MTL - Salted Fish Doesn’t Want to Inherit Hundred of Billion Property-Chapter 4 Product launch

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There is a small two-story building next to the factory. With the arrival of the new boss, this place has become an office building.

"You said Mr. Qing slept here last night?" Mr. Li was busy recruiting people last night and didn't return to the production area until the afternoon.

"Didn't you ask me to see how much the old production line can be used before? I came over in the middle of the night with a flashlight, and just happened to see Mr. Qing coming out of the duty room to overhaul the production line with him." The technician wiped the sweat from his palms awkwardly.

Mr. Li's eyes widened: "He understands technology?"

"That's not true, but Mr. Qing put down his words and said that he would pay his assistant how much it would cost to repair. Look..."

"Okay." Mr. Li nodded, reached out and patted his chest, "It should be a newspaper, but don't think about making money. Qing is always a cheerful person. When life and death are at stake, we can't hold him back."

"I know," the technician patted the back of his head, "It's hard to find a factory with such a good welfare, I'm not a person who repays a favor."

Mr. Li sent people away, walked to the door of the office with the resume of the new recruiter, tidied up his suit crampedly, and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

When Mr. Li entered, he saw Qing Qin sitting behind a one-meter-long desk with a computer, small potted plants, and a photo of the crocodile's blood.

Young people are reading attentively through a tome that seems to be trademark law.

"Ten new workers have been recruited, and they will be able to report this afternoon. After that, they will have to train for three days." Mr. Li put his resume on Qing Qin's right hand.

"Let's advance your salary first." Qing Qin raised his head from the book, smiled, took out a stack of documents from a drawer with his left hand and pushed it in front of him.

"This is..." Mr. Li's hand trembled slightly.

"The ancestral formula of Mr. Zhang's family, I bought the right to use the formula patent, find an expert to restore it."

"No, no," Mr. Li hurriedly shook his head, "This is too expensive, so I can do it. I was also taught by Mr. Zhang."

Qing Qin frowned, no, you can't, you can, how can I throw money. However, after thinking about it, he realized that if an expert really saved the formula, wouldn't it be worth the loss?

"How are you?"

"It's alright." Mr. Li's black face turned slightly red.

That's not so good. Qing Qin made a decisive decision: "It's just you."

"Okay, I promise to complete the task!" Mr. Li immediately agreed, "Regarding trademark rights, do you want to find a team of lawyers?"

"I already have an idea." Qing Qin showed a smile that he was in control of everything, and calmly put his hand on the book.

Mr. Li is relieved, his new boss is unfathomable, and I am afraid that he has found a way to break the game from the trademark law.

When he went out the door, Qing Qin breathed a sigh of relief and moved his hand away.

In order to avoid being caught by two eyeliners, Qing Qin had to search Chencang for bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, this book seems to be a good medicine to save him from suffering, but in fact it is just a headline party, and it is still about how to successfully start a business.


Qing Qin buttoned down the picture frame that Meng Yao had put out, and stuffed the tome into the back of the drawer, completely forgetting that there was still a trademark lawsuit.

Within two days, Mr. Li appeared with a glass bottle of dark brown viscous liquid: "Mr. Qing, I recovered."

The bottle was placed on the table like a witch's poison.

Qing Qin swallowed, recalling the strange herbs and unfamiliar chemicals in the formula, and was a little reluctant to try.

However, as a boss, he must give it a try, otherwise, what if he really comes up with a national drink? That's ten million.

Thinking like this, Qing Qin finally summoned the courage to pick up the bottle.

"It looks good." He nodded, then took a sip from the bottle.

The overly sweet taste exploded in the mouth, and Qing Qin Haoxuan didn't spit out his breakfast.

"President Qing!" Mr. Li's voice was almost trembling, "This is concentrate!"

"It's fine," Qing Qin took a few sips of water, his throat was still a little hoarse, "It's delicious, and it's beautifully done."

He gave a thumbs up.

Mr. Li was suspicious, and quickly took the concentrate and hugged him like a calf: "Then... I gave birth like this?"

"No rush."

Mr. Li came down: "Why don't you try..."

Don't try, never try.

Qing Qin: "We will give you a share every month, and talk to Assistant Meng for details."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Qing, you are really a good person!" Mr. Li nodded and bowed his head, wanting to burn the heat for Mr. Qing.

Alas, I really don't know that people's hearts are sinister, Qing Qin slumped in the chair and sighed, some people seem to be good bosses who can turn the tide, but in fact, every day in their hearts, they are thinking about going bankrupt early.

He smacked his mouth, and the little aftertaste left by the concentrate spread.

Damn, I still want another sip.

After three days of diligent social animal Mr. Li 007, their old packaging "Qiqi" was finally on the right track.

The repaired and renovated three production lines work synchronously, and more than 30 workers are working in the factory like busy worker ants.

Qing Qin was patrolling his territory, and the lively scene in front of him was automatically replaced with the appearance of a dilapidated and depressed sale a month later.

"There are only 700,000 left in the company's books." Meng Yao reminded Qing Qin.

"Ah? There are still seven hundred thousand?"

Meng Yao:…

"This is for the raw materials needed for production."

Qing Qin sighed, as expected, it still took a month.

During the conversation, Mr. Li greeted him with a bright face.

"Everything is going well, we can soon..." Seeing Qing Qin's darkened face, he couldn't continue, and the smile on his face was suppressed.

Can't laugh, can't get carried away, can't you see the boss's face is solemn?

"Mr. Qing, is there any problem?" Mr. Li asked as he handed over the glass bottled soda that had just been produced.

As soon as Qing Qin saw the evil liquid purring with bubbles, he remembered that sip of the concentrated liquid, so he just held it in his hand and never drank it: "After production, have the distributors been found? "

"We cooperated with Jingzhou's largest distributor Yuanru before, and then when the colorful soda was inserted, we could only sell it from one supermarket to one supermarket." Mr. Li is usually in charge of production. After a while, his feet did not touch the ground, and he said angrily at this time.

No wonder the boss is not happy at all. The co-author is far-sighted and has long seen the flaws in his work.

He quickly remedied: "I can try to contact Manager Sun of Jingli Supermarket. He is in charge of supply and is a channel."

Jingli Supermarket is the largest local supermarket chain in Jingzhou. There are about 30 chain stores. It is indeed a good channel.

Qing Qin felt that this matter was hopeless, but could not bear to discourage the enthusiasm of the employees, nodded: "Yes, a box of twelve bottles, a bottle is priced at four yuan, 35% rebate. How much can I get? How many."

This rebate is 25% higher than that of the big beverage companies on the market such as Bingrun and Fruit Pure, which can be said to be quite favorable.

Mr. Li was overjoyed, this way, his confidence was much greater.

Jingli Supermarket Headquarters.

Manager Sun hung up the phone, lit a cigarette, and sighed comfortably.

His secretary just came in with the document, and saw him making fun of him: "Manager Sun, have you talked to Yuanru?"

Manager Sun laughed and stretched out his hand for a three.

"30%?" The secretary was a little surprised, "In order to promote the colorful soda, Yuanru is also a cost."

"It's not." Manager Sun put out the cigarette butt, "Fun seems to have a new boss, and it's a lot of money in promotion."

The phone rang.

The secretary picked it up, nodded a few times, and turned around with a helpless expression: "The old friend is here."

Manager Sun frowned: "Qibao?"

When it comes to the colorful old enemy, it is naturally Qibao. The two beverage factories are rooted in the same city, and I don’t know how many rounds they have fought.

This scene never happened before, Qibao used to be one of their most important suppliers, and the sales of FMCG beverages topped the list. Now it has fallen to the point of asking a supermarket and a supermarket for a spot, which is inseparable from the colorful.

"Yes. However, it's not President Zhang who is full of mouths running the train, this time it's Vice President Li."

Hearing that it was Vice President Li, Manager Sun breathed a sigh of relief. The second-in-command in charge of production was his old classmate. When he was studying, he had an honest personality, but it was much easier to deal with: "Let Come in."

Mr. Li walked in a little awkwardly, holding a small box in his hand, and sweating would fall down without saying a word: "Manager Sun, I came here this time to give up my face and want to beg you."

"It's all right, I'm an old classmate, so I don't need to talk outside." Manager Sun didn't move his butt, he waved his hand and said with a smile, "Sit down."

Where can Mr. Li sit? Putting the box on the table, he hurriedly opened it: "You try our soda first, it tastes absolutely right now."

"I still have the right to enter a dozen boxes for you." Manager Sun wanted to dismiss it casually, but when his eyes touched the glass bottle in the box, he couldn't say a word.

"How did your family change the packaging? Isn't it all PET now?" Manager Sun rolled the familiar bottle in his hand, recalling the summer of his youth, and saving it by stealth of a few cents, and the joy that spewed out with the bubbles.

Mr. Li: "We have changed to a new boss, intending to go nostalgic. We bought the old formula from Mr. Zhang and restored it. Now it is the 'Qiqi' in memory."

Manager Sun took a keychain from his waist and opened the soda bottle with the hanging bottle opener. The white foam rushes up, and the familiar aroma floats out.

"It seems to mean that." Manager Sun took a sip, and the tiny bubbles exploded in his mouth. The just right sweetness and refreshing aroma diffused in the mouth, and the Adam's apple rolled unconsciously. Swallowed three mouthfuls in a row. After drinking it, I savored it carefully, and I had the urge to take two more sips.

Manager Sun sighed: "It's the same taste as before. How do you set prices?"

"The price is four yuan, 35% rebate." Mr. Li knew that there was a game, and immediately played the biggest hole card.

Manager Sun nodded: "You can put in 500 boxes and try to sell them first."

"Can't you have more?" Mr. Li was a little anxious. They can produce 1,000 boxes in eight hours a day, so I don't know how much inventory is accumulated.

Manager Sun spread his hands and said: "There is no way, you have to sell, he has to sell, the source is as follows, and the original price is to push the colorful, what should we do, just the position. It also depends on the old classmates Give you a little more face."

Anything is better than nothing, Mr. Li left with his head down.

Qing Qin was a little surprised when he heard the news. He was ready for the drinks to be rotten in the warehouse, but he couldn't find any splashes in the five hundred boxes. He smiled and said: "You did a good job. , it will be fine when these five hundred boxes open the market."

Meng Yu wrote in his observation diary.

The next day, the truck pulled five hundred boxes of soda to the general warehouse, waiting to be put on the shelves and facing the market.