MTL - Sailing: Stealing Sauron’s Talents at the Beginning-Chapter 14

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"But the animal type is different. Even the common animal type devil fruit can increase the physique, speed and strength several times."

"And among the animal-type devil fruits, there are more powerful ancient species and phantom beast species."

"The ancient species and the phantom beast species not only increase their speed, strength and physique, but they can even master special abilities similar to superhumans."

"So you don't need to worry at all, and you don't need to force yourself to exercise to squeeze your potential."

"Now your physique has developed a hidden disease, and you need to take good care of it to recover."

"When we are older and stronger, we can leave Frost Moon Island to help you find suitable devil fruits."

After telling all his thoughts in one breath, Ron looked at Kuina with anticipation.

Kuina's situation is too bad now.

If you continue to frantically squeeze yourself to improve your strength, it is very likely that things will go against each other.

Once the hidden disease breaks out completely, without suitable devil fruit, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"I see, Ron!"

At this time, Kuina suddenly smiled.

Looking up at Ron, he said seriously, "I will reduce my exercise to recover my body."

"However, if I reduce my exercise, my strength will improve slowly. When the time comes to find devil fruits, you can't hold me back!"

"of course not!"

Answering without hesitation, Ron raised the corner of his mouth and said, "You are my fiancee, and I will never dislike you for the rest of my life."

"When we find a devil fruit suitable for you and improve your defects, then you will become the strongest swordsman."

Hearing this, Kuina smiled.

Ever since I was a child, I have never had a sincere smile, and I looked at Ron with more tenderness and sweetness.

She knew that Ron said this for her own good.

After all, Koshiro had said such words before.

It's just that at that time, Kuina was paranoid and didn't believe that she would be weaker than a man, so she ignored it.

But after what happened today, Kuina was also relieved.

Looking at Ron in front of him, the latter was already much stronger than her.

And Ron didn't hide his friendship with her.

After all, before this, the latter almost gave his life for her.

Under such circumstances, how could Kuina continue to torture her body.

Now she is not only living for herself, but also has Ron in her life.

Thinking of this, Kuina said; "Okay, Ron, we should go back too."

"Bring this leopard home, it actually wants to eat me, I'm going to eat him tonight."

Having said that, Kuina glared fiercely at the leopard corpse on the ground.

It is true that there is hatred, but there is more gratitude.


Kuina is indeed very grateful to Leopard.

Not only let herself understand her own weakness, but also let her gain love.

Although she is still young, her love for a man who can give his life for herself comes from the bottom of her heart.


With a laugh, Ron immediately stepped forward, grabbed one of the leopard's feet, looked at Kuina and said, "Let's go, let's go home!"

"I'll bake it tonight and ask everyone to eat it together."

"Second goods~"

Hearing this, Kuina gave Ron a coquettish look, but she didn't hesitate.

He stepped forward and held Ron's other arm, and the two dragged the leopard's body towards the sword hall.

Chapter 16 Kuina comatose, Koshiro's approval

"Ron is back!"

"Miss Kuina is back."

"My God, what a big leopard, this is also a beast!"

"Amazing, Ron and Kuina actually hunted down the beast again."

"No, why are they injured?"


Following the return of Ron and Kuina, the students in the sword hall surrounded them.

Everyone was amazed at first, but after seeing Ron and Kuina's bruised appearance, everyone panicked.

Xiaowu turned around immediately and ran towards the house to report to Koshiro.

After all, not only Ron was injured, but Kuina was also injured.


"Finally back!"

Looking at the gate in front of her, Kuina breathed a sigh of relief at the moment.

Her injury was not serious, but it was not easy.

Although Ron was the first to bear the blow of the leopard, the huge force still made Guina uncomfortable.

Returning to the sword hall at this moment, her tense nerves also relaxed.

In the next second, Kuina was limp in Ron's arms.


Seeing this situation, Ron's expression changed, and he quickly hugged Kuina, ignoring the existence of the leopard.

"Get out of the way!"

With a low drink in his mouth, Ron hugged Kuina and ran towards the house quickly.

"Guina is unconscious."

Seeing this situation, the surrounding students also panicked.

After a brief moment of astonishment, he immediately caught up with him.

But before they could follow, Ron was the first to speak; "You don't need to use it."

"Go to the village and ask the doctor to come over."

"Also, bring in the leopard's body and cook it."

"Guina has lost a lot of blood and needs the meat of beasts to replenish her strength."



With a promise, the students in the yard did not dare to neglect.

After looking at each other, several students ran directly towards the village.

The other students also understand that it is not helpful to keep up now.

Immediately, they ran towards the gate, intending to dispose of the leopard's body as soon as possible to make up for Guina.

Seeing this situation, Ron also breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurried to the residence with Kuina.

Instead of going to Kuina's residence, he went directly to his room.

After putting Kuina down, Ron checked it carefully.

After confirming that Kuina had no trauma, she breathed a sigh of relief.


At this time, Koshiro's urgent voice came.

In the next second, Koshiro's figure walked into the room.

When he saw Kuina who was unconscious on the bed, his expression changed slightly: "What's going on?"

"How could Guina be injured so badly?"

Speaking of this, Koshiro's words suddenly stopped.

Because he had already seen what Ron looked like.

Compared with Kuina's situation, Ron's current state is the worst.

Even after eating the devil fruit, the injuries on the outside have healed, but the broken clothes and blood stains also proclaimed that they have experienced a fierce battle.


Seeing the person coming, Ron didn't dare to neglect, bowed and said; "We met a second lieutenant-level leopard, and its strength is extremely terrifying."

"Me and Kuina are not opponents, which has led to what happened now."

"But Kuina didn't suffer a fatal injury, it should be an internal injury caused by the force of the leopard's attack."

Hearing this, Koshiro breathed a sigh of relief.

Intractable internal injuries.

But there will be no fear of life.

At the same time, he understood that this incident must have been caused by Kuina.

Because of her negligence before, Kuina ran out directly.

At that time, Koshiro didn't pay much attention to it, but thinking about it now, he is really scared.

If it wasn't for the existence of Ron, I'm afraid...

"Ron, well done!"

Without too many words or compliments, Koshiro patted Ron on the shoulder, his eyes full of approval.

This is his son-in-law.

Although the two were not yet married, they were able to save Kuina regardless of their own life and death, and this was already recognized by him.

Thinking of this, Koshiro immediately said: "No, when I came, I saw them dissecting the shaving leopard. How did you kill it?"

After all, Ron had already said just now that neither he nor Kuina was his opponent.

But now that the leopard is dead, and the bodies have all been brought back, this is surprising and confusing.


After hesitating for a while, Ron didn't hide anything, and said directly: "I accidentally picked up a devil fruit in the back mountain before."

"But I don't know the category and type of the devil fruit. I originally planned to bring it back and show it to you, teacher."

"I didn't expect to encounter the scene of the leopard attacking Kuina on the way back."

"I thought that guy's strength was similar to that of Silver Wolf and Tiger, so I didn't think too much about it."

"I didn't expect that guy's strength to be far superior to that of Tiger and Silver Wolf. I failed and even got injured as soon as Kuina and I met face to face."

"In desperation, I can only take a gamble and eat the devil fruit, which kills the leopard."

Devil Fruit!

I see.

After listening to Ron's narration, Koshiro suddenly realized.

No wonder Ron was able to kill the leopard because he ate it.