MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 11 dowry

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   Chapter 11 The Dowry

   Jiang Shi suddenly came.

  Yu Weiwei had to lie back on the bed and continue to pretend to be sick.

   Mrs Jiang sat down beside the bed.

   "Curly, I heard that you are ill, I came to see you specially, and discuss with you about the dowry by the way."

  Yu Weiwei put on a posture of listening intently: "You say it."

   Mr. Jiang spoke softly and authentically.

   "In a family like us, the daughter's dowry is prepared from a young age.

   But you only came back to Yu's house two months ago, I didn't know you existed until then.

   So I couldn't prepare a dowry for you in advance.

   And the marriage between you and Prince Lang was too sudden, we couldn't get so many things together in a while. "

   Having said that, her meaning is already clear.

   is to tell Yu Cui Cui that the family will not give her much dowry, so that she has a psychological preparation in advance.

  Yu Chui was silent.

   Jiang Shi sighed: "Don't blame us, we can't do anything either."

  Yu Weiwei: "Have you told my father about this?"

   Jiang's eyes flashed: "Your father has been very busy recently, I haven't had time to tell him."

   Hearing the words, Yu Lingwei already had a number in his heart.

   With what she knew about Yu Kangtai, he had the best face, and would definitely not treat his eldest daughter harshly in matters such as dowry.

   Jiang Shi is here to test her attitude, and then decide how to tell Yu Kangtai about this next.

  Yu Weiwei: "The dowry should still be discussed by you and your father. I don't want to intervene."

   Mr. Jiang wants to say something else.

   However, Yu Cui Cui has already issued an order to evict the guests.

   "I'm sleepy and want to rest."

   Mrs Jiang clenched the silk handkerchief in her hand, dissatisfied in her heart, but she had to put on a gentle and virtuous look on her face.

   "Then you have a good rest, I will see you tomorrow."

   As soon as Mrs Jiang left, Yu Lingwei immediately got up from the bed.

   Angelica asked while waiting for her to change.

   "What did Madam mean just now? Isn't she planning to prepare a dowry for you?"

  Yu said: "That's not true, the dowry will definitely be prepared, but the amount will be relatively small."

   Even if Angelica is stupid, he knows the importance of dowry to a married woman.

   She asked cautiously, "Would you like to talk to the master about this?"

  Yu Weiwei: "It's useless, my dad won't listen to me."

   Compared with her daughter, who has no emotional foundation, Yu Kangtai must believe more in his wife Jiang, who has slept in the same bed for decades.

   If she really wants to go to Yu Kangtai to complain, it will only deepen Yu Kangtai's prejudice against her, thinking that she is deliberately targeting Jiang.

   Jiang Shi probably expected this, so he dared to come to her directly to talk about the dowry.

   Angelica was worried: "What should I do then?"

  Yu Wei straightened his sleeves and smiled when he looked at himself in the mirror.

   "Don't think too much, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge."

   Yu and Angelica went through the dog hole again.

   The two left Yufu smoothly and went straight to the West City.

  West City, as the business center of Yujing City, is undoubtedly the most lively and prosperous area in the city.

  There are many shops on the street, people on the road are crowded, and the vendors are screaming one after another.

   The two of them drank all over the street.

  During this process, Yu Weiwei inadvertently caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

   When she looked carefully, the figure had disappeared.

   Angelica asked while nibbling on the pie.

   "Miss, what are you looking at?"

   Yu curled up her eyebrows and frowned, very puzzled: "I saw Yu Sheng just now, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?"

   (end of this chapter)