MTL - Scourge the Entertainment Industry-Chapter 222 Mr. Zheng and Big Sister's Red Things

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"No, I can do that!" Zheng Renze said with a slightly righteous face.

Did not agree? how is this possible?

Now this man is like Teddy. If there is something good, if he doesn't rush up, he will be determined, but he doesn't agree? What a fool!

He rolled his eyes and said strangely, "Mr. Zheng, you are boring, what are you lying to me? It doesn't matter if you agree or not!"

Zheng Renze didn't think much about it, and said like a bragging* with his buddy: "What lie am I telling you? It's not that I'm pretending here, the main reason is that my buddy is too high-minded and not everyone can do it."


Li Feifei took a sip in her heart, but you still dare to have vision? If there are animals who can see you, you will be very content!

Knowing that Zheng Renze didn't like others, the frost on his face gradually subsided. At the same time, he was also curious, what kind of vision does this guy have?

Asked: "Mr. Zheng, what kind of thing fits your vision?"

Just wanted to say the word "muscle", but he stopped when the words came to his mouth. Looking at Li Feifei reflected in the rearview mirror, he said inexplicably, "I don't care about appearance! I like beautiful souls. "

Spiritual beauty? I really know how to sell the beauty in my heart!

What is the beauty of the soul! You can't give a standard!

For example, if you have long hair, a beautiful face, a bulging body, and the specific requirements of being able to draw and make up!

Although he was a little anxious in his heart, he was relieved. He would definitely not look down on those animals who dared to provoke him.


Why do you want to make an appointment with him, how can the soul be beautiful!

In other words, my heart seems to be beautiful.


what am i doing!

Li Feifei, please restore your senses.

Li Feifei shook her head sharply, and threw out the "superfluous" thoughts, and then chatted casually with Zheng Renze.


Near the ticket office at the main entrance of Xiangshan Park.

Xie Tian and Concubine Zhang were both wearing three-piece artist suits and sneaking to the side.

They were still wearing orange-red clothes that I didn't know I got from that Tao.

Concubine Zhang put the sunglasses to the tip of her nose, and stared at the ticket office through the gap between the sunglasses and her eyes.

"Mr. Xie, why are all the tourists staring at us! Are we exposed?"

Xie Tian has been paying attention to the situation around him. Hearing the words, he found that, as Concubine Zhang said, tourists often set their sights on them.

"I can't, we are both dressed like this, can we recognize each other?" Xie Tian said, lowered his head and checked his clothes, and then the mouth covered by the mask was slapped.

"Don't worry, no leaks!"

"Why didn't you let us see what we were doing?"

"Nonsense, we are dressed so brightly and conspicuously!"

Concubine Zhang also understood, and then asked a little doubtfully: "Didn't Ren Ze discover us as soon as he came!"

Xie Tian said in the tone of Zhizhu's grasp: "Hey! It's conspicuous now, but when we enter the mountain, we will be orange-red, and under the red leaves of the mountains, we will be invisible!"

Concubine Zhang thought for a moment and praised: "So it is, I said you have to wear such a suit." Then she gave a thumbs up: "Tall! Really tall!"

Xie Tian heard the words and said with a sullen expression: "The so-called hidden in the city, if you want to hide yourself perfectly, you must be like a drop of water in the sea or a grain of sand in the desert. Two red leaves in the Fragrant Hills."

"Wow!" Concubine Zhang looked at Xie Tian with admiration.

"Don't worship me too much, it's just a talk of experience, thank you teacher, I have a lot of experience."

After thinking about it for a while, Concubine Zhang's face darkened, and she looked at Xie Tian with a strange expression.

By the way, what is your experience? What have you been through? It's scary, isn't it?

Another hour passed, but still did not see Zheng Renze and the others.

Concubine Zhang said impatiently, "Teacher Xie! It's been so long, why haven't they arrived yet!"

"Yeah, why haven't we arrived yet? Where does the eldest sister live? You're out of the capital." Xie Tian was also a little tired of waiting.

Then he said, "don't worry third master, if they want to enter the mountain, they must buy tickets, they can't run away."

Thank God they didn't know where Li Feifei's family lived, so they had no choice but to wait here.

Concubine Zhang nodded in agreement without saying a word, and continued to stare at the ticket office. After a while, she asked abruptly, "Mr. Xie, has Renze bought tickets outside?"

Xie Tian: "..."

"Hey~~" Xie Tian patted his thigh after taking a breath, and said angrily: "Broken! How could I forget about this, he has never bought a ticket for this guy!"

Then Xie Tian said angrily, "Third Master, why didn't you tell me about this earlier!"

"It's strange to me! I only asked this because I remembered that he went to the film and television city. I thought he would go to the film and television city without buying a ticket. Who would know that he would not buy a ticket wherever he went! "

"Besides, don't you know better than me?"

clear! So clear!

Relying on Zheng Renze's excellent appearance since he was a child, he, Han Ye and Zheng Renze did not spend any money to go to any paid attractions.

Even when I go to the cinema, I just watch it casually. I know which seats they are sitting in, and the ticket office will not sell tickets for those It was really a pleasant time.

After a brief recollection, Xie Tian continued to dump the blame: "Okay! It's my fault. He doesn't need to buy a ticket, but how could you not see his obvious target and keep an eye on him?"

"Nonsense! I'm staring at the ticket office. Can I see him if he doesn't buy a ticket!"

Obviously it's your fault, what are you always throwing at me? Being my third master is so bullying!

Realizing that she had waited for two hours in vain, Concubine Zhang was so irritable that she was so angry that she dared to choke without a drum stick.

Xie Tian choked and found that he really couldn't get rid of the pot. Since it was all his own fault, then... let's not mention it!

He turned his head and said, "Third Master, we'll talk about who is right and who is wrong later. The important thing now is how to find Zheng Renze."

"That's your fault, it's always the case!" The third master was really angry, and continued to thank the heavens: "How to find them? You are the boss, you ask me! Besides, how can such a big Xiangshan find two? Let the living go, isn't this looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Seeing that the third master was in a rage right now, Xie Tian didn't dare to say anything strange. After thinking for a while, he asked cautiously, "Then call Renze and ask?"

"Ask? That's not exposed! How can you be two little red leaves in this Fragrant Mountain!"

Just after thanking God, Concubine Zhang's mind suddenly flashed.


Then ask!

Concubine Zhang ran to the main gate of the park without saying a word.

"Why go?" Xie Tian hurriedly chased after him, and when he got there, he saw Concubine Zhang stretched out her arms to the highest point, and then stretched her arms to the maximum and asked the ticket inspector.

"Have you seen a black bear spirit like this bring a big beautiful girl in?"


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