MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2580 2582 [Deep into the tiger's den]

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   Lingbo microsteps, extremely mysterious.

  Even masters such as Ding Chunqiu, Murong Fu, and South Sea Crocodile God are helpless in the face of this lightness kung fu.

  Duan Yu even relied on it to kidnap Emperor Yelu Hongji of the Liao Dynasty among thousands of troops, which shows how powerful it is.

   These gangsters are far inferior to Ding Chunqiu, Murong Fu, and South Sea Crocodile God, even if they are compared to the well-armored and experienced Liao army.

  Being beaten by Xiang Nan, let alone fighting back, it was too late to even parry. In less than a moment, more than 80 people were all knocked to the ground by him. He didn't even let go of those who tried to escape.

   "Oh, it hurts me."

   "It hurts so much, my god~"

   "He is not human, it hurts~"

  The gangsters fell to the ground, all howling in pain, it was horrible.


   After killing these little brothers, Xiang Nan drove away immediately.

  On the way, he called Sha Qiang.

   "Brother Qiang, hurry, hurry, come and save me. I was chased and hacked by hundreds of people..." He pretended to be panicked, out of breath.

   "Where are you now, what's going on?" Sha Qiang asked quickly.

"I don't know. When we were halfway through, we were blocked by people. Hundreds of them hacked me, and I was hacked several times. I'm about to die. Brother Qiang, save me!" Xiang Nan continued to panic. .

   "Okay, tell me the address, I'll be right there." Sha Qiang said immediately.

  Xiang Nan then told him an address.

   After a while, I saw a small car approaching. Silly Qiang poked his head out of the car and shouted at Xiang Nan who was covered in blood, "Brother Nan, get in the car~"

  Xiang Nan immediately opened the door and got into the car, pretending to be bleeding and exhausted, and became paralyzed as soon as he got in the car.

  Actually, although there was a lot of blood on his body, it belonged to those younger brothers, and he didn't have any injuries on his body.

  The reason why they pretend to be dizzy is to further collect evidence that Shaqiang and Liangkun betrayed their brothers. So after Xiang Nan got into the car, he secretly pressed the recording button.


   "Brother Nan, Brother Nan, Brother Nan...Fuck~" Sha Qiang yelled a few words in a pretentious manner, but seeing that Xiang Nan really didn't respond, he finally showed his true face.

  He then drove to a private house. After arriving, Xiang Nan was carried into the room by several people and put on a big Simmons bed.

  Following, Xiang Nan noticed that someone was pouring water on him. The taste of the water was very strange, so Xiang Nan didn't dare to take a sip, and held his throat with all his true energy.

  After the man finished filling the water and left, he secretly spit out the water.

  I heard the man walk out of the house and report to Sha Qianghui, "Brother Qiang, it's all done."

  Sha Qiang nodded.

  At this time, another person came in outside the house, and he and Sha Qiang shouted together, "Brother Kun!"

   "How about it, is it done?" Liang Kun's voice sounded.

   "Brother Kun, it's all done." Sha Qiang nodded and said, "I've already fed them Spanish flies, and it will start to work soon."

   "Very good, I will take a picture of all the process of their applause later." Liang Kun said with a satisfied smile, "Remember, don't miss a second, and hold your hands steady."

   "Brother Kun, wouldn't it be better to kill him directly, why do you have to do so many things?" Sha Qiang asked suspiciously.

   "Fuck, if you guessed it, am I still worthy of being the big brother?" Liang Kun scolded, "Jiang Tiansheng thinks highly of him so much, and wants him to take over Locke Road.

  I want to take a look now, if he knows that his woman was **** by Chen Haonan, he can't bear it anymore.

   Also, seducing the second sister-in-law is a big taboo in the world. If I sell this tape in the future, this kid will be finished. Made, let him refuse to follow me, shameless. "


  When Xiang Nan heard this, he couldn't help admiring Liang Kun's ruthlessness. He knew that it was easy to hack himself to death with a knife, but it would be over if he died. There will be a day in the world where people will not die.

   On the contrary, letting him be ruined and desperation is the biggest punishment for him. After all, he has always believed in the morality of the world, but now he has a scandal of seducing his second sister-in-law. His faith collapsed all at once, which is worse than death.

   "Brother, you really have an idea." Sha Qiang said with admiration when he heard it.

   "Stop flattering, remember, let them do it a few more times. Cut out the highlights later, and add to the fun when I sit down in the future." Liang Kun said again.

   "Don't worry, big brother." Sha Qiang nodded.

  Afterwards, Xiang Nan heard footsteps going away and the sound of a car starting. He expected that Liang Kun had already left in the car.

  At this time, Shaqiang brought a woman into the bedroom.

  Xiang Nan took a peek, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

   It turned out that she was Fang Ting whom she met at Jiang Tiansheng's villa that day.

  At this time, she had already taken the love potion, so her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were blurred, her figure twisted, and she kept groping around Shaqiang.

   "Fuck, such a beautiful woman, I didn't even take advantage of it, but she took advantage of you kid." Sha Qiang was irritated by her touch, but he had nowhere to vent, and couldn't help cursing.

   At this moment, Xiang Nan jumped up from the bed, and restrained Shaqiang with one stroke.

   "" Shaqiang was taken aback. He didn't expect that Xiang Nan didn't faint, and he still had the strength to backhand.

   "Do you think you and Liangkun's tricks can really deal with me?" Xiang Nan grabbed his neck and said, "Wang Badan, I will strangle you to death."

   "Forgive...forgive...don't do my business, my elder brother...made me do it." Sha Qiang was strangled and almost suffocated, begging for mercy.

   "Hmph, it's not hard to spare my life. Come back to Xiangjiang with me, and tell Mr. Jiang exactly what happened." Xiang Nan said immediately, "Otherwise, I'll strangle you right now."

   "This... this..." Sha Qiang hesitated for a while.

  If Jiang Tiansheng knew what he was doing, he might not be able to escape once.

   "If you don't agree, I'll kill you right now." Seeing this, Xiang Nan pinched hard.

  Shaqiang could almost hear the creaking sound of his neck bone breaking, so frightened that he didn't dare to hesitate, he nodded and agreed.

  Xiang Nan then took Shaqiang and Fang Ting and left the house together.

  Although there are other younger brothers in Min Zhai, Sha Qiang is their eldest brother, even if he sees him, he dare not ask.


  The three left the house by car, and then returned to Hong Kong by hovercraft.

  When he arrived at the port, Sha Qiang wanted to resist again, taking advantage of the crowds, but was directly controlled by Xiang Nan with the Yihun Dafa, and he had no chance to resist.

  As for Fang Ting, because she drank Spanish flies and had nowhere to vent her anger, she was fuming all the way, rubbing against Xiang Nan's body, rubbing her ears and temples.

  But Xiang Nan didn't dare to touch her, nor did he dare to leave her alone, so he could only seal her acupoints first, and let her be calm for a while.

   On the way from the house to the pier, Xiang Nan also called Big Brother B and reported his experience of the trip.

  Big Brother B heard that Liang Kun played with his younger brother, not only causing him to be almost hacked to death, but also almost having a relationship with Mr. Jiang's woman, so he couldn't help cursing in anger.

   "Anan, don't worry, I'll tell Mr. Jiang right away." Big Brother B said immediately.