MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 21 It turned out to be an honest man.

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"Lu Zhou!"

When I heard someone calling my name, I was stopping at the boat that went to the man’s bed. I turned around and saw Lin Yuxiang wearing a white dress running to him.

Bai Yu’s hand supported his knees. Lin Yuxiang bent his waist and gasped slightly. He whispered aloud: “How come you are so fast?”

Lu Zhou wondered: "Is there anything?"

"Nothing, just want to thank you, just in the office of Teacher Tang, it is really thanks to you." Lin Yuxiang smiled and smiled.

"Nothing, you are welcome." Lu Zhou shook his head.

"Although I know that I am stupid, I will try to catch up with you! So... thank you for giving me this opportunity." Lin Yuxiang said.


This alone is not possible.

Don't say that you catch up with it, it is not easy to catch up with the taillights.

However, people are difficult to dismantle, Lu Zhou still encouraged to smile slightly: "Well, come on, you can."

“Really? Thank you for your encouragement!” Lin Yuxiang’s finger was behind his back and said happily, “That... as a thank you, can I ask you to eat?”

Although the proposal to eat is very attractive, but due to the coordination of teammates, Lu Zhou is still euphemistically rejected.

"You and your male ticket to eat, I will not be a light bulb."

When I heard Lu Zhou’s words, Lin Yuxiang smiled and laughed. He licked his long hair and smiled and said, “Don’t make me joke, what kind of boyfriend do I have?”

Lu Zhou sighed slightly and asked: "Is that Wang classmate is not?"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Yuxiang groaned with dissatisfaction and looked at Lu Zhou seriously. He said: "He is just my senior, and I think of him as a brother. It is not the kind of relationship."


Is there such an operation?

Lu Zhou first squatted, but even reacted.


This is the legendary one...

Lu Zhou smiled and euphemistically refused: "Sorry, I have some personal affairs to deal with at night, and I have a chance to change the day."

Obviously, I didn't expect that I would be rejected. Lin Yuxiang squatted slightly, but then her face turned a smile again: "Well! Then I will wait for you to contact me... Right, send your WeChat to me. Let's go."

This time, Lu Zhou did not refuse, and took out the mobile phone.

After all, it is a group of teammates, there are phone numbers, and the contact is also convenient.

After exchanging WeChat, Lin Yuxiang seemed to hold the phone in his hand like a treasure, and said thank you happily, then he walked away and walked away briskly.


There is always a class of girls in college. They are beautiful, simple, and laugh like your first love. A smile makes your heartstring.

They will let you create the illusion that you like you, and will inadvertently start approaching you.

"It's amazing," "Wow, you're awesome." "Oh, I can be half smart if I can."

Being able to honestly admit your own deficiencies and recognizing where your deficiencies are, this is an invaluable advantage, but they are obviously not satisfied with this.

They are good at using the art of language and the circle of friends to pack themselves into a lonely and weak one to arouse the desire to protect the opposite **** and take it for granted.

However, when you start chasing her, you go further and she takes a step back.

So you began to reflect on whether you are not good enough, gradually lost your self, and used everything you have to build up the black hole that is completely filled with dissatisfaction.

Until one day, you discover that you are just one of the many prisoners...

If you abstract this phenomenon into a social behavioral model, you will find that this collective social behavior is very similar to the social structure of ants.

All workers and soldiers are loyal to the only queen, but these ants have no right to mate. Only a small number of male ants, that is, those who are not producing, developing wings, and fragile and developing, are truly privileged to wrap with the Queen.

As for the Wang Xuechang, the role played is probably the so-called spare tire?

Through a rational analysis, Lu Zhou felt that he probably understood it.

As for the purpose of this Lin classmate, it is also very clear, that is, holding a thick thigh in the mathematical modeling contest mixed in the rankings. Perhaps it was obvious that Lu Zhou was not very satisfied with his teammate, so she deliberately approached and showed it.

If it is possible for two science and men to be jealous for themselves, then it would be better. All she has to do is to mediate in this kind of national competition, and she will not lose a piece of meat.

I have to admit that this type of girl is simply a natural enemy of the school.

Those who have devoted too much energy to learning are destined to have difficulty in balancing cultivation on the other hand...

Why is Lu Zhou not going to be hooked?

That is because he still has self-knowledge.

He feels that this person, besides being honest and handsome, Gao and Fu can't talk.

In-depth communication with this kind of girl is simply boring...


Lu Zhou returned to the dormitory and was preparing to take the computer to the library and continue to study the topic of the thesis.

However, his forefoot just stepped into the bedroom, Huang Guangming's kid rushed over and closed the door.



Still locked?

Lu Zhou watched Shi Shang and Liu Rui with a smile on his face. "There is something to say, let's discuss, except for the money, we can talk!"

Shi Shangxiao said: "Idle."

Liu Rui also smiled and said: "Elbows."

Lu Zhou: "... can you not call it so numb, my goose bumps are up."

With the back of the bedroom door blocked, Huang Guangming said with a serious face: "We have all seen it, honestly, who is the girl downstairs? Which hospital? What is it? When did it start? Which step did it take? What do you feel?"

Lu Zhou:? ? ?

Shi Shang patted the shoulder of Lu Zhou and sighed: "Brother, I am not helping you, but you have to understand these single dogs? Look at the one that has slept in a house, the buddy will ask you to do one. In the matter, call the person in your bedroom, and have a friendship with our bedroom. We have three packages for the cost of eating and singing. You can arrange the specific activities. Whether you can be a couple, I owe you personal feelings. ""

Lu Zhou sighed and reached out and held the hand on his shoulder: "Brother, no, I don't help you... That classmate is just a teammate of my mathematical modeling contest, and it was brought in by another teammate. I am only meeting her for the first time today."

"How is it possible? Is there nothing between you and her?" Liu Rui suspected.

"Well, you can say that." Lu Zhou nodded.

The three animals in the bedroom suddenly looked like a sloppy Pippi shrimp, saying, "Nothing, no strength, gone away." "I said it, elbows should be able to take off the order, my children are playing soy sauce," If there is no friendship, we will give the dormitory a ticket to go out." If you go back to the chair, sit down and prepare to start the next game.

The high generation and the number of points have been tested. The next week is the English and C language modernization. The bedroom has begun to have a breath of summer vacation. No one wants to review it.

Lu Zhou saw no one to control himself, silently carrying a computer bag and sneaking out the door.

Although I was waiting for the administrator to work in the library yesterday, in addition to downloading a lot of documents and reading a lot of books, there was no progress in the topic selection.

However, yesterday's accumulation is also a lot of ideas for him. Today he is ready to work hard, complete the topic selection work, and start writing the thesis.

This may sound like a simple one, but in fact it is not so easy to do it.

That mathematics paper is good to say that nine computer papers are cross-professional. He can only read more than 30 articles in related literatures. More than half of them are in English. After downloading from the library, they stayed up to two o'clock. Zhong Cai barely read it, and still knows a little.

Even if I had smashed the textbook of this C language last time, many things that were too professional were still difficult for him.

Sure enough, his ability to learn and those true geniuses is still no match.

If the system can give him a library task, it would be fine...

Walking on the way to the library, Lu Zhou sighed and thought so.