MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 857 Please sign me!

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"A magazine five years ago?"

Xia Hai's words made a firefly dumbfounded.

Five years ago, how could it have been published by Master Yalin?

However, looking at Xia Hai's expression of such confidence, she felt a little bit uttered in her heart, but she couldn't say anything.

Xia Xia ...

Just looking at you in the entertainment magazine five years ago ... how did you say this very stylishly with confidence?

"What? Is there something wrong?"

Although Xia Hai's personality is very carefree, but she is not stupid. A reaction such as Firefly to her seems to make her realize that something is wrong.

Is something wrong?

"Xia Xia, you really ... forget it, let me show you."

Seeing that Xia Hai hadn't responded yet, a firefly sighed helplessly, and immediately took out his mobile phone and started searching on the webpage.

After a while, news about Li Yalin and Xiaori Xiangyuan appeared in front of Xia Hai and Xiaoju. I don't know if they saw it, but they were shocked!

"Idols? Are older brothers and older sisters actually idols? The SAR is the strongest? That means ... the most powerful idol?"

"Sister Ruuna was also an idol?"

"I want to see too! I want to see too!"

Although a firefly is not a professional fan, she still keeps stocks of her works on Li Yalin and Xiaori Xiangyuan. After Xia Hai and Xiaoju watched the news, they showed them videos of Li Yalin and Xiaori Xiangyuan. A few little guys finally reacted.

Superstar! Superstar!

Big Brother and Sister Yuan are both big stars!


But then ... what is the better reaction to see the big stars?

After realizing the identity of Li Yalin's party, several little guys fell into deep thought again.

After all, it was the first time I saw a star, and they didn't know what should be good for a while ...

"The friends who love you ... are really interesting ..."

When a firefly was doing science popularization to Xia Hai and Xiaoju, the girls on Li Yalin also saw their reaction in their eyes.

How famous are Li Yalin and Xiaori Xiangyuan, they are certainly very clear, fans have a lot of fanatical reactions, they have also experienced.

But only Xia Hai and Xiao Ju were so at a loss as to make them feel very interesting.

Like Qian Ye, she almost laughed now.

These kids ... too fun, right?

"Meet the star ... yes! That ... please sign me!"

After a lot of thought, Xia Hai was the first to react, but after she reacted, she pulled the hem of the shirt with both hands and felt a pen in her hand.

If you meet an idol, you must first sign it?


This is definitely true!

"If you sign it ... it's not impossible, but Xia Xia, are you sure you won't be beaten after coming home after I sign your name?"

Looking at Xia Hai's face asking her to sign her clothes, Li Yalin really laughed.

No way, this little guy is so funny that it makes him want to laugh.

Are you serious about signing your clothes?

Are you sure your mother won't hit you after you go home like this?

"Yes, Xia Xia, if you stain your clothes, your mother will definitely spare you?"

Although Xia Hai's signature was very constructive, it was a pity that Xiao Ju, who was aside, remembered the fear of being dominated by her mother, and the subconscious snored.

Signing something is second only, if it really makes mom angry, that's the most terrible thing, okay!

"This ... I ... I'm not afraid!"

With the reminders from Li Yalin and her sister, Xia Hai also subconsciously recalled the appearance of her mother, Hedong Lion Roar, her body shrinking involuntarily.

But in the end, she is a child. Xia Hai's self-esteem is very strong, especially in front of her friends, she is unwilling to lose face.

So soon she straightened her mentality, showing a determined expression that I would not go to hell, who still went to hell, and still insisted on her decision!

It's a big deal to go home for a while, but at this time she must not be shameful!

"Okay, Xia Xia, you can sign anything at any time. It's not necessary to sign on clothes."

"Not to mention we're here this time, not a fan meeting."

It is reasonable to say that although Xia Hai and Xiao Ju already knew Li Yalin's idol status, they did not pay much attention to entertainment news, but they did not have much awareness in this regard.

They just think that Li Yalin is an idol, very powerful, that's all.

But like it more ... sorry, think too much.

In contrast, a firefly is more like a fan.

So, the strong signature is still exempt. Today everyone ’s purpose is to have a good time. This is the real point!

"Well? Is that so? Then ... well ..."

As Li Yalin thought, Xia Hai didn't care much about the signature but didn't sign it. He just held it up. If he didn't finish it, he wouldn't come to Taiwan.

So now that Li Yalin has given the steps, she will naturally follow the trend, otherwise she insists repeatedly that she may be unavoidable after going home.

"That ... Lord Yalin, Lord Yuan, I ... can I take a picture with you?"

The fake powder Xia Hai is resolved, but don't forget that there is also a firefly, the real powder, present.

Although she did not intend to ask for a signature on the clothes like Xia Hai, she finally came across a real idol and was quite moved.

For example, taking a picture or something, this time is a treasure collection! You can even show off to your friends in Tokyo!

It was only the first time I met and I asked for a photo, which made some fireflies a little uneasy.

Would it be rude to ask yourself this way?

Will Yalin and Yuanyuan agree?

Although she is very mature ~ ~, after all, she is still a fifth grader in elementary school. With complex emotions in her heart, a firefly is brought out unconsciously.

"A group photo? Of course no problem! You can take as many pictures as you want."

Not to mention that the group photo request is a firefly, even if facing an ordinary fan, Li Yalin cannot fail to meet the small wish of the other party.

Just take a picture, what a big deal!


Just shoot!

You can take as many pictures as you want!

"Really? Great! Xiexieyalin adults!"

With Li Yalin's approval, a firefly suddenly rejoiced and asked Xia Hai to help, and then stood between Li Yalin and Xiaori Xiangyuan.

I can take a photo with this pair of super idols.

Today is really her lucky day!