MTL - Sailing: Stealing Sauron’s Talents at the Beginning-Chapter 16

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After about five minutes, Wu Yun stood up, frowning and said: "Master Koshiro, the situation of your daughter is not optimistic."

"I've already checked. The injury this time is not serious. It's just some internal injuries. It stands to reason that it can recover after a month or two of training."

"But the accumulation of hidden diseases in her body is too serious, this time it will be directly detonated, and now...".

Chapter 18 Kuina Was Abandoned? Koshiro asks for help

At this point, Wu Yun's words paused, and he hesitated several times.


"How about it!"

Seeing this situation, Koshiro and Ron became anxious and asked questions quickly.


This is a major matter related to Kuina's future and safety.

The two dared not be careless at all.

Especially what Wu Yun said, the latter's injury this time seems to have caused a hidden disease in his body, which represents a huge danger.


Sighing, Wu Yun gritted his teeth, and then continued; "I'm afraid Lingai won't be able to practice anymore."

"Her physique can no longer hold on. According to my inference, she will become an ordinary person in the next five or six years."

"When she becomes an adult at the age of sixteen, her own physique can almost keep up, and then it is possible to continue to practice."

"If she had continued to practice before this, she would be paralyzed in bed, or even die."


Hearing this, Koshiro and Ron couldn't help but gasp.

"How can it be!"

"How could such a powerful big sister turn into an ordinary person?"

Xiao Wu on the side exclaimed subconsciously.

As a student of the Frost Moon Sword Academy, Xiao Wu has a very good relationship with Ron, Sauron and Kuina.

It's just that Xiao Wu didn't have much cultivation talent like Ron before.

However, the conditions of his family are not bad, and he came to study for the purpose of strengthening his body.

All the while, he has brought himself into the role of the younger brother.

He suddenly heard that Kuina had become like this, and he couldn't accept it at all.

"Doctor Wu Yun, is there a solution?"

Koshiro also asked with some unwillingness.

He has always known the problem of Kuina's hidden disease.

She has also been silently helping Kuina to regulate her own physique.

But he never expected that his luck would have such consequences.

On the contrary, Ron was thoughtful at the moment.

Without him!

Because from this incident, he vaguely seemed to understand why Kuina in the original book was crushed to death by a whetstone.

He remembered that in the original book, Kuina seemed to be injured as well.

But Zoro didn't know it at that time, and agreed to fight with a real sword.

It is precisely because of this that Kuina went to get the whetstone in the middle of the night, trying to sharpen the knife for the next day's battle.

But at that time, Kuina was already weak, which led to the tragedy of being crushed to death by a whetstone.

Now it seems that the injury of Guina in the original book may also be the case.

The hidden disease in the body broke out completely, and after a year or two, the hidden disease will only become more serious.

It is even very possible that Kuina knew the news and the result at that time, so she chose to fight Sauron for the last time and end her career as a swordsman.

But she never expected that an accident would cause her to die under the whetstone.

"there is none left."

Facing the gaze, Wu Yun shook his head, and then said: "However, I suggest that the owner of Koshiro can try the meat supplement based on beast meat and sea king meat."

"Whether it's beast meat or sea king meat, they all contain a lot of vitality."

"If you eat it for a long time, it might be able to help your daughter recover from her injuries in advance."

With that said, Wu Yun walked to the side area and began to write prescriptions.

After a while, he wrote the prescription and handed it to Koshiro, "This is the prescription."

"If you give Kuina three doses of medicine, she should be able to wake up."

"Thank you, Doctor Wuyun."

Hearing this, Koshiro didn't dare to neglect, and quickly thanked him.

After all, the most important thing now is to wake up Kuina.

As for her inability to cultivate in the future, although it is difficult to accept, it is nothing compared to her life.

"No problem."

After waving his hand, Wu Yun sighed; "It's a pity that I'm not very talented, otherwise I should be able to do better."

"Master Koshiro, then I will take my leave."

After speaking, Wu Yun planned to leave.


Seeing this situation, Koshiro didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Xiao Wu, help me send Dr. Wuyun."

"Yes, master!"

With a promise, Xiao Wu quickly stepped forward to accompany Wu Yun to leave.


Koshiro sighed as the two left.

Immediately afterwards, he handed the prescription and some Baileys to Ron and said, "Ron, go to the village to get the medicine."

"No matter what the future holds, the most important thing is to wake up Kuina first!"


With a promise, Ron didn't dare to neglect, reached out to take the prescription and Bailey, turned around and ran towards the outside of the house.

It was about Kuina's safety, and Ron didn't dare to slack off.

As Ron left, Koshiro walked to the area beside Kuina at this moment.

"Daughter, I'm sorry."

Looking at the unconscious Kuina, Koshiro said guiltily.

Only after Sauron came, he regarded Kuina as the latter's sharpening stone.

If only stopped earlier.

If Kuina was prevented from continuing to practice when she had physical problems, such problems would not appear again.

Thinking of this, Koshiro felt even more guilty.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and took out a phone bug from his pocket, took a deep breath and dialed again.

"Beep beep beep~"

The voice of the phone bug resounded, and after a while, Doralon's voice came: "Master Koshiro."

"You just called before, what's the matter this time?"

On an unnamed island, Dolaron, who was holding a meeting of revolutionary army cadres, waved his hand to stop everyone from discussing.

Seeing this situation, Evakov and the others around did not dare to neglect, they all shut up and looked at where Doralon was.


Facing the inquiry, Koshiro was extremely solemn at the moment, and then said: "I hope you can come to Shuangyue Village in advance."

"Especially the doctor you mentioned, I hope he can come with you."

"My daughter was seriously injured and unconscious, and the outbreak of a hidden disease in her body may be life-threatening."

"The doctors in Shuangyue Village can't cure her, I hope you can come and help me diagnose, please."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Doralon and the others in the revolutionary army base changed.

Something happened to Koshiro's daughter.

This is definitely surprising news.

After pondering for a while, Dolaron looked at Evakov and the others and said, "Is there anything else important?"


Faced with the question, the Eastern Army commander stood up, and immediately said: "The rest of the matter is fine."

"The people of the kingdom in the East China Sea are almost ready."

"If we are in a hurry, we can go to the East China Sea now, but the navy is very tight during the investigation. Even if we sneak into the East China Sea, we will have at least five or six days to reach Shuangyue Village.".

Chapter 19 The Revolutionary Army's Advance Action, Ron's First Kill

Hearing this, Doralon nodded.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the phone bug and said, "Your Excellency Koshiro, we are leaving for the East China Sea now."

"Seven days later, we will arrive at Frost Moon Island."


Hearing this, Koshiro breathed a sigh of relief.

It used to be a three-month wait.

But under the current circumstances, this matter obviously cannot be delayed any longer.

In Frost Moon Island, there is no possibility of rescue of Kuina's injury, and the only hope is the revolutionary army.

Thinking of this, Koshiro immediately said: "Your Excellency Dragon, see you in seven days."

After speaking, Koshiro hung up the phone and continued to stay by Kuina's side.

On the other end, Doralon looked at the phone bug that hung up, and said with a serious face; "Eva, are you sure about this matter?"

Eva Cove!

He is a cadre of the Revolutionary Army.

Moreover, he is a user of the hormone devil fruit ability, and besides that, he is also an excellent doctor.

Everyone present also looked at Evakov.

After all, this matter is not simple.

If Koshiro's daughter can be saved, the cooperation between the two parties will be more tacit.

Conversely, if Kuina cannot be rescued, the cooperation between the Revolutionary Army and Koshiro will be very problematic.

"I'll have to go see how she's doing first."

Without a word of agreement, Ivakov said with a serious face: "If it's just a hidden injury or hidden disease, then I'm pretty sure."

"I'm afraid that the situation of Koshiro's daughter is not the case, then it is really difficult."

Hearing this, Doralon and the others also nodded.