MTL - Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System-Chapter 23 fish fantasy world

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The guide can be exported, but it is different from what Zhuo Yan thought.

She thought that "exporting" was to turn the fairy tale world into reality, just like Ruan Yu took the settlement things before.

Zhuo Yan: Isn't it true that a real guy just "bang" on the ground can let me go in and have a look and taste it? !

In fact, the system is directly connected to the network and the files are imported into the computer.

Zhuo Yan: “…”


"...You think too much, and change to reality, wouldn't it be dirty?" Ruan Yu was speechless.

Zhuo Yan murmured: "Even if it is exchanged in reality, it is not a question of whether it is dirty or not, right?"

Is it necessary to consider whether to recruit bugs?

Ruan Yu thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "You are right."

But it seems like we're both thinking something strange?

Ruan Yu disliked it was too troublesome to open the computer, and let the system directly cast the screen on the TV.

System: [Okay~ Immediately~]

For this kind of trivial matter, the system promises very quickly, and it is done in an instant.

Soon, there was a dreamy picture on the huge wall-mounted TV.

The content played is exactly what she "thought" in the system's learning space.

Learning space, Ruan Yu thought it was amazing.

At first, she didn't like it here.

Who loves classrooms?

The most annoying thing is that the system doesn't know where to learn it, and from time to time there is a virtual class teacher who is lying on the door glass and looking inside.

The first time I swept there, Ruan Yu shuddered, and when he came out, he beat the system violently.

The system is aggrieved: [I think your schools are like this, the simulation really needs to be integrated into the current time and space]

Ruan Yu: "I have graduated! Why should I suffer this crime!"

The system cooperated to simulate the "scar", a dumpling pillow, which was beaten blue and red.

But recently, Ruan Yu changed his mind and thought it was quite interesting.

Because of the learning space, a new fun function has been added—

In view of the need to enter the entertainment industry from acting, the class hours of vocal music have been reduced, and the teachers who teach acting have also changed to a new teaching mode.

The teacher introduced "immersion".

This thing is amazing, it is not as simple as letting people enter a simulation environment, but directly substitute Ruan Yu into the role she wants to practice.

For example, in the previous little beggar, the teacher told the main points, Ruan Yu performed it by herself, but the teacher gave her opinions and she revised it.

After that, Ruan Yu can choose to watch what this plot actually looks like.

Immersive comes out.

The teacher tapped a few times in the air, as if she was opening something.

The next moment, the walls of the classroom were pushed back, toppled, and disappeared, and the roof disappeared. There was a noisy noise and the sound of selling goods around, like modeling, characters, objects, etc. gradually appear.

From virtual to real, just a moment.

This place has changed from a performance room with a large mirror to a lively and bustling ancient street.

Ruan Yu and the teacher stood on the street, like visitors from another world, out of tune.

No one could see them, passers-by turned a blind eye and passed through the two bodies.

In front of Ruan Yu, there was a skinny and dirty beggar.

The child's hair was dry and messy, his clothes were shiny black, his face was in pain, and when he stretched out his hand to beg, he was full of longing.

Ruan Yu watched the little beggar's every move, just like a short story commentary given by the teacher.

Oh, so it was. Ruan Yu thought.

She tried to imitate, but the teacher always shook her head and said it was a little too bad.

Then ask her if she would like to use Immersive.

Ruan Yu thought that entering this simulation scene to watch the real case would be immersive.

But the teacher said no.

This is just the first way to use the immersion.

She lowered her head and saw her wrists that were too thin to hang, and her bare feet with black scabs on the ground.

I was so hungry that I could eat a cow, my stomach was corroded, and there was nothing in my mind except hunger.

The pedestrians passing by her are not only passers-by at this moment, but also the food she wants to beg and expect.

That's life.

Ruan Yu was in a trance: Oh, it turned out to be so immersive.

This feeling is too real, and it makes her fully understand what a hungry little beggar looks like.

In addition to the second usage, there is a third "immersive" - ​​that is to let Ruan Yu directly into the crew.

At this time, she is not a little beggar, she is the actor who will play the little beggar.

In addition to this scene, there is a group of crew members who are busy shooting.

There are directors watching monitors, lighting boards, cameras, and many people staring at the protagonist, waiting for the next scene to have dinner.

In this state, Ruan Yu's feelings are different.

The third type of immersive production is also the function Ruan Yu will use when assessing the course.

How to play a role?

Then let yourself and the viewers confirm, oh, she played the role itself.

Ruan Yu would come here every day after his performance class to interpret what he had learned in the crew.

This function has a score for the performance. Whenever it ends, it will give her a score.

In addition to the above three, there is a fourth way to use immersion - build a complete scene and make it run.

Ruan Yu feels that the fourth type is more inclined to the director who controls everything.

Scenes, scripts, shooting, actors... all of them are under her control and fantasy.

"I want a house here..."

"I want the roof of this house..."

"The texture is..."

Little by little, add slowly.

Ruan Yu is standing in nothingness, the world is her canvas, and a wave of her hand is a piece of color.

There is no logic here, and it has nothing to do with reality.

It all depends on Ruan Yu's imagination.

She is drawing with her imagination.

She is creating a world.

Ruan Yu gave the finished product.

The elf of the wind that she once drew on the paper, a little turquoise girl with pointed ears, with crystal clear wings, long fingers, and a little bit in the air, there will be a phantom butterfly .

A plane becomes a solid, and a two-dimensional becomes a three-dimensional.

She flew from the forest, crossed the green trees, followed the gurgling stream, and at the end of the road, she saw a small romantic house.

Here, marshmallows float above, hard cream covers the roof, the walls are made of biscuits, the windows are glass candy, the swing is black forest cake, the little flowers are colorful, that is different fondant.

There is a stream in front of the door, chocolate flowing, and colorful candies dotted in it.

The elf pushed open the door, and a scent came out, not messy, but gentle and lingering when mixed together.

The green pine tree was full of gifts, she approached, grabbed a handful of pine leaves, tasted it, and found that it was sweet.

This is a small house that is not too big, but it is well decorated, the color matching is bold and harmonious, and it is full of sweet taste.

Sweet and warm.

Ruan Yu looked a little nostalgic.

"I used to draw and learned to draw for a while." She gestured to Zhuo Yan, "At that time I liked to draw little girls, and I had all kinds of things."

I also drew characters for many people.

Zhuo Yan watched this short animation, and only felt the sweet smell lingering on the tip of her nose.

"Little fish, you are so amazing." She exclaimed.

Ruan Yu: "It's not difficult to build an image in your mind."

What comes to her mind, she is different from many people, she has obvious colors and shapes in her mind.

Some people say, "I want to imagine an apple", oh, the red one is like this.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that they have not conceived the real apple in their minds at all.

They just know that they are imagining, using language to give colors and shapes, recalling the apples they have seen, and then crudely set this perception.

Some people can imagine a clear picture in their minds when they are young, but not when they grow up.

Someone can do it in a quiet environment.

Some people can only come up with vague ones.

Ruan Yu nibbled at the apple: "So I've been playing with this in it recently."

It took her several days to make such a short clip. It is more troublesome than painting, and she will constantly find deficiencies in the process, so she can only supplement and correct it.

Like the wings of an elf, the gradient transition of colors alone, she tried more than 30 times before she settled on it.

But it is many times faster than those who do special effects and animation in reality.

Zhuo Yan watched it over and over again, and the smile on her face became more and more.

She said: "It's really cute, can you pass the video to me? I want to keep it."

Ruan Yu said generously: "Yes."

Zhuo Yan: "If you have one in the future... wait."

As she spoke, she stopped.

Ruan Yu: "Huh?"

Zhuo Yan looked at Ruan Yu, the two looked at each other, and suddenly, she clapped her hands and said loudly: "New direction, little fish!"

Ruan Yu had a question mark in his head.

More than 20 accounts of Ruan Yu suddenly posted the same video today.

The content is the same.

[Ruan Yuyu:#FantasyWorld of Fish#] Video link

[Pick in! 】

【We fish! 】

Now, Ruan Yu is also a person with many fans.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who come to worship the God of Wealth.

The last time I filmed "Hide and Seek", at the end, the director took a photo of Ruan Yu holding a gold bar in both hands, and put it on Weibo with a topic of "Forwarding the God of Wealth", Finally, it went directly to the hot search.

As a result, now some people really call Ruan Yu the God of Wealth, and there are many people who don't land three times a day to repost her Weibo.

After habitually commenting and grabbing the front row, this group of talents went to watch this two-minute video.

Then they were stunned.

Rainbow farts blown by fans, that's all.

The sincere praise of passers-by comes from the bottom of my heart.

Only one problem - the soundtrack is not very good, very simple.

Ruan Yu yawned and listened to Zhuo Yan reading feedback to himself.

"Oh, I haven't learned much about the music creation part in my vocal class, but it's pretty good to be able to tap out a few notes to match it," she said.

After watching this video, Zhuo Yan had an idea in her heart.

The system of Ruan Yu is really convenient, and it may have many other uses in the future.

Since you are in the entertainment industry, don't be stingy with this talent.

In the video provided by Ruan Yu, there is very little sound.

Such as streams, birds chirping.

I originally planned to find someone to match it and use original or ready-made light music, but after thinking about it, Zhuo Yan decided to let Ruan Yu play it herself.

Although Ruan Yu is currently a beginner in a **** state.

"This is your fantasy world. If you can make a brand in the future, it will be even better." Zhuo Yan said.

If you want to revise, take your time, it is also equivalent to recording Ruan Yu's growth.

For fans, I like this kind of companionship.

They selflessly want those they love to be better.

So when it was released to the public, the label "Fantasy World of Fish" was also used.

Zhuo Yan is really planning for Ruan Yu's future development. She knows that Ruan Yu is not short of money, but she wants Ruan Yu's talent to shine in front of the world.

After a short while, this clip was retweeted.

Because it's done really well.

Someone found Zhuo Yan through the foreign cooperation contact mailbox in Ruan Yu's account and wanted to ask about the current authorization status of this animation.

Zhuo Yan unfortunately refused, the other party persevered and wanted to find the producer.

Ruan Yu shook his head: "I'm not doing it, I'm too tired, it's a waste of my brain."

It's a real fee, and she came up with a leaf inside.

Ma Liang also has a magic pen, which can be drawn with paint. She used all her own imagination, and the process was very cool, but the fatigue level was also doubled.

"Have you ever done advanced math problems? That's what it feels like." Ruan Yu's description was very clear, "A whole paper, the differential and integral crossed. In the end, the whole person will collapse. ."

Zhuo Yan rejected people and chatted with Ruan Yu: "Aren't you a liberal arts student? How come you still have mathematics?"

Ruan Yu: "Humanities also take math classes, professional issues. Science students who apply for medicine do not take maths, and that doesn't mean their maths is worse than mine!"

Zhuo Yan: "No, you are studying history. Whose history has a math class?"

Ruan Yu stopped eating the apple: " are young and frivolous, and made a bet with someone."

Zhuo Yan understood: "Who won?"

Ruan Yu simply took a bite of the apple: "Oh, sister has never lost!"

She was admitted to A University with a high score!

It's not the group who donated money on the basis of their specialties!

Zhuo Yan took the time to give her a like.

Ruan Yu stood up and threw the apple core in his hand into the trash can.

Seeing that Zhuoyan's subordinates were busy, knocking on the laptop, and occasionally took the mobile phone to send messages, she walked over.

Ruan Yu: "What are you busy with?"

Zhuo Yan raised her head: "Your next announcement, and the report on the rectification of Ginkgo live broadcast data."

Ruan Yu: "Data?"

Zhuo Yan: "Since the dehydration data is valued by the system, then we will continue to dehydrate."

The dried data after the second live broadcast shocked everyone.

The topic of "how real the data is" has even emerged on the Internet.

After all, it is the second largest live broadcast platform in Canglanzhou. Ginkgo has a lot of anchors, and the cumulative number of fans of each anchor is even more impressive.

Relying on the kinship between Mr. Ginkgo and Ruan Yu, Zhuo Yan started directly from this company and talked with Ruan Zong for two hours before reaching a consensus.

Ruan Yu touched another apple to eat.

"In my third uncle, is the data still dehydrated?"

You didn't go back after "Hide and Seek" ended?

Ruan Yu asked the system why it attached so much importance to dehydration data.

But Xiao Liuzi, an artificially retarded man, did not answer.

Just like when she asked the system if she could get the nervous system repair fluid again, she couldn't get an answer at all.

Ruan Yu understood, this is related to the task, and it is also in the 2.0 version reward. The fine print cannot be leaked, so she cannot be told.

Actually, Ruan Yu was a little skeptical. It was precisely because she chose the tenth level of difficulty that she was now crossing the river by feeling the stones, and she couldn't even see the obvious road.

The difficulty below ten is definitely not what she is now.

“Will the rebound be big? If you want to clean up the entire live broadcast industry.” she asked.

Zhuo Yan smiled and shook her head, a little helpless.

Ruan Yu patted her: "There is a long way to go, it's hard work."

There is nothing she can do about such a professional and troublesome matter.

The only contribution is the cooperation of the third uncle.

"I'll go to Grandma's place tomorrow, say more good things about the third uncle, and let her praise the third uncle."

Ruan Yu can only thank her dear third uncle.

Zhuo Yan: "Your third uncle likes to be praised?"

Ruan Yu recalled: "I like to be praised by my grandparents. He was too skinny when he was a child and was beaten a lot. When he grew up, he wanted to be recognized."

I heard a compliment, it is more beautiful than the spoon in the middle of the watermelon in summer.

Zhuo Yan: "A harmonious and loving family."

Ruan Yu took the last bite of the apple: "Yes, good education."

After eating the apple, Ruan Yu suddenly remembered: "Isn't the map of mountains and rivers buried in the ground? Three days have passed, should it be dug up today?"

A few days ago, the base said to use the mountain and river map, and this news also informed Ruan Yu.

Zhuo Yan looked at the time: "should."

Ruan Yu rubbed his hands in anticipation: "Wait for feedback from the base."