MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 16 what is this host

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Chapter 16 What is this host

Outside the studio, Bai Xue's mouth was deflated and she was about to cry.

Her stomach doesn't hurt so much anymore, but it's better to broadcast the accident. If there is an accident, apologize and get punished, and it will be over. But now, if you can't make it right, this show will make it easier for you. This **** is gone.

Wang Jianguo has no idea anymore, so thank God for saying so, who can call over to find excitement! Today, this audience talk program can't be turned into a story program, so I'll just say it alone.

That's what everyone thought, and then...then they heard a phone call in disbelief.

After being stunned for a while, Wang Jianguo returned to his senses, and the phone editor of Bai Xue who was still stunned: "What are you thinking, don't answer the phone."

"Oh." The little girl ran in in a hurry and didn't answer the phone before she forwarded it to Xie Tian.

Everyone looked at Xie Tian nervously, hoping that he would never make any more monsters.

After picking up the phone, a hoarse female voice came: "Hello, thank you teacher."

"Hello, I'm Teacher Xie, Miss's surname is yours." Xie Tian said.

"My name is Ma."

"Miss Ma, I don't know if you have something sad to tell."

The Miss Ma said with a bit of anguish, "Mr. Xie, I broke up again."

Xie Tianyi took a breath and asked hesitantly, "This word is a little subtle. I would take the liberty to ask how many boyfriends Miss Ma has dated."

Wang Jianguo and the others heard a black line in their foreheads. What are you doing with this sore foot at this time? Don't ask tm if you know it is presumptuous.

You can't listen to it honestly, and then say a few words casually. Bai Xue just did it, and it didn't work well. Hmm~~~~ There seems to be something wrong.

That Miss Ma didn't pay much attention to this, and replied directly: "I don't know, there are too many."

After a pause, he continued: "There is no long-term one. They are all scumbags. Why is my life so miserable?"

"Where did you meet these boyfriends?"

"On the Internet, it is no longer a bar."

"Then why are you with them?"

"I had a lot of fun at the beginning, and naturally we got together." Hearing this, Xie Tian sneered in his heart, and understood what kind of master this was.

Before he could speak, the Miss Ma spoke again: "I don't believe in love anymore, and I'm old. Teacher Xie, do you think I should find an honest man who treats me well?"

Xie Tian said in a sincere tone: "Miss Ma, I ask you one thing."

Miss Ma is confused, what are you asking about me?

Others, whether it's the radio host or the listeners, are also confused.

Then Xie Tian said angrily, "I beg you not to harm honest people."

"Why do you have enough fun and crazy enough, you want an honest person to marry you, but also to be nice to you, an honest person owes you, I think you are really beautiful, and what you think is really beautiful."

Wang Jianguo and the others were stunned again. They had fantasized a lot about Xie Tian's answer, but they never expected it to be like this.

They're all about to cry, so can't you just host the show in a calm way? Aren't you the honest person who took over the show to be so excited?

The audience was also stunned, this is... the host is scolding the audience, this is too violent, and it sounds really relieved.

that is! Why, after playing enough, I think of honest people, I owe you! What are you doing early?

"Yang Zi, hurry up and log on to the official website of Chuncheng Radio Station to listen to the program."

"The Three Kingdoms are over, what else are you listening to?"

"Teacher Xie scolded the audience."

"Damn it! It's so cool, thank you brother."

The justice host angrily denounced the ruthless scumbag, where can I find such a fun show! All of a sudden, these listeners recommended this show to their friends, and the number of listeners skyrocketed.

Miss Ma was also stunned. She didn't expect that Xie Tian not only didn't comfort herself but also scolded herself, and she shouted to Xie Tian in a very excited mood: "Why do you say me, I just want a vigorous fight. Is there anything wrong with love?"


"And vigorous love? Why didn't you kill you, watch more TV series!"

"Tell you that love is not vigorous, love is flat, and companionship is the longest confession of love."

Hearing this, countless people invariably thought of their own he|she.

Although he didn't give himself a lot of wealth, but he was always by his side, and he asked for those useless things. That's fine.

I have been busy with work for so many years, busy giving her a happy life, and rarely have time to accompany her. I seem to have made a mistake in happiness, I should spend time with her!

There are countless people who have changed the personal signature of their chat tool to: Companionship is the longest confession.

Xie Tian continued: "You are not qualified to talk about love now, and you don't understand love. When you understand, you will be qualified to accept a man kneeling down on one knee and kneeling down to his parents. Flowers make a lifetime promise to you."

Xie Tian's words were like a sharp blade that only slashed her heart. Miss Ma couldn't control her emotions, she burst into tears, and choked up: "Then...then what should I do, thank you...thank you teacher."

Seeing that she listened to her words, Xie Tian was not angry anymore, and said in a natural tone like a friend: "Go to work, I know you are a homeless person after hearing your words."

"To do the hardest work, only suffering can penetrate people's hearts, and only suffering can sharpen a holy soul.

"Well, thank you teacher."

After hanging up the phone, Xie Tian raised his eyebrows at Bai Xue who was outside the studio, which meant that he looked at my buddy, and thanked me for being scolded by me!

He was throwing a wink at the blind man. Bai Xue didn't look at him at all. He was staring at the ceiling blankly, thinking about his future, you still have a future?

Xie Tian answered a second call from the audience.

"Hello host." The man said in a low voice.

"Hello, your surname."

"Let your surname be Liu."

"Then I wonder if Mr. Liu has something on his mind?"

There was a pause there, as if doing psychological work, and said with some difficulty: "My girlfriend cheated."

"As a man, your story makes it hard for me to be happy." After thinking about it, he said, "Let me ask you one more question. Your girlfriend's cheating partner won't be named Wang, right?"

"It's the surname Wang." The Mr. Liu asked hesitantly, "Do you know me, host?"

The audience suddenly felt a sense of anticipation, what's going on, why does Teacher Xie know, is this place... ?

Wang Jianguo and the others raised their heads and looked at Xie Tian, ​​do you really know that third party?

"No, I don't know, it just reminds me of the legend of the old king next door."

"Pharaoh is a very magical person. He often appears in other people's wardrobes, under the bed and even on the top of the refrigerator."

"And it's a story that sets out a tradition in our country."

This teacher Xie is literate. He can come up with a traditional story casually. He is curious to hear what kind of story Xie Tian will tell, and what does it have to do with this Mr. Liu.

"Once upon a time, there was a family who gave birth to a son, and they were very happy. When the child grew up and started to speak, he called out "mama", "mum died", "daddy", and the old king next door died."

Pfft~~~~ Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, no wonder he always appears in other people's wardrobes and under the bed. The audience understood and laughed.

The hosts outside the studio couldn't hold back their laughter either. Bai Xue listened and laughed, but didn't dare to laugh too loudly.

Didn't you see that Wang Jianguo's face was black? He knew why Xie Tian kept calling himself Old Wang.

I **** you, uncle, thank God, I just take advantage of it, that's a good word. If he hadn't been hosting the show, Wang Jianguo would have been able to fight with him now.

Xie Tian thought of the stalk of the old king next door in his previous life, and said it casually, and he regretted it after saying it. It seemed a little inappropriate for him to say it, and he didn't think about Mr. Liu's mood.

He quickly asked: "Then I don't know what Mr. Liu's purpose is for you to call..."

"I made a decision. I don't know if it's right or not. I want the host to help me analyze it."

Before he finished speaking, Xie Tian interjected: "Brother, I know what you mean, listen to my advice, it's not worth it for such a woman, only a woman who truly loves you is worth your desperate to protect her and love her. , don't do stupid things." Xie Tian thought that this buddy was going to find Lao Wang desperately, and no one could stand it.

I don't think that Mr. Liu whispered: "No... No, I was thinking about whether I should forgive my girlfriend."

Thank you for being speechless, there was no sound in the entire broadcast, it was just the calm before the storm.

Xie Tian’s blue veins popped up on his forehead, and he shouted into the microphone with red face and red ears: “Did you tm have your illness? You were cuckolded! I also forgive your girlfriend, why do you really want to live a good life? Bring some green!"

"You're just calling me right now. If you want to be right in front of my eyes, I can knock out your kidneys, you're useless!"

He... he... swears!

Wang Jianguo and the others didn't dare to look at Xie Tian confidently, and their hearts sank. This is not just scolding the audience, it is already a scolding of open fire, and they also claim to hit others. Why are you so angry!

Immediately afterwards, they all accepted their fate, what else could be done after all the words were said, Bai Xue was thinking about her new show, and in their eyes, this show could not be saved.

The audience also looked suspicious of their ears, what they heard.

You really dare to say anything, and your temper is so outrageous that you want to knock out all the human kidneys, what kind of a fight!

But they don't have any disgust. They have heard enough of these "beautiful myths" of hello, me, and everyone. This era needs this kind of deafening voice.

As for the result of saying this, what is it about us, it's not what I said, it's a typical watch and don't be afraid of big things. That is the reason why this kind of show where the host scolds the audience is popular.

That Mr. Liu was not at all excited when he heard Xie Tian's words, as if resigned but unwilling to say: "I also know that I am not a man, and I don't want to forgive her, but I can't, no way!"

"I'm almost 30, my hometown is in the countryside, UU reading Do you know what it means in the countryside if I'm almost 30 and not married, it means that this person is not good enough and can't get a daughter-in-law, the whole village is talking about our family, My parents couldn't even look up in the village."

"They're right, I just don't have the ability to please girls. Now that I have a girlfriend, I want to marry her even if I wear a cuckold. I want my parents to live with their chests up in the village. "

The audience fell silent when they heard him.

Xie Tian thought for a while and said, "I understand, it's not that you love this girl so much, it's that you need to get married alone, in fact, no matter who you are.

"Then I want to tell you that you are doing it wrong. She can cuckold you now and will cuckold you in the future. If it spreads to your village, your parents will not be able to be human beings."

"All listeners and friends have listened carefully. When it comes to issues that touch the bottom line of morality in your relationship, your tolerance is connivance. To condone his disdain for your love."

It's like a life-saving straw, knowing that it is impossible to deceive oneself, many times, people will choose to believe in the beautiful fantasy that they weave.

That Mr. Liu had always understood what Xie Tian said, but he just didn't want to think about it. But now Xie Tian took away his "life-saving straw", he collapsed.

"Then what should I do!"

Xie Tian's voice suddenly became very melancholy: "As the saying goes, there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, why do you love a flower alone, a three-legged toad can't find a two-legged person, there are not all over the place, don't put a crooked neck again. Hang on a tree and find a grove to try a few more times, remembering why a good man has no wife."

"Isn't it just such a trivial matter as a girl, you won't let me teach you?" Xie Tian's tone was full of invincible loneliness