MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2571 2573 [Brother B]

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  Chapter 2571 2573 [Brother B]

  Xiang Nan can actually earn more.

   It's just that he knows that money in Macau is not easy to earn. If you win too much, you may not even be able to get out of Lisboa.

  Xiang Nan didn't want to win money and spend money, so he just tasted it, and after earning three million, he slipped away.

  After returning to the room, Xiang Nan gave each of the brothers 100,000 Hong Kong dollars.

   "Wow, Brother Nan, where did you get so much money?" Everyone looked at the thick banknotes and asked Xiang Nan in surprise.

   "I just went to Lisboa to try my luck. I probably got lucky, so I won 500,000 Hong Kong dollars." Xiang Nan explained, "Now I will share it with each of you, so that you can enjoy yourself."

   If the boss wants to make the younger brother obedient, it is not enough to rely on loyalty and making cakes. The key is to bring benefits to the younger brother, to make a fortune together, and to share the rain and dew, so that we can get along for a long time.

  In "Water Margin", Wang Lun squeezed out Lin Chong many times, so he was finally annihilated, and even Qingqing's life was lost.

  If Xiang Nan wants to become bigger and stronger in the future, he cannot do without the support of these brothers, so he must let them taste some sweetness, otherwise why would they want to work hard for him.

   "Wow, Brother Nan, you are amazing, long live Brother Nan!" Baopi held the banknotes and called out happily.

   "Thank you, Brother Nan." Chao Pi, Pheasant, and Da Tian Er also said happily.

   "I helped you win the money back, and you are not allowed to gamble anymore." Xiang Nan instructed again, "We earned the 100,000 yuan by working hard, so we can't afford it for nothing."

   Hearing what he said, everyone nodded.

  The one hundred thousand yuan was lost and recovered easily, and they dared not lose again for the time being.


  Xiang Nan and the others stayed in Macau for another two days, and finally got permission from Big Brother B to return to Xiangjiang.

   It turns out that Bakuan has always been domineering and domineering, and has a lot of crimes. He has a thick file in the police station.

   Now that he is killed, the police applaud him, and no one wants to seek justice for him.

  So the case was hastily closed, and Xiang Nan and others could finally return to Xiangjiang.

  After returning to Xiangjiang, boss B cleans up Xiang Nan and the others at the bar.

   "Okay, Haonan, you killed Bakugan this time, but you have become famous in the world." Big Brother B smiled and said to Xiangnan.

   "Brother B has adjusted well." Xiang Nan said modestly, "Without Brother B, I wouldn't be where I am today."

   "Anan, among all the younger brothers, you are the most capable, and I am definitely optimistic about you." Big Brother B said with satisfaction.

   "Thank you Brother B, come on, I'll fight with you~" Xiang Nan nodded and said, "Fifteen, twenty, I lose~" Then he raised his neck and drank a glass of red wine neatly.

   "Haha, no, you still have to practice." Big brother B won with a punch, and couldn't help laughing happily.

   "Yes, I still have to learn more from Brother B." Xiang Nan also laughed.


   At this moment, Bao Pi and Da Tian Er took the microphone and said loudly, "This song is dedicated to our big brother B, everyone applauds and welcomes."

   Then, they sang to the music.

   "Wan Chai has always been my favorite

  Hong Xing is in charge of the area

  Bo Lou Ji Dou and the big stalls are all watching

  The highest state of Tuodi


  Swords and swords let me show my skills for the community

  He will not be shocked even if he dies

  Let my blood flow down"

  The lights are feasting, the people are drunk, and everyone is singing happily.

  Xiang Nan, on the other hand, silently practiced profound arts, and secretly forced out the wine he just drank along his fingertips.

  He actually doesn't like this kind of sensual, unrestrained and lively occasion.

  Because Lao Tzu said,【Five colors make people blind, five tones make people deaf, five flavors make people happy, galloping and hunting make people mad, and hard-to-find things make people hinder. 】

   At this time, Da Tian Er finished singing and came to toast Big Brother B.

   "Brother B, when will our brother Nan become the boss?" He asked with a smile, Da Tianer's character is so direct.

   "Hey, drink your wine, don't talk nonsense." Xiang Nan scolded him when he heard it.

  No matter how generous and loyal the boss is, he is taboo from his subordinates to ask for rewards. The boss can give it, but the subordinates are not allowed to take it.

  Because how benefits are distributed represents power in itself. Therefore, if the subordinates take the initiative to ask for rewards, they are challenging the authority of the boss, so it is no wonder that the boss is happy.

   Sure enough, when Big Brother B heard Da Tianer's question, the smile on his originally happy face immediately disappeared, and he replied formulaically, "As long as you do things well, you will definitely have a chance."

   "Yes, Brother B." Da Tian Er hurriedly said.

   "Brother B, I want it too!" At this moment, Pheasant came over with his new girlfriend.

   This guy is the one he picked up in Macau. His name is Ke En. He is quite handsome and has a hot figure.

   "Why, have you found a new girlfriend?" Big Brother B looked at Ke En and laughed.

   "Hey, it's not new. It's been soaking for seven days." Pheasant said with a smile.

   He rarely persists in picking up girls for a month, and most of them just dump them for fun. It can last for a week, which is a long time.

   "If you don't pick up girls, you don't count as being out there, right?" Keen said angrily when he heard that, "I have to be willing if he wants to pick up on me."

   "Oh, how dare you talk nonsense in front of Brother B, and I will punish you with a drink!" Seeing that she was angry, Pheasant quickly coaxed her with a smile.

  Korn is young, beautiful and playful, and he actually likes her very much.

   "Little sister, it's interesting, come, I'll have a toast with you!" Big Brother B laughed.

   "Brother B, I'll drink to you." Ke En also said.


   "Okay, you guys drink, I'm going to the toilet." Big Brother B got up and said.

   Seeing that he was unaccompanied, Xiang Nan quickly got up and followed.

  Big Brother B is a fit person who looks at the scenery, but in fact, he may be plotted against at any time, so he must be protected by someone around him, otherwise he may be sought revenge every minute.

  Boss B saw that he was alert, so he was naturally very comforted, and said something to him, "Oh, I'm old, these white hairs seem to have popped out overnight."

   "No way, brother B, your sword is not old, you can still kill a horse." Xiang Nan laughed.

"We came out to hang out, one foot is in the coffin, and the other foot is in the prison, it's all destined." Big brother B said again, "Anan, among all the younger brothers, I am the most optimistic about you, do things with your heart ,"

   "Yes, Brother B, let's have a glass of water." Xiang Nan nodded.

  At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and a man in an orange suit hugged a woman into the men's room, and hurriedly pressed her against the wall.

   "No more, Brother Kun, there are people." The woman couldn't help being startled when she saw Big Brother B and Xiang Nan, and immediately reminded.

The man turned his head, saw Xiang Nan and Big Brother B, and immediately pulled the woman over, "Damn it, I thought who it was, it turned out to be Big Brother B. I wanted to bring Mazi in to have fun, but you really are It would spoil my fun."

   "Who do I think it is?

  (end of this chapter)