MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v6 Chapter 15 stock

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Early the next morning, Natasha was the first patient to walk into the hospital.

During the back massage, Natasha lay on the medical bed and grinned, "You are right, I checked it elsewhere yesterday, and there is indeed another 'pheromone' in my body."

"Have you been treated?" Kewen asked as he massaged.

"Um... no..."

Natasha was pressed for a low voice, she didn't realize how seductive the voice was.

The pain was relieved, and Natasha continued: "There is no treatment for 'pheromone' yet. We can only check the results, but cannot remove another 'pheromone' in my body."

Kewen nodded slowly, and then asked, "Do you want to treat me here?"

"How are you going to treat it?"

Natasha turned her head slightly, squinted at Kewen and asked, "Surgery? Taking medicine? Traditional Chinese medicine? Or do you have any special skills?"

"Medicine and massage."

Kewen replied: "I will use traditional Chinese medicine to activate your own 'pheromone', and then through acupoint massage, concentrate another 'pheromone' in..."

Speaking of which, Kewen suddenly stopped.

Now there is a problem.

According to his original idea, he was going to use the 'red hand' ability to concentrate the second 'pheromone' in Natasha's body, and then let Natasha get rid of it naturally.

But Kewen found that the method of exclusion was a little tricky.

There are only three ways to choose, either by urinating or defecation, or by prostitution, coughing, etc...

Of course, he can actually use the ability of the 'red hand' to directly erase the 'pheromone'.

But Natasha is a special agent. She was poisoned with 'pheromone' in her body. How could she not study it?

Natasha will definitely ask for a sample of the 'pheromone'.

So it's a little embarrassing.

And Kewen's stupefied effort made Natasha suspicious.

"What?" Natasha turned her neck even more, stared at Kewen and asked, "Where is it concentrated? Then what? Do you always like to talk halfway through and turn around?"

"Feel sorry."

Kewen regained his senses, continued to massage Natasha's back, and said, "It's just that the treatment method is a little embarrassing. There are only three ways to get rid of the other 'pheromones' in your body."

Kewen no longer struggled, and simply stated three ways.

Then he asked the slightly stunned Natasha, "What's your choice?"

Natasha raised her eyebrows slightly, then rolled her eyes at Kewen: "Urine."

Kewen shrugged his shoulders, then stopped talking.

After more than 20 minutes, today's massage session is over.

Cowen stopped Natasha from getting up, and then walked to the medicine cabinet to pick out some potions.

Showing the medicine to Natasha, Kewen said while extracting the medicine with a needle: "As you can see, the prepared oral medicine contains a small amount of hormones, a small amount of nerve-activating and exciting ingredients. The effect is to activate you Its own 'pheromone' makes another 'pheromone' appear relatively inert."

Inject the prepared injection into a small glass of kidney-tonifying wine.

Then Kewen continued nonsense: "The medicine is only an auxiliary, the main treatment method is still acupuncture of traditional Chinese medicine, is there any problem?"

Natasha's smile was a little inexplicable. She said in her magnetic voice, "It sounds like I thought you were mixing some kind of drug."

"Is there a problem?"

Kewen pretended to be helpless and asked again.

Natasha shrugged her shoulders slightly: "You are a doctor, what you say, should you drink now?"

Kewen didn't say anything, and directly handed a half beaker of mixed liquor to Natasha.

Smelling the pungent smell of wine, Natasha chuckled: "Familiar smell, is this special care?"

"Vodka." Kewen replied.

Natasha chuckled lightly, then raised her head slightly and drank the complex kidney-tonifying wine.

Wei Wei let out a sigh of alcohol, and Natasha frowned and complained in a low voice, "It's really bad!"

"Lie down."

Cowen retracted the container and put his hands on top of Natasha's head.

This made Natasha dodge with some conditioned reflex.

However, she immediately reacted and explained with a smile: "Sorry, professional reflex."


Kewen responded in a low voice, and then secretly used the ability of 'Red Hand' to detoxify Natasha.

The massage position went all the way down, and after ten minutes, Kewen put his hands on Natasha's lower back.

After pretending to wipe the oil for a while, Kewen slightly increased the curative effect and asked, "Do you feel it?"

"Hmm." Natasha's legs were slightly tense while she responded.

Kewen smiled inwardly, then turned around and lifted the curtain and said, "There are tools under the bed, you can solve it yourself."

Listening to the sound of the door closing, Natasha slowly propped herself up.

Finding the urinal from under the medical bed, she murmured "amazing" in a low voice, then squatted down.

Soon after, the two returned to the adjacent clinic.

Natasha asked Cowen to borrow some things and put away the evidence from her body.

Kewen raised his hand and said, "I'll check it again for you."

Natasha obediently stretched out her wrist.

After taking the pulse, Ke Wen nodded and said, "It's alright, at least I didn't find any residues. For the sake of insurance, I suggest you go to another hospital for a blood test."

"I will." Natasha nodded.

The two didn't say anything after that, and Kewen quickly printed out today's treatment receipts.

After Natasha took it, she got up and said 'thank you', then turned and left.

Early on the third day Natasha came again.

The same half-hour massage, this time Kewen finally completely healed the trauma on Natasha's back.

After returning to the consultation room, Natasha smiled at Kewen who was printing out the treatment receipt: "Thank you, Dr. Quinn, I re-examined in other places yesterday, and the 'pheromone' in my body has been completely eliminated."

"Congratulations." Kewen responded.

"The back injury is also." Natasha continued: "Although you shortened my sick leave, I still want to say thank you."

"This is what I should do." Kewen responded again.

This made Natasha pursed her lips and chuckled.

It was not until she received the treatment receipt that she said, "It seems that you are really afraid of trouble. This is the first time I have seen someone reject me like this."

"Because I'm sensible."

Kewen sighed: "Once I get too involved with you, I'm afraid I'll get into all kinds of trouble."


Natasha nodded with a smile and stood up.

She walked to the door of the consultation room, stopped and turned around and smiled: "Dr. Quinn, you should know that women are stingy."

Kewen sat behind his desk and didn't get up. He asked Natasha helplessly, "So?"

"So I may come more often in the future."

Natasha smiled charmingly: "Please prepare for trouble, that's all, bye~"

With a wave of her hand, Natasha smiled and walked out of the consultation room.

Seeing this, Kewen raised his finger and scratched his ear, then shook his head speechlessly.

There is cause and effect in the world, and now that the cause and effect has been established, then Kewen will no longer feel sorry for himself, just stand up and face it.

Leaving Natasha's affairs behind, Kewen pressed the communication button and instructed the little nurse, "Nina, let the next patient come over."

"Okay sir." Nina Furlong responded respectfully.



Cowen returned to his quiet life.

Although Natasha said that she would often come to disturb her, it has been three months since she came to the door for the second time.

Also came here to treat bruises and received a three-day massage.

Although they are already regular customers, the relationship between the two has not deepened much, and it is still an ordinary doctor-patient relationship.

After that, Natasha didn't come to the door again.

Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye it entered July.

On this day, Jennifer came to the hospital in a hurry and wandered outside the clinic.

Kewen quickened his movements, and after sending the patient in his hand away, suspended the consultation and greeted Jennifer to enter the room.

"What's wrong?" Kewen asked Jennifer, who looked very apologetic. "Did something big happen? Don't worry, speak slowly."

Jennifer opened her mouth to speak but stopped, then lowered her head and sighed: "Boss, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry for what?" Kewen puzzled: "Is something wrong with the office?"

"Do not!"

Jennifer shook her head, took a deep breath, and finally said the reason for her apology: "I'm sorry! The stock I suggested you buy has gone bad, causing you a heavy loss!"


Kewen was slightly stunned, only then did he realize that he also bought stocks.

If Jennifer hadn't said it, he would have completely forgotten about such trivial matters.

After thinking about it now, Cowen asked without nervousness: "Stock Industries' stock, right? What's wrong?"

Asked so, but he could guess why.

There is only one reason to make Stark Industries stock lose money - the story of Iron Man begins!

Sure enough, Jennifer immediately took out a newspaper from her briefcase.

Handing the newspaper to Cowen, Jennifer shook her head and sighed: "It was Tony Stark who had an accident, the news has just been made public, Tony Stark was attacked by terrorists when he was going to the Middle East to show his weapons. Kidnap!"

Cowan glanced at the newspaper headlines, then stopped caring.

He raised his head and said to Jennifer, "That's true, but it doesn't matter, you can take action for me now and sell all the stocks."

"Sorry boss!" Jennifer apologized again: "Even if all the stocks are sold out today, you may lose at least 20 million this time!"

"Don't care so much." Ke Wen smiled warmly: "Stop the loss as soon as possible. As for what has been lost, I don't care much."

Of course Jennifer wouldn't believe Cowen's words, he thought it was just a gentleman's consolation.

So she was eager to solve the current problem for Kewen.

So Jennifer immediately said: "boss! I have people selling stocks! At the same time, I also have a stop loss idea!"

"What is it?" Kewen asked.

"Buy another share!"

Jennifer explained: "Of all the arms companies, only two are famous! Stark Industries and Hammer Industries!"

"Now there is a problem with Stark Industries! Then accordingly, the stock of Hammer Industries will usher in an explosion!"

"So boss! I think you should buy Hammer Industries stock now and maybe make up some of the lost assets back!"

Kewen was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect Jennifer's solution to be this.

If it is not for knowing the plot, I am afraid that Jennifer's method can indeed make up for some losses, but Kewen knows the next development.

So after listening to the suggestion, he shook his head with a smile: "No need, just sell the stock of Stark Industries first."


Jennifer was a little anxious.

One is anxious about Kewen's loss of money, and the other is anxious about Kewen's distrust.

Jennifer believes that her suggestion has already cost Cowen once, and I am afraid that Cowen will no longer believe her second suggestion.

When it comes to her advice on stocks, Jennifer feels like she's completely betrayed.

This made Jennifer very regretful.

Cowen trusted her so much, and what she returned to Cowen turned out to be a huge loss.

Although the loss this time was full of surprises, the loss was a loss, and she couldn't justify it.

But before coming, Jennifer had already simulated various conversation scenes, so she was well prepared.

She immediately took out a few documents from her briefcase and handed them to Cowen.


Pointing to the personal information in several documents, Jennifer immediately said: "These are my alumni, all of whom have degrees in stock analysis! There are also several of their mentors!"

Jennifer was afraid that Kewen would not like it or interrupt her, so she said quickly: "I have consulted them in detail before coming here! Now it's not just my alumni and professors! Most stock analysts have the same thing. Ideas! Hammer Industries stock is bound to soar!"

Jennifer continued to say something, but was interrupted by Cowen raising his hand.

Kewen smiled at Jennifer, who was eager to repay but could only calm down.

He put down the information in his hand and said warmly, "Calm down, I don't blame you."


This time, Jennifer couldn't tell whether Cowan was saying the opposite.

Kewen slowly pressed his hand again, motioned for the other party to listen to him, and then said, "You should know that I don't value money that much, so I don't care about the loss this time."

"Well, let's sell all the stock first and wait for the news."

"Wait...what news?" Jennifer was at a loss.

"Let's do a two-hand analysis first."

Cowan said: "One is that Tony Stark can't come back, and the other is that he can come back."

Jennifer understood a little, and immediately said: "The former is the complete depression of 'Stark Industries'! Is the latter still able to rise again?"

Kewen nodded: "Yes, so first sell the stock to exchange for funds, and then we will continue to wait for a while."

"If Tony Stark doesn't come back, then look into whether to switch to other stocks. And if he comes back, then 'Stark Industries' stock will bottom out."


Jennifer hesitated for a moment. Although she is not a professional stock analyst, she also agrees with Kewen's analysis.

So she had no choice but to nod: "Well, boss, I'm really sorry this time!"

"do not worry about it."

Kewen waved his hand and calmly said, "Neither you nor I are professionals in playing stocks. There is no right or wrong to win or lose. You run the firm well, and I run the hospital well. That's enough."

"I swear!" Jennifer promised very seriously: "I will work hard to grow the firm!"

"I believe you."

Kewen smiled and said, "Let's do it first, let's be patient and wait for the news, don't take it too seriously, go back to work."

"Okay boss."

Jennifer was still a little disappointed, she stood up and said goodbye to Cowen.

Watching Jennifer's back disappear into the doorway, Kewen chuckled and shook his head, then pressed the pager to call the next patient.


The plot is not plot, and has nothing to do with Kewen.

So he didn't pay attention to Tony Stark's business, and still played his role as a general doctor all day, seeing a doctor during the day and studying at night.

Three months passed and Jennifer came again.

This time, Jennifer's face was full of excitement, and she finally rushed in when a patient walked out of the consultation room.


Leaning on the table and leaning forward, Jennifer said happily: "It's back! Tony Stark is back!"

"Okay, calm down."

Kewen reluctantly reassured: "I see, we can continue to buy his shares to make money, right?"

"Yes boss!"

Jennifer nodded heavily and hurriedly reminded: "I got the news! Tony Stark is about to hold a press conference! I think we should hear what he has to say!"


Kewen looked at the computer in response, and quickly found a live news website.

Calling up the screen, Kewen greeted Jennifer to take a seat, and then the two watched the live broadcast.

"I announce that Stark Industries will close all weapons development departments, effective immediately!"

Not long after, Tony Stark in the live broadcast suddenly said this.

This made Jennifer completely stunned.

After a while, she confirmed to Cowen blankly: "He said... close the weapons department?"

"Ah." Cowen nodded.

Jennifer asked again: "They Stark Industries are no longer in the arms business!?"

"It seems so." Kewen nodded again.

"This, how is this possible!?" Jennifer couldn't believe it: "This will make their stock... crazy! Tony Stark must be crazy!"


Cowen replayed the live broadcast, then pointed to Tony Stark's eyes and said, "Have you been exposed to microexpressions and psychology?"

Jennifer nodded blankly: "Yes boss, I had some contact with him when I was in school, but I didn't get a degree."

"Enough." Cowen smiled: "Now you carefully observe Tony Stark's eyes and expressions."

Jennifer did as she did. She got up and leaned forward, leaning closer to the computer screen to observe carefully for a moment.

Then, she hesitated and said, "He's very firm, sorry boss, that's all I can see."

"What about self-confidence?" Kewen reminded: "Or, can you see his worries about the future? Concerned about the development of their Stark Industries?"

Jennifer carefully observed Tony Stark's expression again.

After a while, she withdrew her gaze and shook her head: "Sorry boss, I can't see it."


Cowen sat Jennifer down, then smiled and said, "Don't talk about Tony Stark's reputation, but I must admit that he is a genius."

In Jennifer's nod, Cowan continued: "His eyes are full of consciousness and firmness for the future, he is not crazy, but hidden confidence, confidence can help 'Stark Industries' through Difficulty."

"Is that so..." Jennifer murmured and nodded: "Maybe..."

Seeing this, Kewen smiled and said, "In short, no matter what decision he makes, as long as he is still that genius, Stark Industries will continue to rise."

"It's just that he has been selling arms all the time, so the most important point is overlooked by the public. He is not only a genius in arms development, but a genius in the broad science of physics."

Jennifer suddenly realized.

She patted her forehead: "Boss, you are right! I ignored this too!"

"That's why." Cowen smiled: "As long as it is physical science, Tony Stark can also create great achievements in fields other than arms."

"I understand a little bit!"

Jennifer took a deep breath, and she said calmly: "Then what we should do now is to continue to wait! Wait for the stock of 'Stark Industries' to drop to the lowest point, and then buy!"

Kewen smiled, then nodded: "Go for it."

"What about Hammer Industries?" Jennifer asked, "Boss, I think we should add some balance to our stock investment."

"As far as 'Stark Industries' exits the arms business, the stock of Hammer Industries will continue to rise, should we buy some additional shares of Hammer Industries as insurance?"

"No." Kewen smiled and refused: "Wait with peace of mind, let your friends help you analyze how far the stock of 'Stark Industries' can fall, and then we can just buy at that point, all funds, You can even go ahead and take out loans and buy all of the 'Stark Industries' stock."

"This... a loan..."

Jennifer was bitten by a snake once, which made her have resistance to the stock market, so she was very hesitant about the order to take out a loan to buy stocks.

Kewen easily understood the other party's thoughts, so he reassured: "Don't think too much, this is my decision, let's do it."

Jennifer continued to hesitate for a while, then said goodbye.

Kewen has not received the next patient for the time being.

He stared at Tony Stark in the computer, and began to calculate in his heart.

There is nothing worthy of his attention in the plot that is taking place now.

However, in the second plot, he needs to set off. At that time, there will be several harvests that require him to operate a little.

After thinking about the plan and smoothing it out, Kewen pressed the call bell to receive the next patient.


The disturbance from the outside world has nothing to do with Kewen for the time being.

He stayed quietly in his hospital all After half a month, Jennifer came over again and sent the proof of equity to Kewen.

Those alumni of hers had the ability to calculate the decline in 'Stark Industries' stock, so Jennifer bought when the stock was down nearly forty points.

Another half month later, Tony Stark said at the press conference the words that started fate - I am Iron Man!

The next day, Stark Industries' stock began to skyrocket.

For four days in a row, Stark Industries stock has halted trading as it rose 30% each day.

This caused Jennifer to make several calls a day to convey the good news to Cowen at any time.

Kewen was not happy, instead he was a little depressed.

Because he was approached by someone...
