MTL - Rubik’s Cube Heavens-v6 Chapter 36 gap

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, Rubik's Cube

In just a few hours, Natasha's cognitive concept was constantly being reversed.

Hell, heaven, various dimensions, and even magicians.

But what Natasha didn't expect the most was that the real God was by her side.

Cowen turned out to be a magician! ? And he is the kind of master who makes Mephisto be cautious!

After being popularized, Natasha couldn't help looking at Kewen up and down.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that Kewen was just an ordinary person.

She couldn't find a shadow of a master in Ke Wen's body at all, and couldn't see the temperament that any master should have.

But the fact is beyond doubt.

This made Natasha feel very contradictory, not only her senses were contradictory, but her mentality was also very contradictory.

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Kewen shook his head slightly: "You don't have the aptitude to learn magic, I checked it for you a long time ago."

"Is that so... a pity."

Natasha's smile was not as sincere as before, but reserved, not because she couldn't learn magic, but because she was still entangled in the identity gap between her and Kewen.

She shook her head: "But forget it, I have lived for more than 20 years without magic."

After speaking, Natasha took the initiative to change the subject.

She plans to leave as soon as possible, she needs to find a place to calm down and re-clarify the relationship between the two.

So Natasha shifted the topic to the massage, and planned to get up and say goodbye after the massage.

So she moved her shoulders with a smile and said, "What happened in the past few hours has hit me so hard that I can't even feel the stiffness of my body, but please help me press it."

"no problem."

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"no problem."

Cowen raised his right knee and knelt on the edge of the bed, leaned over and began to massage Natasha.

During the dozens of minutes of massage, there was no fragrant situation.

Kewen still avoided the position that shouldn't be touched, and Natasha didn't have any impulse or the like.

At the end of the massage, Kewen stopped hiding his methods this time, and directly used the ability of 'red hands' to completely remove the gunshot wound on Natasha's left abdomen.

Awakening Natasha, who was so comfortable that she was about to fall asleep, Kewen raised her chin towards her belly: "Let's see if you're satisfied."

Natasha immediately looked down at her belly.

When she saw the smooth and complete skin, she couldn't help saying happily: "Farewell to the long-standing bikini, now I can finally come back!"

Turning over and getting out of bed, Natasha took off her T-shirt directly.

She walked to the full-length mirror and looked at her perfect skin, without the embarrassment and shame of wearing only three-point style in front of Kewen.

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As soon as the act of dressing stopped, Natasha thought of something.

She stuck her head out of the cloakroom and asked Kewen, "Speaking of which, you opened the portal that day, right?"

"It's me." There was no need for Kewen to hide.

This made Natasha roll her eyes.

She retracted her body and continued to dress, while complaining, "You bastard, do you know how nervous you made me!?"

"Sorry." Kewen smiled helplessly: "I don't want to be exposed to the outside world. You should know the nature of the country under your feet, and how greedy and sinful it is, so I couldn't recognize you at that time."

"Don't worry, I'm just joking."

Natasha got dressed and walked out of the cloakroom, smiled at Cowan: "You are right, Captain America, Bruce Banner, they have experienced a lot of bad things in this country without background, even Captain Rogers, also Forced to donate body samples for human research."

Coming to Kewen, Natasha reached out and hugged.

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Natasha got in the car and said while starting the sports car, "By the way, Kewen, I may not be able to come and see you for a while."

"What?" Kewen asked, "Is there any other task in the future?"

"No." Natasha touched her waist and belly, and then smiled: "Without the scar, I plan to go to the beach to have fun in the next few vacations."

"So it is." Kewen spread his hands and gestured towards the hospital behind him: "Unfortunately, I can't get out of here, so I can only wish you a good time. If you want to come to the beach in New York to play, you can call me."

"no problem."

Natasha began to bombard the accelerator: "I'll go to a few beach sanctuaries first, and then I'll find you when I come to New York. Let's go, bye~"

"Bye." Kewen smiled and nodded, and took a step back.


The engine Natasha started the sports car and drove away quickly.

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During the year, Stark Industries flourished in the energy sector and its stock price continued to rise.

Kewen invested all the stock dividends, as well as the profits of the hospital and firm, so that his share of shares finally reached 1%.

For this reason, Pepper Potts, who has already taken the position of CEO, also came to the door in person and asked Cowen if he wanted to join Stark Industries.

Cowen of course refused.

Aside from the phone call between Natasha and Clint Barton, it was the only face-to-face interaction between Cowen and the characters in nearly a year.


On this day in October, a traffic accident occurred near the hospital.

Several seriously injured were taken to the nearest hospital.

Because of the shortage of manpower for rescue and treatment, Kewen participated in the medical treatment after a long absence.

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