MTL - Scholar’s Advanced Technological System-Chapter 60 National Games opening!

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On September 12th, the competition will be held as scheduled!

On the day before the competition, Lu Zhou and others took the school bus and returned to the old campus from the new campus, and lived in the temporary dormitory arranged by the school.

Mattresses and pillows are all ready, only with a set of orders, not paying attention to people even go directly to the individual, after all, although the game time is 72 hours, but the average bedtime to everyone, may even ten Not for hours.

For example, Lu Zhou is like this.

His task is the heaviest, and he needs to finish the most work. Only the next day, he can take a nap, so he simply didn't bring his clothes and took it with empty hands. The first thing that comes to the new dormitory is to sleep in bed.

If you can't sleep, you have to force yourself to fall asleep.

Woke up at five o'clock the next morning, and at 7 o'clock in the bed, I went to the cafeteria for a breakfast. Lu Zhou and Wang Xiaodong and Lin Yuxiang went to the school to prepare for the mathematics modeling contest. Dedicated computer room.

According to the official registration information, there are more than 70,000 college students from 25,347 colleges and universities in 33 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions (including Hong Kong and Macao) and the United States and Singapore, and click on the competition website to download the topic. game.

The competition was co-sponsored by the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education and the Huaguo Institute of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Due to its rigor and impartiality, its influence is slightly less than the “challenge cup”, but the gold content of the national award is in some sense More than the "challenge cup".

At 7:30 in the morning, there are already 10 teams in the engine room.

Although many people choose to answer questions with their own notebooks, they usually bring the computer to the computer room. After all, only the wifi in the computer room and the library can download the papers from the knowledge network for free. This kind of competition is expected to win through the untested data on Baidu. It is better to automate the papers such as burning a fragrant incense.

Teacher Liu came over and circled. He smiled and said hello to Lu Zhou. He did not talk about the competition. He greeted some "How about the rest of last night?", "The dormitory on the old campus is not used to habits." "The words, then, then wandered outside the computer room, drove back to the new campus to busy their projects.

At eight o'clock, the bell rang.

Everyone quickly landed on the official website to download the title.

According to the rules, the topics are divided into four major questions of ABCD, in which AB belongs to the undergraduate group and CD belongs to the specialist group. Each group selects a topic as the target, completes and uploads the md5 code generated by the official website software within 72 hours, and uploads the pdf format paper corresponding to the md5 code on the day of the end of the competition.

In general, the topic must be controlled within half an hour, and everyone is scrambling to read the questions.

However, when they saw the topic, everyone was dumbfounded.

"A title 嫦娥3 soft landing track design and control strategy... B title creative flat folding table?! Grip grass? What is the title of this year?"

"MMP, it's totally different from the training we did!"

"I seem to have done a similar thing a few days ago. It seems to be the design of the launch of the Shenzhou Rocket... But I think that such a mysterious subject matter will definitely not come out, I didn't expect it..."

"Hold the grass, big, are you not a high number of ninety-five points? Think about it!"

"I learned high numbers, but I don't know how to learn!"

"Designing the table... What is the design of the table, isn't it four legs? Foldable... We have a spring behind the legs?"

The computer room was quite lively, and it was obvious that the students were all forced by the whole face of this topic and could not start.

However, there are also masters in it.

For example, Luo Rundong, the second schoolmaster in the Luzhou class, was quietly communicating with his teammates.

There is also Liu Rui... There seems to be a very reliable thigh in the team of this kid. After reading the questions, I started to assign work to the two teammates.

Looking at the two questions downloaded from the official website, Wang Xiaodong frowned.

The skybreak began.

Both topics are related to physics.

The previous one involves the orbital calculation in aerospace physics. It is certainly not enough to rely on high school physics knowledge. The B question is very simple on the surface, but it is not much easier than the first question. It involves the analysis of the dynamic motion of the table legs. A series of questions, such as the analysis of material stress, involve not only the knowledge of mathematical modeling, but also the involvement of structural mechanics as well as materials science and even ergonomics.


The "mathematical genius" in the team was just a sophomore, and even just started a physics class.

No way, avoiding the weight is light.

The first physics knowledge is not enough to do it. The second one can also collect data through the network and find ways to turn it into a mathematical problem.

Wang Xiaodong looked at Lu Zhou, "Do you want to choose B?"

Lu Zhou shook his head: "Choose A."

"A question?" Wang Xiaodong frowned. "Are you okay?"

"I have already finished studying university physics. Although aerospace physics seems complicated, in fact, it is only the content of the first three chapters." After a pause, Lu Zhou swept the team next to him and continued, "And, you see Just in this room, there are already enough people to choose B."

The AB question is divided separately. In the case of a so scary A question, there will be many candidates for the B question. At this time, it is time to come up with the courage of "there is a tiger in the mountain, and it is biased toward the tiger mountain line", leaving the Dumuqiao to the thousands of troops and walking on its own Yangguan Avenue!

Of course, this is also the choice that Lu Zhou made when he was confident in the A question.

Wang Xiaodong nodded innocently and naturally understood the meaning of Lu Zhou’s last sentence.

"That line, modeling will be handed over to you."

"I will handle it."

Eye contact, two schoolmasters have reached a consensus.

Lin Yuxiang looked at the two teammates who had reached a consensus, and asked weakly: "Which...Is there anything I can do to help?"

Wang Xiaodong showed a smile that he thought was very gentle. He said that he was just ready to come to the school with a sentence, "I will do it for you." However, he has not waited for his feelings on the face and face, and is burying his head on the A4 paper. Lu Zhou, the head does not lift, said unceremoniously: "Bring rice, send water, please."

Modeling, programming, and thesis are not lacking, and there is no errand.

Don't think that lying down is so good to lie, don't let this guy do some work, Lu Zhou is not balanced.

Wang Xiaodong: "..."

Lin Yuxiang did not complain, and he was very energetic and nodded: "Hmm, it is on me!"

The advantage of mathematical modeling and essay writing by one person is that many jobs that require two people to communicate can be done by one person, and there is no such problem as teammates' tacit understanding and ability to express understanding.

At the same time, in the case of modeling papers, Lu Zhou, as the captain, can accurately issue orders to Wang Xiaodong, who is responsible for programming.

As a result, there is almost no disagreement between the players!

There are three problems in the question:

(1) Determine the position of the near-month and the far-moon point of the landing preparation track, and the magnitude and direction of the corresponding speed of the Chang'e-3.

(2) Determine the landing track of the No. 3 and the optimal control strategy in the six stages.

(3) Make corresponding error analysis and sensitivity analysis for your designed landing orbit and control strategy.

“The summary part is a summary of the full text. This part can be completed after the whole article has been written. The key point is the analysis of the problem after the problem is re-stated, involving all the ideas of the whole modeling. The soul of the whole paper is here. "Bite the ballpoint pen, Lu Zhou fingered the keyboard, wrote the outline of the paper, and then began to define the most critical soul for his thesis based on the draft of the previous calculation.

[Question 1, in order to get ready for landing preparation for the position of the near-month and far-moon points of the orbit, and the size and direction of the corresponding speed of the Chang'e-3, first use the knowledge of mechanics combined with known conditions for calculation. Using the limit thinking, the motion of the main deceleration phase of the Chang'e-3 is divided into an infinite number of uniform linear motions. Use the Matlab software design program to perform iterative calculations on the main deceleration phase...]

[Question 2, in order to ensure the landing track of the No.3 and the optimal control strategy in the six stages, it is necessary to aim at the minimum fuel consumption, analyze on this basis, use the parameters obtained in question 1, and identify the numbers using Matlab software. The algorithm of obstacles in the elevation map, which realizes the recognition of obstacles and the location of landing points, and simulates the optimal landing track by establishing a model...]

[Analysis of the error of the landing orbit control strategy designed in Problem 2, first of all, to enumerate all the factors that may cause the error, analyze it...]

In the state of Lu Zhou, the whole body is highly concentrated on the topic at hand.

When the analysis of the problem was completed, he only felt that his brain was sober, and even the idea of ​​writing the whole paper had already formed a general framework in his mind.

The rest of the work is to translate the outline into a mathematical language...

For most teams, the paper is generally placed after modeling and programming, but for Lu Zhou, the two can be synchronized!

This will be the biggest advantage of their team!