MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 42 I want to be a scientist

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What Lu Zhou didn't expect was that after seeing Ait under the collar that was forwarded by the CEO of Shunfeng, he was supposed to be a joke. He actually received the offer from Shunfeng Group.

Because he doesn't have his mailbox, this offer is delivered directly to the school's distribution room, and naturally it is also used for express delivery.

And the most unfortunate thing was, when the delivery room called him on his cell phone and asked him to pick up the parts, he didn't even think about the offer at that time, he just dismantled the parts there. We saw it.

Perhaps it is because someone has a job search experience along the way, in short, the offer was recognized.

Remember the thing that was pushed to hot search the other day ...

所有人 Everyone knows this time, it turns out that Mr. Wang is not kidding!

Well, this time, Lu Zhou didn't just make a splash on the neckline, he was even swiped in the school circle of friends. The retransmission of various "worshippers of cows" and "worship of learners" makes it difficult for him to keep a low profile.

Although Jinba is not rare in a place like Jinda University, few people have even seen it!

My freshman got an offer with a salary of 500,000 a year. If the evildoer graduates, he still has it!

Even some alumni who have graduated are feeling that these books have been read in vain for the past four years. Studying is the most popular direction. I took a large number of certificates, worked hard in the workplace for three or five years, jumped seven or eight times, and ended up holding a monthly salary of 20-30k before taxes.

瞅瞅 Then look at the mirror, people are about to thank in middle age.

With an annual salary of 500,000, this is a figure that is enough for most people to look up to.

However, Lu Zhou was a little upset at this moment.

He is a little tangled now, what should this offer do?

As soon as I received this offer yesterday, he had read it several times. I have to say that the conditions offered by Shunfeng Group are quite attractive, promising him an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, and three years later, equity incentives and so on.

Honestly, seeing this salary, Lu Zhou really moved.

If you do n’t want to move, it will be 500,000 a year. There will be various salary increases and equity incentives in the future. I have all the house cars for three or five years. Then find another Bai Fumei who can match his handsomeness. The winner of life!

However, thinking of his cheating system, Lu Zhou was suddenly silent.

Although the system pitted him thousands of times, he always felt that the value of owning this system should be much more than that.

At least, it can't be bought out for half a million ...

"Elbow ... Lu brother, your offer, have you decided?" Liu Rui originally wanted to call the elbow, but I do n’t know why, when he talked to his mouth, he was suppressed by the winner ’s aura from the inside out. Changed.

Lu Lu looked at Liu Rui, silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Are you envious now?"

愣 Liu Rui stunned, and then said: "Is this nonsense ... who is not envious!"

Is it necessary to ask such questions? !!

Lu Lu sighed: "But I ... are ready to refuse."

Liu Rui :? ? ?

Although he knew that his elbow was about to force again, he still couldn't control his mouth and couldn't help asking.

"Why? Such a good opportunity."

Lu Lu looked at the sky and said, "Because this is not the life I want."

I saw Liu Rui, he suddenly figured it out.

The annual salary of 500,000 yuan is enough to make many people look up, but after all, it is just the goal of ordinary people. Not to mention 500,000, even if it is a million annual salary, the offer from the top 100 or even the top 10 in the world is actually the same.

Why do you have to work for others now that you have a system?

Lu Zhou completely figured out.

There is no such thing as a part-time job.

瑞 Liu Rui was speechless for a while, and asked, "What kind of life do you want to live, no, I mean, what kind of life would you like if you have money?

"I want to be a scientist."

Liu Rui: "..."

Why do I want to fight?

Uh ...

After all, someone seriously sent an email.

Lu Zhou felt that if he used the e-mail address on the offer to reply, it would still be a little less serious. So he thought for a while, and finally decided to pick a lunch break and make a phone call according to the number on the offer, euphemistically expressing his refusal.

After listening to his speech, the opposite side remained silent for about ten seconds, and suddenly said: "Too little? Then you come to Shencheng, I reported the round-trip ticket, we can talk face to face."

Lu Zhou :? ? ?

Is HR such a domineering president now?

Seeing that Lu Zhou was not talking, the person on the phone cleared his throat and said softly, "I am Wang Wei under the introduction."


的 The phone on the offer is not from the Human Resources Department?

得多 How busy is this president ...

If let Wang Wei know what Lu Zhou is thinking at the moment, I don't know if he will vomit blood.

He wasn't shocked because he called himself a big guy on the Forbes wealth list. Lu Zhou took a deep breath and went on to say, "It's not a question of more money but less money. I think I have only learned a lot and I have a lot to learn. Learn. So, although your proposal is tempting, I have no plans to find a job at the moment, and I'm really sorry. "

However, the other side did not give up on this. In the tone of an elder, he continued: "A lot of things can be learned at work and in society, not necessarily in the ivory tower. I believe that when you come to us, you can learn more Many things you are interested in. And to be honest, I think you can now write such an algorithm. There is not much that the university can give you ~ ~ What you need is resources and opportunities for practice. And these are hard for you to give to the school, but I can. "

Having said that, he paused, smiled, and continued: "If you are worried that your academic qualifications will hinder your future promotion, you don't have to worry about it. Educational qualifications are used to screen mediocre talents and special talents. Not applicable. The person I value more is ability, performance, not achievement. "

Lu Lu sighed in his heart and admired secretly.

It is indeed a self-made killing of the bulls on the Forbes wealth list. This spirit, the spirit of seeking ethics and thirst, was replaced by myself two months ago. I was afraid that I would feel the grace of knowing it long ago. Right?

It seems that there is still a lot to learn ...

"Sorry," Lu Zhou shook his head and said soberly, "Although thank you very much for looking at me so much, but I have no plans to find employment now and in the future ... I hope we will meet next time as partners. "

The phone froze obviously, then laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha, that's really exciting."

I refused so thoroughly that there was nothing left to say about the rest.

I hung up the phone, Wang Wei smiled, shook his head, and threw the phone on the table.

"This kid is very funny."

Become a partner of Shunfeng Group? Not bad tone.

If you want to come to this step, you might as well think about how to carry the angel financing before you say it!

太多 There are too many self-employed technicians, and too many are dying on the beach. Without the favor of capital, there is simply no technology available, and there is no opportunity to realize technology.

Xi Guang is the resignation submitted under the name of entrepreneurship. He has never seen how many copies.