After all, his path is wrong..."

Kewen nodded and continued, "So, I asked Ulutia to destroy the devil's heart, once the heart is destroyed..."

Before Kewen could finish speaking, Ulutia had already finished.

Because Hades' body suddenly had a huge change.

The magic power that seemed to have no limit at first suddenly became traceable in the next moment.

The dark magic that made the soul tremble suddenly disappeared, and only a very mixed magic reaction was left on Hades.

In the perception of both Kewen and President Makarov, Hades' life breath, like a short-lived after blooming, rapidly weakened.


At this moment, Hades, who had lost his magic power supplement, suddenly screamed.

The magic power in his body is no longer able to compete with the 'bright of the fairy', and the halo imprisoned on him is shrinking rapidly.

The sound of shattering bones continued to sound, and seeing that Hades was about to be completely crushed by the halo, Kewen suddenly opened his clenched right hand and raised his arm to the sky again.


The halo that was imprisoned on Hades suddenly stretched out, turned into a huge aperture again, and gradually faded until it disappeared.

Looking at Hades again, he was completely spread out on the ground at this time, unable to move, he could only gasp and moan with difficulty.

President Makarov showed a sad look, but in the end he didn't do anything, just shook his head and sighed deeply.

Cowen stepped forward and stood beside Hades.

After looking down and inspecting and seeing that Hades was not in danger, he said plainly: "One, it is based on your achievements as the second generation president; the other is to pay for Ulutia. The grace of your teaching."

"Hades." Cowen said in a proclamation tone: "Today I will let you go, take your people, and get me out of 'Sirius Island'!"


Hades coughed out a mouthful of blood, raised his eyelids feebly and stared at Cowen.

He laughed.

The smile was full of arrogance and malice, and he said intermittently: "I didn't expect... Ulutia actually betrayed me..."

"But... others will take... revenge for me..."

"They... will kill... other members of your island..."


As if to verify Hades' curse, the next moment, a figure suddenly smashed into a large number of branches and fell heavily into this small open space.

Kewen turned his head and saw that it was Natsu in a state of embarrassment.

Before he and President Makarov could speak, another figure rushed out of the woods.

It was the arrogant young man who used the 'fire annihilation magic'.

After rushing out of the woods, he couldn't help but stunned, glanced around, and took the situation on the scene into his eyes.

At this moment, Hades suddenly laughed.

The broken bone injuries on his chest were affected, and he coughed up blood again, and then forcibly shouted: "Zancrom! Get out of here! Go and kill the other members of the 'Fairy Tail'!"

However, the arrogant young man named Zancro didn't obey the order. Instead, there was great malice on his face. He stared at Hades and laughed: "Hahaha! Old man! You also have such a miserable day. !"


With jet-black flames rising from his body, Zancroft quickly rushed towards Kewen, while continuing to shout loudly: "You taught me! Useless garbage! You have no right to live in this world at all! You are useless now. It's gone!"

"Bastard!" President Makarov roared in surprise.

"Damn!" Natsu shouted indignantly as he got up: "Are you going to kill your guild mates again!!!"

However, Zancroft turned a deaf grinned and quickly rushed to Kewen's side, about to smash the flame in his hand at Hades.


The next moment, Kewen suddenly stretched out his left hand, and his palm instantly pinched the opponent's neck, seeing the black 'God-destroying Fire' as nothing.

Picking up Zancroft's body, Kewen was expressionless and grabbed his right hand in the air.

After a 'bang', he summoned the staff that had not been used for a long time with his 'dressing magic' and tapped it on Zancroft's chest.

The tone was extremely flat, and Kewen chanted the spell indifferently.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green glow is soaring...


The grades have dropped so much, I beg your friends to support me! ! !