MTL - Sailing: Stealing Sauron’s Talents at the Beginning-Chapter 160

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"Then I won't bother you."

"By the way, where is the entrance to the sixth floor? I happen to have something to ask Sir Shiliu of the Rain."

"Since it has been confirmed that the sixth floor is safe, I also want to see what the people who are detained there are like.".

Chapter 141 Entering the Sixth Level Prison for the First Time, Awakened Overlord Color

Hearing this, the jailer was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that Ron would actually make such a request.

sixth floor.

That is not something ordinary people can enter.

After all, the sixth floor represents the place where the most dangerous criminals in the world are held. If something unexpected happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

But the thought of Ron's identity.

Although he is only a newcomer in the navy, he is also valued and cultivated by Huang Yuan.

The most important thing is that when Ron shot before, he also saved the promotion city.

Although it cannot be said that it is the credit of Ron alone.

But one thing is beyond doubt.

That is Ron is indeed the hero of Push City.

After thinking this far, the jailer pointed in one direction and said, "The entrance to the sixth floor is over there."

As he spoke, he took out an identity card and handed it to Ron; "This is the identity card to enter the sixth floor."

"You can go down and have a look, but don't wander around."

"Also, those guys on the sixth floor are not good people. They are all extremely eloquent. You must not be fascinated by the words of those guys."

Hearing this, Ron nodded immediately.

Of course he knew that the guys on the sixth floor were not good.

If it wasn't for the key on Arrizo's body, he would never choose to venture in at this time.

"I see."

With a promise, Ron reached out to take the ID card, and then said, "I will be careful about this matter."

"After I went in, I looked for Shiliu of the Rain as soon as possible, and I won't have any communication with those criminals."

"By the way, what's your name, friend?"

Ron still had a good impression of the jailer in front of him.

After all, the average person's 05 words, I'm afraid they won't give themselves an identity card, and they won't let themselves go to the sixth floor.

"My name is Lu Jia!"

Answering Ron, Lu Jia didn't hesitate, and ran towards the fourth floor quickly.

Seeing this situation, Ron didn't hesitate, turned around and accelerated towards the sixth floor.

Lugar was going to rule over Magellan.

This also means that Magellan will come to the sixth floor soon.

Under such circumstances, he must complete the plan as soon as possible.

Steal the key as soon as possible to be foolproof.

Conversely, if one waits for Magellan to enter it, then he really has no chance of getting the key today.

Speeding all the way, Ron soon arrived at the entrance to the sixth floor.

After showing the identity card, the jailers didn't stop anything, and Ron entered it directly.

Enter the prison on the sixth floor underground.

Ron's eyes were pitch black, the entire sixth floor was dimly lit, and there was a strong sense of oppression and **** smell in the air.

Not only that, but just going deep into it for a while, Ron can feel a strong sense of oppression sweeping over.

Under such circumstances, Ron's expression changed slightly.

Although he knew before that the situation in the sixth underground floor was dangerous, he never expected it to be so strong.

Especially the evil spirit that hit his face made him feel that his blood flow slowed down.

But soon, Ron also calmed down.

After taking a deep breath, he continued to run towards the sixth floor.

"somebody is coming."

"Still a brat!"

"Interesting, how did a little ghost come in."


As Ron continued to penetrate, the prisoners who advanced into the city also noticed his aura.

All of a sudden, countless knowledgeable domineering spirits protruded from each cell.

After seeing Ron's figure, the prisoners were all astonished and surprised.

Especially some pirates, even subconsciously laughed at this moment: "Navy recruits!"

"Good guy, is there no one in the navy? They will actually send recruits to come here."

"It seems that the navy is really dying. First, they were jailbroken on a large scale, and now even the navy recruits are dispatched."


Under such discussions, some of the vicious pirates showed grinning grin.

"Little devil, go to **** with me!"

Accompanied by a low growl, a strong domineering aura gushed out of the prison, attacking Ron in the distance.


"Someone has made a move."

Seeing this situation, everyone in the surrounding prisons also became interested.

Although they didn't make a move, everyone showed an expression of watching the show at the moment.

Although it is just domineering and not very powerful, it is not something that ordinary navy recruits can resist.

Over the years, the guys who have entered the sixth floor of the promotion city are either of good strength.

If the strength is poor, you will either become an idiot, or you will be too scared to come in again.


Almost instantly, Ron's steps at the moment were also stopped.

The domineering aura of domineering color swept over, directly impacting on him.

At this moment, Ron could clearly feel how bad his situation was.

Even under this sense of oppression, he can clearly feel that the domineering arrogance is impacting his heart.

It seemed that there was a voice resounding in his ears: "Surrender to me!"

"Kneel down for me."

"Kneel down and worship me!"


For a moment, Ron's face was ferocious, and his expression was changing at this moment.

Not for anything else, because he can clearly feel how bad his situation is.

Even under such circumstances, he can clearly feel a little bit.

That is, I seem to be unable to hold on anymore, and the impact of the domineering arrogance on me is extremely huge.

For a moment, Ron's expression was in a trance, and he even felt the malice from the world from the bottom of his heart.

Under such circumstances, his will began to be negative, and even his own emotions were constantly depressed.

Before he knew it, Ron's body had begun to bend gradually, tending to kneel down on the ground.

"Haha, that brat can't hold on anymore."

"Sure enough, she's still too young to resist even a domineering look of this level."


For a moment, the pirates in the prison laughed loudly.

Glad to hear about a situation like this.

After all, when they couldn't go out, this kind of bullying the navy could still bring them a lot of joy.

"No, I absolutely surrender!"

At this moment, Ron's eyes suddenly brightened.

The domineering oppression made him extremely aggrieved, but such aggrievedness also completely inspired Ron's ferocity, unyielding and rebelliousness.

You know, in the previous life, he was just a loser in a fat house.

In this life, although he has also become stronger, he not only has a master, a background, a background, but also a beautiful fiancee.

But to be honest, Ron has never had any intention of being king.

In his mind, apart from becoming stronger, the only thing he had in mind was to protect what he had now.

But with the oppression of this domineering look, Ron was completely unwilling.

Why should he be oppressed by a group of natives when he is a dignified traveler?

Other traversers are all invincible at the beginning of the game. Although I don't have such a situation, I also have unique conditions.

That being the case, then others can become kings and become the masters of the world through time travel, so why can't I?

"I am the man who will become the king of the world!"

For a moment, Ron roared inwardly.

At this moment, a force gushed out of Ron's body instantly.



The smashing sound resounded, and the overlord-colored collision erupted.

As Ron's overlord color swept out, it directly destroyed the overlord color that suppressed him.

Not only that, because of his just awakening, after Ron's domineering color destroyed his opponent, he swept directly towards the sixth prison at this moment.

"not good!"

"It's Overlord Color, this kid has awakened Overlord Color."

"Top, this is a top-notch overlord, who the **** is this brat!"


For a moment, the sixth floor prison shook.

Countless pirates were in an uproar at this moment, completely unable to believe what they saw.

Top overlord color.

To be a top-notch overlord upon awakening, what kind of talent does it take to be able to do this?

On top of that, Ron was still a Marine, and a Navy recruit at that.

How could he have such qualifications? How could it have such potential.

