MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v3 Chapter 55 success or failure

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Latest website: On the bar, President Makarov was still sitting cross-legged in his fixed position. After seeing Kewen's humbleness, he couldn't help but let out a series of chuckles.


Ke Wen was lying on the bar powerlessly, and said a little depressedly: "Master, don't gloat over there..."

President Makarov took a sip of wine with a smile, put down the glass and said, "Well, the old man is happy."

"What a bad old man." Kewen rolled his eyes at him.

"Oh, I'm not laughing at you."

President Makarov waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "Well, Lisanna, Mira has finally grown to perfection, and there is another 'S-class' in the guild. Finally, you will come back and continue to help me. share the work."

After taking another sip of beer, President Makarov laughed: "Shouldn't this make people happy?"

"As long as you are happy."

Kewen continued to lie weakly on the bar, and then took out a crystal ball from his pocket: "Hey, old man, just work hard."

President Makarov took the crystal ball and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Evidence of the completion of a twenty-year mission."

Although Kewen still looked absent-minded, he lowered his voice and briefly explained things related to 'soul magic'.

Hearing this, President Makarov looked serious and asked in a low voice, "Is it okay? I mean that 'soul magic'."

"If nothing else happens..." Kewen thought for a moment and responded: "There should be no problem, Edras is not that powerful yet, and it can have a great impact on our world."

"That has to be guarded." President Makarov sighed.

"Trust me." Kewen looked at the laughing and noisy guild members, and said with a chuckle, "Whether it's Mistaken or these **** in the guild, things between the two worlds will definitely be discussed in the future. handled properly."

"Okay." President Makarov trusts Kewen and everyone in the guild, so he said instead: "Then I will go to the 'Council' tomorrow and settle the bill for you for 20 years. Task'."

"That's hard work, old man." Kewen replied, "However, it's better not to let the people from the 'Council' come to bother me again. You were right in reminding me at the beginning. Those people are really more dogmatic than each other. It's annoying. very."

Hearing this, President Makarov put the crystal ball into his pocket that was transformed by Kewen, raised the wine glass again and said with a smile: "Then I will try my best, I still have a few thin noodles."

Kewen didn't bother to pay attention to President Makarov, because Mira came over again.

Immediately regained his energy, he straightened up quickly, and squeezed out a pleasing smile on his face...

A few days later, in a grand banquet event, the time ushered in the 'x783 year'.

Thanks to the content on the Internet before the time-travel, Kewen studied various cases, humbly licked the dog for a period of time, and coaxed Mira in different ways all day.

After nearly half a month, he finally coaxed Mira and laughed with each other as before.

Mira, who has undergone a major change, has completely transformed into another character. How bad she used to be, she is now so gentle. Her voice is soft and soft, and it makes people want to be completely drowned in the beautiful girl. of tenderness.

In addition, Mira basically no longer went out to do tasks, but officially became a waiter in the guild, providing catering services for everyone.

This saved a lot of chores for Kewen, who was back to the "kanban", and gave him enough time again to continue his magical research.

The two kinds of magic, 'Magic Mastery' and 'Magic Modeling', have been completely mastered by Kewen, and there are still 'Law Magic' and 'Arc of Time' to be studied.

However, the system of 'Law Magic' is too huge, and it seems very esoteric, so Kewen did not go to the horns.

After three months, Kewen finally mastered the two types of magic, but there are some things worth mentioning.

One of them is 'Smashing Magic'.

Gildas is very comfortable in the use of 'Smashing Magic', and when he uses it, even the 'magic circle' does not appear.

But not Cowen.

Because Kewen learned 'Smashing Magic', and then he understood the concept of 'Super-Superior Magic'.

It's a matter of 'priority'.

If you want to master the 'Smashing Magic' perfectly, the magic power in the body will also change relatively, and become the 'Smashing Magic' that matches the 'Smashing Magic'.

The smashing magic has a high priority, it will assimilate all the magic with a lower 'priority' than it, and reject the magic attributes with the same 'priority'.

Therefore, if he wants to master 'Smashing Magic', then Kewen can no longer use other systems of magic.

To give up the entire forest for a big tree, of course Kewen would not do that.

Therefore, he can only conduct corresponding research and make some modifications to the 'Smashing Magic'.

In the end, Kewen developed a 'Smashing Magic Array' that allows him to release 'Smashing Magic' with any 'magic attribute'.

But there is also a relative price, that is, his 'Smashing Magic' seems to be a copycat. Compared with Kildas's magic, his magic power is greatly weakened.

In addition, the mana consumption has also doubled.

Taking Natsu's flame as an example, Gildas can use one thousandth of the magic power to decompose the flame, and five thousandth of the magic power can shatter the flame.

In the case of Kewen, he would need to use 2% of the magic power to decompose, and 10% of the magic power to smash.

This result made Kewen's 'Smashing Magic' a little tasteless.

Therefore, he only absorbed the knowledge and concepts related to 'shattering' in magic, and integrated it into his own knowledge.

As for the overall magic, it was temporarily shelved by him, and it would be used by him in the future when a suitable situation arises.

Next is the 'Arc of Time' magic.

There is nothing wrong with this 'Lost Magic', nor does it have any 'priority' issues.

The reason why it is worth mentioning is that after Kewen learned and mastered it, he suddenly got a huge surprise.

Originally, Kewen thought that the way to open the 'Second Magic Source' was the unique technology of 'Ulutia', but after learning the 'Arc of Time', he discovered that the original technology was actually the 'Arc of Time'. Arc' this magic itself.

The 'Arc of Time' can control the past and future of everything except living things.

Magic power does not belong to the range of living organisms, so it can also be controlled by the "Arc of Time" magic.

The so-called 'opening the second source of magic' is to use the 'arc of time' to control that possibility, to transfer the possibility that the human body has a 'second source of magic' in the future, and use magic to transfer it to the present.

After realizing this, Kewen was almost uncontrollably excited.

However, reality immediately poured cold water on him.

After mastering the magic, Kewen immediately prepared everything, and immediately used the 'Arc of Time' magic to open the 'second source of magic' for himself.

It failed.

The spellcasting was normal, but the sudden severe pain made him completely unbearable.

Subconsciously terminated the manipulation of time and failed to transfer the possibility of 'having a second source of magic' from the future to the present.

Because the location of the 'second magic power source' was in the chest, the pain was so intense that it even made the heart spasm-like pain.

So Kewen failed, and he couldn't turn on the 'second magic source' by himself.

As a last resort, Kewen had to be honest, continue with the previous plan, and go to Ulutia for help in the future...


After nearly half a year of tossing and turning, Kewen once again returned to a peaceful life.

He sits at the bar every day to complete his 'kanban' work, contacting the Alliance Guild, the 'Council', and contacting various mission clients who came because of the guild's reputation.

Register quests for the members in the guild, and sell 'Teleportation Scroll' and 'Mana Potion'.

Of course, there are many other types of potions, because over the years, Ms. Polyusica has used the herbs of this world to reproduce many potions of the 'Harry Potter world'.

That's all for every day's work, and Kewen didn't waste the rest of his time. He continued to carry out his magic research, classifying and sorting out the system of "law magic".

In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed.

On this day, after Kewen got a set of data in the 'magic power interface', he suddenly widened his eyes with joy.


He hurriedly called out to Mira, who was delivering wine to everyone in the hall, and waved again and again.

Mira quickly came over and asked in doubt, "What's wrong with Kewen?"

"Help me stare here for a while!"

Kewen said in a hurry as he packed up the many manuscripts in front of him, "I have something important to talk to the president of the guild!"

Hearing this, Mila nodded and asked with a gentle smile, "Okay, how long do you need me to watch for you?"

"I don't After finishing the paperwork, Kewen walked towards the back door and said with a smile, "Just help me keep staring. "

While speaking, he had already rushed into the back door, so Mira could only helplessly sigh, and walked lightly into the bar.

Soon after, in the small office on the top floor of the guild.

Kewen spread all the manuscript papers on the desk, and said excitedly: "Look at the old man! I finally completed the plan I told you! Now it can be implemented!"

President Makarov also had a look of anticipation on his face. He carefully read all the manuscripts, and then raised his head in a daze.

Blinking, President Makarov smiled and scratched his head: "I don't understand."

The muscles in Kewen's cheeks twitched, and his enthusiasm instantly cooled...
