MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v6 Chapter 28 dimension

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There are many extra dimensions in the Marvel Universe. But there are very few large dimensions, only seven.

Those other dimensions are small, and the size of a planet is considered good.

Almost all dimensions have masters, and the strength of those lords depends on the size of the dimension.

The larger the dimension, the stronger the lord's strength.

Mephisto's 'hell dimension' is one of the seven largest dimensions, ranking sixth in size among the seven dimensions.

The bottom one is the underworld, which is occupied by the source of black magic, 'Sishorn'.

The fifth is the dream dimension, and the occupant is the 'dream demon'.

On top of it are the dark dimension of 'Dormammu', and the magic dimension of 'Vishanti'.

When it reaches the second place, the size of the dimension has increased by leaps and bounds.

It would be a bit inappropriate to call it a 'dimension', but it should be called the universe.

Therefore, the second largest dimension is the 'Old Universe' controlled by the 'beholder', which is the dimension where the old gods of Cthulhu are located.

And the biggest dimension is the 'Crimson Universe' dominated by 'Cetorak'.


There are only five dimensional coordinates that Mephisto handed over to Cowen.

In addition to his **** dimension and the magical dimension where the 'Trinity Weishandi' is located, the coordinates of the other five large dimensions are all given.

At this time, Kewen was considering screening.

In the underworld where Sishorn is located, Kewen finds it meaningless.

Because Sishorn's strength is not good, although he is the source of all black magic, he does not fully control the authority of the underworld dimension.

So the underworld dimension belongs to anyone who can bully it.

For example, Odin sealed Hela in the dimension of the underworld, and he never saw Sithone dare to come out to pick on him.

This made Sithone very unworthy, and Kewen was too lazy to bully the other party.

He didn't even get the dimension permission, what did Sishorn use to collide with Kewen?

The biggest achievement of the other party may be the accidental creation of the 'Scarlet Witch'.

But that was just an accident, not all of Sithone's credit.

It was because of Wanda Maximoff's own hidden superpower and a chain reaction with the "Dark God Book" that the crimson power appeared.

Crimson power is no longer pure dark magic, but a chaotic magic that can manipulate probability and modify reality.

So Sithone is too weak for Kewen, and there is no need to fight with each other.

Keep picking.

Kewen looked at the dark dimension controlled by Dormammu again, and after thinking about it, he also ruled out the option.

Dormammu's big grudge should be handed over to the future Doctor Strange to negotiate.

Five to the second, there are three dimensional coordinates left.

Kewen hesitated for a moment, and then gave up the coordinates of the 'Old Universe'.

Because the strength of the old gods is not strong, they are only very good at 'disgusting people'.

The old gods mainly relied on power to erode everything, and they did not restrain their knowledge of power.

In other words, they unscrupulously released their magic will.

If someone falls within the range of the "will of the devil" they have released, they will be forced to receive the massive knowledge in the "will of the devil" and be eroded and assimilated by the "will of the devil" of the old gods.

At that time, those people will either become lunatic because they cannot receive too much knowledge, or they will only receive a small amount of knowledge, which will be eroded and assimilated into twisted alien species.

Only a powerful existence can resist the power of the old gods.

But the old gods are called the old gods because their powers are long outdated and not accepted by the current rules of the universe.

Therefore, the power and knowledge possessed by the old gods are of no value to the strong at all.

The same goes for Cowen.

He will not learn the knowledge of those old gods, and if he fights, the old gods will not be his opponents.

Therefore, Kewen can only exclude the 'old universe'.

In this way, there are two dimensional coordinates left in his hand.

One is the dream dimension, and the other is the crimson universe.

This is an easy choice.

Kewen is not so hard-headed, and goes directly to the largest crimson universe.

Then the result is obvious.


According to the dimensional coordinates, Kewen cast the dimensional teleportation magic of 'Kama Taj'.

Soon, a colorful portal appeared.

Raising his hand and slapped on his chest, Kewen used 'dress-up magic' to arm himself.

After checking for any omissions, he leaned on his staff and stepped into the portal.

However, the next moment, he stepped back from the portal.

Because I can't get in.

His body was actually blocked by an invisible barrier.

That barrier is not a magical effect, but a rule restriction.

After thinking about it, Kewen took a few steps back and sat cross-legged on the ground, then his body shook slightly.

Some transparent 'yang gods' instantly leave the body.

Enter the portal again, but this time there is nothing to block it.

Not long after, Kewen suddenly saw a flower, and he appeared in a colorful void.

There is no heaven and earth in the void, and no boundaries can be seen around.

The whole space is filled with colorful and brilliant energy.

Before Kewen could take a closer look, the scene in the space changed instantly, a rush of traffic appeared, and the voices of people poured into his ears.


A female voice sounded, and the voice was extremely tempting.

Kewen turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

I saw a silver-haired beauty with a seductive figure and half-covered clothes smiling at him.

The woman's smile is full of charm, and the whole person is just standing there, exuding a hormonal breath that makes people feel ready to move.

"Who are you?"

Kewen didn't look at the other party for a long time, he calmly asked directly.

"You really don't know me?"

The silver-haired beauty's voice was magnetic, which made Kewen's sun **** have the illusion of numbness in her spine.

After asking, the beauty slowly approached Kewen and said at the same time, "All your imagination of beauty in your heart makes me reflected here."

Her arms were slowly raised and opened, and the few clothes on the silver-haired beauty disappeared instantly.

The posture was even more seductive, and the silver-haired beauty laughed softly: "So what are you waiting for?"

Kewen didn't act rashly, but uttered a calm voice, and he recited the incantation spell.

Yang Shen suddenly became more awake.

The city scene in front of him disappeared, and Kewen returned to that colorful void space.

But there was a man in front of him, no, it should be said that there was an extra devil.

Wearing a dark green tights, the two children were blazing green, and shoulder-length black hair was scattered behind his head, slowly fluttering as if floating in water.

The sulphur-smelling demon didn't know that Kewen had woken up. He had a greedy expression and kept approaching with a wicked smile.

At this moment, Kewen, who was in the state of Yangshen, suddenly lit up.

He used the magic eye to analyze the essence of the demon in front of him, which turned out to be a mass of matter similar to a soul body.

"Are you a dream demon?"

Kewen suddenly made a sound, startling the other party.

The demon's green-lighted child hole stared at Kewen's eyes.

The eyes of both sides met.

"You actually woke up?"

The demon screamed in surprise, but a wicked smile appeared on his face again.

With his hands open, the demon suddenly rushed towards Kewen, and at the same time let out an excited laugh: "I declare! Your soul is mine!"


A fist was suddenly raised by Kewen and smashed directly on the bridge of the demon's nose.

The fist is covered with a layer of magic power, and the magic power is oscillating at a high frequency.

After this punch, the demon didn't even have time to scream, and the entire body suddenly collapsed from the head.

"Who are you!


After a short while, the figure of the devil reappeared out of thin air and distanced himself from Kewen.

"Just a mage."

Kewen gradually looked forward to it, opened his fist, and hooked his finger to the other party: "Come on, Dream Demon, let me see your methods."


The dream demon's expression was even more greedy, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips: "Then I want your soul more... Come on!"

Roaring with excitement, the dream demon opened his arms, causing the surrounding scene to change: "Mage! Sink into endless nightmares!"


The sound of ghost crying appeared, and all kinds of undead, either ferocious or rotten, appeared.

Including a large number of strange-shaped monsters, all the things that appeared out of thin air, all rushed towards Kewen.

Cowen's expression did not change.

He just held up his right hand and condensed a golden ball of light above his palm.

As the five fingers folded together, the ball of light exploded with a 'pop', and the endless golden light suddenly spread out in all directions with Kewen as the center.

However, the undead monsters around were not restrained by the Holy Light.

Those undead and monsters were not affected at all, bathed in holy light, and continued to surround Kewen.


The dream demon laughed loudly: "That's it! Be fearful! Be powerless! Be lost!"

Cowen glanced at the noised dream demon.

Then he stopped casting spells instantly and released the magic power.


The magic power released from the outside began to vibrate sharply at the frequency of 'Hum Ha Er Qi'.

The trick was right this time.

The undead and monsters in all directions collapsed under the shock of magic, turning into colorful mist and disappearing.

The noise suddenly stopped.

Dream Demon stared at Kewen in surprise, and couldn't help but ask, "What kind of magic are you?"

"Who knows?" Kewen didn't answer, and hooked up again: "Come on, let me see what else you can do."


The dream demon chuckled: "Arrogant guy, this is the dream dimension, and the dream is infinite! I see how long you can hold on! When your magic power is exhausted, your soul is mine!"

After the words fell, the dream demon once again controlled the 'power of dreams' and began to condense various monsters.

Cowan was not satisfied with this.

Recalling the memory data, he found that the means of the dream demon really didn't have much.

Manipulating dreams, mastering fear, and some demonic magic, nothing else.

This made Kewen a little disinterested.

He doesn't raise fear, so the other party can't influence him in that regard.

Manipulating the dream to create all kinds of horrible things? It's equally no threat to Cowen.

As for those magics that are exclusive to demons?

Kewen shook his head slightly, forget it, there is probably nothing new.

From this point of view, in addition to being able to manipulate dreams, the Dream Demon is quite novel, and in other respects, it is not even as good as Mephisto.

This made Kewen's enthusiasm begin to cool.

He looked at the various monsters surrounded from all directions, and then he waved his hand indifferently.


The black 'Lihuo' suddenly rose up, and after Kewen gave up his control, Lihuo began to evolve on its own.


? "

Exclamations sounded.

The dream demon was shocked, because the soul-burning characteristics of hellfire just restrained his dream power.

Therefore, the dream demon hurriedly used the dimensional authority and used the huge dimensional power to start suppressing those hellfires that were spreading on their own.

When the dream demon finally suppressed the last trace of fierce fire, he found that Ke Wen's figure had disappeared.

Looking around, I searched again with dimensional authority, but still did not find Kewen.

This made the dream demon silent.

After a while, he laughed in a deep voice: " can't run away! I remember your breath! Let's meet again in your nightmare!"

"Hum hum hum... hahahaha..."

The laughter gradually increased, and the dream demon's expression was full of endless greed for Kewen's soul.


On the other hand, Kewen, who feels boring, has returned to the Rubik's Cube space.

Because he felt that fighting against the Dream Demon would not improve his strength, Kewen simply broke away from the 'dream dimension'.

Returning the sun **** to the body, then Kewen stood up.

After brewing for a while, the state returned to its most complete state, and then Kewen cast the 'dimensional teleportation' magic again.

This time, he is going to visit the most powerful 'Crimson Universe'.

So after a short while, Kewen reopened a portal and stepped in.

Before long, the picture in front of Kewen suddenly changed, and he came to a void where the color tone was dominated by dark red.


Before Kewen could observe the environment, there was a sudden suspicion in the world.

The next moment, enormous pressure was suddenly placed on Kewen.

Cowan couldn't tell the exact nature of that pressure.

His only feeling was the word 'power'.

There was no bells and whistles at all, and the pressure Kewen suffered was completely overwhelming.

For a time, Kewen's bones could not help crunching.

However, he did not panic, and immediately released the limit of magic power, and successfully propped up a space to remove the pressure on his body.

However, before Kewen could reply, the voice resounded between heaven and earth again.

"Ant, get out."

The tone of the voice was very calm and did not contain any emotion.

This voice of heaven and earth has not dissipated, and even greater pressure suddenly appeared.

Kewen couldn't help but suffocate, because the area he had propped up with magic power was rapidly shrinking under pressure.

In this regard, Kewen strongly resisted, and kept pouring out magic power to prop up the area around him.

However, his efforts were to no avail.

The field is still shrinking rapidly, and not long after, the external field has been reduced to Kewen's body surface.

Unable to resist the suppression by that kind of force, Kewen reluctantly raised his eyes and glanced at the entire void, and then with a thought, he returned to the Rubik's Cube space.

Breathing heavily, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Kewen's forehead.

After a while, the magic power in Kewen's body recovered to perfection, and his breath calmed down.

Standing quietly for a moment, he raised his hand and scratched the back of his head.

Then he shook his head and sighed: "This is why it's called Da Lao... I haven't even seen my face..."

Shaking his head again, Kewen returned to the hospital in a hurry.

A setback made Kewen's boredom due to study disappear.

So his life returned to Pingdan, and he continued to concentrate on exploring the various combinations of 'Rune'.



One night after half a month.

Kewen, who was in a dreamless sleep, suddenly frowned.

He was supposed to be in a sleep state, but suddenly he came to a bizarre void.

Before he could observe, walls suddenly appeared up and down.

The walls closed in an instant, trapping Kewen in the dark and narrow space.

"Hahahaha! Found you!


The excited laughter of the dream demon sounded: "Come on Mage! Loneliness is also a kind of fear! I am waiting for your sinking!"

The words fell, and all the voices suddenly disappeared.

Kewen, who was in complete silence, did not panic, he just leaned over and sat down with his knees crossed, then closed his eyes and started the quiet exercise in the 'Inner Alchemy'.

I don't know how long it took, the outside world resumed the sound again.

Kewen opened his eyes and half sat up from the bed. He had successfully escaped from the dream.

"Dream Demon..."

Whispering softly, Kewen separated the Yang God from his body and opened the dimensional portal.

Coming to the 'dream dimension' again, Kewen did not wait for the dream demon to appear, but directly agitated all the magic power in his body and released a super powerful fire magic.

Without watching the results of the battle at all, Kewen's teleportation disappeared and appeared at the limit of the perception range.

The magic power in the body has been restored, so he once again released a limit of fierce fire magic.

Teleport, appear, cast magic.

Kewen kept changing directions, and he kept releasing all kinds of magic that could cause large-scale destruction.

Aimless, he allows the magic to destroy everything it can.


The dream demon finally couldn't bear it anymore, it roared in a panic, and used the dimension authority to resound the sound throughout the dimension.

However, Kewen ignored it at all, and continued to destroy the dream dimension in his own way.


! I say stop!

! "

Dream Demon quickly transferred most of his consciousness to Kewen's side.

While using a small half-consciousness to use dimensional authority and mobilize energy to suppress and extinguish those Kewen magic, he condensed a giant figure on Kewen's side.

The palm of more than 20 meters appeared directly under Kewen's body, and clenched it tightly, pressing and tightening the energy with dimensional will to Kewen's body.

Cowen was successfully blocked.

He exudes magic power and uses his own magic will to compete with the will of dimension.

"You **** mage!

! "

The Dream Demon's expression was hideous, staring at his eyes in anger, and while he squeezed his five fingers together, he roared: "How dare you destroy my world!


"This is a warning."

Kewen looked up at the dream demon in the form of a giant, and said indifferently: "Dream, remember, if you dare to disturb my sleep in the future, then I will do it a little bit! Dimension' completely collapsed!"


! "

The dream demon roared again, but even if he used more dimensional energy, he couldn't hurt Kewen in the slightest.

Kewen was too lazy to talk to each other about anything.

After finally giving the dream demon a warning look, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Finding that Kewen had left the dream dimension, the dream demon cursed furiously incompetently, and could only clean up the mess and eliminate the magic that had not stopped destroying as soon as possible.


Compared to Mephisto, the Dream Demon seemed a little cowardly.

Ever since he was warned by Kewen, the dream demon was really honest and never dared to invade Kewen's dream again.

Time passed by, and finally entered 2012.

One day, Kewen received a call from Natasha.

"Hey Kewen, I'm going to Russia tomorrow. I have an investigation mission. Do you need any specialties over there?"

"No, I don't need any specialties."

Kewen replied warmly, "I just need you to be safe."

Laughter sounded, and Natasha teased: "I'm really touched, so are you teasing me?"

Both affirmations and denials were inappropriate, and Kewen had to chuckle softly.

Natasha also ended the topic and turned to say: "I should be able to get a few days of vacation after this task, and I will go to New York to find you."

"Welcome." Kewen responded: "You haven't come over for more than three months, and Clint has been more than half a year."

"He's more troublesome over there."

Natasha said helplessly: "I have been doing a secret mission, and even I don't know the specific So I don't know how long it will take for him to come out, oh right."

When the topic changed, Natasha brought up another thing.

"It's all in Manhattan, you should know that the new building of 'Stark Industries' has been completed, right?"

Cowen glanced south through the window.

After seeing the skyscraper with Stark's giant logo, he responded: "Yes, but the ribbon has not been officially cut."

"It's coming soon," Natasha said. "A colleague and I have received an email invitation from Ms. Potts, and I should be here in time."


Kewen couldn't help but curled the corners of his mouth, because he could already imagine how this invitation would end.

Natasha didn't realize anything, so she said normally: "So when I go to New York, let's go to the ceremony banquet together, have you received your invitation? I think... Your current stake is approaching 1% right now. ?"

"Seven thousandths."

Kewen responded: "Yes, I have received the email."

"Okay, see you then."

Natasha said with a smile: "Let's not talk about it, I'll go and replenish the equipment."

"Okay, see you later."

Cowen hung up the phone with a smile, and glanced at the 'Stark Building' again.

It's a little funny, Kewen thinks that he has some effect with Natasha, why is the result of every invitation from Natasha not a perfect ending?

Birthday parties have turned into farce, and fair play has turned into a battlefield.

Now the third invitation, but it will happen to hit the invasion of the 'Qita Rui'.

I don't know what Natasha's expression will be when she finds out about this situation, I guess it should be fun...