MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 1586 Reunion after the century

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Remember in one second 【】

"Are you ... really his granddaughter?"

Looking at the woman standing on the bedside, who looked a bit like Lu Zhou, Vera opened her mouth dumbfounded, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Her looks were so understandable that Lu Xiaoqiao's children's shoes guessed the first time, and she misunderstood something, so she hurriedly explained with a smile.

"Although we do have a blood relationship, it should not be like you think."

Clasping his hands tighter, Vera whispered weakly: "... I won't mind."

"I said it all, not the way you imagined it," Lu Xiaoqiao groaned in his heart with his heartbroken brows, and continued with a sigh. I'm probably his offspring, from Lu Xiaotong's. "

"Is Xiaotong ..."

Lu Xiaoqiao nodded calmly.


The little hand holding the sheet loosened slowly, but quickly squeezed again.

I never thought she was gone ...

Although this is inevitable, Willa's heart is still a little lonely.

Maybe because she is that quiet type, she still has a good opinion of the lively girl.

Especially when Princeton was a professor, the relationship between the two has always been very good.

What's more, because of someone's relationship, she has always treated her as her sister.

After reading the expression on Willa's face, Lu Xiaoqiao, who guessed something, said softly.

"Please do n’t feel sorry for her. According to my father and grandpa, she is a very kind person. She has spent a happy and beautiful life in the time she lives. Life itself is a journey with beginnings and ends. Since Where there is a beginning, there must be an end. Everything is inevitable. "

"... I just, I can't control my emotions."

Taking a deep breath, calmed the sadness in his heart a bit, and re-displayed a touch of reluctant smile.

"Thank you for your comfort ... I can nurture a kind child like you, and I believe she will be very happy during her lifetime."

Lu Xiaoqiao's cheeky smile appeared, and he said a little embarrassedly.

"Actually okay ... although I haven't seen her yet, I just listen to Grandpa talking about her."

Just then, the door of the ward suddenly opened, and Qian Xiuxiu, wearing a nurse's uniform, came in.

"Vera, is someone visiting you from outside, is it convenient for you now?"

"……who is it?"

Qian Xiuxiu said with a smile: "It seems that he is still a big celebrity. It is called Lu Zhou, although many people call him Academician Lu."

For a moment, Vera, leaning on the pillow, sat up straight with excitement.

"Fang, convenient! Can you please come in quickly?"

Perhaps the reason for the reaction was so strong that the two short words were lost.

Watching Vera's reaction, Qian Xiuxiu smiled.

"It will take time no matter how fast people come by."

Looking at the nurse standing at the door in surprise, Lu Xiaoqiao glanced at his watch and muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Don't you say you took the time ..."

The phone call only this morning came before noon, which really surprised her.

After getting the patient's permission, Qian Xiuxiu nodded his head, stepped out of the ward again on a brisk step, and soon came in with a man whose clothes were slightly more monotonous than the popular styles in this world.

Looking at the man who appeared at the door, Vera's pupils were shaking with agitated water mist, and the excitement in that cavity was turned into a murmur like trickling water.

"I must be dreaming ..."

"But it's not," looking at Willa, who was lying on the bed, Lu Zhou's throat knot moved slightly, and said softly, "How about, just like I said, just a blink of an eye."

Vera: "But in fact, I had a long, long dream."


Vera blushed and said, "I dreamed that I was lying in a frozen crystal coffin, and I saw a beautiful princess across the fog. She said a lot to me, and let me take care of you before leaving ... As for the others, I don't remember clearly. "

Take care of me ...

Lu Zhou smiled in his heart.

He didn't feel that he needed to be taken care of, but she was quite uncomfortable.

"That one……"

"what happened?"

Silent for a moment, Vera whispered.

"You, why hasn't it changed at all?"

Has the issue of life span after 100 years been resolved?

But this cannot explain why Xiao Tong is dead.

She could feel that during her sleep time, a lot of things happened, whether it was by her side or far away from her.

This strange feeling caused her a little panic, but somehow, after seeing the familiar face, the feeling of peace filled her whole body again.

"... A lot of things happened in the past 100 years, and everything was beyond my expectation." He looked out of the window with a bit of annoyance.

^ 0 ^ Remember in one second 【】

Continued, "When you are discharged, I will take the time to tell you everything."

Not only did she need time to prepare, he felt he needed some time.

To her, everything might be just a blink of an eye, but in the blink of an eye, he already had a lot of things he hadn't had before.

The kiss on his forehead was enough to make him feel his guilt (although his original intention was to hope she would go to the future without regret), but it turned out that there was now a million-word love letter.

He even regretted why he had committed that nerve at that time, so he went back to Princeton again ...

Looking intently at Lu Zhou, Vera said in a very light voice.

"That ... thank you."

"Don't thank me, in fact I did nothing, I really can't bear this thank you—"

"How come, you gave me knowledge, warmth, and the courage I never thought I could get," she paused for a moment, her eyes shaking slightly, and added, "And, I also really miss you."

I don't know why, the word "Ye" always made him feel weird, but he couldn't say anything strange for a while.

He really missed it. He had also investigated her whereabouts, but he hadn't found any news about her because of various reasons such as age.

From the available information, during the duration of her frozen hibernation, someone modified her hospital information, as well as multiple security settings including the time limit for frozen hibernation and the activation conditions for the active wake-up procedure.

Otherwise she should have woken up 20 years ago or even earlier.

As for who did it, and for what purpose, it is unknown.

Although this is an era of informationization, in the face of the barrier of time, even Xiao Ai cannot achieve omnipotence in the absolute sense.

Forgetting the original topic, Lu Zhou coughed softly.

"... Want to go where you want to wake up?"

Vera: "I don't have a home or anyone I know ... this world is too strange for me, and I don't know where to go."

"Sorry ... I can't help but throw you into this era, but in the circumstances, that was the best way."

"Don't say sorry, you obviously saved my hero," Vera smiled softly, her eyelashes slightly lowered, a little inexplicably happy, and a little whispered a whisper.

"So, please, please take responsibility ..."

Lu Zhou nodded.

"If you don't think about where to go for the time being, just stay with me ..."

With Vera's ability, it is not a problem to find a job as a mathematics professor at Jinling University.

Even if it comes from 100 years ago, it may be a little behind in the research of the frontiers, but the basic things will not change whether it is 100 years ago or 100 years later ~ ~ Of course ...

There is also his selfishness here.

As it happens, he still lacks an assistant who can help him study the z-particle wave equation together, and Willa, who has excellent professional and thinking skills, is undoubtedly a suitable candidate.

As for other things ...

He will find a suitable time to tell her what happened after she freezes.

However, when she heard the first half of the sentence, Vera's face turned red, so that later Lu Zhou said something, she couldn't hear it clearly.

Lu Xiaoqiao standing on the side sighed.

It always feels like nothing about her, the manager of the Freezing Human Rights Protection Foundation.

Obviously, she is the protagonist on the issue of freezing people ...

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a pleasant reading! ^ 0 ^