MTL - Salted Fish Zombie-Chapter 184 end (1)

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More and more loud echoes echoed in the square.

They all looked excited and serious, as if they wanted to fight the system immediately.

Ning Su lay in Ling Xiao's arms, looking at Shi Tianshu adoringly.

Why is he not as good at talking as his mother?

Shi Tianshu said again, "If you don't want to participate, we can understand it. If you don't want to take risks, you can just not participate, but please see that this opportunity is unique and the lives of so many people must be kept secret. Keep your mouth shut."

Shi Tianshu said this based on her own judgment and trust in these people.

Ling Xiao didn't seem to be able to believe it. Ling Xiao Teng, which was spreading in the small square, climbed onto the wrists of every player, entwined and melted into their bodies.

Ling Xiao: "You don't have to participate, but if you don't participate and tell the outside world, you may die on the spot."


Looking at the Lingxiao vines that appeared in the most dangerous places in the dungeon, the players fell silent.

Due to the deep-rooted fear of the ghost master, no one would dare to speak out, not to mention that even if they don't participate, it will only benefit them and not harm them if others do it.

Shi Tianshu and Ling Xiao sang good faces and bad faces one by one, and quickly solved the problem of news leakage.

The blocking time can't be too long at a time, and they also want players to verify in the dungeon that they are not lying, and after they agreed to continue tomorrow night, they dispersed.

After the other players left, Shi Tianshu hugged Ning Su from Ling Xiao's arms again, lowered her head and poked Ning Su's soft face with a smile.

Ning Su: "..."

Mom, you have to maintain your image of a cool and cool president.

Ning Su: "Yeah, ten most?"

Shi Tianshu: "In two days, let's become ten years old again."

Ning Su: "..."

Knowing that the ghost master opened the back door for this dungeon, Su Xiangsheng has violated the rules twice and turned twenty years old.

Zhu Shuangshuang is 80 years old, and she is holding a small mirror to see her old appearance.

Both Fang Qi and Lin Zhongxi looked like they were ten years old, and the ten-year-old Fang Qi was poking his head to say something to Lin Zhongxi, maybe he was talking about their ten years old, and their ten years old was probably like this.

Only Ning Su was still a newborn baby.

Ning Su paralyzed in Shi Tianshu's arms.

Ning Changfeng also came over to poke Ning Su's face.

Zhu Shuangshuang also came over curiously, and stretched out her claws, "Su Su was so soft and beautiful when he was young, it's hard to tell the gender of someone he doesn't know, right?"

Ning Su: "..."

Poke the face, poke the face, without personal attack.

Ning Su was poked all over by several people, and only in the second half of the night was Ling Xiao taken back to the house where he was adopted, followed by the ghost master.

Ning Su stretched out his arms and babbled at the ghost master.

The ghost master didn't dare to look at him.

Ning Su stretched out his small hand and slapped the ghost master.

None of this is against the rules.

Ning Su: "..."

He gave up completely.

After Ling Xiao sent him back, he thought he could finally be a dignified baby.

He forgot two small children.

Guisheng and Manman stood next to him, with little stars in their eyes.

Guisheng's little head was close to him, "Wow~"

Manman touched his head and smiled like a normal three or four year old girl.

Ning Su: "..."

Finally, in the middle of the night, when Ning Su rolled over and opened the door, he saw the three ghosts who had adopted him lying on the bedside watching him.

Ning Su couldn't stand it anymore, and expressed his strong dissatisfaction in the loudest voice early in the morning.

Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng had no choice but to compromise.

Shi Tianshu: "Look at Ling Xiao, how can you break the rules?"

When Ning Changfeng handed Ning Su to Ling Xiao, he said repeatedly: "You can only violate the rules once."

Ning Su almost rolled his eyes.

Ling Xiao looked at him and laughed softly, "You were so popular when you were a baby, everyone is willing to let you grow up."

Ning Su froze for a moment, grabbed Ling Xiao's sleeve and didn't speak for a long time.

Ling Xiao picked him up, and Ning Su leaned against his neck and let out a "baeah".

Yes, he was very cute and lovable when he was a child, but he was in the wrong environment.

When he was a child, he sat alone in a small room many times and wondered why he was not liked by others.

It's not that he's not likable, it's just that the environment and people are wrong.

He has met the right person now, and has a lot of people who know and like him.

Ling Xiao hugged Ning Su to find the ghost master, and the two violated the rules one after another. One became ten years old and the other ninety years old.

Ling Xiao: "Leave here after we become fifty years old together."

Ning Su nodded happily. Life is a long time line. It's like they are standing on one side, walking fifty steps in the same direction, meeting each other, and reaching perfection.

The next night, the ghost residents of Time Town gradually revealed their true colors to the players.

Players who appeared in the square last night are not included.

Those players listened to the screams of the players outside and looked at the ghost residents who were smiling at them, feeling a little dazed.

They really felt that the ghost master was really with them, not just for a while last night.

This gave them another shot in the arm.

When they got together again that evening, they began to discuss specific plans.

Ling Xiao: "The first is the number of people, there are not enough of us."

Shi Tianshu from the Yinhua club did not bring in, except for those from Yinhua, Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng brought a total of 450 people from major clubs.

Someone asked: "How many people are needed in total?"

Ling Xiao: "There are more than 12,000 dungeons that need to be closed, and at least 13,000 people are needed. At the same time, other players are called on to enter these dungeons that day, because some dungeons require hundreds of people to open."

There are only more than one million players in the whole base, which is a huge number, almost one out of ten.

Shi Tianshu: "So, let's call everyone here first, and we need you to get reliable people from your club to participate."

"We, Yinhua, can choose about 800 people. If your club has a large number of people, you can choose more. If you have a small number of people, you can choose a dozen or 20 people. It's not difficult to gather 10,000 people."

The selection is not an on-the-spot interview, but based on the past understanding in each dungeon and the community. In this dungeon where there is no need to worry, they began to discuss the selection.

Ling Xiao: "The selected list is handed over to the president of the division. It is best to write which copies they have been to, including yours."

Someone asked him, "Why?"

Ling Xiao: "If a certain person has been to the dungeon to be closed, let him take the ghost master to close the dungeon. They understand the dungeon and can go straight to Huanglong faster. Tone."


Indeed, the players who were abused in the dungeon at that time will definitely work harder and crazier to fight the world master of this dungeon.

Ning Su added: "Then it's best not to assign them a ghost master who has abused them. When the two sides fight, he will fan the flames and delay the matter."


Ling Xiao: "It shouldn't be possible for five ghost masters to fight one."


Shi Tianshu: "It's best to determine which player enters which dungeon first, and then assign ghost masters who specialize in the world masters in the dungeon according to the dungeon."

A group of people chatted and laughed, and selected people, and initially selected 17,000 players.

In the next two days, they screened each other again, deleting, deleting, and deleting a tentative 15,000 players.

In the last two nights, they began to assign ghost masters to each player.

Zhu Shuangshuang used Ning Su's name to go through the back door and asked Ling Xiao, "Can you let me be with Ghost Lord Xueqiu? He is my favorite ghost master."

Her first skill weapon, the red hijab, was given to her by Xueqiu.

Ling Xiao: "Of course."

I wish both of you contented.

Ji Mingrui and Fang Qi also came through the back door.

Seeing this, Su Xiangsheng asked Ning Su: "Then you didn't choose ghost masters randomly? Which ones do you want to choose? Which emperor's son do you want to bring?"

The ten-year-old Ning Su has the momentum of two meters, "I don't choose, the ghost master will give it to you, and I can destroy a first-level copy by myself."


Has been shown to him.

After the distribution was done, someone asked: "Can't we tell at the base? How should we notify these people, or gather in large dungeons like this and notify them batch by batch?"

Ling Xiao: "No, ask them to go to the copy of one of the ghost masters they assigned, and let the ghost master notify them to adapt in advance."


That scene is exciting to think about.

After everything is ready, they wait to leave the copy.

When they were about to leave the dungeon on the seventh day, Ning Su and Ling Xiao were both fifty years old.

As expected, Ling Xiao hasn't changed at all, and surprisingly, Ning Su hasn't changed much either.

The two were on the lawn of the church in the small town, and Ling Xiao looked down at the fifty-year-old Ning Su under the setting sun.

The halo of orange sunset light in his eyes didn't affect the depth of his eyes at all, but it added some tenderness.

Seeing him like this, Ning Su scratched his chin, "Since I became a zombie at the age of eighteen, it seems that I haven't changed."

Ling Xiao: "Since I was nineteen years old, I have changed with the help of the last wishes and grievances of the players on the planet, and I haven't changed much."

Ning Su blinked, "Then we are not made for each other?"

Ling Xiao thought for a second, "Maybe it's a match made in heaven?"

Ning Su laughed.

Like a gust of wind, they entered a world where no one would disturb them.

Ling Xiao's eyes fell deeply on Ning Su's face, and he said, "If our operation fails this time, what do you want me to do, send you out of the game, or keep you in the game?"

When he said that, he probably thought of a way out for him. If he failed, he could send him out of the game, but he didn't know what would happen to him.

Ning Su asked, "Why do you ask me?"

Ling Xiao didn't tell the truth, "Bringing you into the game without your consent is my decision alone. Whether you want to leave the game or not is completely up to you. Leave me alone. It sounds fair for one person at a time."

Ning Su: "Can you send Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng out together?"

Ling Xiao knows how important Shi Tianshu and Ning Changfeng are to him. They get together less and leave more, and Ning Su really wants to be by their side more in the future.

He was silent for a few seconds, with no emotion on his face, "I will try my best, it should be possible."

"Then you send them out together."

Ling Xiao turned his face slightly, his eyes filled with the thin light of the setting sun.

Ning Su: "They go out together, if you can't go out, I will stay here too."

Ling Xiao turned to look at him after two seconds.

"Shi Tianshu is accompanied by Ning Changfeng, Ning Changfeng is accompanied by Shi Tianshu, I have been accompanied by you since I was a child, and you will be accompanied by me in the future."

Ning Su hugged his waist, raised his head and showed him a big smile, "Master Huashen, have I told you that I have long decided to spend the rest of my life with you?"

Ling Xiao had the same smile on his sharp face. He lowered his head and bit his lips deeply, and said to him between his lips and teeth: "I don't seem to have told you, and I seem to have told you many times. , Susu, I love you, only with you can I live like a person."

Ning Su snorted, covered his face, and asked, "What if I really want to leave?"

Ling Xiao: "I will put my heart into your body, and sooner or later I will find you again after looking for the heart."

Ning Su: "..."

OK, this is flowery.

"I don't want to be wronged. If one person raises your child and your heart, we will succeed, right?"

Ling Xiao: "Yes."

He thought that Ning Su would have a complete family, and for this reason, he would definitely succeed.

After many players in the major clubs of the base came out of a tenth-level dungeon, they found that the opened dungeon had changed more and more. Therefore, the major clubs set off a wave of updating the dungeon map.

Many players go back to the dungeons they have visited before for the community and update the latest dungeon map.

The more than 10,000 players were quite excited after they came out. They submitted the latest dungeon map to the community and received generous rewards from the community, which fueled their great enthusiasm for updating the map.

They began to pull friends, social friends, and people who had worked with them to go to specific dungeons at full capacity, and update the dungeon map to earn points and props.

In the past two days, there are many players in Japan every day.

Players in the game base must play the book every seven days, and every day the game lobby gathers more than one-tenth of the players in the base.

In the early morning of this day, there were more people in the hall, and the game hall occupying the folding space in the center of the base could hardly accommodate it.

Some of these players are very excited, some are very nervous, and some have an indomitable determination on their faces.

At ten o'clock, 80% of the players in the game hall disappeared, and they entered the game at the same time.

[No. 1-3091 "True Verification" opened for the 7872nd time. 】

This is a copy of a **** using human players as experimental guinea pigs.

After the players enter the dungeon, they will encounter various difficulties. Faced with different difficulties, they make different choices, and eventually they are covered in bruises, collapsed and desperate.

They don't know when they will realize that they are the experimental mice of the high-dimensional gods, and the redeemer who reaches out to them and points them in the direction when they are stumped and confused is the **** who conducts the experiment.

A female player lost her mother because of a wrong decision, and she was squatting on the ground crying.

A white handkerchief appeared in front of her, "Don't cry, mom will definitely be willing to see you cry, you still have a chance to redeem."

The female player kept crying and didn't look up until the vines on her wrists grew leaves.

Crying, she raised her arm to take the handkerchief, and it was not one hand that touched the divine master, but twelve terrifying ghost hands.

Each ghost hand with different abilities grabbed a part of the divine master and tore him apart.

[No. 2-1201 "What I See" is opened for the 7123rd time. 】

This is a dungeon where a boring **** plays with players, and each player has a chance to reload the game once.

When the player enters the dungeon, he is in a car, and this car is full of players.

He will be bullied by all the players alone, and will eventually be killed by the players in the car.

When he was killed, he would reload the file and start over again. When he was about to get in the car, he would crazily retaliate against the player as soon as he got in the car.

At some point, they will find out that the players in the car they got on for the first time were all fake, and every player was bullied and killed by all the players in the car when they got on the car.

The real player is the real player on the car after reloading the file, the player who has been killed by other players once.

They all thought that other players had killed themselves and took revenge on each other.

And the driver in front, that boring god, enjoyed this "good show" happily.

A new round of dungeon starts, a player walks into the car, he sits motionless on the seat and is bullied and scolded.

When green leaves grew from the vines in his hand, he suddenly broke free from the crowd, ran to the driver, and asked gloomyly, "Is this scene good?"

As soon as the driver turned his head, six evil spirits appeared from behind him and rushed into his body.

[No. 3-4061 "Prisoner Food" opened for the 5016th time. 】

This is a copy of a player imprisoned in prison-like rooms and being treated as food by the wolf demon master.

Players can change rooms according to their own means, and the player in the room closest to the cave will be dedicated to the demon master for food every night.

The other players used all their conspiracies and schemes, and they all wanted to stay away from that room. Only one female player was bad.

Of course she became the first food dedicated to the Demon Lord.

When she was brought to meet the Demon Lord, the other players saw her trembling slightly, as if she was nervous and frightened, but not all frightened.

Those who made an appointment to enter the dungeon were all acquainted, and seeing this, they felt regretful and puzzled in their hearts.

The yellow-haired demon master smiled maliciously when he saw the trembling female player, "Don't worry, I will eat you lightly."

It just finished speaking, seeing the female player with an excited smile on her face, "Eat me? Go to hell!"

Six evil spirits suddenly emerged from her body, before the demon lord could react, they swarmed up and tore it up and devoured it.

[No. 10-2101 "Gluttony" opened for the first time. 】

As soon as Ning Su entered the dungeon, he released the two children.

He said he didn't need to bring the ghost master, but he actually brought two, Guisheng and Manman were the ghost masters.

Those dungeons that have been opened before are easy to deal with, as long as the players who have been there bring the ghost master in, they know the rules and who the world master is, just go in and go straight to the world master.

But there are new dungeons opened every day, and they don't know anything about these dungeons.

When the game base first appeared, there were more than 10,000 dungeons. In the past few years, a large number of new dungeons were opened every day. After 10 years since the game base, the number of dungeons was enough for players to choose, and the number of new dungeons opened every day stabilized.

About 100 new dungeons are opened a day, with an average of less than five per hour. They chose the first hour in the morning, and three dungeons were opened during this time period, but unfortunately, there is a level 10 dungeon.

In addition to the dungeons that have just been opened two days ago and have not brought out the dungeon map, there are 180 key dungeons.

The players who entered the 180 dungeons all brought more than a dozen ghost masters, and only Ning Sujin's level 10 dungeon brought Guisheng and Manman.

At that time, he saw the dungeon name and decided.

Gluttonous monsters are vicious and gluttonous, and the dungeon should be related to eating, but I don't know whether they are eating real people or memories of these intangible ones.

No matter what it is, as long as it is food, Ning Su will not be afraid.

He is the least afraid of being compared with others, especially those who have something to do with dark energy.

The most direct and effective way to destroy or close a dungeon world is to destroy the World Lord.

In the dungeons that have been opened, everyone knows who the world master is, but in the first dungeon, no one knows which is the world master.

It doesn't matter if you don't know, just force him out.

Ning Su looked around the dungeon, and said to the two children, "Ghost birth, Manman, get ready."


It was recommended to come in with him, but for some reason, several players looked confused.

"what to prepare?"

They didn't get an answer, but right away they knew what he had in store.

Just entered the copy, they are in a place similar to the primitive prairie, where the primitive beasts stomp on the bones, their hair is black and abnormally long, like human hair attached to it, and there is a strange dead green light in their eyes, It's so creepy to stare at them.

Ning Su ran towards them directly.

He tore off the neck of the nearest beast, rolled over and jumped onto the back of the other beast.

For some unknown reason, the ferocious beasts around him made shrill or hoarse sounds.

They seemed to see something black coming out of the beast's body and being sucked into the body by the young man.

Black lines stretched out on the boy's hands, neck, and face.

His forehead hair was blown up by the wind, and on his pale forehead, black lines spread to the tip of the beauty.

A gust of wind centered on him and shook all around.

The green light in the eyes of the surrounding ferocious beasts is getting weaker and weaker, turning round and round from inside to outside.

When he ran to the beasts, the two children followed him to the herd of beasts on the grassland.

The little boy was small, and in front of the huge beast, it seemed that there was not enough food to fit between his teeth. The beast could crush it with a single toe.

However, wherever he passed, terrifying beasts a hundred times bigger than him disappeared out of thin air one by one, and he didn't know where he tightened them up.

The little girl was wearing a white gauze dress. When she ran, her long black hair flew up. The face with the hair skipped was extremely beautiful, more delicate than a doll.

When he stretched out his hand, it turned out to be a sharp and bony skeleton claw. One claw tore the neck of a fierce beast, and the claw killed him.

The bones that had been trampled by the ferocious beasts automatically assembled and turned into skeletons one by one. At the same time, an army of skeletons emerged from the grassland, dragging the ferocious beasts into the ground one by one.

Within a few minutes, on the endless primitive grassland, there were not many fierce beasts standing upright.


Several players were dumbfounded, rubbed their eyes, and looked at the picture in front of them in shock.

If the system knows, the system must not go crazy.

The system doesn't know why it doesn't know, but the demon master of this world knows.

The tremor of the entire grassland and the distant forest was the wrath of the demon lord.

A four-legged ferocious dragon-like beast roared and flew out of the forest, covering the sky and the sun.

Its leaking teeth belonged to Ning Suchang, and drops of scarlet mucus flowed from the gaps between the teeth, which was much more terrifying than those beasts on the grassland.

They thought that Ning Su would realize that he had caused trouble at this time, and they should be afraid.

Unexpectedly, Ning Su swallowed his saliva at the huge demon master who completely covered the sun.



Ning Su moved faster than the demon lord. When he jumped towards the demon lord, the ball of black energy in his hand got bigger and bigger, and directly smashed into the gluttonous demon lord's stomach.

A skeleton hand followed closely, and when the demon lord's stomach was cracked, it took the opportunity to break in and grab the storage space in its stomach.

At the same time, his tail was held tightly by a little boy.

The Demon Lord writhed and struggled in pain.

At first, the little boy was swung around by its tail, but after a while, the little boy turned into hugging its tail and swung it around.

It was thrown up and down, left and right, and after the ground was smashed into huge sinkholes, its tail was finally thrown off, and the little boy immediately took it into his own little hell, his stomach swelled in a circle.

The skeleton hand smashed Taotie's teeth with the black energy, and the little girl touched a strong tooth that was several times taller than hers, and seemed to like it very much.


Seeing that the gluttonous demon master was about to be divided by this family, a player suddenly yelled at Ning Su: "Ning Su, stop! You have caused a disaster!"

"Ning Su! We are about to be teleported out!"

【Please note! An abnormality has been detected in the dungeon world, and all players will be sent away from the dungeon. Please be ready. 】

【Please note! ...]

Ning Su was taken aback, and looked down at the Ling Xiao Vine on his wrist.

A blood-red dazzling flower bloomed on it.

When all dungeons are turned on every day, the system will not detect each dungeon at any time, it must exist when it is transmitted.

Send the player into the dungeon, and the player will play in the world controlled by the lord. It is mainly restricted by the rules of the lord and the dungeon. After the dungeon is over, it will send the player out, and scan the status of the dungeon at the same time to give the player a score.

In addition to these two time periods, the system will also randomly check among countless copies.

In order to prevent the system from discovering that a dungeon is about to collapse, but other dungeon players haven't done it yet, they agreed to do it quickly at a certain time.

The flow rate of time in the dungeon world and the base is different, and the time flow rate between different dungeons is also different. In order to solve this problem, the time will be notified by Ling Xiao.

Every player who leads the ghost master has a Lingxiao vine wrapped around his wrist when he plays the game.

When green leaves grow on the vines, all players will work together, and the vines will act as a shield system for a short time.

And when the safflower blooms on the Lingxiao Vine, it is to remind the player that there is a problem. According to the situation of the dungeon, act urgently or stop immediately.

Red flowers bloomed dazzlingly on Ning Su's wrist.

There is a problem with this copy, and he is about to be sent out.

Don't know what the other copies are like.

One thing is certain, as long as one copy is not closed, the system will have an energy entrance and can be restored, and these players will be bloodbathed by the system's crazy revenge.

That is the life of more than 10,000 players, and there is no possibility of destroying the system. Another million players will eventually die in some game, in an unknown world, and their corpses will be controlled by the system to become human-eating zombies, destroying own world.

For the first time, Ning Su felt flustered.

His heart was pounding, and he said loudly to Guisheng and Manman: "Quickly destroy the demon lord!"

Regardless of others, they must complete the task here.

What if, what if there is only their world left.

When he shouted these words, he also rushed towards Taotie.

That's when he felt something wrapped him up.

This feeling is very familiar, every time he is about to be sent out of the game by the system, he has this feeling.

Ning Su was only stunned for a second, then clenched his hands tightly.

A layer of thick black energy erupted from his whole body, and the black tendons exploded, shattering everything that wrapped him up.

There were slender wounds on his hands and face, and he approached the demon master step by step.

He felt the wrapping around him again.

He was shattered again.

The players behind him have disappeared, and the feeling of being wrapped around him once again, was shattered by him again.

[An abnormal player has been detected and will be destroyed soon. 】

Veteran Ning wiped the blood on the back of his hand on his overalls, realizing that the abnormal player the system was talking about was him.

The system said that the abnormal player was him.

The system wants to destroy him.

The system is in this dungeon world.

it's here.

Ning Su clenched his numb hands.

If they fail this time and cannot destroy the system, those people in the square who supported them desperately will die, and more than 10,000 players will die.

Ling Xiao might send his parents out, and he might even send him out, but he himself doesn't know how many shares he will be divided by the system.

Zhu Shuangshuang who gave him candy will die.

Su Xiangsheng, who blocked the believers from beating and scolding for him in front of the Flower God Temple, would die.

Like him, Fang Qi, who is looking for his favorite person in the game, will die.

Ji Mingrui, who abandoned his dignity and knelt before him, would die.

Eventually, all players die.

But at this time, the system is in this copy.

Ning Su straightened his back, looking at the vast world with his gradually calm peach blossom eyes.

"You want to kill me because you detected that I have your accumulated energy in my body, which is much more than your current energy."

"So, you plan to kill me and take the energy away."

Ning Su said to the system he had never seen before.

He clenched his hands tightly and then loosened them. When his bruised fingers spread out to support the ground, his back was still straight. "Come on, let's see if you can accept it."

The land under his hands turned black, and cracks spread violently and endlessly from under his thin white fingers that gradually turned black.

The hurricane revolved around him, growing bigger and bigger, carrying a dark force that tore the sky and the earth.

The black completely enveloped him, as if even he himself had melted into black energy.

The two children fell from Taotie's body.

Gui Sheng took a step forward in a daze, with a sob in his voice, "Huh?"

Manman stood where she was, her eyes filled with blood that hadn't appeared for a long time, "Mom..."

Black energy gushed out from all parts of Ning Su's body, thick black liquid gushed out from the clear peach blossom eyes, "Give them all to you, give them back to me!"

His parents, his Flower God, his friends, his Taiping fireworks.

Give it all back to him.

The hurricane bypassed the two children and swept the world.

【Ling... Xiao, Ling Xiao...】

【Ling Xiao, are you there? can you hear me I am Shao Ruoyang. 】

The hurricane stopped suddenly, Ning Su raised his head in a daze.

This is... Shao Ruoyang's voice?

[Yes, I am not dead. 】

It should be Ling Xiao who answered him and continued to talk to him. He was answering Ling Xiao's words.

After returning from Ling Xiao's world, Ning Su once asked him if they were all dead.

Ling Xiao said not necessarily, at least Shao Ruoyang didn't die at that time, but more than a hundred years had passed.

It turned out that Shao Ruoyang was really alive.

This talented researcher who has studied the system thoroughly is not only alive, but is still speaking with the help of the system.

The violent energy in his chest was all converted into surging emotions, hitting his heart, it was sore and soft, Ning Su's eyes were so happy that he was sore.

He was so happy to hear Shao Ruoyang's voice, because he knew it was a turning point.

At the same time, happy that he is still alive.

He is still alive, and Ling Xiao is not the only person left in his world.

He's not that alone, there are other people who have the same memories as him, about their world.

[It's too late to say that much, the energy system of the system has been severely destroyed, I can take the opportunity to control it for up to ten minutes, you have to close all the energy entrances and exits of the system within five minutes, that is, all the dungeon worlds, and blow up the game hall after five minutes. 】

Ning Su rushed directly to Taotie, smashing all the energy in his hands into the dying Taotie.

Taotie was smashed into countless pieces, turning into ashes and dissipating in the fragmented world.

Cracks appeared in the sky, the earth trembled violently, and the dungeon world began to collapse.

Ning Su opened his arms to the two children, they rushed into Ning Su's arms wiping their tears, hugged him tightly, and melted into his body.

When the world completely collapsed, Ning Su was automatically teleported out of the dungeon world and appeared at the game exit outside the gate of the game base.

A dense crowd of players has already gathered here, excited, nervous and frightened, surprised and expecting, shocked and dazed, noisy and loud discussions and shouts filled the ears.

Ning Su turned a deaf ear and walked through a person looking for those who were most important to him.

Zhu Shuangshuang and the others went to the familiar dungeon, which had already been released.

Shi Tianshu, who was tightly suppressed by ten ghost masters and was not sent out of the dungeon, got up together with the ghost masters to extract the godhead's godhead, and was taken out of the dungeon by the ghost master when the world of the dungeon collapsed.

Ning Changfeng, who was sent out of the dungeon by the system, rushed into the dungeon world together with a dozen players after hearing Shao Ruoyang's voice, piercing through the seriously injured demon master who was secretly delighted.

There is only one person left.

Ning Su squeezed to the front of the crowd.

Shao Ruoyang's voice gradually drifted away in his mind.

More than 10,000 players brought the ghost master into the designated dungeon, only Ling Xiao was different.

Before that, his heart and Ling Xiaovine wandered in various dungeon worlds to maintain the stability of the dungeon world.

This time he wandered around in various dungeon worlds, ensuring that the players could successfully destroy the dungeon worlds and destroy the overly stable dungeon worlds.

He didn't know which world he was in at this moment, and he didn't know how to do it.

Ning Su watched all directions, looking for Ling Xiao's figure, and at the same time concentrated his energy, trying to capture Shao Ruoyang's situation from his voice.

【Ling Xiao, I'll give you one last minute. 】

[You still ask me now? Did you forget that I said that the core of the system is the rules? When the copy world of our "Zidu" was destroyed, I was still alive to pass the level. At that time, I was the only pure player alive, so the rewards for a copy of Shanda fell on me, including skill rewards. 】

[There are many supernatural beings in our world. They all say that I am a brain supernatural being. That is my nonsense. I am actually just an ordinary person, but during that great war I did awaken my supernatural abilities, mental abilities , perhaps the last reward given to me by our home planet. 】

[The combination of mental abilities and skills allows me to get rid of the physical body and secretly attach to the system. 】

[It's been a long time, Ling Xiao, it's been more than a hundred years, the system has been to many worlds, and only players in this world have stood up to resist the system. 】

【The opportunity I have been waiting for for a long time has finally come. 】

【Countdown, 10, 9, 8...】

Ning Su took another step forward, his vision gradually blurred, and he didn't know where to put it.

[3, 2, 1. 】


There was a deafening shout from the crowd.

The center of the game base is the game hall.

The huge building occupying the center was once the nightmare-like place that the player least wanted to set foot on and was forbidden to enter. It constituted the most intense part of the player's psychological shadow.

Now it's blown apart.

It burst together with the surrounding community buildings, which used to be a symbol of power and wealth in the game base, the most prosperous place.

All the players have walked there, yelled and cried there.

Brilliant buildings collapsed one after another, like a prosperous and tragic nightmare ending here.

Amidst the sound of the explosion, rubble and dust filled the sky, and a man in black walked out of it.

The black clothes on his chest were soaked thicker with blood, and holding a **** heart in his hand, he pushed away the smoke and walked towards this side.

Ning Su had already rushed towards him.

Along the way, houses collapsed, the land cracked, and falling rocks pierced the dust.

Taking a step away, he jumped onto Ling Xiao, bowed his head and kissed him forcefully.

"Ling Xiao, I'll take you away."

"Okay." Ling Xiao hugged him firmly, smiling brightly amidst the falling rocks and dust.

"I thought you could only take it away, and I was thinking about how to give it to you, now..." Ling Xiao put the beating heart in his hand, "I put it here with you now."

When that **** heart was placed in Ning Su's hands, it turned into a four-petal blood flower.

There was still a drop of blood on it, and the drop of blood slipped through the petals and dripped from Ning Su's fingers, but it didn't fall to the ground, but passed through the ground and dripped to the wider world below.

The collapse of the game base spread all the way outside the gate of the base.

The players soon discovered that the gravel falling from the top of their heads did not feel anything when they hit their bodies, and the smoke and dust had no substance, and disappeared lightly when they touched them.

The collapsed game base is like a mirage in the distance, an illusion.