MTL - Scum Male’s Whitewashing Manual-v2 Chapter 259 Bad student (5)

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The next day is the calmness that Chu Jiaen feels rare. She can do quietly in class, and the next table next time really keeps her promise and doesn’t bother her, even when he is in class, he is boring to catch ants. Playing and playing on the table, quietly did not bother to Chu Jiaen.

Maybe the memory will gradually fade over time, and the two have a long time to live together. Chu Jiaen actually didn’t hate Wei Ming’s words. Even when he was late, he still worried about him for a minute. .

When she found out that she was worried about Wei Mingyan, Chu Jiaen was shocked by herself. She quickly recovered her fears and only wanted to wash her brains.

Who is Wei Mingyan and she still needs her worry?

And he is such a bad person, even if he is late for being criticized by the teacher, then she should be happy!

Although I kept telling myself in my heart, with the lectures of Teacher Liang, Chu Jiaen’s eyes couldn’t help but look at the door from time to time. I wondered why Wei Mingyan was late for what reason.

She had been at the same table with him for a long time. Although she had a bad relationship at the beginning, it was the same table. Chu Jiaen still knew some of the habits of Wei Mingyan. Sometimes, the first English teacher and biology teacher in the morning talked first. During the class, this guy will always be late from time to time, because the teachers will not blame anyway.

But if the first lesson is Teacher Liang's class, then he will never be late. After all, Teacher Liang is the class teacher in their class. They are also very strict in their treatment, especially Wei Mingyan. If they are caught in the wrong place, It must be punished.

What happened in the end, so that he would dare to be late for Liang’s class.

Chu Jiaen’s heart gradually became less serious on the podium. Compared with her, Liang’s teacher is always the old god. As a class teacher, of course, he also listened to the teachers’ complaints. The general idea is that Wei Mingyan’s misdeeds are on the class. There are so many students, so the most heart-wrenching thing for Teacher Liang is this Wei Mingyan. After all, other students are not particularly unhealthy, but there are really few who are not afraid of the teacher like Wei Mingyan.

Even if Wei Mingyan never gets late for his class, Teacher Liang does not think that this is Wei Mingyan's fear of his performance, but it may be because he was punished by himself when he made a mistake, and he did not want to be punished.

It seems that he is not afraid of even the penalty station.

Some of the affirmations that have been said before in the past have long been forgotten by this kid. As the head teacher with eyeliner in the class, Lao Liang naturally knows the various rumors of Wei Mingyan during this period of class. I also guessed that after the results, Wei Mingyan did not test Chu Jiaen will be ridiculed, this kid is thick, there will be nothing, Lao Liang will not suppress rumors, but concealed to wait for the results After coming out, Wei Mingyan, who has never been frustrated, has been hit hard. He will jump out and tell him some truths about life. It is best to say this guy to study every day.

Because of the support of these bad students, Liang teacher is so angry that Wei Mingyan is not as good as Chu Jia En, but it is rare to expect. He even thinks how to face this student for a while.


Just thinking about it, the voice of Wei Mingyan came from outside.

Teacher Liang looked at it and saw that Wei Mingyan was standing at the door. The face that was still handsome and handsome at his age was completely devoid of fear and fear, but it was full of dullness.

He even felt that he could read what Wei Mingyan was thinking.

Isn't it a penalty station? They are all ready.

Teacher Liang smiled in the bottom of his heart. These little sister-in-laws are still a child. I think that these adults can see it at a glance.

Thinking this way, he is not only not angry, but even feels a little funny at the bottom of his heart.

Of course, laughing and laughing, the face still has to show a serious look, can not let these little people think he is good bullying.

The bald middle-aged math teacher’s face slammed his face, and he looked at the students under the watch with great deterrence. “You should study for yourself for a while.”

After that, he looked at the teenager again, and he sighed. "Wei Mingyan, you come out with me."

Chu Jia's sly quietly bowed his head and looked at it, but he saw that the same table was not afraid of it. Instead, he squinted at her with great enthusiasm.

Chu Jiaen, who was still worried about him in the bottom of her heart: ... she worried about something, Wei Mingyan did not worry about it.

Here, Teacher Liang called Wei Mingyan outside. Without a group of students onlookers, the voice was softened. "How come so late today? Is there something wrong on the road? Or is there something at home?"

Often this time, students will begin to make up the reasons.

As a result, the handsome young man looked up and whispered, "Sleep late."

Teacher Liang: "...hehe, you are still a long time."

If he had to implement his own plan now, he would have been dragging this guy to the penalty station. He still slept late. He had been a teacher for so many years. What difficult students have seen, he really didn’t see it. It’s such a thing that Wei Mingyan is so difficult.

"Speakingly, you were late, the teacher should be fined, but because you told me that you had to test Chu Jiaen last time, this proves that you still want to study hard, so this time I will not be punished. You, lest it will affect your study, OK, remember not to be late next time, or even if it affects your learning teacher, you still have to stand still, go back to your seat and sit."

After talking about it in a drizzle, Teacher Liang thought that he could reap a grateful gaze or a grateful discourse. As a result, he never thought that Wei Ming’s eyes were not lifted, so he spit out a word. ""

Then he took a long leg and walked away in the face of Teacher Liang.

Teacher Liang: ...I really don't care that he put this guy into the most difficult thing in his heart.

It’s really hard to get around.

The difficult Wei Mingyan sat in the position. The students around didn't expect him to come back so quickly, and he had not been punished. At this moment, the class teacher did not come back with him and immediately whispered.

Teacher Liang stood at the doorway. When he heard a voice in the class, he immediately walked in with a tiger's face. When he entered, he coughed a few times. "What is it! Can you give it to you for a few minutes? The whole floor is You have the loudest voice, I can hear it under the floor!"

Hearing this sentence, Wei Mingyan sitting in front raised his eyes and glanced at Teacher Liang.

Teacher Liang: ... ah, forget that Wei Mingyan was just with him.

His face was full, pretending not to see the student's realization, and continued to talk on the platform.

Under the podium, Chu Jiaen was restless for a long time, but in the end he passed a small note.

When Wei Mingyan opens, there is a beautiful handwriting of the girl: [Why are you late? 】

Treating Chu Jiaen, he did not treat him so much. He used his own words, though not so handsome, but he was also a dragonfly and phoenix. [I got tens of thousands of dollars on the road and went to the police station. The police are gone. 】

After seeing what was written on it, Chu Jiaen had a blank moment in his expression, and then he was speechless.

She shouldn’t have been worried about Wei Mingyan. This guy is still fooling her. There is no truth in her mouth. It’s tens of thousands of dollars. I talked to my parents a few days ago. I also said that the neighbor’s neighbor bought a new house and spent tens of thousands. .

If he said that he had spent a few dollars, Chu Jiaen still believed that tens of thousands of dollars?

She has a kind of indignation that is being teased as a child, and in her heart, she has thrown out her own fears into small pieces.

Wei Mingyan is a liar, a liar!

On this side, when the boy saw that Chu Jiaen had not moved, he went to sneak up on her arm and was removed by her. She wrote and painted on the small note. After the meeting, she pushed it.

Chu Jiaen looked at the little note, still did not resist the curiosity of the bottom of my heart, opened it, a little love.

Her face is red, [you use my red pen again! ! 】

At noon lunch break, Chu Jiaen was used to eating dinner at the same table with Wei Mingyan, but this time the teenager would give her food to eat her. She refused to accept it. The last time she ate it with revenge, this time The two did not hate, she did not eat his dishes.

Wei Mingyan does not force her, but every time she eats any good food, she deliberately wants to go to Chu Jiaen to eat. She is blind, she is now bold, and she dares to take a few eyes and then turn to eat herself. The fear of Wei Mingyan in the heart is getting less and less. After all, this person is now hippie and smiling, but as long as she clearly shows that she does not like it, he will not do it.

At the end of the lunch break, the two returned to the classroom together. Recently, Wei Mingyan may really want to go up. She is always asking her various questions. Chu Jiaen does not deny him taking up his own time. As long as he is in class time, he will be given to him. explain.

When they went back, there were already a few scattered students in the classroom. In addition to the brothers behind the platoon, there were several students sitting in their positions.

Zhang Xiu and Lin Hao sat one after the other and were reading books carefully.

As a result, the silence suddenly broke into the door.

Four small yellow-haired punks held sticks on their hands, arrogant, and shouted directly at the classroom. "Which is Zhang Xiu, give me out."

The people in the classroom were all stunned, and Chu Jiaen was a little unresponsive. It was Wei Mingyan, who narrowed his eyes and stood up and looked at the four people.

"What are you looking for?"

"Looking for her? She bullied my sister. Of course, my brother is looking for her to settle."

When the yellow hair was finished, the person next to him immediately locked Zhang Xiu, who was sitting on the white face, and the index finger pointed at her immediately. "Brother, she is bullying her sister."

Zhang Xiu scared her heart. Although she was proud of her temper, she basically did not take the initiative to attract people. Seeing these people, I can only think of the way I went back yesterday. I saw that the first-year student was seen by a student she had seen. The second day girl was stuck in the roadside to ask for money, but also to slap the student, and went up to scare her, saying that she would call the teacher.

At that time, the second-year girl seemed to have said that she had a brother who knew her outside.

Seeing that the four people were sinister and holding the stick, they would come to them. Zhang Xiu was scared and shrank, and subconsciously wanted to seek protection from the gods.

As a result, she only found out that Lin Hao was quicker than her.

On the contrary, Wei Mingyan, who was the most despised in her usual time, stood up and responded in a cold voice. "If she did something, you can call the police and find out what is in the school."

"You kid, nosy!"

These are also a little anxious. The school does not let them in. They are coming in through the wall. They think that the teacher did not find that they had to fight and go out. It would be no good for them to delay the time.

The yellow hair that led the head reached out and pushed the Ming dynasty. "I am looking for her to settle the bill today! Come on! Come, close the door for me. Let this scorpion film know knowing today, bullying my sister is what is going on!"

When he finished, he felt that he was quite handsome. He just wanted to show a smug smile. His nose was slammed into a fist and he couldn’t respond. He fell to the ground.

After Wei Mingyan finished playing, another leg swept away one, and turned and shouted at the row of people behind him. "What are you doing, waiting for yourself to be bullied?"

That row of poor students are all love to watch martial arts novels. Just no one took the lead, even now, seeing Wei Mingyan so easily slammed people, and then saw them more people, immediately screamed and rushed up.

In the classroom, they were squashed, and there were guards in the Ming dynasty, mainly because they unilaterally beat each other.

Chu Jiaen couldn't help but stand up and pinched his fist and almost didn't shout out.

Zhang Xiu also stunned, and she did not think that the person who would help her in the first place would be the most invisible person in her group.

When someone found out the movement in their class, Lao Liang heard that there was a gangster outside to play the class in their class. He immediately called the doorman and slammed his phone in the office and wandered anxiously, taking an abandoned one. The mop stick rushes to the classroom.

As soon as the door opened, the old beam stood on the door with a stick, and was preparing to scream and scream at the school, and then screamed at the four screams on the ground.

Just as the guards rushed up, I saw that the scene was also paralyzed.

Lao Liang silently put down the stick and smiled at the guard. "Look at these students and defend them."

Gatekeeper: "...hehe, you are right."

This is where the defense is too much, this is simply the scene of the tragedy.