MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 248 I am a good emperor (9)

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The news that Yucheng was attacked was quickly spread to Beijing. The officials in the DPRK rushed to tell each other, and they all smiled.

Honestly, when they decided to play the Huns, they were actually very embarrassed, not only because they were shackled by the Huns, but they almost lost their lives. Because everyone’s impression, the Huns were all brave and warlike. A Xiongnu was cut off on the battlefield and half of his head, blood flowed to the ground, and with red eyes all the way to kill them more than a dozen Liu Guo talents will die.

These rumors are true or false, no one knows, but for the Xiongnu who used to almost let Liu Guo destroy the country, every Liu Guoren has deep fear in his heart.

Under such rumors that they are more and more demonized, they are not willing to face up with the Huns, and it seems to be a common occurrence.

It can be said that if it wasn't for the time when the honoured children of Jingzhong were almost assassinated, they would not be so angry that the DPRK officials who were still hesitating were full of anger.

Now, Yucheng, was actually taken back.

What the Emperor could not do, but he did it.

In the winter months, the news spread throughout Kyoto and still stretched out.

In this joy of universal celebration, their emperor kneels, but he is relying on the prime minister's house, dragging Zhao Shuqing to make him make money.

"In order to attack the Xiongnu, the silver and the treasury of the majority of the treasury were used. The family department has no Shangshu. Now it is really a headache. No more projects, no flowers can't afford it."

Zhao Shuqing's eyebrows wrinkled and wrinkled, and he kept talking to the emperor's blessings. The most skilled facial expression he made now was frowning.

Although Zhao Shuqing was a good-looking person, but because he was a face from a urinary face, it would make people feel angry when he frowned. If the little ones saw the heart, they would be shocked and uneasy guessing. Xu is doing something wrong and angering him, but who is facing the frowning person is Wei Mingyan.

He also noticed Zhao Shuqing's wrinkled eyebrows, but he laughed. "Yu Qing, your eyebrows are too delicate, and frowning is not like being angry, but like who is spoiled."

Zhao Shuqing: " don't have to bother me anymore, I can't help."

"What do you think of these books?"

Wei Mingyan’s very cheeky pretense didn’t hear anything, and the books that were placed on the side of the book were turned over. “You don’t take the exam, it’s useless.”

Zhao Shuqing bit his teeth. "Why don't I take the exam?"

"Do you want to take a test?"

The emperor was very surprised. Then he looked at Zhao Shuqing with a look of regret. He shook his head and said, "After that day, the tree is not full of mouths."

Zhao Shuqing took his book back with no expression, and kept brainwashing himself in his heart: here is ancient here, ancient, that is the emperor, that is the emperor, it is not directly turned face to catch people.

He didn't talk, but Wei Mingyan still didn't give up. He seemed to want to open something. He continued to swear. "If you take the exam, if you really go to the palace, you will be the champion."

"Right, what is your fame now?"

Seeing the business, Zhao Shuqing’s face was not as cold as it was just now, holding the book back, “just wait for three years to try.”

Although he still has some headaches about his knowledge, he is so obsessed with the temporary assault, and with the help of the helper, he has successfully obtained the talent.

Now, just wait for the test after three years.

Although there are some distant, but Zhao Shuqing is not very anxious, anyway, this year, the child was able to survive the eleven-year-old birthday, there are still seven years left, enough for him to slowly test it.

I just thought that when I tried the exam, I had to bow to the ancient emperor in front of me, and I had some toothache.

After Zhao Shuqing’s answer, the handsome emperor wearing the Tsing Yi cloak today was quiet, and Zhao Shuqing’s books on the table were turned over and watched for a while.

Before leaving, looking at the various flowers that were moved to the gallery under the snow, Wei Mingyan’s footsteps stopped.

Now that the weather is so cold, these flowers have long been thankful, but they will definitely bloom again in the coming spring.

"Tree clear, look at this pot of flowers..."

His words have not yet been exported, and Zhao Shuqing, who is still looking at the sky and does not know what he wants, immediately intercepts. "This flower is not cold..."

The emperor paused and immediately joked, "Oh, naturally, these flowers have moved under the gallery, how can they suffer from the cold?"

After Zhao Shuqing nodded with satisfaction, he said again, "This flower pot looks not very good, how can you help me change a new one?"


He glanced at the flower pot and saw that it was a bit gray-faced. He nodded in a mentality of not taking advantage of it. "Thank you."

"No thanks, no thanks."

Wei Mingyan took the flowerpot and left, leaving Zhao Shuqing to continue to look down at the book, and did not feel that something was wrong.

The little servant who had been waiting for him looked at his knees, and then he carefully walked down the porch and moved the flowers around the potted flower in the middle.

His movements are very skilled, and there is no noisy Zhao Shuqing who is reading the book from beginning to end.

Zhao Shuqing also had no time to think about how many pots he had in his own flowers.

Because of the great victory in Yucheng, he took advantage of Longyan Joy and opened Enke. The original three-year trial was in advance, and the readers who got the news all began to hurry to Kyoto, and Zhao Shuqing was also ready to start the test.

Although he never forgot, but he was also reluctant to study and retreat, this made him barely nod.

Just saying that if you are lucky, you will get it, and your luck will be bad. It will be next time.

Zhao Shuqing is still somewhat dissatisfied. Zhao Xinxiang is quite happy in his heart. The original age at Zhao Shuqing was considered to be young, not to mention how long he really started to contact him. He never taught carefully before. It’s already a surprise to be able to pass the township test.

Now, this child is going to take the test, no matter what is the middle or not, his age is not a bad thing.

He learned the last lesson this time. He did not pass on his son's words. Fan Yuancai learned something after he went to Langfu. He once again followed Lang Su's door to apologize.

Zhao Yixiang and Mrs. Zhao are both people of this age, and it is not easy to care about a child, especially Mrs. Zhao. At the beginning, Fan Yuancai’s mother was still in the same time with the one, although not deeply, I am very affectionate about her.

At the beginning, Yu’s father was not able to defend the city, and the city was broken. The first emperor was furious and blamed Yu’s. The Fan’s adult was also an old-fashioned one. He did not care about the father’s father’s care for him. Today, after Zhai’s self-destruction, she quickly erased her name and returned to the room to say that it was to have a mother to take care of the children. Let’s take a look at how Fan Yuancai was taken care of for more than a decade.

At the beginning, he was even younger. If it wasn’t for someone behind the scenes, how could he understand the rumors that were not in the room? After Zhao’s resignation, he would know that Fan’s reaction was the default.

The two families no longer come and go, Mrs. Zhao is angry with the gossip of her son who was retired, and Zhao Yuxiang is pushing a child out of the Fan family to bear all the nicknames and not want to be with them.

Although Fan Yuancai apologized after the door, both of them sighed a few times, and did not care about the children, but in the end, they still remember this hatred in the Fan family.

At the moment, even if my heart is sure that my own children can be lifted, Zhao Yixiang’s mouth is still tightly closed, and he will not say a few words when he is drunk, so as not to attract anyone.

He does not say, but does not mean that people outside do not say.

Zhao Shuqing had a decade of grotesqueness and could not see any hope. After that, he suddenly managed to learn anything very quickly. Finally, he suddenly fell silent. The rumored geeks were still concerned by some people.

After his sister Zhao Shuzhen was chosen as the Queen of the Palace, he got a bit more attention.

And these people did not think that he actually went all the way to the test, the results were not bad.

Because of the rise of Zhao Shuqing, the rumors about him in Beijing have gradually changed.

what? Brain problem? You have no problem with your brain. You have to go to the show to show the big guys.

A strange disease? Doesn't it all mean that the doctors will heal people?

If it is not cured, how can it be so smooth all the way up?

As for Zhao’s resignation with Fan’s family, everyone said that because Fan Yuancai’s son-in-law was not sensible, he heard some rumors and screamed at the government, and he was angry and retired, and Fan Yuancai followed Lang Su’s frequent visits to Yuxiangfu. After that, the rumors became a little muddy.

Now Zhao Shuqing is also going to take part in the test. Immediately, the reason why Fan Yuancai is close to the prime minister is also found.

The second lady of this Fan family has arrived, but she has not been engaged yet. Mrs. Fan has never revealed in Beijing that she wants to find a good attitude. It is certain that the two families will return to good times and the marriage is still the same.

This rumor does not know what happened. When the Fan family discovered it, it was already a long story.

It is said that the second son of Zhao Yuxiang was because he was retired before, and this was an insatiable picture. He was tested all the way.

It is said that Miss Fan Jiaji is a noble character. Although she was retired by her father, she still regarded herself as a Zhao family.

These words seem to be boasting, but if Fan Jia really should be down, Miss Fan Jia Er, in addition to marrying Zhao Shuqing, really no one can marry.

When Fan Daren knew it, he really moved his thoughts.

When he retired, he ignored his political affairs. The Queen Mother was dissatisfied with Zhao Yuxiang, the minister who was left by the emperor. Zhao Dalang was far away from Beijing. His political achievements were not bad. Although he was a prime minister, he could rise from the top of the court. Know if he will sit in this position in the future.

Because, when the eldest son at home was squatting and screaming at the squad, he seemed to be furious, and he pressed the board to get a meal. When Zhao Xiangxiang went to the door to return, he did not The meaning of persistence.

After all, the little daughter has gradually grown up, looks beautiful, more beautiful than her mother | Yan a few points, the means of mind are never lacking, Fan Daren has a few points to send women into the palace of pets.

It is a pity that when I saw my age, the Queen Mother passed away. When the filial piety was over, my Majesty suddenly announced that she was a Zhao family.

Zhao Yuxiang has recently won the love of his Majesty. In contrast, he himself has always been tepid. The Queen Mother did not like to use him when he had no opinion on him. When he left, he could not remember him when he was not in the DPRK. I never looked at him even when I went up.

Before the book was copied from the family, Fan Daren was quite uneasy because he was close to him. He did a good job of responding when he asked him. From the beginning to the end, there was no such thing as a rumor in the palace.

Fan Daren is not afraid of waves, but he is too dull. If it is really so plain, he will leave the temple at an age. The eldest son of the family is not used. The second child is too young to see anything. In the future, Fan Jiaxuan is not going to Declined down.

But if at this time, with the reunion of the prime minister, everything is different.

He became the in-laws of the prime minister. If the Zhao family's two sons were admitted to the palace, they would go to the palace and sit on the official position. The daughter would not be married.

What's more, the rumors of the outside folks are also beneficial to them. At this time, it is not beautiful to push the boat.

Fan Daren’s plan is very good, but unfortunately, she just revealed some sighs with her wife, and she was pushed back by her whisper.

"The lord only thinks about the prime minister. Now he is loved by his majesty. But he has thought about how to love again. He is only the courtier of his majesty. What kind of daughter is it, the master also sees it clearly. If it is sent to the palace, it will be re-educated. The second emperor, after our Fan family, it is the emperor’s family."

Mrs. Fan’s age is still favored, and she relies on her beauty. Yan, no matter what happens, she said well to Fan, never temper, even if I feel uncomfortable at the moment, It’s still a gentle and gentle follow-up. “Whether there’s nothing to do with the relatives, if you have nothing to do with your relatives, it’s only a matter of sinning the Zhao family. Even if we revisit the kinship, they will not agree, but they will make people laugh at us. No one wants a daughter to come to the door."

Fan Daren still hesitated. "Before you were far away, you didn't see what you said."

"It’s only a small age, and even if you don’t like it, you won’t show it naturally. Otherwise, it’s not going to be humanized. His mind is narrow.”

Mrs. Fan secretly hated her step-by-shoulder in her heart, and persuaded her, "We specially invited the priests who had retired from the palace to teach their daughters. She is now far better than Jingzhong, both in appearance and in chess and painting. If a woman enters the palace, she can always win a favor with her majesty..."

Although she has already given birth to a son and a woman, her face is still beautiful, even if the corner of her eye is a little more wrinkled, she does not hide her beauty. When she talks, she leans on Fan’s arms and swears, "Does the old man?" Don't want to be a foreigner of the emperor? Maybe you can think about it later..."

Mrs. Fan stretched out the sleek jade finger and pointed her finger at it. The eyes were full of tenderness.

The beauty is in the arms, and has been painted a big cake. Fan Daren has completely let go of the idea of ​​continuing to make a marriage with the prime minister, holding Mrs. Fan’s face and rain.

On the second day of the morning, Fan Daren went to the early morning, and Mrs. Fan slowly changed her clothes under the service of her, and went to her daughter's home.

Miss Fan Jia listened to her mother’s words, but it was a sneer. “It must be that Zhao Shuqing’s self-consciousness can’t be tested. The rumors that were put outside are only for the Fan family.”

She looks beautiful, but the look made at the moment makes her look aggressive, and the crisp voice is full of ridicule. "If there is such a skill, why not test it in the early years, I think it’s not good to say goodbye to age. This was forced by the family to be admitted to the show."

Mrs. Fan and her daughter are also ordinary thoughts. "It’s strange to say that the mother said that most of them are released by the Prime Minister. Before we retired with his family, there were rumors in Beijing, and people who loved their daughters at home would not be with him. Family members, presumably, Mrs. Prime Minister is in a hurry."

At the beginning, Fan Yuancai ran to the prime minister’s office to say such a thing, and why there were so many ups and downs between Beijing and China. The mother and the daughter knew it well, even today, they still don’t. regret.

If Zhao Shuqing is not stepping on the soles of his feet, it is the reputation of Fan’s family that he has lost his love. Anyway, he is a prime minister. He really wants to marry a relative, but the woman’s family may not be so good. have what.

As he spoke, the mother and daughter began to talk about Fan Yuancai. "I don't know when he will be in Langzhong. I used to marry his niece this year. This has been turned over for a year. Going abroad."

Ms. Fan has always been contemptuous of this half-brother, and she has no gentleness in front of Fan Yuancai. She sneer, "He is such a temper, and he will not be tempted to practice martial arts, but it is also true. The Fuzhong was closed for a lifetime, and his father was left with only one younger brother."

Mrs. Fan thought about it too, and her face showed some smiles. Looking at her daughter’s beauty, her face was full of pride. “I’m so pretty, I’m going to be able to fight for a girl’s back in the future.”

"Well, you don't want to think about it again, Mother will help you solve it."

Although she knows that Mrs. Fan will quietly reveal that their Fan family has not yet married with Yu Xiangfu, Miss Fan still can't stand it. She is also favored by her family, and she is outside with a few little ladies. When I attended the poetry meeting, the little lady asked two sentences curiously, and she expressed her cold feeling that she would not make a marriage with her.

She is also afraid that these rumors will be passed to the palace to make her unhappy, listen to the words of the little lady, and swear by the words. "If you have already retired, you will not mention it."

The little lady seems to be unable to see her friends around her, so she can't talk about it any more. She still asks if she is in the Zhao family.

Miss Fan’s face is completely dark, but she still has to maintain dignity and return. “It’s the champion, and neither of us will get married.”

The handsome little lady looks like a smile, "Thank you Fan's sister."

She was happy to leave, and my friend quickly followed up. "What are you doing, not as ugly as she is?"

"I just want to ask." The little lady's face was red and red, and then she refused to say it.

Both Mrs. Fan and Fan Xiaoniang said in public that they would not be married to the Zhao family. Those rumors had subsided, but it was the anger of Mrs. Zhao’s face after attending the banquet.

Originally, the Fan family was sorry for them. Now it’s good. A pair of cleansing sticks from their homes are like glues. If you can’t wait, you’ll have to open them. If you open them, then the superiority of the mother and the daughter will look like Not coming out in general.

However, it looks like it looks good, so why do you look down on the appearance of Qing Er?

Originally, I only thought that it would be a good thing for Mrs. Zhao to make her children safe. When she returned to the government, she would let the soup stewed in the kitchen and send it to Zhao Shuqing’s yard.

Her family is so smart, she must be able to test well and beat Fan’s face!

Zhao Shuqing did not know this from beginning to end. He is now full of preparations.

what? A fiancée who has retired? Who is that?

Zhao Shuqing's temper is somewhat uncontested, but when he is really serious, even Wei Mingyan, who sneaked out of the palace to watch, has to sigh his efforts. Zhao Yuxiang specially invited his friends to teach and wait until a tortured person. After the test, Jingzhong calmed down and all waited quietly for the ranking.

When Wei Mingyan once again went out to see juggling with Zhao Shuzhen, he saw Zhao Shuqing at the back door. The familiar face was expressionless, and a pair of blind eyes looked at them quietly.

He looked at Wei Mingyan's gaze, just like an old father watching a bad boy who had turned his daughter away.

Zhao Shuzhen’s white smile on his face was very happy. After seeing him, he took it back and whispered, "Two brothers..."

She also knows that her second brother doesn't like to go out to play with her Majesty before she is married. But for Zhao Shuzhen, who lives in the yard from a young age and does not have two doors, she can always see her all kinds of fun. Will also tease her happy squatting temptation | too much temptation.

Compared with the future husband, Zhao Shuzheng feels that his majesty is like his brother.

At least for now, the two have never beenhave in an awkward manner.

Compared to the future little queen, Wei Mingyan's face can be much thicker. He skillfully took a shot of Zhao Shuqing's shoulder and laughed. "Hua Qing, this is blaming us for playing, didn't call you? Don't be angry, next time. We will call you."

Zhao Shuqing looked at them silently, sighed.

Anyway, he can't stop this shameless abduction of his sister, it is better to follow, just as a physical body.

"How, this time is still considerate? I understand that the cold winter is cold, but I specially sent the cotton quilt. In each room, I put pots and water, and those scholars are about to rush to heaven. ”

Zhao Shuqing nodded, "Yes."

This year's exams are more humane than those that have been frozen in previous years. At least even the old ones have not been frozen, and there are few people who have been carried out because of illness. All these people are allowed to read. The emperor in front of him was blown into the sky.

As the saying goes, the pen is the power.

The Wei Mingyan, who harvested a bunch of pens, turned into a Ming Jun who was considerate of the public.

Just thinking of it, the emperor on one side will be self-satisfied, "Hey, this is for you, freezing you, who is going to make fun, clear, you can rest assured that when you enter the DPRK, you will let you When you come to the household, you will get more money to make money later."

Zhao Shuqing: ... They actually think that this person is Ming Jun, the ancient people are so good to deceive.

Will try to end the second day

When the whole city of Kyoto waited for the list to be released tomorrow, the soldiers who went to Yucheng went back to the DPRK.

And they also brought a message that shocked Kyoto.

They snatched the Princess Liu Guo who had been married to the Xiongnu! !