MTL - Sailing: Stealing Sauron’s Talents at the Beginning-Chapter 149

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An avenger who bears blood and deep vengeance, and is extremely talented and extremely hardworking.

It can be said that Ron's existence made countless centrist generals feel ashamed.

Put yourself in the situation, if the person in such a situation is yourself, they don't know how to face and deal with it.


The corner of his mouth raised, and Ron looked at Dauberman and said, "I hope to end this era of great pirates!"

This is not Ron joking.

It was the thought that came to Ron the moment he saw the cruelty and violence of the pirates.

Maybe all of this is extremely difficult, and it is even impossible for one person to complete it.

But Ron is still willing to take it as his goal.

The world government can't handle the world well, causing countless people to go to sea and become pirates.

What about the Revolutionary Army?

If the Revolutionary Army gains control of the world, will that be able to change everything?

If the people in the world could eat enough and wear warm clothes, how many people would be willing to give up the life of their wives and children and go to sea to become pirates?

If there are still pirates that will continue to appear at that time, but they can all be killed with iron blood.

After all, the guy who still wants to go to sea under such circumstances is the real evil!

"'〃Good guy."

"This dream is really huge."

Opening their mouths, Dauberman and the centrists on the side looked at Ron in surprise.

Never expected that the young Ron would say such words.

Not to be a general, not to be a marshal.

It's about ending the era of great pirates, and what kind of courage it is.

For a moment, the eyes of a group of people looking at Ron became softer and more approving.

In the case of a friendly heart, a group of people also came forward to talk to Ron.

In such a situation, time flies by.

In the afternoon, Ron and his party arrived at Advance City on a warship.

Looking around, the city of Jinjin at this moment is still quite embarrassing.

Especially the area at the gate, many areas have been reduced to ruins.

A lot of jailers and marines are moving there, and a lot of corpses can be vaguely seen being carried out of it.

"Damn golden lion."

Seeing this situation, Dauberman and the others all turned livid, and while they were gnashing their teeth, their hearts were filled with anger.

After all, under such circumstances, any fool can see how huge the loss of the city is.

But they don't have any (ready) way to do it.

As the warship docked, Dauberman immediately waved his hand and said, "Go and help!"

"Rescue the wounded as soon as possible."


'yes! '

Hearing this, countless navies on the warships behind him should follow suit.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of navies rushed forward and began to help.

And Ron didn't go to help.

Under the leadership of the target, the group quickly entered the upper floor of the promotion city.


"It hurts me to death."

"It hurts."


As you enter it, you can see a large number of navies lying in the surrounding area.

Although there are already medical soldiers helping to treat them, there are too many injured people.

Many people even looked extremely embarrassed with missing arms and legs.


Gritting his teeth, Dauberman said with a gloomy expression, "This damned golden lion should be executed."

‘He shouldn’t have been kept back then. '

While speaking, Dauberman led Ron to continue walking towards the interior.

Soon, a group of people came to a gate.

"Lieutenant General Shin Dauberman!"

A guard stepped forward, raised his hand in salute, and said excitedly, "You are finally here."

"General Huang Yuan and the others have already gone in, so go in quickly, too."

"Those damned pirates are so messed up, they all want to escape like crazy.".

Chapter 133 Prisoners escape from the sixth floor, the crisis of the yellow ape

Hearing this, Dauberman's complexion also sank.

If this is the case, then this matter is much more serious than they imagined.

After all, the yellow ape had already arrived in the morning.

It stands to reason that with the strength of Huang Yuan, it is absolutely possible to suppress those guys in the advancing city.

But now?

Not only did the situation not improve in any way, it even seemed to be getting worse.

Subconsciously, Dauberman said, "What's going on?"

Have any pirates from the sixth floor escaped?

As soon as these words came out, Ron also became serious.

Push the entire city within.

The prisoners on the first five floors were nothing, almost all of them were offering bounties in the millions, tens of millions, or even over 100 million.

But if someone escaped from the sixth floor, it would be terrible.

The beings imprisoned in the sixth floor are at least those who started with a bounty of 500 million.

Under such circumstances, once it flees on a large scale, even the yellow ape may not be able to suppress it.

"It was indeed a bit of a surprise."

Facing the questioning, the jailer didn't dare to be negligent, so he said directly; "Those guys on the sixth floor are still detained without any problem."

"But because of the serious injury of the warden Shilieu of the Rain, no one is guarding the sixth floor prison."

"This also led to escapees from the fifth floor entering it."

"And he had to wait for some of the Hailoushi keys, which directly led to the release of the prisoners on the sixth floor."

"Although Huang Yuan is coming in time, he can't fight against so many prisoners by himself."

"Even under the current situation, General Huang Yuan has been forced to retreat to the third prison."

"If it cannot be suppressed as soon as possible, the consequences will be unimaginable."


After listening to the jailer's narration, Dauberman and the others couldn't help but gasp.

Although they had vaguely felt uneasiness before, they did not expect that the uneasiness would be so severe.

The people on the sixth floor escaped.

Although I don't know the exact number, but those who can suppress 220 yellow apes are definitely not ordinary people.

As soon as he thought of this, Dauberman immediately said, "Come on, contact General Aokiji immediately!"

"Let him speed up and advance into the city. This matter must not be sloppy."

"Also, let me drive all the ships out of the range of the city. Even if the pirates escape, they must not be allowed to escape the range of the city."



Hearing this, the navy in a certain area should be there immediately.

They all know the seriousness of the matter.

After looking at each other, several marines hurried towards the outside world.

Seeing this situation, Dauberman didn't talk nonsense, he directly pulled out the famous knife from his waist, and said, "Open the door!"

We're going to support General Kizaru.


With a promise, the jailer didn't dare to neglect, and quickly opened the door to the basement floor.


As the door opened, Dauberman directly led a group of people and rushed towards it.

Seeing this situation, Ron hesitated for a moment, but followed closely without hesitation.

Although this matter is quite dangerous, it is also a good opportunity.

Witness what it is like to fight and fight among the top powerhouses.

Most importantly, Ron still had nine thefts.

Can't complete the Devil Fruit power-up, but it does allow him to try to steal nine times.

There was no such opportunity in the Navy Headquarters before, how could he miss it now that the opportunity came?

Soon, Ron and his party entered the underground (afbb) prison of Advance City.

Speeding all the way, you can see countless pirates cheering in it:

"Kill, kill those marines."

"Good job, finally someone is going to continue to escape from prison."

"Great, if you break the city, you can only escape from us."


Ron and the navy were extremely angry about this.

But under such circumstances, they had no choice, let alone choose to stay.

After all, everyone is not a fool, how could they not know that under such circumstances, the longer the delay, the worse the situation will be.

Especially the yellow ape.

The latter used his own strength to attack the low-level pirates. If he couldn't help as soon as possible, the end would definitely be extremely bad.

With this in mind, the group of people didn't hesitate and continued to speed up.

Soon, they entered the second underground prison.

The situation here is almost the same as the first floor, where countless pirates are boiling.

Fortunately, they were all locked in cages and could not come out.