MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2578 2580【Travel to Tiger Mountain】

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  Chapter 2578 2580 [Turning towards Tiger Mountain]

"Don't worry, Brother Nan, he would come to Shipai Bay for a morning run every morning. At that time, he only had two younger brothers by his side, so it was the best time to strike." Sha Qiang said to Xiang Nan, "Why don't we go drink first, Get up early tomorrow, and I will send two brothers to help you."

   "There's no need to drink, I want to recharge my energy and prepare for tomorrow." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Ah Qiang, thank you for your kindness."

   "Okay." Seeing what Xiang Nan said, Silly Qiang couldn't force him, so he had to help Xiang Nan arrange a hotel.

  In the early hours of the morning, Xiang Nan climbed out of the hotel window and climbed all the way to the first floor of the hotel.

  The reason why he didn't go through the main entrance was because he knew that Sha Qiang must have set up eyeliner at the main entrance, so walking through the main entrance would definitely not escape surveillance.

  Although he lived in a room on the twentieth floor with a height of more than 60 meters, climbing with bare hands in the middle of the night was extremely dangerous. But for Xiang Nan, who is very good at lightness kung fu, it's like walking on flat ground.

  After reaching the first floor, Xiang Nan took a taxi and went straight to Yujing Garden.

   Fat Dog's home is there.

  Xiang Nan is going to kill him tonight and complete the first task.


  The taxi came to Yujingyuan soon, and it was a high-end villa area.

   Even in the middle of the night, there are still police cars on patrol, and they will step forward to check on unfamiliar faces.

   Moreover, there are 24-hour three-shift guards, 24/7 security guards, and complete security equipment such as high-definition cameras and infrared alarms.

  It can be said that if the idle gangsters dare to come here to make trouble, they will be arrested and brought to justice within two minutes.

   "It's good to be rich." Xiang Nan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

  He now lives in a public housing estate. Not only is the house extremely small, as narrow as a pigeon cage, but the security environment is extremely poor. Quarrels, fights, theft, fraud...the list goes on and on.

  Affected by this environment, many of the children there have dropped out of school before finishing high school. After they dropped out of school, they had nothing to do, and they often formed groups and caused troubles.

  If the association wants to recruit younger brothers, they will go to these places. On the contrary, no association would go to wealthy areas such as Mid-Levels, Kowloon Tong, Repulse Bay, etc. to recruit young men.


   After getting off the car, Xiang Nan flew into the Yujing Garden.

  The two-meter-high fence, as well as the Ande infrared sensor and high-definition camera on the fence, are of no use to him at all. They can only stop those clumsy little thieves.

   After entering Yujing Garden, Xiang Nan went straight to Fat Dog's house.

  A few days ago, he followed Fat Dog for a while, and he knew that although Fat Dog is a gangster, he still loves his family very much. Although I have a lover outside, I go home and sleep every day.

   This is actually very rare among gangsters.

   Arriving at Fat Dog's house, Xiang Nanfei went up to the second floor, then quietly pried open the window and entered. By the dim moonlight, I saw two people sleeping on the bed.

  One is a fat man with a bald head, and the other is a woman who still has charm.

  Xiang Nan knew that this fat man was a fat dog.

  He immediately tapped Fat Dog's acupuncture points, and then carried him out of the Yujing Garden, all the way to the secluded viaduct, and only then unlocked his acupuncture points.

   "Are you a fat dog?" Xiang Nan asked.

   "Who are you?" Fat Dog asked in horror.

  As soon as Xiang Nan carried him out of the villa, he was already awakened.

  But to his horror, he couldn't move his whole body. And his mouth was obviously not blocked, but he didn't make a sound when he wanted to call for help.

  The whole person seems to be haunted, and the feeling is really uncomfortable and terrifying.

   What puzzled him even more was that Xiang Nan carried him and ran all the way, almost faster than a car. Moreover, Xiang Nan jumped over the two-meter-high fence in the community in one jump, which is hardly something a human can do.


"Are you qualified to ask me?" Xiang Nan said coldly, "Answer my question honestly, and I can spare your life. Otherwise, I have ten thousand ways to let you know what is meant by [life is better than death] 】."

  Fat Dog swallowed, and had no doubt that Xiang Nan could do this.

  After all, the security of Yujingyuan is so good, Xiang Nan can take him away without a sound. This ability is really too powerful for him to imagine.

   "What do you want to ask?" Fat Dog said immediately.

   "What is your relationship with Hong Xing's Liang Kun?" Xiang Nan asked.

   "Jing Kun?!" Fat Dog was taken aback, looked at Xiang Nan in surprise, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Are you Hong Xing Liang Zai Nan?"

  He knew that Hong Xing sent Chen Haonan to kill him, but he didn't expect Chen Haonan to be so powerful.

   "You are smart." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "It seems that our Hong Xing does have an inner ghost, isn't it Liangkun?"

"They are all gangsters. People die for money, and birds die for food. Why are you so serious? Then I will give you a sum of money, and if you let me go, just pretend that there is no such thing, how about it?" Fat Dog persuaded, After discovering Xiang Nan's identity, his fear was greatly reduced.

  In his opinion, no matter how good Xiang Nan is, he is just a gangster, and he can settle even with money.

"Idiot! You haven't figured out your current situation yet. I kill you like a chicken. Your life is in my hands, and you still bargain with me?" Xiang Nan said angrily, and then ordered him Several acupuncture points.

  Fat Dog immediately felt extremely painful all over his body, numb and itchy, couldn't help but fell to the ground and twitched desperately, wishing to die immediately to be relieved.

  In less than five minutes, he was already pale and sweating profusely, as if he had just been fished out of a hole in the ice.

   "I just tapped your four acupoints. I believe you already know how it feels. I have another trick [Great Soul Searching Hand], which taps thirty-six dead acupoints all over your body.

  That kind of pain will directly break your nerves and make you an idiot from now on. Do you want to try it? Xiang Nan grabbed his collar and shouted.

   "Don't, don't, don't, I'll tell you what you want to know." Fat Dog said quickly.

  He has been around for so many years, and he has been beaten and stabbed before, so he can be regarded as experienced in hundreds of battles. But nothing compares to this time. He was so painful just now that one Buddha was born, and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. It was more uncomfortable than death, and he dared not try it a second time even if he was beaten to death.


   "Then tell the truth, what is your relationship with Liangkun?" Xiang Nan asked immediately.

   "Liang Kun and I have known each other since childhood..." Fat Gou was afraid of offending Xiang Nan again, so he had to speak honestly.

  It turned out that he and Liang Kun grew up together, and then he came to Macau to mix society, while Liang Kun stayed in Hong Kong Island.

  However, the circumstances of the two are very different. After more than ten years of hard work, Liang Kun has become one of Hong Xing's fit people, while Fat Dog is still a low-level gangster.

   Later, Liang Kun found him and asked him to demolish the house in Macau. Fat Dog made his fortune from this, and he was only ordered by Liang Kun to follow him.

  The reason why he took 30% commission from Hong Xing this time was also instigated by Liang Kun.

  If Hong Xing agrees, they will naturally make a fortune. If Hong Xing does not agree, they can also suppress it.

  With Liang Kun as the internal response, he naturally knows himself and the enemy, and wins every battle. No matter how many people Hong Xing sent, after all, the raptors were no match for the local snakes, and they still had to pay in the end.

  (end of this chapter)