MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v4 Chapter 6 coastal

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April Tahir, the high elf girl, was Kewen's first woman no matter what.

Even if they parted ways due to misunderstanding, Kewen has to find each other no matter what.

Don't think about whether they can be together in the end, Kewen at least has to explain to each other.

Can't make April Tahir think that the man who made him lose his life is an alcoholic without the slightest demeanor?

And the high elves are very exclusive.

Therefore, in order to get the qualification to enter the 'Silver Moon City', Kewen must have an identity for himself in this world.

Identity cannot be ordinary yet, it must have high status and high influence at the same time.

In that way, he can use his identity and status to obtain the qualification to communicate with the high elves.

Kewen started the plan again in his mind.

If all the xenophobic races are directly excluded, then there is only one option left, to enter the human forces.

However, as a 'wild mage' without any heels, I am afraid that he will not be valued by the human kingdom.

In this way, he must rely on strong strength and merit to achieve the goal of 'improving his status'.

In the current period, among all the human kingdoms, only the 'Storm Kingdom', which faced the 'Dark Gate' and was first invaded by the orcs, was the most suitable place to gain merit.

Thinking of this, Kewen instantly set his next goal - going to 'Stormwind City'!

He stood up shaking a little, Kewen looked around, and then he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

As mentioned before, in ancient times, the Well of Eternity exploded, shattering the entire continent.

After the broken continent, the two continents in the east and west are the largest.

Where Kewen is now is the Western Continent, Kalimdor Continent, which has inherited the old name.

There are many races on this continent, including trolls, tauren, centaurs, pigmen, etc., and the 'night elves' in the northernmost are the most powerful forces.

But these forces are very exclusive, and the social form of most races are primitive tribes, which can eat people.

However, the human forces that Kewen wanted to go to were all gathered on the Eastern Continent.

So he has a problem now, who should he ask for help and send him to the Eastern Continent...

This question completely stumped him.

Between the two continents, you can only pass through the path of the 'Sea of ​​Whirlpools'.

But the center of the sea of ​​whirlpools is a huge whirlpool. There are also fog, deep sea Naga, and other obstacles on the periphery of the whirlpool.

If he doesn't know the route, if Kewen is to toss around by himself, he may not be able to successfully cross the 'Sea of ​​Whirlpools', and he doesn't know how many problems and troubles he will encounter.

As for saying that the planet is round, why not go in the other direction without the maelstrom?

That's because the other ocean is completely covered by fog, and there is no route.

If you want to break in, I'm afraid you can only be trapped in the fog and can't get out.


Cowan was completely stumped.

Looking for night elves? I'm afraid people will not pay attention to him at all.

Other indigenous forces? They have not yet stepped out of the primitive social form.

Kewen couldn't help thinking of April Tahir, the other party was walking too fast, at least leave him a teleportation beacon...

Anxiously, he drank the full bottle of alcohol again.

For now, he can only go to the south of the continent of 'Kalimdor' and try to see if he can find the 'goblin' force.

I don't know if the goblin forces have set foot on the side of 'Kalimdor' during this period.

And Kewen has another concern, because on the mainland of 'Kalimdor', the southernmost area is the home of the 'Time Dragon'.

As one of the dragon races that guard the world, the Dragon of Time is responsible for preventing the destruction of the 'timeline'.

Kewen, the traveler, is just within the responsibility of the 'Dragon of Time'.

He didn't know if he would be caught by the other party after running to the lair of the 'Dragon of Time'.

But who made the 'goblin force' happen to be there?

In addition, Kewen could not find a better solution.

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth and made a decision. He couldn't be completely trapped on the continent of 'Kalimdor'.

If he really provokes the "Dragon of Time", he will run away if it's a big deal. If he can't run away... It's a big deal and go back to the real world!

He raised his head and drank a bottle of high-quality wine again. Kewen threw the bottle aside, then jumped up, turned into a magpie and headed south along the coast...


If my memory is correct, there is a small port in the south of Theramore Island called Ratchet City.

Of course, that was after the 'Gate of Darkness' period, and I don't know if there are any 'goblin' there now.

After Kewen flew, he flew directly for two days.

It's not like walking a few steps in the game, as the real world, this world is really huge.

During these two days, Kewen landed on a cliff after flying for an hour, resumed his body and continued to drink, using the narcotic feeling of alcohol to suppress the extreme comfort in his body.

When Fei is tired, he rests, and when he is sleepy, he finds a place to sleep on the top of the cliff.

On the morning of the third day, he finally saw a gap between the two cliffs.

But Cowen was disappointed.

Because in this small mouth of the sea, he did not see any shadow of goblins, and the coast at this time was still under the control of a large mermaid tribe.

Standing on the top of the cliff, Kewen sighed and rested for a while. After drinking two more bottles of wine, he could only continue to go south to the southernmost 'Tanaris Desert', and look at the 'Gadgetzan' over there 'The town was established no.

This time the flight was longer.

After four days, he finally broke out of the continuous cliffs and cliffs. With the sea breeze that turned into a heat wave, he finally entered the desert area of ​​'Tanaris'.

Continuing to fly not far, Kewen couldn't help but feel happy at the scene ahead, and immediately accelerated the frequency of his wings.

Because at the edge of the coast ahead, he finally found the shadow of the building.

If there is a building, it represents a person, even if the 'person' is not a human 'person', it doesn't matter, as long as there is a living creature that can communicate.

So, Kewen quickly flew over the building, circled to scout, he immediately swooped down, and immediately returned to his human posture after approaching the ground.

The sudden change of living people made the two creatures in this port stunned. The entire port was suddenly silent, and then there was an uproar.

Two languages ​​that Cowen couldn't understand were loudly spoken by the goblins and trolls in the port.

While shouting, more than 20 goblins and more than 30 trolls pulled out their weapons and surrounded Kewen.

Seeing this, Kewen immediately took out the staff from his pocket. He didn't want the enhanced effect of the staff, just to show his identity as a mage.

However, although his action caused the goblins and trolls to hesitate for a moment, it did not stop the other party's actions, and all the goblins and trolls were still surrounded.

Kewen turned his head and looked around, then shook his head slightly, and slammed his staff toward the beach.

In the next moment, the beach in the nearby area suddenly 'buzzed', and the fine sand suddenly surged up, instantly wrapping all the goblins and trolls, leaving only the head exposed.

The goblin's strength is relatively small, and it is basically impossible to break free from the confinement of the fine sand, but the strength of those trolls is very strong, and the fine sand on their bodies is constantly bursting out.

Seeing this, Kewen slightly increased the output of magic power and changed the effect of the 'Transfiguration Spell'.

Soon, more fine sand rose from the feet of the trolls, and after wrapping the trolls, the fine sand instantly turned into a hard stone.

This time, all the trolls were completely powerless to break free.

A continuous 'puff' sounded, and the struggling trolls lost their balance and fell to the ground.

It was not until this time that Kewen spoke up. He ignored the trolls and looked around at the more than 20 goblins and asked, "Can anyone speak English and common human languages?"

The scene was silent for a while, and finally a female goblin responded: "I will."

"very good!"

Kewen was overjoyed that he finally had someone he could communicate with, so he waved his hand to free the female goblin.

"Human Mage." The female goblin looked at the sand under her feet, then looked at Kewen cautiously and asked, "What do you want to do to us?"

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill will."

Kewen calmed down first, and then Daoming said: "I just want to know some things, and I want to ask you for help with one thing."

Hearing this, the goblins didn't immediately believe it. The female goblin spoke again and asked in a shrill voice, "What do you want to know?"

"Do you know the Orcs?" Kewen asked. "Or the Dark Portal?"

The goblins looked at each other, all showing blank expressions, and then the female goblin shook her head at Kewen: "Obviously, we don't know what you are talking about."

"What about Stormwind City?" Kewen asked again, "Do you know about Stormwind City, the kingdom of humans?"

Seeing the female goblin nodding, Kewen asked, "So do you have any news about Stormwind City?"

"What news do you want?" The female goblin inexplicably came to the spirit, the fear and alertness dissipated from her face, but instead showed a little excited look.

However, the goblin was completely in Kewen's aesthetic blind spot, so he didn't notice the other party's expression, and asked ignorantly: "Is there any war in Stormwind City recently?"

"War?" The female goblin's voice was sharper.

"Okay." Kewen shook his head in disappointment: "It seems that you don't know either."

"No no no! Mr. Human Mage!"

The female goblin quickly emphasized: "I mean, if you want news, you must give me something in return!"

Kewen stared at the other party, and suddenly felt a little dumbfounded in his heart.

Well, are you going to fool him as a fool?

But thinking of the mantra of "time is money" from the other's race, Kewen is not surprised that the other party's behavior is that he wants money but not his life...